Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1252: = ???? ('ヮ' = ????)…

  Ore Town World’s spring 8th, today is the eighth day Anne came to this world, and it’s also a Sunday. Today’s weather is clear and cloudless, which is very suitable for hard work or outings.

   At least, the residents of Ore Town, who have a relaxed pace of life, think so...

However, Annie did not choose to work in this fine weather, nor did she choose to go on an outing in the back mountain or other places, and even more did not go to the shop where Uncle King’s house was squandering money and eating and drinking. Instead, I got up early and waited boringly while watching the boring TV shows at home, watching those boring weather forecasts, news, ranch life guides, and boring programs about the hero saving the princess.

Finally, after she finally got close to eleven o'clock in the morning, she hurriedly took her dog-legged Tibbers, rushed towards the south of her own ranch at full speed, and finally pushed aside someone who seemed to be home on time. And there is no wooden door to Uncle Beard’s house.




   "Weird, it's you, the bad bun, why are you here? Don't you need to go to the hot spring to watch others take a shower sneakily today?"

  ∑? !

Just as soon as she opened the door, Annie was surprised to find that the sneaky and sneaky villain she ran into yesterday, the police officer who claimed to be a good man, was also here, which made her ask a little strangely. One sentence.


   "It turned out to be you, the nasty little guy..."

   "Anne, didn't I explain it to you yesterday? I'm Harris, a police officer in Ore Town. I went to the hot springs for patrols and everyone's safety, not for sneaking or voyeurism!"

   "Anyway, don't you go out and talk nonsense!!!"

   As soon as we met, I heard this little guy say this again, and Harris couldn't help but blush, and his expression quickly became tense.

However, when he saw Goetz in the house and saw what the bearded guy was doing there, he didn't even care about the conversation between him and this little girl, he couldn't help but relax a little. In one breath.

   "Forget it!"

   "It's getting late, I should go on patrol too... I guess, there must be something for you here, right? Here! Your Uncle Gotz is over there, you can go find him now!"

He shook his head, and felt that it would not be a good idea to stay here with such a little girl. He said as he hurriedly got up from the stool and signaled the little girl to find the one who was drawing some drawings. Gotz.

  According to the usual habit, he usually rests here for about half an hour before continuing to patrol the back mountain. However, since this little guy is here now, he must temporarily change his plan.


   "Annie, go back early after finishing your work. Don't stay too late in the mountains or in the woods. Because it's dark but there are wild dogs or other wild animals infested, you can't handle them with such a small thing."

   "Let's see you later!"

After finishing talking, police officer Harris did not say hello to the Goetz, but directly told a certain little girl who was hard-hearted and who liked to misunderstand herself, then turned around and pushed the door out and walked into the depths of the forest step by step. go with.

   "It's like this..."


   "Then, goodbye Shu! Remember not to go to the hot spring to do such bad things~!"

Seeing the other party running toward the door, Annie also hurriedly waved to the other party. After seeing the other party staggering and almost falling down and disappearing quickly, she turned contentedly and turned towards someone who was busy. Uncle Beard walked along with something.



   "Bearded Uncle Gotz, how are you doing?"

   waited for a full day and night, and finally managed to catch the other person's Annie here, and then leaned in front of the other person, lying on the counter and greeted him with some pleasure.

   After all, she has something to ask the other party for something that is very important and important, so she always has to be a little polite to talk to the other party.


"It turned out to be Annie, you little guy... Another person came to the mountain? Are you going to dig mountain products today? Then you have to be careful, although it's been a long time since you have seen wild bears or wild wolves. But it’s better to be more cautious?”

   "But as long as you don't leave the road too far, don't be so afraid."

   Gotz, who thought that the other party was only digging in the mountains, and then came to his own place to rest and drink like Harris, didn't mind too much, but after a sound of exhortation and comfort, he was ready to continue busy with his work.

He has dug enough spring bamboo shoots and should be enough for him to eat for the next whole year, so he doesn't mind if the other party goes to the mountains to scrape the mountain products and sell them for money, and he doesn't want to manage it. too much.

   "Uncle Gotz!"

   "I didn't come to the mountains to dig wild products today. They came to you because there are very important and important things!!!"


   Seeing that the other party still wanted to write and draw, Annie stretched out her hand, snatched the other party's drawing and threw it aside, indicating that the other party must listen to her first and finish talking.

   Anyway, in Annie's view, as long as things concern her, they are very important and important events, even small things are big things, they are not!

   "Oh? You have a very important thing today..."

"okay then!"

   "You can tell, what do you need me to do for you?"

   There is no way, the other party snatched his drawings, what else can Gotz say? Therefore, he had to be patient, put down the pencil in his hand, and be ready to listen to what the other party could say.

   "It's very simple! People want you to help them build a big house!"

   "I want you to directly expand the small house in other people's ranch, and directly build it to the largest and most beautiful one!!!"


   That's right, it's the one that can do it in one step, because Annie doesn't like to come to her all day long!

With that said, Annie began to explain in detail why she needed to expand the house so urgently, and the kind of distressing problems she was facing at present, so she just breathed "Balabara" in front of this bearded scorpion. All the distresses were all spoken out.

   "How about it, there is no problem, right?"


After explaining her intentions, Annie eagerly propped up her body at the other party's counter and looked at each other, eager to hear the kind that would satisfy her from the other party's mouth. answer.


   "I think I understand!"

   "Do you want to ask me to expand the house, but also directly expand it to the largest, the most beautiful... That means you need to renovate the mailbox and windows?

   "Of course there is nothing wrong with this, I am very good at this, I do this!"

   Without asking Annie to wait, the bearded Geetz nodded and gave Annie a very affirmative answer after being taken aback and pondering for a while.


"Annie, since you are going to expand the house, how many standard squares of wood do you have in the timber room on your ranch? Of course, what I said is the standard wood that is the same size as the wooden pier, and it is only processed like that To use it."

   "That kind of wood, how much do you have?"

  The problem described by the little girl in front of her eyes is not a big problem for Goetz, who is also a forest ranger, woodcutter, carpenter, and the only house designer in Ore Town! So, just by listening to it once, he knew what he was going to do next.

   "Standard square wood? What is that?"

   In the blink of an eye, Annie didn't answer, but instead asked ignorantly... Obviously, she had no idea what the other party was just referring to.


   "Well, I want to understand, that is not prepared at all?"

   I don’t even know what the standard wood is. Then, Goetz can basically confirm how much wood the other party has prepared, and the result is: not one is prepared!

   So, after nodding his head, he began to ponder in secret, and began to wonder how he could transport the wood to the other side's ranch? Maybe he can ask Zac to help, transport the wood he needs to the ranch, and then store it in the other's wood room?


Annie said that she didn’t have the habit of preparing such messy things. She had brought back a lot of wood before, but after the Uncle Zach said that they could not be used for shipment, she threw them all into the river. I don't even know where it is floating now.


   "Then I will start to calculate now, if you directly expand to the largest and most beautiful, how much will it cost! In other words, you must also renovate the mailbox, windows and dog huts..."

   "It shouldn't be difficult!"

"But there is a step by step. I can expand to a medium-sized house first, and after the foundation is firm, expand to a large-scale house, and finally the bathroom, windows and others. In this way, I can work during the day and you can still work at night If you have a place to live, you won’t be able to move to a chicken coop or a cowshed stable..."

   "Then, the price is..."

   "Well, Annie, don't worry, I have to calculate first. This is a systematic project, so sloppy, I have to go all out."

   After nodding, Goetz began to draw a piece of white paper, and began to scribble on it with his handwriting like a ghost symbol.


   Annie said that she wouldn’t live in a chicken coop or a cow pen stable, it was so stinky!

   And, I don’t know why, seeing the more and more blank sheets of the other party, she began to have a faint premonition, always feeling that something beyond her plan would happen?


   "Timber money, plus manual costs..."

   Soon, a piece of blank paper has been calculated randomly by Goetz, but the result still failed to come out, so after thinking about it, he turned it over and started to calculate with a pencil on the back of the paper.


  ! o

   "Brother, Uncle Gotz... have you finished the calculation, how much is this?"


   At this time, even if she was as slow as Annie, she realized that the situation was wrong, and at the same time the anxiety in her heart became stronger and stronger, and she had vaguely felt that today's things would not seem as smooth as she thought.


   "Little guy, don't worry, I have to do the calculation again, it will be done soon, I promise you!"

Although he said that it would be finished soon, but the movements in Gotz's hand did not stop at all. While mumbling to himself, he drew a blank sheet of paper from the side. Then he started writing something quickly on it.




Now, seeing that the other party hadn't calculated the result for a long time and the more and more, Annie knew that in a while, there must be something bad, or something unexpected happened to her, it must be that kind of!



"All right!"

"Annie, because you want to directly expand to the largest house, you add the money for the medium-sized expansion, plus the decoration of windows, bathrooms, letter boxes, and dog huts, as well as design costs, and because you don’t have any wood. , So the total price is..."

After picking up the last piece of paper with the result and looking at it, when he saw the number, the bearded Goetz suddenly stopped talking. He raised his eyes to see someone who was lying on his counter waiting for him. The little girl who answered didn't know whether to tell the statistic that he himself felt a little outrageous.

   "Hey! Uncle Gotz, you said, how much does it cost?!"


   Annie urged and protested loudly, because ah, this kind of bad guy who suddenly shut up in the middle of speaking and stopped her, she was very, very annoying!


   "Anne, you are fine, if you rebuild as you said, the total cost is..."

   "Forty-two thousand seven thousand five hundred G!!!"

Finally, after struggling for a while, the woodcutter, carpenter and ranger Goetz still had to bite the bullet and reported the one that even he himself felt a little high, and felt that the little guy in front of him could not pay anyway. Affordable exaggerated numbers.



   "How can it be so spicy, Uncle Gotz, are you wrong?!"


   As expected, Annie was so scared that she jumped off the opponent's slightly hardened counter and exclaimed loudly.

Before, Annie had heard that some profiteers on the earth, those bad guys who are engaged in real estate are just raising prices desperately, and they dare to sell something that cost less than one hundred thousand. Millions and tens of millions, even if it destroys the entire planet’s economy, they will not hesitate...Look at this world, the real estate developers in this mineral town are indeed all the way to rebuild a broken wooden house. , Did he dare to ask her for so much money? !


   "I didn't dare to collect your money, if I don't believe it, I will report it to you now?"

"Look... the expansion of a small house to a medium-sized house will cost 50,000 G, and the timber needs two hundred standard squares. Because you don’t have any timber on your ranch, you need to use standard timber for each one. It costs 50G to buy it from me. When you count it, the total here is 60,000G!"

   "And for a large house, the cost of the expansion is 200,000G, and it needs 700 standard squares of wood, which together is 235,000G..."

   "Look? This adds up to almost 300,000 G..."

   "Finally, there are decoration costs. For example, the bamboo shelf sealed pipes from Houshan Hot Springs are drawn from the hot springs. The materials are almost 70 to 80 thousand G. There are also the cost of renovating mailboxes, dog huts and windows.

   "Forget it!"

   "You should see for yourself, you see, I should have done nothing wrong, right?"

Seeing that the other party's face seemed a little unsightly, and his expression gradually became a little stiff, Goetz sighed and handed the final data in his hand to the other party's hand, signaling the other party to go directly. Calculate it yourself, if such a trivial mathematics can be so good?


  ! o

   Annie just took a look and got the result, and she knew that the other party didn’t make a mistake just now, did not overcharge her, and did not seem to cheat her?

   But the price is too...

   "It's too expensive, Uncle Gotz, can't you make it cheaper?"

   Very rare, Annie began to bargain with each other.

   Although, even after the other party discounts, she might not be able to pay the fee? To be honest, before coming here again, Annie felt that there was still a lot of money left in her ranch account, but looking at it now, it seems that it is not enough?

   And what’s more terrifying is that if she spends all the money and uses it to repair the house, what will she eat and drink in the future? If she is unable to spend money and eat, drink and have fun for a broken house that cannot last long at all, then what is the point of being alive?

"This one……"

   "Annie, I'm afraid this won't work..."

Although the other party looks very cute, pitiful, and helpless now... But, the bearded Gotz said: The guy he now gives is already a friendly price in Ore Town, and most of it is cost, labor cost I didn't collect much.

   If it is replaced by those big cities outside Mineral Town, and replaced by those profiteers who quote, let alone 420,000 G, even 4 million G is estimated to be unable to withstand it! !

   "But, Annie, how much money do you have now?"

After thinking about it, when he saw the other party’s expression and felt a little pitiful, Goetz finally decided that he seemed to be able to reluctantly give the other party a bit of accommodation, he could first charge a part of the necessary material costs, and his labor costs could be slowed down. ?

   "Probably only so many?"

   Annie hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out her white and tender index finger in embarrassment.

"How much is this?"

   Goetz didn't dare to guess, for fear that he would come up with a number he couldn't believe.

   "Probably only..."

   "It's like less than 100,000 G?"

Although a little embarrassed, Annie finally had to say the number she used all kinds of methods, even after scraping the back hill of Ore Town by three feet...Of course, that was only part of it, because A considerable part has been squandered by her in the past few days.


   "No way, no way! The difference is too far, absolutely no way! Annie, you still use the money to go back and run your ranch well, and then come to me again in a year or two?"

   Goetz shook his head and sighed, and secretly said that this little girl is really unreliable and wasted half of his time in the morning. He should continue to draw his unfinished drawings.

   "Damn it!"

   "That's it!"

   "Uncle Goetz, although people don't have enough money now, you can prepare first, wait two days, wait until they have enough money, and then come over to pay you, and then you can start working directly!"

   After gritting her teeth, she felt that she wanted a big house no matter what, no matter what, she had to have kitchen utensils and eat the best things, so Annie made a certain determination secretly.

   Anyway, it only takes a day or two at most for her to make enough money for a large house and renovation! Of course, there may be money to be squandered for a long time in the future? !


   "After two days? Annie, are you sure you are not kidding?"

   Goetz obviously didn't believe that the other party could make such a large sum of money so quickly. In his opinion, it must be impossible in two days. Maybe, it will be about the same in two years?

   So, he just shook his head dumbfoundedly, and didn't take the other party's words to heart.

   "Of course I'm not kidding!"

   "Then, Uncle Gotz, let's make a deal like this! People will come to you in two days and they will be at the price you just said!"


   After speaking, Annie ran out directly.

  Because she is going to make money, and it is the kind of big money that must be made in two days! However, she still hasn't figured out how to make money. Anyway, it must be impossible to scrape the back mountains of Ore Town, because she has searched for three days and only made a small amount~www. So this time, she has to think of other better and faster ways.

Of course, it must be a legal and reasonable one. It must not be like a badass little bear cheating on her to steal money or invade the banking system. Her Queen Anne is a super good person who never does bad things. , How could she do that kind of thing, how embarrassing it would be to spread it out?



   "Annie? You wait..."

   Carpenter Gotz just wanted to say something, but the other party has already run away.


   "Hey! How could it be enough for two days? Forget it, let's leave her alone..."

   Obviously, Goetz didn't believe it, nor did he take to heart what a little girl who ran out just said.

Besides, he doesn’t have anything to prepare here, wood or something, what he has in his lumberyard is that if the other party can afford to pay, he can start work and order other materials needed by the other party, then there is no need at all. He prepares in advance, and will not delay any construction period.

   So, he didn't make any preparations at all, so the one who continued to draw him on the counter only he could read the drawings.


   "I don't know what Uncle Mucci is thinking about. Some parts of his cowshed are damaged. If you don't repair it soon..."

   "If he is determined to rebuild it, I will definitely design the best cowshed for him!"


   ask for votes

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