Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1253: ?(???*)? People want to make money! !

  Ore Town, the 9th of spring, Monday, overcast.

Today, in order to make money, in order to make up the huge sum of money that a wicked developer needs to renovate the house, in order to have a stove one day earlier in his house, in order to be able to eat all kinds of delicacies produced in Ore Town , Annie had to come to the beach early in the morning and came to the house of Zach the shipper and the merchant Huo An.

  Although it is now 11:30 in the morning, it is almost time for lunch for others, but for Annie, it is still a little bit earlier. Is it still early morning?

In the usual, Annie must have not gotten up yet, but when she thinks that she can't remodel a big house if she doesn't make money quickly, then there is no stove, and no delicious food can be eaten without a stove, so she has to take her behind The one in the middle of the night didn't know where to go fooling around, so that now some listless dog-legs Tibbers came here and pushed open the door of Uncle Zach's house, a seaside shipper.

   "Hello! Is anyone home?!"


Although verbally and politely asked if anyone was there, Annie's movements were not slow or polite at all, she pushed the door and walked in and looked around at this one, although it was big, but it was messy There were a lot of wooden boxes and barrels piled on the ground, it looked dirty and there were two ruined houses with single strangers.


   "Ah! Yes, it's Annie, why are you free to come here?"

   "Which, how are you doing, work must be very busy? Anyway, Annie, you have to cheer, remember to work hard to produce more goods!"

   Seeing a little girl walk in, Zach, the shipper who was busy with something, was so frightened that he almost didn't drop what he was holding on the ground. However, he quickly stabilized his emotions and greeted each other with a grin.

   "Hello, Uncle Zach!"


  ∑? !

Annie, who was about to say something, suddenly noticed the other party’s hand that was still bandaged and hung on her chest. Then she finally remembered that the other party seemed to have been caught by the other party the last time she helped her out. A little green snake bit, that's why it happened.

   "Poor Uncle Zach...Is your hand bitten by that little snake okay? Doesn't matter, maybe someone can help you heal it!"

Seeing the other side’s appearance was a bit pitiful, so Annie decided: in order for the other side to help her deliver the goods on time, and in order not to delay her remodeling the house, perhaps she could reluctantly help the other side to cure the simple and boring. Of toxin damage?


   "No, no! Thank you for your kind little guy, I'm fine, I can resume work tomorrow at the latest, don't you think?"

I don’t know why Zach seems to be faintly afraid of the harmless little girl in front of him, so he heard the other person say to help him heal. He just took off the hand hanging on his chest, and then waved up and down. I'm really good enough, I really don't need the other party to make trouble, and I don't even dare to accept the other party's "treatment" that sounds unreliable!

Maybe it was because he was a little afraid of the other party’s farm, and then under the fear of the house and the black, even the cute, clever and cute girl in front of him caused some irreversible trauma to his fragile heart. ?

   "Is it really unnecessary?"

   However, Annie seemed a little unbelievable, because the other party's hand was still bandaged and it looked a little purple. I don't know if it was caused by the bruise that was not drained or the remaining snake venom?


   "Look! I can easily carry a basket now. If Dort asked me to rest for two more days, I would go to work yesterday."

   In order to show that there is nothing wrong with his hand, Zach directly used his bandaged right hand to lift a basket full of various things and lift it up and down.


   "That's good! People just worried that you won't be able to work tomorrow, and then they won't be able to make money!"

That’s right, Annie doesn’t really worry about the other’s hands at all. What she’s worried about is that she won’t be able to ship the goods tomorrow, which will cause her plan to expand the house to be stranded, because she has finally thought of a wonderful way to make money. Way.

   If the other party has problems storing her goods for too long because she can't work, then she has no place to cry!


   "It's like this..."

   Zach opened his mouth, but in the end he had to put the basket down angrily, not knowing what to say.

And he always felt that when the other party came here today, there was a faint sense of a weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster. He also had an intuition. After he was better this time, she might give himself another cruelty and let him pierce him. Ke once again had to'rest' for a few days due to a work-related injury, causing more trouble to the residents of Ore Town?



   "Uncle Zach, are you really okay? Why do people think that your face suddenly becomes ugly? Do you really want someone to treat you?"


   "It's really useful!!"

   Yes, Annie dared to use the dog head of Tibbs Bear to assure that she really cares about the other party now and really wants to treat him with magic. She has absolutely no bad ideas!

   "Do you want someone to try it for you now?"

   As she said, Annie raised her hands and prepared to grab the bandaged right hand of the opponent, and then heal the opponent directly.


"no, do not want!!"

   However, Zach didn't trust her and just avoided.

   "I, I'm really fine, I don't need your treatment!"

   What's a joke, an eight or nine-year-old kid who will help him treat his injuries?

Anyway, Zach will definitely not believe it, and will not let the other party easily touch his right hand, which is still a little painful and bruised, although it has been given anti-inflammatory injections and snake venom serum by Doctor Dot, and he still uses it. I have been smeared with the potion blessed by the Lord Goddess, but I still need to take a good rest for a day, and must not let others grab and play, especially the little guy who is said to be very powerful!


"I can go back to work probably tomorrow. There shouldn’t be too many things that are not easy to keep in your shipping box? If there are, you’d better take them out and put them elsewhere or eat them directly. ?"

   Zach felt that this little guy came here for an unprecedented time, probably because he needed to ship himself? If that's the case, he has no good way, because he really needs to take a day off, so he can only comfort the other party like this, and at the same time whispered a little worriedly.



   "The shipping box of the ranch has been empty for many days, because people have never gone to work in the past few days when you were injured!"


   Annie said proudly, without any shame or embarrassment at all, as if she were honorable without labor?



   "That, that's good..."

   Zach doesn’t understand, is there any inevitable connection between his injury and the other party’s work?

But in the end, he didn’t ask more wittily, so as to save the other party from blaming the matter on himself or something. After all, because of his leave, he has caused troubles to many people in Ore Town, such as Lilia’s support. I don’t know how many eggs are shipped from the chicken farm. There is also the pastoral farm. Much must be worrying about the fresh milk and goat milk that are not easy to preserve.

   "But, Uncle Zach! I have a lot of things to ship tomorrow. Are you sure you can really go to work tomorrow?"


   After a day of contemplation, Annie has found a practical way to make money quickly, so she must confirm this and save what went wrong.


"Of course it's okay, don't worry! Dot said, I can go to him in the afternoon to remove the bandage, and then apply the last medicine, tomorrow will be fully restored to normal, I promise you, in the name of Lord Goddess! "

Maybe some factors or mysterious powers in this world are at work. Zach's hands are indeed recovering very well, so he just waved his bandaged hand once again, indicating that he has been at the doctor Dort and the nurses. Allie is back to health under the care of her, and she is ready to return to the intense work at any time.

   "That's good! Then remember to come to other people's ranch tomorrow, it is best to come early, because tomorrow may be very busy!"

  Anne needs a huge sum of more than 400,000 yuan or more in order to renovate her house and improve her living conditions. Therefore, she is very concerned about this matter, but she really cares whether the other party can receive the goods on time.


   "Ah! Huo An, what are you doing?"

Zach just wanted to ask the other party how many goods they had, but suddenly saw Huo An at the counter walking towards the two of them after finishing the work, so he closed his mouth after thinking about it and turned. And Chao asked the other side.


   "Hello, little guy!"

   "I'm Huo An, a traveling businessman here, you should have heard of me, right? Just now, I seem to have heard your conversation, how about it, do you want to come back to me to get some special seeds?"

   "It's spring now, although it's the 9th... But if you go back to grow cabbage now, you will definitely have time to make a fortune!"

Annie went to the back mountain of Ore Town to dig and dig out all the mountain products for three days. Of course, Huo An knew about it, because he took over and reselled those goods, and he also made a lot of money from it. pen!


It’s not good to have so many mountain products all at once, because it has already saturated the outside market, and the price has dropped a lot... Therefore, he thinks, if possible, it’s best to let the other party plant it. A little bit of cabbage in Ore Town. In that case, maybe he still has time to make two more before the end of spring, and then he has enough funds to prepare summer goods?

   Of course, the only thing that worries him a little is: Will the little guy in front of him farm? Or, can the other party farm? He was very skeptical about this, because farming is not like digging for mountain products, as long as time and strength are needed, and certain skills are needed.

   "Special seeds? Cabbage?"

   "Ah! Do you want to give it to me for free?"

Farming or something is not within Anne’s plan for the time being, because her big house has not been ready in time, and there is no kitchen stove or anything. Now she is planning to save money, so, before that, she just I would definitely not consider growing things on my own, this matter is useless to anyone to persuade!


   "How, how can I give you free?"

   Hearing Annie's words, Huo An, who was still smiling, pulled his face straight away. The expression on his face was also a bit sly, obviously choked by Annie's words.

   "Do you have a discount?"

   Annie said that although she is under great financial pressure, if the other party is willing to discount, maybe she can consider buying some as a spare?

"Do not!"

   "Little guy, you think too much..."

   Huo An said that his goods here will not be discounted, nor credited, and will not be given away for no reason!

   "Why do they want to buy yours? Isn't there a lot of seeds in the grocery store of Miss Karen's home?!"

   "People don't buy your seeds!"

  Oo hum!


"This one…..."

For a while, Huo An was that he originally wanted to say that only he would sell some special seeds, such as cabbage, pineapple, green pepper, and various flower seeds. , Just staring at Annie angrily.


   "Okay, okay, you guys... By the way, Annie! You haven't said yet, what do you want to do when you come here, will you come here to see me?"

   Seeing Huo An a little embarrassed, Zac hurriedly stopped the confrontation between the two with a haha, and asked in a touch.

  Although the other party didn't bring gifts and didn't seem to really care about him, Zach was still very moved when the other party came to see him, even if the other party came with a purpose.

   "Of course I didn't come to see you. People came here today because they wanted to rent a boat to go fishing!!!"


   However, Annie said honestly, making a rough guy's face instantly as ugly as Huo An.

Because Annie just cared about the other party’s injury and tried to help with the treatment, it was really just to ensure that the other party could help her ship the goods on time at 17:00 tomorrow afternoon, how could she be real? Do you care about this big man whom she only knew?

   If it wasn't for her goods that needed to be counted and moved by the other party, or for the small money in her account, the other party needed to settle, I am afraid she would have forgotten such a guy long ago!

   "Ah! Your answer is really sad..."


   "Anne, if you are fishing, can't you just fish on the trestle here at the pier? There are also a lot of fish in the pier here. I think it must be enough for you to catch it."

   Zach asked strangely while feeling sad.

  Although he didn't have time to go fishing, he even gave the fishing rod to the other side by head, but Zach said that he had fished on the trestle bridge of the pier, and the harvest was pretty good in one day! Furthermore, the pier is very close to the town, and you can go home anytime if it is windy or rainy. There is really nothing better and more convenient than this place.

"No way!"

   "People's fishing secret must find a place where no one is there, so that you guys can't see it!"

  Oo hum!

   Yes, Annie does not intend to let others see her own horrifying fishing method! So, she plans to go out to sea, into the deep sea, to perform in places where no one sees or hears!

Originally, she could fly out without disturbing anyone, but she was afraid that others would not know where she got so many fishes, so she planned to rent a boat in a stately place and go out to sea. The name of fishing, to avoid any bad disturbances at the time of shipment.

   "This way..."

   "The boat can be rented, and you should be able to pay, but can you drive it? We won't help you sail the boat and take you out..."

Zach is a little embarrassed because they still have their own things to do, and Huo An seems to be definitely not going to help, and the injury on his own hand is not good, plus there are some important things he needs to take advantage of today. He had to deal with it when he was free, so he didn't know what to do.

   "I can do it by myself! I don't need your help!"


   "Are you sure? You are such a little guy who still sails?!"

  Although the small boat offered for rental is not big, Zach doesn't believe that the other party will sail, and even Huo An on the side doesn't believe it, so they all cast their undisguised suspicious glances.

"of course!"


Who is her Queen Anne? She can easily drive up to space battleships, down to tank cars, and even the super complex Gundam, let alone the kind of broken boat with only one rudder and one throttle. .


   "Anne, even though you said so, we still don't believe it or feel relieved, so..."

   "We can't rent it to you!"

This is the truth. Zach is not stupid. How could he just let an eight or nine-year-old girl go out to sea in a small boat? He can't do such irresponsible things. Otherwise the mayor Thomas or police officer Harris would have to trouble him.

   "Who will prove it to you now?!"



   "But, how do you want to prove? How can you prove it?!"

   First, he glanced at Huo An, a friend and companion on the side, before Zach asked in a dumbfounded manner.

   "Let’s go sailing now, and I will show you these two bad guys for a while!!"


   Seeing that the two of them still looked disbelief, Annie had no choice but to suggest bitterly.


   Zach was taken aback for a while, and then looked at Huo An with a questioning look, ready to see what the other party has to say, or let the other party give him a fulcrum, and send away this difficult little guy in front of him earlier?


   However, Huo An on the side shrugged, indicating that he didn't know what to do.

"forget it!"

   "Zach, anyway, we have a little free now, so let her prove it, so she can give up?"

Huo An obviously didn't believe that such a small point would sail a boat. In fact, he learned a long time before driving that little bit. Therefore, he didn't know how to reject the other party directly. After thinking about it for a while, he just did so. Suggested to Zach who was struggling.

   soon, about twenty minutes later...

  ‘Oh~! ! ’

  ‘I, I can’t do’

   "I can't do it anymore..."

  ‘Oh! ! ’

   "Look! Isn't the ship's sailing skill very good? Are you convinced?!"


In the end, when Annie took Zac and that Huo An to perform a super-high-speed S-shaped maneuver and a 180-degree turn in a speedboat, in less than half an hour, she took the super high The speed convinced the two men, and the two men who were lying on the ground and vomiting profusely had to kneel down and admire her driving skills!

  ‘Oh! ! ’

   ‘Yes, it’s really amazing...’

  ‘I took it! Really served! ! ’

  ‘Zach, fill up the other boat and give her the key...’

  ‘Good, good......’.

  ‘Oh~! ! ’

After half an hour, the two who recovered a little, told a little guy not to be too far away from the dock. When there is a problem, remember to call the satellite phone or ask the goddess for help. After the rent of 10,000 G, the small boat filled with gasoline and the keys were handed over to the hands of a messy little girl, and she looked at the other party and cheered, in front of them at a super high speed. The waves on the sea shot off like a plane ejecting off, and soon disappeared.


  ‘Huo An, she should be fine, right? ’

   ‘Don’t worry, nothing will happen...’

  ‘Are you so sure? ’

'of course! ’

  ‘Why? ’

  ’Because her driving skills are really good, and the weather forecast for these two days said that there is no typhoon near Ore Town, and it will not rain. ’

'That's good……'

  ‘Let’s go, Zach...Let’s go back and have a rest, my legs are all weak from vomiting, and it’s closed this afternoon. ’

  ‘Me too..., but I’m going to eat something first, and I’ll go to Dort later...’

  ‘I just want to have a good night’s sleep and not go anywhere! ’


However, what these two desperate guys don’t know is: the little guy Annie came here to rent a boat is just a way to avoid everyone’s sight. She is definitely not in any danger, nor There may be!

  She is the biggest, biggest and biggest...the biggest source of danger! ! !


  : Wow! Ask for votes~!

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