Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1264: ?(⌒ω⌒)? Anne's leisurely ranch life


   "So sleepy~!"

  ?? Ahhh~!

Although, last night Annie just waved her hand, and it took less than two minutes to easily complete the work of tidying up and plowing the pasture that had been abandoned for seven years, and completed it in an instant. Sowing the seeds, but Annie still slept until the afternoon, rubbing her eyes dazedly and walking out of her door.

   She had to come out because the hot summer sun had shone from her bottom to the head of the bed, even if she covered her face with a quilt, it was useless, because it would be too hot and dazzling!


  ! o

   "Hi~! Sister Lin and Sister Karen, good morning~! Why are you here on my ranch?"

When Annie walked out, most of the melon-eating people in Ore Town who had gathered and discussed on the edge of her ranch field had already dispersed, and the only ones who remained were Karen and Lin who had nothing to do when they were full. Two guys who don't need to go home for the time being to help with work.

"Good morning?"

   Seeing a little girl who was too lazy to speak finally came out of the house, Karen was just astonished by the other party's words when she greeted her and wanted to say something, and then she subconsciously looked up at the sky.


   The sun is shining brightly in the sky. Although the sun has passed the strongest time of the day, it is still very strong, and it is gradually slanting west...

"Oh my God!!"

   "Annie! It's already three o'clock in the afternoon, and you still have the face to say good morning?!"

To be honest, if you didn’t think that the other party might have really done a night of farm work, so you need to sleep until now, just now, she and Lin would not be wandering around the ranch and swinging to kill time, but directly I slapped the door hard in front of the opponent's house.

   But it’s better now, let’s see, the other party actually sleeps both morning and afternoon...

   Therefore, Karen suddenly felt that Mayor Thomas was right. It is better to work according to the normal schedule. The other party is really not allowed to go on like this, but it is harmful to the body!

   "So it was past three o'clock?"


   "Really, I had known that people should sleep for two more hours, and then they could just get up and go to dinner..."


It’s definitely inappropriate to have breakfast now. It’s a little bit late for lunch, but it seems a little bit early for dinner... So, Xiao Annie, who feels embarrassed to get up at this time, is a little tangled, don’t know Should I go to have afternoon tea first, or should I wait for dinner?

  ’! ! ’

'Oh my God! ’

  ‘Hey! Lynn, you heard it too! I knew she would look like this, you didn't believe it just now? ’

  ‘I didn’t believe it or not! ’


  ‘Let’s hurry up, let’s explain the situation to Annie, and then we’ll have time to take a walk on the beach, and I’ll treat you to ice cream! ’

'it is good! That `s a deal. ’



   The inexplicable things Ms. Karen and Ms. Lin in front of me just said, Annie can ignore, anyway, she only knows that she seems to have heard an important keyword, that is-ice cream! !

"Ice cream! Is it the sea house that goes to the beach? Sister Lin, they want to eat too, do you want to invite them? They want to eat two grilled corn, one spaghetti, three largest pizzas and Two bowls of fruit shaved ice!!"


Originally Annie was struggling about what to eat, but now she is not struggling. She plans to go to the beach with these two people for a while, eat some ice cream by the way, and then go to dinner later, and then, this day again. She was fooled by.


   "That won't work!"

"Annie, for you, cunning big stomach king, my poor pocket money can’t feed you! You don’t know, on the opening day of the Sea Festival, you ate so much that Kay’s face was white, I If I dare to invite you, I must go bankrupt this year!"

   Without even thinking about it, Lin waved her hand directly and sternly rejected Little Annie's request that seemed very unreasonable to her.

   "And we stay here to wait for you to get up, but there are important things to tell you, not specially waiting to invite you to eat!"

   "You little rich woman is richer than my family, so I won't invite you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin looked at Karen, who was selling seeds and other groceries in the grocery store of Karen’s family. So, it’s better for Karen to explain some things. Lin herself must have no other partner. understand.

   "It's really stingy..."

   Annie looked a little unhappy, although she could really spend her own money to have a good time, but in that case, where can I get sister Hualin’s money and eat the other party’s fear and eyes straight and interesting?


   "Just be stingy, whatever you want, I won't mind what you say!"

   Lin turned her face to the side with her arms, ignoring a little violent general and broken thoughts, just waiting for Karen to explain to the other party.


"Listen well, it's like this: Everyone in Ore Town has just visited your field. You did a great job. Everyone, including the mayor, Grandpa Thomas, is very happy! But... Bucky Uncle Er saw a very important issue, that is..."

   "You seem to plant the wrong seeds!!!"

"If you don’t want the whole summer to be cropless, you’d better plant it again, because the cabbage seeds you sown can only grow in spring, but it’s all summer now. The hot climate and too much light It is very unfavorable to them, so you should hurry up and find a way to remedy it!"

"and also!"

   "If you can, I suggest you go to that Huo An to ask for some compensation, who told him to sell these cabbage seeds to you in the summer, and he still refuses to explain the correct usage?"

   Karen stuck her waist like this and explained to Annie a little bit angrily.

   Of course, the object of her anger is not Annie, but the merchant Huo An who sells seeds indiscriminately and can do everything for money!

Looking at such a large area of ​​farmland, Annie must have spent a lot of effort and a whole night when she turned the fields and sorted it out, but now it’s good, all the seeds that were sown are all useless, and even have to pay more. Efforts to re-seed, and then the seeds that have been sown will also be wasted. That counts as a lot of money.


  !? ?

   "The seeds that people planted last night, are they cabbage?!"


   Annie was shocked to wake up a bit, and subconsciously moved towards the large piece of farmland in front of her that was leveled and shattered last night and after sowing.

Anyway, it was very dark last night. After surreptitiously finishing the farmland in an instant, she hurriedly drew a lot of seeds, and then sprinkled the seeds evenly from a distance with the hands of a mage. Where can I find out what kind of seed it is?



After staring at Lin who was equally surprised, Karen understood a little bit. The oolong feeling of feelings was probably not the fault of the greedy merchant Huo An, but the little guy in front of him. the result of?

   If that's the case, then the other party deserves it!

But fortunately, Karen knew that the other party bought a lot of seeds from her house, such as those tomatoes, corn, onions and pumpkin seeds. Now if the other party hurries to replant and remedy, it must be too late, and presumably Will not lose too much?

"I understand!"

   "Damn it! You little guy, don't take a second look at any crops you grow?!"

   After knowing the cause of the matter, he looked at Lin again, and Karen unceremoniously exclaimed and complained to some miserable little guy.



   "Anyway, they are all seeds. People think that everything is the same, so why should I go to see it?"


Annie wouldn’t tell the other party that there are too many things in the storage box in her house, too messy, and the space box blessed by a certain “goddess” is not very convenient to use. Last night she It was too lazy to search and check the instructions a little bit, so I just grabbed a lot and spilled it.


"Anyway, I just made it clear to you, those cabbage seeds are definitely not good, I guess they must not germinate in this season! But don’t worry, you just need to re-seed directly. Just go up there, but don’t just plant all of them. You can try several different summer crop seeds. Didn’t you buy a lot of seeds from my house?"

   "I don't care about you..."

   "We are going to stroll around on the beach and take a sun bath by the way. You can hurry now, eat something and remedy it, otherwise the summer will pass soon!"

After speaking, seeing that the other party had almost listened in, and that everything that was supposed to be said had been explained, Karen took Lin’s hand angrily and was about to leave, letting someone who was irresponsible and not careful. The little girl asks for trouble!

   Anyway, Karen will definitely not help each other, even if they have a good relationship with each other, even if the other party is willing to pay for her!


   Annie didn't speak, she just watched the two bad guys who walked hand in hand and planned to eat ice cream but refused to buy her a meal!


   "Annie, remember to water it every day after sowing! You don't need to water it on rainy days, you must remember to water it with hot spring water in normal times~?!"

   "Anyway, you have to pour it every day before harvest, otherwise they will definitely not bear fruit!!"

   "Be sure to remember!!"

   "We are going to the beach to eat now, so I won't interrupt your work~?."

   When they walked to the gate of the ranch, Karen and Lin looked back and kindly reminded little Annie loudly.



   "I also need to water every day! Can I just water it once? It's really troublesome!"


   Seeding or something is not too difficult for her Queen Anne!

   Isn't this?

When she found that the two had left, and after looking around the pasture where no one else was spying, Annie waved her hand and a lot of crop seeds floated out of the window of her house. Then she took a look and confirmed them. They are all the seeds of tomatoes, corn, onions, pumpkins and pineapples. They are all suitable for planting in summer. After gently waving their hands in the direction of the farmland, they spread out evenly and spilled onto the large farmland.

  ? 乛? 幛?

   Such a small problem that can be solved in less than ten seconds, obviously, it must be difficult for her!


Although watering the farm work is not difficult or tiring, Anne can't help but feel a headache when she thinks of watering every day in the future... But she has to do it, so she had to look at the pond and The river to the south.

The water in the pool seems to be insufficient and there is no hot spring water, and there must be a small amount of hot spring water in the river. However, I originally wanted to take advantage of no one here to summon a few water elements directly in the river and let them help water the water. Annie's suddenly dismissed the idea, because she didn't want to use other people's bath water to water the crops!

   "Forget it!"


   "It's better to rain today, and start thinking about other ways to save effort tomorrow..."

   Today is a sunny day, and the sky is shining brightly? Normally, it will definitely not rain, but if you meet her Queen Anne, that is not necessarily the case.


As one of Annie's thoughts came to light, and after she took a look at it unkindly, the situation suddenly changed, and the sky gradually became gloomy, and then gusts of cold wind blew up. After the dark clouds began to cover the top, the heavy rain poured directly on the Ore Town...



   "Let you go to the beach to sunbathe, let you eat ice cream, don't you invite others..."

Annie dared to use her own Tibbers dog head to assure that she really didn’t intend to retaliate deliberately at the beginning. She changed the weather from sunny to rain in an instant, just to avoid watering, really not. Too many other crooked minds.



   "What do you look at!"


   "People want to water the crops, and it's justified when it rains! If Tibbers, if you have any opinion on what they do, then you can help them water it tomorrow?"


   Summoning the water element is definitely not allowed, because it is very likely that someone will be seen by others if you are not careful, and it will cause a big mess! However, if it rains suddenly, the change of the climate is normal. No one knows that she did a good thing, and those who know the "human" or non-human are definitely afraid to say it, so this That's it.

   "Of course they know!"


   "But people are now thinking of a way. Before there is no good way, it is easier and easier to rain?"




   The thunder rumbling, the heavy rain poured, and there were waves of jitters inside and outside of Ore Town...

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! ! ’

  ‘It was obviously sunny just now, why is it raining suddenly now? Lynn! Didn’t yesterday’s weather forecast say that today is a sunny day? ’

  ‘Oh! Karen, stop complaining, go back quickly! My ice cream is ruined! ! ’

  ‘Isn’t my shaved ice the same? ’


  ‘No way! The rain is too heavy and my clothes are all wet. Let's take shelter under the canopy in the square, right? ’

'it is good! ’

'Faster! Faster! ’

  'Ah~! ’

When Anne hid in her home and discussed with her own Tibbers whether it should rain tomorrow, two unlucky guys who had just bought ice cream and shaved ice from the sea house cold drink shop on the beach were running wild in the rain. And when they finally ran under a canopy in Rose Square, the ice cream and shaved ice that they had not had time to eat a few bites were already destroyed by the rain, and the two of them could only stand in the dark staring at each other. In the rain curtain...



   Wow, la la la...


  ??????? Ask for a ticket???????

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