Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1265: ?(????)?? The Seven Dwarfs and Little Red Riding Hood cannot...

   "La la la~!"

   At this time it was approaching noon, and Annie was jumping happily on the road of Ore Town alone, walking towards the northeast corner of the town church...

   Today is the 6th of summer. All the things that Annie planted have sprouted, and they are growing rapidly at several times faster than other normal worlds. This makes Annie very happy and pleased!

   But, besides being happy, Annie also has a little trouble! Because she doesn't seem to have much time to take care of those large crops, such as watering, watering, or watering or something?

   Anyway, that kind of thing is very annoying, at least in her opinion!

Because ah, after all, Annie is not wayward enough to use magic to make the Ore Town rain every day in order to avoid watering. After all, that is always not good, it is wrong...It will not only make the "Goddess Lord" Or something else that is messy to see that something is wrong or give an opinion, and more importantly: the crops watered by rain seem to be more delicious than those watered by hot springs?

So ah, she was happy to spend a lot of money again, and she suddenly wanted Uncle Zac to use the channel of the hot spring water in the previous bathroom to use bamboo to draw her cool hot springs from the back mountain, and then start to build a half on the entire farmland. The automatic hot spring watering system uses rows of bamboo tubes to draw water, and then drips ticking on each crop. In this way, when watering is needed, you only need to open it on time when Annie goes to the hot spring to play. The water diversion switch, remember to turn off the switch when you leave.

However, although the same pipes used to divert water from the previous bathroom can be used, the construction of the frame on the field is not small, even if it is carried on the farmland with easy-to-process bamboo, such a large area of ​​farmland also needs Uncle Gotz She has been busy for more than ten days, and before that, Annie still needs to find a way to take care of the crops and water by herself, so she must think of other ways.

   And now, she is on the way to find a way!

   Yes, she found a way!

   Because of her little sisters, I don’t know who they are. Maybe it’s Lynn, maybe it’s Pearly, and of course it’s Carlene or Mary? Anyway, before, one day in spring, Annie learned a very important piece of news from those guys, that is:

On the right side of the church in Ore Town, there is a small road along that path to the north of Ore Town. When you walk to the small woods in the mountains to the north, you will find a small wooden house, and in the wooden house there are seven red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple dressed in different colors. If the dwarfs in clothes can have a good relationship with them, they can let them come to the ranch for free to help with work, such as caring for small animals and crops?

Originally, Annie didn’t take this matter too seriously because she hadn’t grown anything before, nor thought about watering the plants that would be so troublesome, and she didn’t expect that no one in the entire Ore Town would help her. Farming... So, she had no choice but to hit her idea on the little people.


   "Aha! Little Annie, you are finally willing to come to church, how about what you want to do today? Are you here to pray?"

   It's just that Annie was stopped by an uncle in black before she found the path.

   "If that's the case, then you are just right!"

"But you can go to the church and wait. Although the time has not yet arrived, Cliff, Lin, and others are waiting inside. Later, if I see no more people coming, I will definitely Go in and lead you to pray to God together."

It’s very rare to be a priest in Ore Town, who likes to tell stories, especially ghost stories that scare children, but he likes children very much. He has a personality like a child, and often sleeps in the confessional. While Carter was moving, when he saw Anne walking towards the church door rarely, he just hurriedly smiled and greeted him and said in welcome.


  ∑? !

Annie didn't know why the other party was so happy suddenly and welcomed herself so warmly, but she still stopped, and first glanced at the strange girl in black clothes and black hat in front of her before hurriedly posing. Set out to explain:

   "That, Uncle Rat..."

   "You got it wrong, I didn't actually come to church to pray today!!"

  Annie knows what prayer means. It probably means taking the initiative to communicate with supernatural powers or beings, to praise, pray, confess, or simply express her thoughts or wishes.

However, for Annie itself is a supernatural force, for her existence itself is a non-ordinary person who is far beyond the world, to this day, she is really unable to find someone stronger than her. Therefore, there must be no existence that can bear her prayers, and she does not need to go to church to pray!

   "Then...are you here to do confession?"

   "If so, maybe you'd better come back in the afternoon, because the church in our town usually prays and chants in the morning, and the afternoon is the time for penance..."

   "But if you have time, Annie, I still suggest that you should pray and chant with us. In that case, the gods can forgive you faster when you repent?"

Father Carter remembered some bad rumors about the little girl in front of him, so he felt that the other party might have come to do confession, so he was a little surprised, and quickly explained that he came to the church with a little embarrassment. Some considerations.



"It sounds like a lot of fun... But people don't have time to confess right now. In fact, they are planning to go to the dwarfs to play today! So, Goodbye Carter, I will go find those dwarfs first. People are playing, and they will come back to you for confession when they come back later!"


  ヾ Bye~Bye~

After speaking, Annie stopped talking nonsense with the other party, turned around, and turned right towards the small road inside the church in Mineral Town. After bypassing the church, she went straight to the dense forest in the north of Mineral Town. .

'and many more! ’

  ‘Annie? Annie! ’


Carter at the back seems to want to say something, but unfortunately, the little Annie who has made plans now just wants to see those magical dwarfs quickly. As for the uncle Carter, she is not in a hurry. Pay attention to it!



  |‘-‘) Bang! boom!

There are not many accidents. The little dwarf cabin in the small woods behind the church is easy to find. Anyway, when Annie walked along the forest path that would never get lost and strolled for less than half an hour, she succeeded. I found the small room on the outside, but inside it seemed to have been used with some kind of space magic, and after knocking on the door, I pushed it away and walked in.

   "Um, is anyone home there?"

  |˙˙) Hello?

   Then, as expected, when Annie went in, she saw seven children in the house who were wearing pajamas and caps, but they were all different in color, and they were probably only half the height of Annie.

   There is no doubt that they must be the little people who have magical and helpful dwarfs that the residents of Mineral Town said.

  ‘Ah! ’

'Hello there! ’

  ‘This is the first time I see you here, I guess you are the one named Annie, right? ’

  ‘My name is Akya, please take care of me! ’

   From the moment Annie walked directly into the cabin, after the initial surprise, the little man in the blue pajamas and nightcap eagerly leaned forward. Obviously, the other party's temperament seems to be better, so even when he sees Annie, who is a stranger, he is very enthusiastic.

   Of course, in addition to it, other dwarfs also expressed a certain degree of concern for Annie's arrival.

'Ok? ’

  ‘I haven’t seen you come before. Akya is right. You should be the new girl Annie from Mineral Town. I heard that you did a lot of bad things, right? ’

  ‘Anyway, my name is Guri, please take care of me too...’

Another little man wearing a yellow pajamas and nightcap, his attitude is much colder, first after looking at Annie a few times behind the blue little man Akya, he just casually casually said so lukewarm. He greeted him, and then turned around to take care of himself without waiting for Annie's response.

   Obviously, for a little girl who is a stranger visiting, and she doesn't seem to have some kind of gift they like with her, he is definitely not welcome.

'welcome! ’

  ‘It turns out that you are that Annie. I have heard many things about you. When they came to visit us, they talked about it. My name is Zhuocak. Could you please advise? ’

   The dwarf named Zhuocak in the dark blue dress seemed to like Annie, not as cold as the Guridi just now.

'Humph! ’

  ‘It always looks like a suspicious guy, but it doesn’t seem like...Your name is Annie, right? My name is Bordeaux! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Bordeaux, please don’t be so rude! Hello Annie, my name is Napi, I am glad to meet you! If you are free in the future, you can come often, but if you can bring a little gift to see us, we will definitely be happier! ’

  ‘That’s right! ’

'Anne, it’s the first time we met today. You don’t need to be so polite. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a gift, but next time you come, remember to bring me a piece of wheat flour. In fact, all of us like that. gift! ’

  ‘By the way, my name is Shefnian, so please give me more advice in the future? ’


  ‘Anne, right? My name is Dimit, and it’s the first time I come, if I don’t bring me gifts in the future, I won’t talk to you again! ’

Soon, the four little people in red, green, orange, and purple pajamas and nightcaps also came forward and greeted Annie in friendly, cold, or hostile tones. .



   "Hello everyone, yes, my name is Annie, Annie Hasta, I am glad to meet you..."


Unexpectedly, I encountered such a group of weird guys. Some people even opened their mouths and asked for gifts. Even those who did not directly ask for gifts hinted at something. Annie was scratching her head awkwardly. After finally having his turn to speak, he introduced himself and said hello with a smile.


Except for the little man in red, blue and dark blue, who still curiously gathered around her and looked at her, the other four little men who were slightly cold or hostile had already walked aside. , Busy with their own affairs, didn't even think about taking care of her, the guy who came to the door without gifts?


   "Annie, you don't need to worry about them, we know each other now, then, do you have anything to do when you come to our house?"

   "By the way, do you want a cup of hot tea first?"

   After introducing each other and getting to know each other, the little blue dwarf who had just stepped forward to greet Annie, that is, the dwarf named Akya, came up to him and raised his head curiously and asked.

Although a little girl did not bring a gift, since the other party is a newcomer in Ore Town, she may not really understand the rules of their dwarves, so he did not act too snobbishly and still warmly welcomed And receive each other.

   Of course, only this time, not as an example! If the other party came to visit their seven brothers next time and still did not bring any gifts, then he would not be as enthusiastic as he is now.

   "Hot tea?"


   "Stop it..."


   "It's like this... I came here today because there is a lot of work in the ranch, and one person can't do it alone, so I came here to ask you to work on the ranch because they said you can help."


   Although it may be a little embarrassing, in order to be able to rest for a few more days and reduce the rain for a few days, Annie directly stated her purpose for coming here.

   Moreover, she can also not need them to work in vain, she can provide them with food and housing and a certain amount of wages!


   "Sorry, I'm afraid it won't work now... I think if our relationship is a little better, maybe I can just go to the ranch and help you?"


   "Hey, there are still Schiff years in Zocak, are you interested?"

   It's okay not to ask Annie. When she asked, Akya, the little dwarf who had just been nice and charming, changed his face in an instant!

   Then, after directly rejecting Annie's invitation, he turned his head and asked with some embarrassment and scorn to the other two dwarf brothers next to him who were kind to Annie.

  ’! ! ’

'Do not! I will not help anyone who has not had a tea party with us, absolutely not! ’

  ‘I’m not going to work for someone who refuses to give Zocac gifts...’

  ‘Guri flute, how about you? ’

  ‘Let her go away! Guridi doesn't like her! ’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Bordeaux will not forgive those who prevent the tea party from being held, let alone those who want to use the dwarfs! Akya, you can just drive her away, Bordeaux doesn't want to see her again today! ’

   ‘Napi doesn’t like her too much...’

  ‘Until Dimit was given enough wheat flour, Dimit would definitely not help her, let her go back and reflect on it! ’

'let her go! ’


   Soon, Anne was a little surprised that she didn't mention that request. It was okay that she did not mention that request. When she asked, the little people directly clamored and said they wanted wheat flour or something?


   "Really, don't you just want a gift?"

  嘭! !

   "Here! There are ninety-nine servings of wheat flour here, which is enough for you seven small points. Now, tomorrow you can go to the ranch and help others with farm work, right?"

  Oo hum

   Maybe it's a bit of trouble, maybe it's a pity?

Anyway, when the little people finally stopped arguing and looked at herself with very unfriendly or helpless eyes, Annie was angry and moved directly from the storage box of her ranch house by magic. A full ninety-nine parts of wheat flour came, and then he threw the full ninety-nine parts of wheat flour into the middle of this little man’s hut, piled up like a hill, and made those white wheat flour. Dust fly everywhere?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Good, a lot of wheat flour...’

  ‘But, how can she do this? ’

  ‘That’s it! How rude, what do you think of our little people? ’

  ‘Get her out! ’

'Correct! Get out! But the wheat flour must be kept! ! ’

There is no doubt that Annie's attitude of directly driving the dwarves as toolmen or laborers and being very arrogant must have completely angered them, so they flashed the magical white light on their hands, Qi Qi Chao As Annie surrounded her, it seemed that she really wanted to use force to drive her out?

   Then, chaos and trampling caused more dry flour to splash out, so that the whole house began to be filled with mist like mist.



   "What are you guys doing, do you want to fight? People are not afraid of you!!"


Seeing the dwarves crowding up aggressively, Anne took two steps back, and she subconsciously caught a ball of fire. She was ready to follow the magic creatures who dared to rebel against her Queen Anne. A big battle?


She seems to have forgotten that the ninety-nine portions of wheat flour she threw out just now by UU Reading seems to have splashed out a lot, and there are still many boxes damaged in the chaos just now, plus this The space in the little man’s wooden house is not very large, so... the flour that is diffused has obviously reached a sufficient concentration, plus the big group of open flames directly caught by her messy little girl... …



   In an instant, Little Annie seemed to realize something was wrong, but it was still a little bit late?

   Boom! ! !

After the shock wave and firelight passed, a violent explosion sounded. As the white dust and firelight splashed, the whole little man’s wooden house was instantly blown to pieces, and then a thunderous sound and shadow spread far to the southern mineral town. past!

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Grandpa Mu Qi, there seems to be a loud noise from the mountains to the north. What is that? ’


  ‘It should be thunder, right? ’

  'Thunder? Is it going to rain? ’

'should be......'

  ‘Okay plum, let’s go back to our farm as soon as possible. The cattle and sheep in the family are still outside. Don’t let them get damaged by the rain! ’

'Ok! Ok! ’

Fortunately, it is a thunderstorm-prone summer. Although thunderstorms are rare in dry weather, it is not too unusual. Therefore, the residents of Ore Town are not too surprised by this, and they are still busy with their own lives. Things.


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