Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1266: |????) Confessional?

Originally, the seven dwarves living in the woods to the north of the church, their little humanoid creatures with magic, and their elves in the forest when the kappa and the goddess never liked to take the initiative to contact ordinary people. , It can be said that it is the existence with the highest force value among all the residents living in this mineral town.

In normal times, although they are very friendly and like to get along with people in peace, especially when they bring gifts, they can play with them, and they will not take the initiative to hurt people. However, most people in Ore Town are actually there. I know more or less that the dwarfs are elves with magic, and they must not be provoked easily. Otherwise, something terrible or unlucky will happen!

But today, a bad little girl not only provokes them, but also accidentally blows up the other party’s house and blows them up, and also does something terrible to them that is not known to outsiders. thing?

Specifically, the residents of Ore Town didn’t know what happened in the dense forest behind the church. Anyway, when Father Carter presided over the ceremony for some villagers who came to the church to pray in the morning and came out to the cemetery beside the church. When strolling around the flower garden, I finally saw a little guy who was arrogant and raised his head and came back from the woods. There seemed to be nothing wrong, just like a okay person.

   Therefore, he greeted him with surprise in surprise.


"I just wanted to tell you before. When you visit the dwarves, you must remember to bring seven gifts and give each of them one, otherwise they will be very difficult to get along with... how about these little guys, The elves in those forests didn't embarrass you too much, did they?"

Father Carter swears, in the name of God, he really wanted to remind the little girl in front of Anne about the gift seriously earlier, but unfortunately, the other party ran so fast that he didn’t even give it to him. Opportunities for explanation and explanation?

   So, now that the other party came back safely, and his expression seemed to be good, he didn't show any aggrieved appearance, he was relieved a little after asking. After all, those little elves have mixed reputation among the residents of Ore Town, and only some children are willing to come in contact with those quirky little elves who like to use terrible magic to trick and tease people, and like them Adults or slightly more sensible older children, it must be how far away those guys are.


   "Should be no?"


   In fact, at the beginning, there was indeed, those little ones really wanted to embarrass her Queen Anne! However, she turned to embarrass them later.

   Talking about Annie, she remembered those things that happened in the woods more than an hour ago...

When she was angry, she threw out a large amount of flour, that is, the wheat flour, and then accidentally blew the other party’s house. When she just flew from the chaotic ruins, she just volleyed and caught the fireball. Hovering majestic in the sky, waiting for the dwarves to counterattack, she unexpectedly discovered:

When the seven dwarfs crawled out of the ruins of the small wooden house covered with snow white and extremely embarrassed from the deflagration flour that was blown to pieces and then spilled with broken flour and debris everywhere, there was nothing at all. The meaning of rebellion, just like that?


  ‘Woo! it hurts! ’

  ‘Who has water, my eyes are all wheat flour, my eyes can’t see...’

   "Help, help..."

  ‘Oh my God, what is going on, our house is destroyed like this? ’

'What exactly is going on? ’

  ‘Napi, don’t ask me, I really don’t know...’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘She’s there, look, she seems to be able to fly and have that terrible explosion of flame magic! ’

  ‘Devil! ’

  ‘She is the devil! definitely is! ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘Akea, what are you going to do to fight her? ’

'Do not! Guri, I want to surrender...’


Then, when she thought those guys would fight back with anger, she unexpectedly discovered that after seeing her flying in the air with a simple levitating technique and holding a terrible fireball in her palm, their little things, those forests The little elves of China, while shouting that she is a devil monster, kneeled directly on the ground, expressing their surrender to her?

At last……

When Annie, who successfully declared the force of force, warned, comforted and encouraged them a little, she finally reaped seven free workers who were grateful and willing to go to the ranch to help her with her farm work unconditionally, that is, let the little people help her. Do the troublesome work of watering, weeding and harvesting, and the salary is still the one that she decides?


   "Aren't you embarrassed by them? That's great, I just kept worrying about you!"

   Seeing the naughty arc that the little girl's mouth could not help but bends up secretly, Father Carter knew that the other party must have had a good experience in the little man's wooden house, so he completely let go of his mind.


"Annie, didn’t you just say that you want to go to the church to do confession? If so, you can prepare now. You can go to Dart’s shop to eat something, and then come to the church to confess. Just stay in the room. I'll wait for you in the church."

   "Let's make a deal like this, see or leave?"

   After finishing talking, before Annie refused, Father Carter waved his hand and walked into the church. Because he now also needs to go to lunch, rest and recharge for a period of time, the afternoon is the time for repentance.



   "Has anyone said that before?"

   " seems...he really promised Carter to play the game called ‘confession’..."

Originally, Annie wanted to go directly to the ranch, and then take a good hot spring bath in her bathroom, and then take a nice nap...because she had just played with the seven little people in the woods. I had a fun flour explosion game, and then I always felt what flour particles still seemed to stick to my body?

   "Forget it!"


   "Since I accidentally agreed before, let's deal with him later!!!"

   After finishing talking, Annie walked straight out of the gate of the courtyard of the church and began to wander towards the main street south of Ore Town.

After all, it’s already afternoon, so Anne planned to have lunch with that Uncle Carter just said, that is, to have lunch in the shop of sister Lin and Uncle Dart, and then go to the flute. Drinking a glass of sweet and sour grape juice from the Keshu family’s vineyard, and finally going to the beach to have a big bowl of chilly shaved ice, then today’s lunch was so reluctantly mixed.



Annie always does what she thinks of, so when it was around two o’clock in the afternoon, she really slipped from the beach to the church with a glass bowl of shaved ice, and kicked the pair away. The door of the church, which is extremely sacred to others, walked into the church humming a song and paced to the confessional that looked like a small dark room.

At this time, the residents of Ore Town who came to the church to pray in the morning have already gone, and there is only one little brother named Cliff, who is said to have ran away from home and came to Ore Town. The guy who is still wandering around and has a somewhat inferior personality is just dozing on the rows of wooden chairs in the church and doing nothing.



   "That confession room that Uncle Carter talked about should be this, right?"

Anne ignored the awakening, and then was looking at her Cliff curiously. She was eating her own things while looking at the number plate on the door of the confessional. She blinked when she found that she did not go wrong. , Continued to hold her shaved ice and pushed the door and walked in towards the little black house.


'what happened? ’

  ‘Anne...the gods are watching you, say, what do you want to confess? Speak up, the gods will forgive you...’

   Just walked in and closed the door. Annie, who was looking around, seemed to hear it. It seemed that Uncle Carter's voice came from a small square hole in the wall? Moreover, on the other side of the cave, the place where the other party is hiding seems to have undergone special treatment, so there is always something weird to hear from her side?

   But no matter what the other party handles, it's useless. Anyway, Annie can tell right away that the other party is the priest, the Carter, no doubt!



   "Carter Shumiao, are you playing the game of pretending to be a **** while hiding on the other side?"

   Annie approached the entrance of the cave and squinted towards the other side, wanting to see what the Caterpillar who was hiding on the other side was doing.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Annie...I am now a god...Uh, no! I’m speaking to you on behalf of God. Go back to the chair and sit down. Also, please don’t eat when you are repenting. That would be disrespectful to God. Maybe God won’t forgive you...’

   found that after the actions of a certain wretched little girl, the hollow voice inevitably became a little confused and anxious.

"okay then……"

Seeing how interesting this game called confession seemed to be, Annie quickly sat back on the chair and wiped her mouth. She ate half of the cream and jam on the big bowl. The shaved ice, which was not very tasty, was left on the bottom layer and put aside.

'All right……'

  ‘Anne, come on, what do you want to confess? ’

  ‘Speak up, as long as it is something that makes you feel guilty, you can tell it here...’

   "Let's talk..."

   Seeing that the other party was still cooperating, Father Carter continued to use that hollow voice to faintly seduce him.



   "Well, Carter, I don't seem to have done anything particularly guilty..."

   Guilt or something, obviously does not exist!

   For the heartless Queen Anne, no matter what, as long as she did it, it must be correct. She said that the right is right, and it is not! So, things that make her feel guilty, it really doesn't exist at all!

   "At most..."

   "Maybe there are some things that people are not embarrassed to mention?"


   "That can be..."

  ‘Go ahead, Annie, speak boldly, and try to let the gods forgive you...’

   "It's okay to say it, but people won't let the **** of trouble to forgive!!"


  God or something, that kind of messy stuff still want to forgive her Queen Anne? He dared to come out and run to her to try, and see if she would just hit him full of money? !


  ‘Anne, let’s talk...what do you want to confess? ’

Obviously, Anne's words made Father Carter almost choked and didn't come up. However, he remembered what he was doing now, so he reluctantly resisted the preaching and planned to let the little girl finish the other party's confession. ?


   "Is it counted that people have not taken good care of their puppies and foals?"


Annie’s puppy, Tibbers, was transformed by a terrible shadow bear with transformation magic, so Annie didn’t even think about it in the past, even if it sometimes runs around the town in the middle of the night, it doesn’t even matter. She has never fed it...Of course, the little pony is the same. It was raised by her Tibbers, that is, the little milk dog. She hasn't even looked at it after so long. , I don't even know if he is dead.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘What is your own animal? ’

  ‘They give you the things you need, take care of the nursing home for you, carry heavy things for you, and bring you happiness. In order to thank them, you should take good care of them...’

  ‘Otherwise, with a master like you, those animals would be very pitiful...’


  ‘If you don’t correct, God cannot forgive you. He will punish you at some point! ’

   A certain ‘god’ Carter who finally found a chance, pretended to warn the little girl Annie in that very harsh tone.



   "People don't want His forgiveness, and he dared to come and see, it doesn't matter who punishes who then~!"


   As she said, Annie directly squeezed her small fist and threatened.

   Anyway, Annie has caught seven dwarfs as coolies today, and all seven have been caught anyway, so she doesn't mind to grab one or two more! If what Uncle Carter said is true, that would be great! Her Queen Anne would not attack ordinary people, but it didn't mean that she would not be soft to those guys with extraordinary powers, such as those gods or demons.


  ‘Annie, do you have anything else to confess? ’

The priest Carter, who found that he could not successfully scare a sad little girl, felt that it was necessary to continue to work harder, felt that today should be a little broken from the previous practice that a person can only confess once a day, and let the other party confess a few more times until he succeeds. Intimidate the opponent and let the opponent make corrections humbly?


   "Of course there is, for example: Does it seem that people are not very popular with certain people in the town?"

  I'm better with Annie in Ore Town, and there must be many people who like her. For example, young ladies such as Lynn, Karen, Mary, Ellie, and Burberry, they must be like Annie.

   But some people definitely don't like her very much, like that Uncle Zach, Police Officer Harris, Mayor Thomas, and Perbury's brother Rick, they definitely don't like her very much! There are many reasons for this. As far as Annie knows, that Uncle Zach is afraid of her, because every time the other party comes to her home to ship goods, he will always be injured, be hospitalized and ask for leave... But Harris is afraid that she will talk about him. Bad talk... The bad old man, Mayor Thomas, is still brooding about the horse racing... Rick's little four-eyed is because Annie gave him the nickname and ate his champion chicken?

   Anyway, it's probably that way.


  ‘You have to know, if there is no reason, the people in the town will not hate you for no reason. There must be a reason, right? ’

  ‘You put your hand on your chest, think about it, and if you think of the reason, then think about it. As long as you reflect on it, God will forgive you...’

To be honest, including Father Carter, he also doesn’t like Annie this little guy very much, because the other person is different from the others in Ore Town. The other person has been in the town for so long. This is the first time he has been in his church. Moreover, he is still reluctant to pray, and there is no confession at all!

   If it wasn't for the other party to be a little girl, he would have said something serious and severely reprimanded the other party.

   "People don't reflect on it!"


   "They hate them. What's the matter with others? Anyway, people don't like them too much, so let them continue to hate them!"

  Annico never expects everyone to like her, and those who have that kind of thinking must have a very abnormal mind! For example, Uncle Carter who pretends to be a ‘god’ talking to her, he naively wants her to work hard so that everyone likes her, is that a joke?


  ‘Say something else, Annie, what else do you need to confess? ’

   Carter is a little frustrated, but he hasn't given up yet, intending to continue the ‘struggle’ with the naughty little girl, Annie.

   "Of course there is!!"


   "That... people often bully small animals and roast them on fire. That should be considered a bad thing, right?"

   Annie thought of the creatures from the back mountains that she had captured and shipped, the monkeys, wild dogs, and foxes. Fortunately, Uncle Zach did not accept them at the time. Otherwise, they would definitely be caught by her and sold for money now? Of course, besides those there are more small animals who were caught and eaten by her... Thinking of that kind of thing, she was a little bit embarrassed!

   Of course, it's just a little bit embarrassing, and there are no more, and there shouldn't be any.

  ‘What, what? ! ’

  ‘Unexpectedly, Annie, you are such a person...’


'Humans are weak. Sometimes, people do save themselves by bullying animals that are weaker than themselves... But that's just a cowardly manifestation. If you don't realize it, you can never save yourself... '

  ‘Annie, if you make corrections sincerely, God will forgive you...’

   Father Carter, who wanted to reprimand Anne just now, suddenly remembered that the person in the confessional was just an eight-year-old girl, so after tangling a bit, he had to change his tone of speech halfway through.

"Not at all!"


   "People bully them not because they are weak, but because they are delicious!!!"


Annie suddenly remembered the champion chicken that was killed by her Tibbers. It was delicious... If she could do it again, she would definitely let her bear Tibbers bite again. The other party once!


  ‘Anne, you have sinned too much. There should be nothing else to confess today, right? ’

   To be honest, Father Carter felt a little tired, so he planned to end today's confession first, and wait until the next day to study the principles of persuading the stubborn little **** the opposite side, before continuing the confession ceremony today?

   "Wait! There's more!"

  ! o

   "Uncle Carter, people tell you that they like to sleep late, and they often sleep until the next afternoon, and then eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together!"


   Thinking of the recent fact that she was able to sleep in again, Annie couldn't mention how happy she was. There was no expression of remorse on her face.


  ‘The reason to sleep late is because you usually don’t pay attention to rest on time. ’

  ‘Because you sleep late, you may not be able to accomplish your own or what you promised others to do, and the work in the ranch will be delayed... The most annoying gods are people who have no sense of time. ’

  ‘So Annie, you better change it, otherwise the gods cannot forgive you, he will punish you at some point! ’

For the little girl in the confessional opposite, who likes to sleep late and often disappears in the afternoon, Carter has actually heard about it a long time ago. Therefore, seeing the rare opportunity now, he became energetic again and started a little Reprimanded the other party, ready to correct the bad habits of the other party.

   "People don't want to change!"

   "Besides, it's their own business for people to sleep in. What's the matter with your gods?"



  ‘Annie, do you have anything else to confess? If not...’

   If not, Carter is going to take a rest. He really can't stand the messy little girl opposite, because he can see that the other party is not sincere to confess at all, the other party is sincere to anger him.

   "Of course there is!"


  ’! ! ’

What is   '? ’

   "People often bully other bears!"

   "That's not good..."

  ‘Anne, it’s wrong to bully the little bear. Your little bear didn’t provoke you. Why would you bully him for no reason? Doing that will not only make you noble, it will also create a gap between you and your little bear, and even make your little bear hate you even more, hate you, until they leave you...’

  ‘By the way, your little bear is...’

   Carter suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to remember that there was an animal named ‘Bear’ or anyone else in the ranch of Annie’s house.

   "That's a puppet toy bear, it dare not leave!"

   Anyway, Annie is used to beating her bear bear, and bear has never dared to complain. She has always been in close contact with it, so that there will be no gaps!


   Carter was suddenly speechless, and he still felt exhausted...


  ! o

   "People just bullied the little people, they beat them up, burned their houses, and then forced them to work for them!"

   Speaking of this, Annie became energetic again, and she was ready to tell her about picking up the guys who were very rude and dared to openly ask her for gifts.

'Do not……'

  ‘Anne, please don’t come to the confessional to make jokes, no one can beat the dwarfs, because they can magic, even police officer Harris dare not provoke them! ’

   Obviously, Father Carter didn't believe Annie's words, so he just interrupted tiredly and suddenly.

   "But they really beat them!"


  ‘Say something else? Are there any more? It must be gone, right? ’

   Carter has slumped on the stool in the small house opposite. He feels that he is being mentally tortured by some evil little girl? Anyway, it was a terrible experience. He only felt that his soul was contaminated, that the whole person was not very good, and even felt that his **** was about to abandon him...


   "There are so many more!!"

As a result, Annie started to talk about the "good things" she had done in other worlds, and she was talking excitedly in the confessional, even the half bowl of shaved ice beside her melted into a bowl. Water does not know Two hours later...



  ∑? !

   "Uncle Carter, why did you suddenly come here, don't we continue to confess?!"


  Anni looked strangely at the square hole in the wall in front of her, and then at the priest Carter who opened the wooden door of the confessional with a dark face in front of her. She didn't know why her face turned so ugly.


   "Annie, your sins are so many that none of the gods I believe in can forgive you, so please come back another day..."

"Do not!"

   "It's better not to come again..."

   Obviously, Father Carter has had enough... He is almost tortured by the story-telling confession and all kinds of fallacies of the little girl in front of him! Anyway, he really never wanted to see each other in his church anymore.

   He felt that the little girl in front of him was hopeless and she had completely fallen into hell. His gods would definitely not be able to forgive her!



   "Huh! Don't come if you don't come, really, confession is no fun at all! Also, Uncle Carter, the **** your family believes in is a fake!"

  Oo hum!

   After finishing talking, Annie got up from her chair, not even the glass bowl of shaved ice that had turned into water, hummed coldly, and strode out from the pale-faced Uncle Carter.


   ask for all kinds of support

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