Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1268: (?ω?) The secrets of 2 little brothers and the most beautiful...

   Time flies quickly, half a month passed in the blink of an eye...

Annie’s ranch is currently in good condition. Various crops in summer, such as tomatoes, corn, onions, pumpkins, and pineapples, are being produced in batches. Even eggs, wool and milk have begun to be produced in small quantities. The ranch that Annie took over finally received unanimous praise from most of the residents of Ore Town!

Of course, it is actually all the credit of those little elves who work hard and bitterly. Anyway, Annie has generously handed over all the work to them, even hoeing and planting, so she trusts them to have full authority. Responsible, she must only go to eat, drink, play and wander around.

   Just like now, because of the hot weather, she inadvertently slipped to the beach...


  ! o

   "I came here again. It seems that it is because it is too hot, so my body instinctively wants to eat ice cream..."


   "Forget it! It's all here anyway, should I eat a little bit?"


   That's right, just a little bit, maybe a few big bowls? And Annie promised that she really didn't mean to come to the beach to find a cold drink to eat, she just wandered around, accidentally walked a little bit, and came here naturally.

"Is anyone here?"

  |˙˙) Hello?

Seeing that the door of the ice cream shop was half-hidden, Annie, who thought it was not open, quietly revealed half of her head and looked into the shop. Then she soon discovered that there were two younger brothers secretly inside. Talking about something.

  ‘Kay, are you ready? ’

'All right! ’

  ‘Then give me a taste. ’

'of course! You taste this first, and this...’

  ’! ! ’

   "It's so delicious..."

'is it? ’

  ‘I’m glad you can say that, Gray! ’

  ‘I am also very satisfied with your reception this time, Kay...’



   I don't know what the two of them are doing, and they also looked at each other affectionately. Anne, who hadn't noticed her arrival at all, thought about it, and walked in gently.

  Annie doesn’t care what they two guys are doing, because she seems to have heard it just now. They seem to be eating something delicious? If that was the case, since she met it, she would definitely not miss it easily!


   "Ah! It's Little Annie, are you here again? Welcome!"


   "Hi~! Hello Annie..."

   The two men who were secretly talking about something saw Annie strolling in with curiosity, they changed their faces quickly, and then they stepped back and greeted Annie.


   "What are you two guys doing hiding here secretly? And how come you are here, Brother Gray, and your face looks so strange?"



   "Huh? Is there anything strange about my face? No way?"

   Gray touched his face subconsciously, but he quickly recovered and retorted with some shame to the troublesome little girl in front of him:

   "Don't talk nonsense!"

   "Kay and I didn't hide here secretly. What did Kay tell me to taste his craftsmanship and try his new dishes so I came!"

   Fortunately, they really didn't do anything just now, otherwise, if they were hit by this unobstructed little girl and announced it, then they would be miserable!

   "That's right!"

   "I need to understand the tastes of other people in Mineral Town. It just so happens that I have a good relationship with Gray, so I don't know who I should ask for other than to trouble him."

   "I just asked him to try a lot of new dishes and I didn't want people to see it, so I kept the door behind, not as sneaky as you said!"

  Grey had just finished speaking, and Kai, the owner of Sea House, who was standing at the counter with a turban on his head, also hurriedly explained.

   "But Kay..."

   "To be honest, you guys deserve to be a professional shopkeeper. The craftsmanship is really superb. I like the new dishes just now. I don't care if I improve the taste a little bit lighter, I believe I will be able to sell them!"

   "Also, it's summer, everyone comes to the beach to play, if there is a barbecue, it will be better!"

"is it?"

   "Thank you Gray. With these words from you, I know that the research has not been in vain for a while, and I will work hard to improve it!"

   "Sure, Kay, you have to have confidence in yourself!"

   "Of course! I will."

   As they talked, the two seemed to have forgotten the existence of a little guy who was a little shorter than the counter, so they just talked and laughed loudly.


   "Hey! Are there really free new things to eat? Then, Brother Kai, take it out quickly, and I can help you taste it!"

   Annie understands it. Maybe it was this little brother Kaye who studied some new dishes or desserts, so that Gray came here to taste it?

However, Annie said that there is really no one in the whole Ore Town who has a better say in tasting food or something. Even the big mouth, sausage lips, and the foodie who looks like a pig has never eaten her. There are so many things, so it’s okay to find her for tasting!

   If she thinks it is delicious, then others will definitely think it is delicious, so there is no need to look for this little brother Gray who knows that he is unreliable by looking at it, just look for her Queen Anne.


   "That, that can't work!"

"Annie, I only invited Gray, but I didn’t say I would invite you! Moreover, I have already figured out your taste. You little guy likes to eat sweets. Even ice cream requires more jam and honey. You like it. Others may not like the taste."

For the little girl who has often come here to spend money to eat and drink since the beginning of summer, after the opening of her own "House of the Sea" shop, Kay has already figured out the other party’s taste, of course. He has the other party's wallet... Therefore, knowing that the other party's opinion cannot represent the entire Mineral Town, he never thought of asking the other party to help test the dishes.

   After all, the taste of a little girl is not representative of other adults in Mineral Town.


   "Little guy, your Tibbers...that puppy, didn't he come to me with you?"

Suddenly, Kay seemed to think of something important, so he hurriedly took a look out of the counter with some fear, and found that a certain little girl was indeed not following other things behind her, and indeed she did not send the other person’s house. After a terrible puppy was brought, he finally let go of his heart.

   That’s right, Kay really doesn’t like dogs, and even a little scared!

For Kay, who only came to Ore Town to do business in the summer, did not often appear in the local area, and did not often go out for wandering, to Ore Town, he was like a stranger, he must be unlikely to like it. dog's!

  Because, regardless of whose domestic dog is, they often chase him and yell and bark. Isn't that a good experience for him Kaye? So, even with him, he doesn't like dogs very much!

  Especially the little Annie’s dog Tibbers, who seems to be smarter and more ruthless than ordinary dogs! He still remembers the time a few days ago when he accidentally provoked it, and was chased by it for several streets with a few dogs. Finally, he had to explode the potential and quickly climb to a tree. After staying on it for a long time, he was finally rescued under the patrol officer Harris...


   "No, what are you looking for, do you need someone to call it now?"

   Annie didn't know if her Tibbers had any entanglements or feasts with this little brother Kaye in front of her, thinking that the other party liked her, she planned to whistle and summon her.


   "No, no! Annie, no! Don't~!!!"

  What a joke, the dog of Annie's house can barely relax if the dog is not here. If the other party often takes the dog to the beach to play and make noise in his shop like others, then he still wants to do business?

   "Then why do you ask it?"



   "It's very simple, because I'm afraid of it, I don't like all dogs, are you satisfied with that?"

  Kay replied with a little annoyance. Anyway, he was afraid of dogs and the fact that he was chased by dogs many times was not known to one or two people, so he didn't mind if such a little guy knew.

   "It turned out to be like this..."

   "You fellow, such a big man, you are still afraid of a little milk dog~!!!"


You know, Anne’s Tibbers is a little milky dog, and her strength is restricted by Anne. Compared with a normal puppy, it doesn’t have much more fierce and ruthless eyes except The difference, and now, such a strong-looking guy is afraid of her puppy?

   "Damn it!"

   "Isn't it normal to be afraid of dogs? What's so funny?!"

  Kay began to blow his nose and glared at the little girl, and faintly regretted telling him about his fear of dogs.

   "It's getting late..."

   "Kay, I must go back. If it's late, my grandfather will definitely be talking about me for a while. I must go back quickly and get ready to work."

   "Goodbye Annie, if you need to modify farm tools, you can come to the forge house to find me at any time, although I know, your ranch doesn't seem to need farm tools much?"

Gray knew that there were seven magical dwarfs in Anne’s ranch to help, so she didn’t seem to need her to work. He was very envious of this, but he didn’t dare to touch those magic dwarfs, so he just Just talk casually, and then prepare to bid farewell to Kay and leave.

   "Okay! Goodbye, Brother Gray~!"

  ヾ Bye~Bye~

   It doesn’t matter if the other party is gone, I don’t have to stay here to know that the chattering with that little brother Kay affects her Queen Anne’s purchase of shaved ice and cold drinks.


   "Wait! Gray, there will be an annual firework party on the beach tomorrow night. At that time, can I invite you to watch the firework together?"

   Before Gray was about to leave Sea House, Kay suddenly remembered something, and then ignoring to entertain a little guy, he hurriedly invited.

   "Ah! Tomorrow is the 24th of summer? I almost forgot..."

"But Kaye, don't you need to invite Perbury to watch it? I know, you like Perbury very much. She seems to have a good impression of you, and she also said that she wanted to live in the big city outside Ore Town... …"

Gray actually didn’t forget what day tomorrow was. He just hesitated and said that on purpose...because he planned to go to the library tomorrow, pretend to read books and then find an opportunity to invite Mary to watch the fireworks with him. I planned it, and didn't want to disrupt my long-awaited arrangement because of Kay.

   "Publey? Humph! What is good about women?"

"I won't invite her, and her brother Rick doesn't like me at all. He even came to my shop and warned me once. If I dare to invite her to the chicken farm, I guess he I will definitely release the dog or use the broom to drive me out..."

   Kay complained a little bit uncomfortably, but there was no good way, because he was not a native of Mineral Town, and as an outsider, sometimes he really couldn't fight against that Rick.

   "So, I thought about it, I think it's better to go to see the fireworks with Gray, and then come back to play video games all night long, you don't know, but I bought this year's latest shooting game cassette and tank battle!"

If it was before the kind of thing that Rick threatened him, Kaye might actually try to invite Burberry, but now, he thinks the game might be a little bit more fun than girls, and it’s fun and unnecessary. Think about so many troubles.

"This one……"

   "Well, then Kay, let's make it so!"

After thinking about it, Gray, who felt that Mary might not agree to her invitation, reluctantly accepted it after hesitating for a while. After all, the other party had just invited himself to eat. He was so soft-mouthed that he couldn't bear to watch the other party at the fireworks display. When I was alone... and suddenly he felt that if there is a new game cassette to play all night long, it seems that it is really more cost-effective than finding a girl to watch a beautiful fireworks?

After all, his grandfather Saibala usually has very strict requirements on him, and he never dared to play video games at home. Tomorrow night and the day after tomorrow are very rare holidays for him. He said he should take a good rest and indulge. Something.

'Great! So let's make it so? ’

'Ok! see you tomorrow night! ’

'Ok! See or leave! ’

'Ok! Then Kay, I'll go back to work first, I'll talk about something tomorrow night. ’

'it is good! ’

   Looking at the little brother Gray and the boss, little brother Kay, leaving the shop excitedly after talking, Annie approached the counter with some curiosity and asked:

   "Brother Kay..."


   "What is a fireworks display?"

Annie is not interested in the kind of backward cassette game that the other party said. On the contrary, she is very new to the fireworks show. Because Annie said that if she hadn’t heard the two guys in front of her today, she might have been true. Without knowing it at all!

"You do not know?"

   "No one will remind you this morning?"

Kay was a little surprised. It stands to reason that someone must have specially reminded that important day, and even if no one reminded or didn't touch it, he would leave a card in the mailbox, thinking about the importance of fireworks. How could no one remind this little guy?



   "I just woke up and I didn't see anyone going to the ranch to remind them of the fireworks display tomorrow..."

   Maybe someone has been there, maybe not, but in any case, Annie only knows that she hasn't met. Maybe those people can't wait to leave by themselves?


   "You never read your calendar or your mailbox?"

   Even if no one reminds him in person, Kay thinks someone should leave a letter to remind him. Of course, the specific date and time are clearly written on the calendar.

   "It's been a long time since I saw my calendar and mailbox..."


   The calendar at home, Annie, had seen it not long ago, but where did she remember when the fireworks display was held? Even after she woke up, she often couldn't remember the date of the day!

   For Annie, time and date have no meaning at all.

   As for the mailbox, let alone, it seems that since coming to this mineral town, she never remembered to open it, and never thought that someone would send her a letter or something.

   "Well then~!"

   "It's like this..."

   There is no way, Kay just needs to be patient and explain to the little guy in front of him about the fireworks show held on the beach on the 24th every summer.

In fact, it’s not too complicated. It’s just a routine show held by the merchants in the Ore Town and the wharf to attract tourists and solicit business on this empty seaside beach, using ships to launch fireworks into the sky. !

   Of course, in addition to the fireworks display and attracting customers, there is also some meaning of providing a place for young people in Ore Town to have a romantic date?


   "Ah! I see!"

Suddenly Kay exclaimed, because he seemed to know why no one had notified Annie...because the other party was just an eight-year-old girl, and he was still living alone in the town. In the southern ranch, if you come to watch the fireworks at night, you will definitely be late when you go back. Isn’t that obviously safe?

  Of course, Kaye thinks that the most important thing is the issue of age...

"what do you know?"

   Annie is a bit weird, I don't know what the other person is surprised by.

"Do not!"

"It's nothing……"

   "By the way, Annie, what do you want to eat when you come to me today?"

   Obviously, Kay didn't intend to explain to the other party something that the other party may not understand and is not suitable to understand, so he just changed the subject and asked the other party what he wanted.


   "First, give someone a pizza, a grilled corn, and then a big bowl of shaved ice. Remember to make the corn and pizza with the goods from their ranch!"


Although the things from my ranch are sold to the other party at a low price, it’s not very good for me to come here for a high price and then buy it back to eat, but Annie doesn’t care too much. After all, she doesn’t make that kind of delicious food now. What about? So, that's all there is to it.


   "No problem, but Annie, please come over there and wait at the table first, don't disturb me here, I can get it right for you soon!"


  ☆⌒vTHX!! Ask for tickets

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