Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1269: ?(⌒ω⌒)? Before the fireworks show

'what! ’

   ‘It’s really troublesome...’

  ‘The apples that were sorted by type just now were accidentally scattered...just by looking at the appearance, there is no way to distinguish the types...’

  ‘This is over! ’

  ‘But... Huo An, you can’t even tell you, right? ’

  ‘Speaking lightly! ’

  ‘Look, we removed the packaging just now for cleaning, and now they are mixed together again, they look exactly the same, how can I tell! ’

  ‘What should I do? ’

'I do not know……'

In the big house for warehousing, sales, and multi-occupancy at the seaside pier on the beach, the seaside merchant Huo An and the shipper Zach are squatting on the ground, falling to the ground for the pile and mixing together. Worried about the apple.

   Because those apples are not ordinary apples, they are the great ‘Super’ apples, ‘Hyper’ apples and ‘Angel’ apples. They are special apples with a retail price of 500G each! Usually, Huo An sells them by category after sorting them, but now... they seem to accidentally mix them together, and they can't distinguish them anymore.

  ‘Forget it! ’

  ‘Anyway, no one cares, and can’t recognize it, so just divide it casually. That's right, it should be like that, fast! Zach, I brought those packages, let’s pack them up before no outsiders are here! ’

'what? ’

  ‘But Huo An, it’s not good for us to do this, right? ’

  ‘What’s so bad about this? Anyway, they are all 500G, and I didn’t use those 50G ordinary apples to deceive people, and they can’t taste them, so let’s do it, unless you can help me distinguish them, or else...’

  ’! ? ’

At this time, the businessman Huo An and the ashamed shipper Zach packed up the special apples scattered on the ground and put them in the frame. They are classified randomly, and they are surprised to see:

I don’t know when, a little blond guy has actually come into their house, and he just followed her dog and stood behind them so well, and blinked his eyes and watched them do what they just did. all?

   "Ann, Annie?!"



   "You...what did you come in, when did you come in, and were you still standing there?"

   After swallowing hard, Huo An asked with a slightly embarrassed and sly smile.

He was not sure when the little girl came in, and he was not sure whether the other party had heard the conversations between him and Zac, and he was not sure whether she knew they were going to be mixed together, and even he was completely There is no way to distinguish the category of special apples to sell to others that harms goodwill, so now he is very nervous and a little frightened.


   "I actually came in early~!"


Today is the 24th of summer. Annie originally planned to come to the beach to participate in the fireworks display, which is said to be very fun, but she did not expect... It seems to be too early now. The sun hasn't set a bit. The beach is quiet here, there is nothing at all. who? So there was no way, she didn't plan to go back to her ranch to wait, so she had no choice but to come here to chat with Uncle Zach and the cunning businessman Huo Anshu.

   How could she accidentally let her see and hear the very interesting scene just now?



   "You shouldn't hear what we just said? That... I don't think you have time to hear, right?"

   Huo An hesitated for a moment, and then asked carefully with those words of anxiety and hope.

He only hoped that the other party had just come in, and had not heard the complete conversation between him and Zac before. Otherwise, once the other party passed out, his goodwill would be completely destroyed, and no one would want to buy him in the future. The family’s special apples, once those goods are in his hands, he will lose a lot!

   After talking, Huo An quickly looked at Zac on the side, hoping that the other party could confirm it for himself. He wanted to know when the little guy in front of him came in?


   However, Zach gave him a sorry look and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he himself did not know when the other party came in, and he was really helpless about what was happening.

   "No! I actually heard it!"

   "I just heard you and Uncle Zach say: Anyway, even you can't tell the apples, so you can just divide them and sell them, so..."

   "Huo Anshu, you are planning to use them to deceive people, right? If that's the case, people will definitely expose you!!!"

Annie remembered that last month and this month, she had bought two apples from the other side, and now I want to come, whether those two special apples are the kind that I want to buy, it is very likely that even the other side does not know Yes, that might be the other side talking nonsense, right?


   "Nothing, Ann, Annie, you must have heard it wrong, how could I, Huo An, do that kind of thing?"

   "I was joking with Zac just now!"

   "How can I not distinguish the categories of these apples? I have been selling them for a while, and no one understands them better than me, don't you?"


   Huo An laughed dryly, and racked his brains to start thinking of a way, and at the same time, he insisted on sophistry without admitting defeat, intending to confuse this matter.




   "This joke is really funny, then Huo Anshu, you won’t mind people telling this funny joke, right?"


   Is Queen Anne that stupid? The other party still wants to fool her when she hears the whole story? Therefore, she didn't go to argue with the other party, just smiled so cute and asked back.



"Tonight, the beach is going to be held here. There must be a lot of people here, and then people will run with sister Lin, Sister Mary, Sister Karen, Sister Ellie and Sister Perbury. What interesting things will happen to those young ladies who like to buy apples to eat?"

   Anyway, once I tell you what will happen, Annie can now imagine! At least, it will definitely cause some devastating blow and magical effect to this profiteer Huo Anshu's special apple business, right?



   Sure enough, after listening to Annie's words, the businessman Huo An's face instantly turned pale, and at the same time the cunning and treacherous smile on his face gradually collapsed.

He was not in a hurry to speak, and was thinking about the pros and cons of the little girl's words... Obviously, he knew what it would be like if the little girl in front of him did what she just said. The consequences, anyway, must not be what he wants to see.



   Annie didn't speak either, she just stood on the spot and looked at each other with a smile, waiting for the other's response. However, from the ugly expression of the other party, she knew that if the other party was smart enough, her goal would be achieved soon, and she shouldn't be allowed to wait too long.

"Alright alright!"


   "Little guy, this apple is for you, what you heard and saw just now, I don't want you to talk to anyone, do you understand?"

   No way, after looking at each other with the little girl Annie for a while, Huo An finally admitted. Because he felt that he himself could not bear the kind of heavy losses for him, especially the bad influence that might have on his goodwill! And once his goodwill was wiped out, then there was no need for him in this trader to stay here in Ore Town.

   "Only one..."

   After receiving the apple, Annie looked disgusted.

   "Huo Anshu, if there is only one, I can only guarantee that I won't talk nonsense tonight!"


  What a joke, a special apple wants to bribe her Queen Anne, how easy is she to send? Besides, she has eaten two of these kinds of apples, and now the other party is so stingy to give her one, how can she control her mouth when she is not full?


   "Okay, you're great! I'll give you one more now. Is this always okay?"

   The corners of his mouth twitched, and finally, Huo An had to take the pain and once again took out one of the apples that he had just picked up and stuffed it into the little girl's other hand.

Although he doesn't know whether it is a "Super" apple, a "Hyper" apple or an "Angel" apple, he only knows that their purchase prices are not low, and their retail prices have all reached a full 500G. , And two are also a lot of money for him.


   "Huo An Shu..."


Annie didn't speak, she first looked down at the two special apples in her hand, blinked, thought for a while, and stuffed them directly into the pockets of her skirt, and then smiled unceremoniously again. The other party stretched out her own two empty palms.


   "Little guy, don't go too far!"

   Huo An understood what the other party meant, and when he saw that the other party had taken two and was still not satisfied, and even wanted to take two more, he was directly frightened and exclaimed.


   "I said Annie, it's almost enough. Besides, you don't need money. You should still have more than one million G in your ranch account? If you want to eat, just buy it next time."

   At this time, the honest and honest shipper Zach on the side couldn't stand it anymore. He walked up to be the peacemaker and helped Huo An persuade.

If this kind of thing is replaced by his own, he would be satisfied with only one and promised to keep it secret. After all, those things that Huo An did are not too bad. The prices of those Apples are the same anyway, but the categories are different. , And their specific effects may not even be understood by Huo An himself, let alone the residents of Ore Town who bought them.

   "That won't work!"

   "He is a bad guy who only sells one kind of apple every month. Now that he has a chance, he has to get a few more!"

You know, Annie is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most disgusting kind of hunger marketing bad guys, look now, this guy obviously has so many spicy apples, why only on the 4th of every month Only when she came to sell, and only willing to sell one of her each time?

   So, now she has to take a few more, even if it is threatening!


"Huo Anshu, you must have done that kind of thing before, right? So, as a victim, as long as you give them two more apples, they will guarantee that they will not talk about this to anyone. If you dare not to be stingy... then they can't guarantee it~!"


That's right, Annie is now asking for compensation in the name of the victim. According to the principle of'fake one pay three', she once bought two special apples from the other party, but she has very reason to ask the other party to give her six. Yes, and now she only intends to ask for four, which is already discounted. The other party can't make money, or if she goes back, it will be something for him!


   Huo An was so angry that he was choked, and he didn't know what to say.

   "Okay! I'll give it to you!"

   "But you have to speak and count, you can't spread this thing!!"

After struggling for a while, I knew that there will be a fireworks show here at the beach pier today. Knowing that there will be a lot of people here, Huo An, who knows that a little guy can do something, finally weighed it. Later, he had to grit his teeth and reluctantly compromise, accepted the blackmail of the cunning little guy in front of him, grabbed the other two apples directly from the frame and stuffed them into the other's hands.

   "Of course it counts!"

   "Don't worry, Huo Anshu, people will definitely not tell you, whoever says that is a puppy~!!!"


   Seeing that the other party finally stopped being violent, Annie was also happy to give the other party a promise to ensure that the other party would not be confused about the classification of those apples, and that she might even sell it out. UU reading


   "Although your guarantee does not reassure me at all..."

   "But forget it!"

   "Little guy, I have to clean up here now. If you don't do business today, can you go out for a while?"

   Huo An, who was exhausted physically and mentally, didn't want to see the face of such a cunning little guy who had suffered a huge loss in front of him, so he spoke directly and planned to expel him very rudely.

   "No problem~!"

  "Goodbye Huo Anshu~! Goodbye Uncle Zach~!"

  ヾ Bye~Bye~

Annie has already come to the beach, so she will definitely not go back again, but given that there is still more than an hour before the fireworks show from 18 to 21 o'clock in the afternoon, she decided to come first while there is still time. The next door to the little brother Kai Yi’s Haizhi’s home to eat something, and even have dinner there, and then the fireworks show in the evening will have the strength to make a fuss?

   "Let's go, Tibbers!"


   "People will take you to the restaurant opened by the little brother Kaye next door for dinner, but you should not bully him! At least, you can't bully him until he is full!!!"


   After finishing speaking, the contented little Annie took her own little bear Tibbs with her own cubs, under the gaze of Uncle Zach who was dumbfounded and the troubled businessman Huo An, and went straight away...

  Ε=)) alas


  : Wow! Ticket request

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