Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1273: ??(??`?)??? I'm more nervous, I don't...

The one held at the Rose Square in Ore Town a few days ago was actually not very satisfying, because ah, due to the personal negligence of the mayor Thomas, there was a slight deviation in the ingredients of the cooking, which accidentally caused the ore. More than 80% of the residents in the town were poisoned collectively, so an originally good celebration had to die halfway, and many people also took a few days to rest in the hospital or their respective homes.

Fortunately, the problem is actually not very serious. Except for some individuals who had to be hospitalized for a short time due to dehydration, others were nothing more than acute gastroenteritis and diarrhea. They were sent by the mayor from Dr. Dort. After Thomas personally delivered the antidiarrheal medicine and condolences to the door, it was basically able to return to normal that night. It was nothing more than a slight weakness in the bottom plate, and there was no need to worry about any major problems.

   Then that matter just passed...

  Although, Mayor Thomas didn't mention a word about the cause of the accident, and blamed all the blame on himself. He also said that his own inspection was not strict or something? However, many people actually also know that the food on the menu, the "one pot stew in the town" caused problems for people to eat, it must be that someone put in something that shouldn't be put in, and that person Obviously, it is a certain tragic little girl who has repeatedly caused problems in Ore Town who is most suspicious!

Of course, that's just a guess. When Mayor Thomas didn't tell anyone the truth, most people would only think that there were too many and too mixed things that day, which caused the stomach and intestines to be unable to adapt. People didn't think too much about a certain substance, and there were very few people who guessed that it was because of a bad little girl who accidentally poisoned mushrooms.

   However, even if many people guess the cause of the matter, it is useless, because, ah, a bad little girl has not paid attention to that kind of thing at all!

   Isn't this?

On the 13th of the autumn, at 19:30 in the evening, after the sky was completely dark, the so-called heartless little Annie was so careless when others were still recovering the harm caused by the food on the 9th. Tibbs, the bear cub of her family, walked towards the back mountain of Ore Town step by step, and walked towards the top of the Notre Dame Mountain, pacing around, preparing to go to the festival that is said to be very important in Ore Town. The legendary——?


Tonight is actually not a suitable night for viewing the moon, because there are clouds in the sky, which causes the moon to appear and disappear from time to time... But Annie doesn’t care very much, because what she wants to see will not be the inexplicable one. moon.

   "No matter how dark the night is~ I will be out of sight~??!"


   "I am more nervous, I am not afraid of not afraid of spicy ~??!"


   If an ordinary little girl walks on the dark mountain road under such a hazy moon, then she must be scared to scream or turn around and run away!

Because when the adults in Ore Town scared children, they didn’t talk less about the ghosts and ghosts and the stories of kappa catching children to eat, so I replaced them with other kind of broken children at night. It must be a terrifying thing to come to the back mountain alone, and there is still a lake where the kappa lives in Our Lady Mountain!

   But, Annie, she is not an ordinary person, nor is she an ordinary person!

  Don't say it's the kind of fake boring kappa who eats children. Even if there are really cannibal monsters popping out, she won't take it to heart at all, and she may even rush to directly beat the other party?

So, when she strolled down the mountain trail with her own little bear Tibes, she was not afraid, but she still had time to sing some kind of occasion in her childish voice with a hint of sweetness. In which world is there a good song?

  Ε=)) alas


"Hey! Tibbers, tell me, the moon doesn't look the same everywhere, so why do they want to watch the moon on the top of the back mountain in Ore Town, instead of at Rose Square or that fun beach? Come on?"

   Annie actually knew from her calendar that she had it in Houshan today, not Mayor Thomas, Uncle Zach or anyone to inform her! However, what Annie didn't understand was: Why did those guys choose such a place that is far and difficult to walk, there is no street light and it is still dark, instead of a place that is closer?

If it’s not good to abandon the Rose Square or the beach, then it’s okay to go to her ranch... At that time, even those guys who are watching the moon while playing mischief, or picking the apples on her tree and ruining the field. The crops in the house, even the honey in her honeycomb, she would not care at all.

   Anyway, she couldn't figure it out, why did she come to the top of the mountain that is so high and far away without shit?


   "Don't tell me, Tibbers, if it's on a high mountain, from an astronomical point of view, the higher the altitude, the moon really looks a little bigger~?!"


"But that size is almost incomprehensible compared to the distance between the moon and the earth. Anyway, ordinary people on the earth cannot tell with the naked eye. They might as well just buy a pair of telescopes. Yeah!"

  Ε=)) alas

So, after discussing with her own little bear Tibbers for a while, Annie quickly came to a conclusion, that is: It’s really stupid for the people in Ore Town to hold it on the top of the mountain. There was absolutely no need for that. In addition to exercising and wasting time on the road, she really couldn't understand the special significance of running to the top of the mountain to see the moon!

Of course, it’s too late to say anything now. Anyway, she has come to the back mountain and is about to climb to the top. It’s no use thinking about that kind of thing... and since it’s all here, then she’s not going I always have to go shopping and see what kind of tricks those guys can do when they are hiding on the back mountain and holding the roar.


   "Ha! It's finally here..."




   "Strange...Why does it look so dark on the top? Even if there is no electricity so that there is no electric light, there should be a bonfire or something to meet a festive atmosphere, right?"

  ∑? !

Annie didn’t understand why it was so dark on the top of Notre Dame Mountain, and it was so quiet... But since it’s all here, she would never miss it, and she just strode along the dark-eyed mountain road. I ran forward, preparing to climb the last section, and then ran to the top of the mountain to see what the so-called is all about?



  Although the 13th in autumn is a good time to enjoy the moon as written on the calendar, after the night is completely dark, when the moon is looming in the clouds, the top of the mountain behind Ore Town is not too bright.

   Anyway, when Annie finally climbed to the top of the mountain, she only found out: It is really black and black here, let alone people, there are not even dead or ghosts!





   "Damn it! There is no one...Tibbers, is this because people have arrived early? Or is it because they remember the date wrong?"

After reconfirming, and discovering that there is indeed no one on the top of the Notre Dame Mountain, Little Annie turned her head and asked Tibbers, the little milk dog with the old **** who had been following herself. And became suspicious.



"It was clearly stated on the calendar that it was 18 o'clock this afternoon, and two days ago, people heard that Perbury and Karen were still in the hot spring secretly talking about tonight's affairs, and they did not listen to any of them. The conference was cancelled or postponed..."

   Annie is sure that she remembered the date correctly, so thinking about it, she couldn't help getting a little angry and annoyed.

Originally, she thought that there are a lot of people here, there are bonfires, barbecues or other delicious things, and then everyone can climb up here, sing and dance, eat together, and watch the moon in the sky together. After playing around in the middle of the night, I didn't want to go home and find my mother or something... But how can I think that there is no one here now, how is this possible?


  !? ?

   "Who is behind?!"


Soon, before Annie was tangled up with annoyance and madness, she heard the sound of messy feet on the trail behind her, and then the noise of frolicking, making her subconsciously think that she dare to just She really came early or something.

  'Hey?! ’

  ‘Look at it, I know that guy Annie will come, right? Now that you have lost, remember to go to Lin's shop tomorrow and invite me to have a big meal and wine! ’

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘Really, that little guy, her curiosity doesn’t seem to be that heavy...’

  ‘Hey~! ’

  ‘I also thought she would definitely not come, just like the bullfighting festival, the cockfighting festival, and the concert? ’

  ‘That’s because her chickens and cows couldn’t compete at that time, so she didn’t go. The concert was because she hated Father Carter and her curiosity was not light at all! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Karen and Populi, go up quickly, don’t be in charge here! ! ’

'Hey? Mary, don’t push, it’s dangerous here...’

  ‘Hi~! Annie~?’


Soon, with the appearance of Karen, Lynn, Mary, Elle, and Populi and other women, they began to be so unscrupulous not to sleep on a big night on the top of Mount Notre Dame, which is so dark and windy for such a month. The little girl who wanted to come to the top of the mountain to join the non-existent ridiculed and ridiculed, and at the same time explained the related matters to an annoyed little guy, which completely shattered the other party’s assumptions There may be bonfires, food, singing and dancing, and unrealistic fantasies that are noisy!

  Because, there has never been such a thing~!


  ! o

   "What? It means that?!!!"


   "Then why don't you tell them earlier!!"

Knowing that the so-called was originally a festival dedicated to some bad guys who didn't learn well and came here in the middle of the night to talk about love to do some shameful things, Annie became so angry that she was so angry that she laughed at the young ladies who still had a face. Angrily said.


  ‘Little guy, you can’t blame us! It was Karen who said that he was going to bet together, and then we lay in ambush by the lake, and then we really saw you coming...’

  ‘It seems that our little Annie has grown up! But who did you invite to watch the moon together? ’

  ‘I’m afraid that nobody invited and came alone, right? ’

  ‘Don’t ask, Karen, I know she must have been invited! ’

   "It's so pitiful..."

  ‘But it doesn’t matter, Annie is at least accompanied by her dog, right? ’

  'Hey~?! ’



   "You bad guys, shut up!!"


When Annie was so angry that she rushed at the bad guys who were still laughing at her, intending to let the five of them know how powerful she is as a rancher who has eaten countless'fruits of power', suddenly, another burst The sound of footsteps stopped the frolicking between them.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Who is there? ’

At this time, after the footsteps, the voice of an energetic man sounded, and the frightened everyone was quiet in an instant... Soon, a beam of light lit up on the top of Notre Dame Mountain, and then patrolled. After a while, it was photographed on the six people gathered together, including Annie, Karen and Populi.

'what! ’

  ‘It turns out that it’s you guys...hurry up and go back, because of the matter, didn’t the mayor say that you don’t recommend that you young people come here to watch the moon at night? ’

'Well? ’

  ‘Anne, why are you here as a little guy? You are still so young, what kind of moon, who lied to you? ’

   Seeing the existence of Little Annie, Officer Harris was also a little puzzled.

'All right! Go back soon, it might rain tonight, I will stay there for a while, if no one comes, I will go back too! ’

However, he didn’t ask much in the end, only after looking at the moon in the sky that was hidden from time to time under the clouds, he didn’t sleep at night for the group in front of him, and the mayor Thomas clearly said that it is not recommended to watch the moon this year. Several people who came to the top of the mountain blamed and urged.



   "I don't care about you!!!"


   Where can Annie who is angry? So, it seemed that there was really no fun here, and after she seemed to be a joke by accident, she turned around angrily and walked down the mountain.

'Hey! ’

  ‘Annie, wait for us first! ’

  ‘Don’t run so fast, we just said, go to your ranch to squeeze your big bed tonight! ’

  ‘Don’t worry, we won’t laugh at you at night! Really! ’

  ‘At most...just smile a little bit? ’



  ‘Karen! Lynn! You guys are waiting for me, UU reading, don’t be so fast! ’

  ‘Publey, don’t run, don’t leave me alone! ’

   "Wait for me..."

'what! ’

  ‘My glasses dropped! ! ’

  ‘Mary? Hurry up, be careful that the kappa will turn you into the lake to be your wife~?! ’

'what! You, wait for me...’



'Ah! ’

  ‘These little girls are really...’

Standing on the top of the mountain, they used the flashlights in their hands to illuminate the mountain road for a while, until they staggered back and forth to the bottom of the mountain and disappeared, then police officer Harris turned off the flashlights and put away their hands. Beam of light.

  ‘The moonlight is so good tonight! ’


  ‘I don’t know how Aszo is, is she also looking at the moon in the sky? There should be no one beside her, right? ’


I watched the moon alone on the top of Mount Everest at the back of Ore Town, and finally found that no one was touching the police officer Harris in the dark, he sighed, turned on the flashlight in his hand again and started walking down the mountain .

   He, in the end, still failed to make up his mind whether to write to Dirk’s daughter Aszo and confess to her...Although, he is not young anymore, and Aszo is the same?


  !!!!=?????? How about the tickets? ?

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