Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1274: (· ̄?? ̄?·)??°You asked others...

   The sky was already bright, and the morning sun shining in from the window obliquely shone Anne's house and the big bed she was curling up red.

  ‘Wow~! ’

  ‘Wow! Wang~! ! ’

  : Wang!


   It didn't take long for Little Annie to be awakened by the noise outside the house.

Because, she seemed to have heard some movement outside the door early in the morning, and then there was the sound of her disobedient little bear Tibbers barking outside the door. If it weren’t for itching and beating, it’s very Maybe something happened outside or someone came to play in her ranch very uninterestingly early in the morning?

   Of course, there may be some hateful young ladies who come to visit and want her to go to the hot spring together early in the morning.

   "Really, yesterday I helped Uncle Dick and his family to collect the last batch of grapes, but they even disliked that they had eaten too much, and they didn't pay the wages..."


   "It's so annoying, I should have eaten more if I knew it!"

Annie remembered yesterday that she took a group of dwarves to help Dixon’s vineyard and was deducted from their wages... Although she did not do anything at the time, she was still watching, and it may indeed be. Eat a little bit too much, but Annie can guarantee that those little people have been working very hard and finished their work very early, so it is very wrong for them not to pay the wages in the end. It is very immoral and must be condemned by her!

  ‘Wow! Wang~! ’

  : Wang!

   "Damn it!!"

The barking of dogs continued to be heard outside the window, which made the little Annie who originally wanted to sit on the bed confused for a while, or simply lie back and sleep back and forth, instantly became angry, and she jumped out of the bed in her pajamas. After coming down, I plan to find some nasty stupid dog trouble.

   "Tibbers, you want to die..."




   "You are... you are like the granddaughter of the old man Mucci, that Mei?!"

  ∑ ̄●)



   After knowing that a certain stupid dog didn't seem to be barking, Annie put off her thoughts of beating the other person, and then curiously asked May, the little girl standing outside her house:

   "Mei...Is there anything important for you to come here so early? If you want to find Sister Annie to help your house, it will be avoided, because they will definitely reject you!"


   "If your grandfather broke his arm or leg or something, you can go to Ellie Sister or Doctor Dot, you must have come here in the wrong place!!!"

   After experiencing the daily ‘part-time job’ of Uncle Dick’s house, Annie no longer wants to work for others. Anyway, whether it’s caring for animals or harvesting crops, she doesn’t go, saying nothing! Regarding this point, she felt that it was necessary to explain to the other party in advance that the other party who was born would cry or something because she herself was very busy and really had no time to do anything else.


   "Miss Annie, my grandfather is very good... and my grandfather can finish the farm work on my farm in half a day. I don't need to ask you to help..."

   Although I don't know why the Miss Anne in front of me suddenly said that to her, Mei still blinked and answered inexplicably.

"Oh okay……"

"Then what are you doing here today? You are not here specifically to play with Tibbers, are you? May's family have to warn you that you have to be careful of the dog, it can be broken, don't be fooled by its appearance Now, maybe it thinks how to eat you!"


Annie is obviously still very dissatisfied with her Tibbers barking her to get up for an outsider and for a little girl, so she bitterly pointed at its dog's nose and was stunned by her. Mei's exhorted.

After all, she's not talking nonsense. If it weren't for her omnipotent Queen Anne restraint, it would have been Karen, Lynn, Mary, Ellie, and Burberry, plus the cute and weak May in front of them. Time to be eaten by it!

   "It is definitely necessary to play, but sister Annie, there are more important things today~!"

   looked at the small milk dog squatting next to him. Mei first touched its head before showing a big smile and said:

   "Today is the Pumpkin Festival!"

   "Sister Annie, you must give children delicious biscuits or desserts during the Pumpkin Festival, so please, please hurry up and bring me those delicious things!"

   "This is the tradition of Ore Town~"

   After speaking, Mei stretched out her hand to Annie very rudely, and then motioned to the other party to quickly take out the delicious biscuits or dessert.


  ! o

   "Is there such a festival?"


   Annie said it was incredible, because she seemed to have no impression at all, and no one had ever told her about it.

   "Of course there is!"

   "Today is the last day of autumn, and the 30th of each autumn is the Pumpkin Festival. Sister Annie, you can't fool me, please get me cookies!"

  Mei thought that the stingy Miss Anne in front of her was trying to hide something delicious for herself, so she bit her lip in grievance, and she was about to cry ‘Wow’.


   "That... wait a minute, I'll get it!!"


  嘭! !

After finishing talking, Annie turned around and closed the door with a bang, and then instantly changed her red dress with magic, she walked to the calendar so quickly, and she saw it. The date of the '30th' above was circled with a red circle and marked:

   Autumn 30th,?


  Ε=)) alas


Soon, Annie opened the door with a smile on her face, walked to Mei, who was looking forward to it, and after taking a look at a dog eating inside and out beside him, she stretched out her hand fiercely. Two large pieces of chocolate were taken out of his pocket.

   "There are no biscuits and desserts, but there are two big pieces of chocolate, do you want?"


Annie squinted and put two plates of chocolate, the kind bought in the grocery store, which can be eaten directly, or used to make biscuits, desserts or dishes, and stuffed into the hands of the little girl Mei, and Squinted proudly at a certain stupid dog.

   Dogs can’t eat chocolate, so Annie is not at all reconciled that Mei will feed her with chocolate later. After seeing it, will she dare to bring outsiders to make her sleep?


   "Chocolate is also possible, thank you sister Annie! Goodbye!"

Chocolate can be taken away and eaten slowly, and it is also easy to preserve. If it is other desserts, it must be eaten on the spot. The difference between the two can be easily distinguished by Mei, so she took the two After the big piece of chocolate, he jogged away happily, ready to make the autumn wind of the next house.

   After all, although Ore Town is very small, there are many households. As long as she walks around one by one, she will have snacks for many days in the future.



   There is such a holiday... but fortunately, Annie thinks that it is good to be sent away with just two chocolates. If it is her, how could she leave without a good meal?

  ‘Sister Annie! Sister Annie! ’

  ‘Huh! call! ’

  ‘Today...Today is the Pumpkin Festival~! ’

   At this time, without waiting for Annie to turn back, another child ran out of the gate of the ranch out of breath, and ran to Annie without any kind of courtesy before extending his hands directly.

  Obviously, the person here is another little boy from Ore Town, that is, the younger brother of Ali's family, that Xiongziyou!


No way. Seeing that the other party went straight to the subject without any explanation, Annie opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, and once again took out two large plates of chocolate from her pocket and handed it to the other party's hand. on.


   "Sure enough, what Mei said, thank you sister Annie!"

   After finishing speaking, a little boy who had been prepared just turned around excitedly and left.

Obviously, he must have met the little girl, Mei, who had just left, and seemed to know what Annie would give him. That's why he ran over so impatiently, even panting. That degree?

   "The kids in Ore Town seem to be just those two..."

After thinking about it, when Annie thought that there seemed to be no younger children besides Yu and Mei in Ore Town, and felt that no one would come to the ranch to ask for pumpkin festival biscuits, and she was about to turn around and go back, suddenly, A familiar voice called her. .


   "Haha! Annie, today is the Pumpkin Festival. It is really unfair that only the dwarf can eat delicious things, so Populi is also coming to you for cookies~!"

   "Also, it can't be something like chocolate to fool kids~"

   That's right, the guy who called Annie and ran to the front of Annie's house shamelessly to beg for dessert is the bad woman from the chicken farm next door to Annie's-Populi!



   "Publey? Mei and You are children, so they can ask for something, but you are..."

   However, Annie didn't pay attention to the other party's request. Instead, she raised her head in confusion and asked this shameless, taller guy who dared to ask for something to eat.

   "Because Populi is an older child, I also want candy or snacks!"

   "Please take it out quickly~!"

   "Remember. It can't be something like chocolate that fools children, you have to make it yourself to be sincere, and be quicker, otherwise, they won't leave today."

   After blinking playfully at Annie, Perbury stood with his hands so stubborn, and stood still in front of the door, signaling that some sluggish little girl could come in and make desserts for her now.



   How can you be like this...

   thought that this was also the tradition of the pumpkin festival in Ore Town. After tangled up a bit, Annie finally had to turn around and return to the house honestly, and then took out a pot of grilled meatball skewers after a bit of mashing.

Those are moon-viewing balls, which Ms. Mary taught her. Just use the meatball powder purchased from the grocery store, add sugar, water and a little wheat flour, mix well, and then knead it into a dough and bake it in the oven for ten minutes. Now, you can add some things you like, such as honey or other things. Anyway, it's very simple.


   "It's moon-viewing balls, thank you!"

"Eh? Strange... Annie, you seem to have added other things besides honey... This is a mushroom? No! This is... This is matsutake? But, Annie... Why do you have so many matsutake, Have you put so many films?!"

   Eating and eating, Populi was shocked by the humility and generosity of a certain little girl!

Because she discovered that the moon-viewing **** she was eating had a full matsutake silk mixed on top of it, which made her only feel that it had a unique rich fragrance, and that unique taste and taste, She would definitely not admit it wrong.

   "Because there are still a lot of them in the refrigerator..."


"But actually, Perbury, you may not know it? The church of Father Carter's house, that is, the wooden door next to the piano in the church that leads to the backyard of the church... There is a backyard near the lake. There are many mushrooms and matsutake mushrooms in a clearing area! Every day, people can pick a lot of matsutake mushrooms there. Carter thought he didn't know it!"

   It is very rare. For the first time, Annie told an outsider the secret of Father Carter that she accidentally discovered, and told the story of the Matsutake mushrooms there.

Now that autumn is going to pass, she has picked a lot, plus she has gotten a lot of horses in the previous autumn races, so now those things are no longer rare. This is why she just made moon watching balls. The reason why expensive matsutake is added humanely.


   "Behind the church, are there really so many?"

   Populi was taken aback, and it seemed a little unbelievable for a while?

   "There is so much spicy there!"

   "Then Annie, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

   Thinking that he might have missed countless delicious matsutake mushrooms, Burberry suddenly felt that the moon-viewing **** that he was chewing in his mouth were not very fragrant.

   "But you didn't ask either..."


   "Damn it!"

   "Today is the 30th in the fall, and I don’t know if there is any if I go to pick it now. People thought that you bought the matsutake from Mayor Thomas with a medal from the fall horse racing a few days ago!"

   When I remembered the time when the horse race was in the autumn the other day, Mayor Thomas was surrounded by a group of people with medals and exchanged for various valuables, and Perbury felt a little amused.

  Because, thanks to Annie's ‘Leading by Example’ role, many people in Ore Town have failed to learn, such as Uncle Dart and Uncle Dick? They also bought out all the players, just like Annie, and bought 99 more. After three games, they earned the same medal as a little girl. It is said that they also made a lot of money. ?

It’s a pity that Perbury doesn’t have the financial resources to do that kind of thing, she just changed to a beautiful dress, and it’s said that Mayor Thomas decided to reform the horse racing rules next spring to eliminate it. Some opportunistic guys?

   But that kind of thing is not important now, because Perbury obviously cares more about the Matsutake production area behind the church!

"some days ago?"

   "A few days ago, people mainly changed the kind of delicious power fruit. Although the matsutake has also been changed a little, there is enough for others to eat?"


   "I'm afraid it won't work today, it's the 30th..."

   "It seems that I can only wait for next year..."

  Pubuli sighed sadly, and didn't care what Annie said.

   "Of course it will be possible next year!"

"But then you'd better go around the path in the Dwarf Woods, because that sly Father Carter will definitely not open the wooden door for you. He just wants to swallow the mushrooms, even though it is clearly not his family of!"



   "Annie, I'm taking this down now. Next year... If I'm still here in Mineral Town next year, I promise to pick it up!"

   The thought of a sly priest who had secretly enjoyed the mushroom production area for many years, and deceived them for so long, Perbury felt a little bit cruel.

   "Are you there next year?"


   "Sister Populi, why do you say that?"


Annie didn’t understand why the other party said that, because in her opinion, Populi and the others must have been living here in Ore Town, and they won’t be able to pick it up this year and go again next year. Why do they still say "if" What about it?


   "Anyway... it's something for adults anyway, don't ask your children too much!"

  Pubuli's face suddenly reddened, as if he was a little angry and unwilling to tell the truth to Annie.

   "Are you an adult?"

  ! o

   "But, you guy just said that you are a big kid, so you have to come and ask for dessert!!"

   Annie remembers that when the other party just asked for something, she said she was an older child, but now she dared to turn her face and say she was an adult after eating. It was so cunning!


"That one……"

   "Before I ate dessert, I was really an older child, and of course I am an adult after eating it!"

  Pubuli began to entangle herself, seemingly reluctant to explain to Annie the specific meaning of the sentence she just said.


   "Alright, little guy, don't be too stingy. Anyway, you have eaten and you can't vomit it out, so just let it go. Bye, I'm going back!"

   "It's a big deal...I will ask you to eat eggs someday~?"

   Biting her finger, Perbury gave a compromise compensation plan, and that was the only thing she could tell, after all, she wasn't as embarrassed as a little guy.

   "Eating eggs every day makes me greasy and crooked, and there are eggs in my ranch!"

   "Ah! That's right!"

   "Then don't send it out for now. I can just save a little bit and ship it to Zac. Think of a way to save more private money as soon as possible?"

   nodded, Populi said that since Annie’s ranch also raises chickens and produces eggs, it is indeed not a good idea for her to ask the other party to eat hot spring eggs.

   "Perbury, people suddenly want to eat champion chicken..."


   Eggs or something, Annie said that she was really tired of eating. When her house was renovated and expanded, she didn't eat less every morning when she went to the hot springs! However, if it was a champion chicken, she would definitely not dislike it. After all, she really missed the taste, and she hadn't tasted it for a long time.

   just right, now the champion chicken of the Perbury family has been raised for a while, if the other party is willing, even if she spends money to buy it, even if it is ten times, she is very happy!


"The weather is really good today. Goodbye Annie. I will go back first. The weather is starting to get cold. It seems that it will start to snow for the winter tomorrow. You must remember to prepare your chickens, cows and sheep for the winter. Forage~!!!"

   "If there is no income from the ranch, you can mine, anyway, you have a lot of energy, but..."

   "Forget it! You little guy is so rich and so lazy, surely not going to mine, or don't you tell me those things?"

   After reminding the other party these few sentences, Perbury turned and left contentedly, because she was originally here to remind the other party to pay attention to the wintering of the herdsmen, and to eat and drink was only incidental.

As for mining, she didn’t expect too much from each other, because there are not many people in Ore Town who are willing to mine...that is not only unsafe, but also painful and tiring...think about it. There are almost no people in their families in Ore Town. Think about things where many people's parents are absent, such as Yu and Mei...Pubuli suddenly became a little depressed and sighed leisurely.

Mayor Thomas said that at the beginning, their ore town was said to have been developed by mining, but at the same time they almost destroyed the entire ore town because of mining, leaving many people torn apart...After all, mining and commerce are too dangerous, and Mine disasters are even more common. Once a person falls in the mine, it is very likely that no one is found! Perhaps, that is the reason why their mines in Ore Town are gradually being abandoned, and only Grandpa Sebala of the Forge House occasionally digs a little as material, right?


   "I'm not ready!"


   "From tomorrow, UU reading will eat chickens, cows and sheep every day, and they will rely on eating them for the winter, so they won't prepare any fodder!"

  Oo hum!

   Annie decided that when they are all eaten, winter will just pass, and the ones that can't be eaten will be sold. It should be just right.

"and many more……"


"Since today is the pumpkin festival, those children can come here to find food, even the fake child of Perbury... Then why can't people go to someone else's house to find food? And, it's true. He's a real kid!!!"


   "That's right, it's so decided!!"


   "Tibbers, come hurry up, they will take you to get the autumn breeze on the last day of the discount, and eat for nothing!!!"


After that, Annie hurriedly closed the door of her house, and then greeted a certain stupid dog and ran into the town with a roar. She planned to follow the example of others. Scholars You and Mei are the same as the previous Burberry and go to the autumn wind to find a good one. Go for something to eat!

   Besides, there is no need to pay at all, and there is no need to worry about the kind that the other party dares to refuse! !

   "Let's go! Tibbs, let's learn from those little kids now, and eat the big ones! People who don't give good food will not leave!"



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