Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1275: ⊙?⊙‖? °How cold is winter??

:(), the "Pumpkin Festival" on the 30th in the Fall of Ore Town is a very friendly festival for all children. Of course, it is also a lively and exciting day for Annie.

Because, on that day, she could go to "begging" house by house like other children?


Yes, it means "begging for dinner", which means almost like that...

Anyway, on that day, she was able to be like a normal kid in Ore Town (although there were only three children in Ore Town...), she kicked the door openly and ate a lot of freshly made delicious food. After the dim sum or the unpalatable dim sum, autumn passed in the blink of an eye, and then came the last season of the 120-day year in Ore Town-the 30-day winter.

For Annie, the arrival of winter in this world is just as abrupt as other seasons. Originally, the first day was still autumn, but it was just after 00:00 in the morning, and there was a heavy snowfall in the sky outside. The north wind began to scream fiercely, and when she got up the next day, all she saw was the icy, white, icy world with thick snow?

Then, all the crops in her pasture that had not had time to harvest, including pastures, were all covered with snow...

And the semi-automatic hot spring irrigation system that was invented and designed by her and Uncle Gotz was responsible for the hands-on construction was directly frozen into a lump of ice, and the positions of the bamboo pipes that were dripping water were all covered with crystal ice ridges. , They look like ice crystal wicker, reflecting the colorful light under the sunlight, they look exceptionally beautiful and are amazed and sought after by the people of Mineral Town who are idle in winter, as if they have already been regarded as A wonder in Ore Town?

So naturally, Anne’s ranch became a place for the residents and children of Ore Town to frolic and play in winter, and she was finally forced to get up early every day again, with Karen, Lynn, Mary, Perbury and Ellie and others continued their daily routines in the spring, which is the kind of things like running to take refuge in hot springs early in the morning and frolicking without shame.

For example, today, this is the tenth day after the beginning of winter, and in the morning of this day, Anne ran into Karen, Lynn, Mary, Ellie, and Populi in the hot springs of Ore Town for the first time. These five people! So, after the tumult, she was just like them, soaked in the misty hot springs, where you can’t see the human face from a few meters away, enjoying the cold world of ice and snow. A rare warmth.



Soaking in the hot springs in this cold winter is a very comfortable thing. Anyway, Annie feels that compared to the place where people ran to play, watch the ice, build snowmen and fight snowballs on her ranch that day, the hot springs are more comfortable. It's much warmer and quieter, because few people want to go all the way to the back mountain in the wind and snow, and not everyone is willing or free to soak in the hot springs early in the morning.

Although Anne herself is not afraid of cold, she is not afraid of flames, but if she can soak in a warm hot spring, she will definitely not go to the icy cold outside, into that kind of ice and snow world. Jumpy.


"Little guy, what are you doing these days? In the first few days of winter, we hadn't seen you go out... But if you didn't follow us to get up early and come here to soak in the hot springs in the next few days, We don’t even know how you’re doing recently!"

After soaking for a while, when all the girls' faces were flushed by the warm hot springs, Karen stood up suddenly, completely ignoring the faintly exposed Miaoman body in the mist, and walked directly to it. Annie sat next to the warm pebble under the spring water, let the spring water soak her smooth shoulders again, and asked curiously next to Annie's shoulders.

They have known for a long time that because it has been sunny recently and almost every day, people ran to Anne’s ranch to play, and from time to time people even took pictures of her house and wanted to visit or drink a cup of hot tea, which made her unable to sleep well. I felt that I had to get up early and run to the hot spring to accompany them again, but apart from that, how this little guy spends the winter at home on weekdays, they don't know.

"What else, just like that~!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"After waking up, I stayed by the fireplace every day, except for adding some firewood to the fireplace from time to time, then watching the boring TV in the warm house, drinking hot chocolate, and then trying to make something delicious for myself. Besides, there seems to be nothing else to do..."


After spreading her hands, Annie said that the winter in this mineral town is not fun at all. Every day, she ate and sleep, slept, and occasionally bullied Tibbers. There was really nothing else she had done. It's the kind of happy day like a rotten house.

"Fortunately, there is Tibbers at home who can talk and do some cooking, otherwise they will be boring!!"


Yes, just play!

During this boring time, it is rare that Anne learned some simple dishes based on the unintelligible books Mary provided her, such as rice balls, roast chicken, porridge, udon, moon-viewing balls, curry Udon, chocolate udon, ordinary udon, mushroom rice, curry bread, toast, apple sauce, apple burn, pickled radish, fruit juice, vegetable juice, curry rice and miso soup, etc., she is about to be given boring days Forced to become a chef!

So, she has been thinking recently, if there are no fun things or big festivals in Ore Town in winter, maybe she should almost leave this world and go shopping in other worlds, and she will do it again when she is free or when she thinks of it. Come back to this interesting, paradise-like mineral town and her ranch?

Of course, it doesn't matter if there are any of these acquaintances when she comes back, or that the ranch is not hers.


She hasn't finally made up her mind yet, so she hasn't talked to the young ladies who are playing well in front of her, and she hasn't figured out when to say goodbye to them or tell them something.


"It turned out to be like that, Annie, you are so happy, don't you have to go to work?"

Mary asked strangely, she couldn't imagine how the ranch would become so relaxed in the hands of this little guy.


"What does she do? Mary, you don't know, but there are a group of slave-like dwarfs in her family. She is a wicked slave owner, and she doesn't know what she did to them, making them so obedient. , And she went to the ranch to help on time at six o'clock every morning, rain or shine, and then she was busy until five o'clock in the afternoon to leave, not to mention how relaxed she was!"

‘That’s it!’

"I have to deliver goods to the store every day. Although the seeds of winter crops are not sold, it is easier to sell some daily groceries. Sometimes I have to go door-to-door in the snow. That’s true. Quite annoying..."

"Huh! Karen, this is pretty good!"

"Compared to her or you, I'm so busy! Winter is the busiest time in the bar. When I go back to the hot spring every day, I will be called by my father Dart to entertain those who spend the whole day in the bar. Guests and wiping the tables that will never be clean, sometimes they help to cook, and when I lie down on the bed at the end of the day, I’m so tired that I don’t want to move my fingers.’

"So miserable?"

"is not it!"


"What about you, Ellie?"


"I'm okay... Except for occasional colds in winter, the hospital is quite idle. Dort is working on a new potion. Apart from cleaning and serving tea and water every day, I seem to have nothing to do. made."

"Mary, how about you?"

"The same is true for me. The library is warm when the door is closed. I read books and write about mine every day. I'm currently writing a book about the Adventures of the Puppy Back Mountain about Tibbers. I think, that It will definitely be welcomed."

"Tibbers? Are you writing it?!"

The girls first glanced at a certain puppy who was napping on the hot stones of the hot spring, and then all looked at Mary with incredible eyes.


"Forget it, Mary, you don't know, it is as lazy as its little owner, no one will like it!"

"That's right, Mary, you might as well write about me!"



"Publey, you haven't talked about you yet!"

"Me? I'm almost the same as everyone else, I'm also very busy in winter..."

"Every day after I go home from the hot spring, I have to feed my brother with my brother, because you all know that my mother is in poor health and can't do much heavy work, and my dad has not come back since going out to find medicine for my mother. Worry, if I leave Ore Town, what should my mother do, my brother doesn't know if he can be busy alone?"


"I'm probably only coming back in summer. Maybe that's why my brother doesn't like Kay a little bit? He doesn't want me to go to the outside city. He is afraid that I will be the same as my father and will never come back... …"

In this way, several people chatted about trivial things while soaking in the hot springs. After each talked about some of their troubles, Perbury talked leisurely and bowed his head, apparently struggling with some kind of lethargy. She has been very upset recently.


"No way, Burberry, have you and Kaye both developed to that level? Did he propose to you?!"


"Publey, tell us about it?"

"Huh? Say it!"

Hearing what Perbury said, Karen, Allie, Lynn and Mary looked at each other in amazement, and then they gathered around the woman with the big ass, and asked in a tweet, obviously gossip. The soul is burning?



Little Annie, who thought it was something interesting, saw several people behaving like this, and curiously swam directly towards them with a dog-climbing style.



(And Tibbers, who was brought to the hot spring by his own little owner, still lay softly on the pebbles beside the warm hot spring and dozed off. He didn't mind the smooth female humans, and didn't go to see more... …Because it knows that its uncle Xiong’s self-control is not too strong, it can’t guarantee that if it sees too much, it will suddenly pounce on it at some point, and then bite off a few pieces of white tenderness from those hateful female humans. The delicious meat comes down and eats it directly in the hot spring?)


"You guys don't make trouble! I said, I said it's not enough?"

"That one……"

"In fact, it's nothing, but I think Kay is pretty good, so I am going to write back and agree to be his girlfriend! However, he said he wanted to invite me to a big city outside and see his parents , But I haven't made a decision yet!"

"It's Karen, how about you? My brother Karen specially took a bottle of my father's wine to make an appointment with you last time. Then he came back late that day. Are you about to become my sister-in-law? "

"If you get married soon, I can definitely go with Kay to see the outside world with confidence!"

Seeing that everyone seemed to have the intention of breaking the casserole and asking the end, in order to divert the firepower, the somewhat embarrassed Populi hurriedly turned everyone's attention to Karen.


"I don't know... Anyway, Populi, your brother is too staid, and the amount of alcohol is too low. I was drunk on the ground after two drinks that night, so I'm thinking... It's still early, these two years Let’s do that first~!"

After thinking about it for a while, Karen, who was sitting in the hot spring with her white arms and holding her bulging chest to prevent it from running out, first hesitated for a while, and then boldly and coolly gave Burberry a good and not bad. news.

Of course, it is possible that she has recognized Rick, but because of her arrogant attributes, she is still hesitating?

‘Nah, how about you? How are you and Cliff going? ’


‘Where is there any progress? Cliff has been wandering around, and seems to have run away from home, and he refuses to talk about the situation in his own home, coupled with his low self-esteem, his father has always disliked him a little bit, although he did not explicitly object to him, but neither Just support...'


'That's really a problem, Lynn, you should listen to me before. Before Annie came to Ore Town, you should ask Cliff to take over the ranch. If there is a farm, there may not be so much trouble at this time. Up. ’

‘I persuaded him, but you don’t know his temperament. You always say that he doesn’t manage the pasture well and he still refuses to take over. He just knows to hide in the church...’

‘Forget it!’

‘Don’t talk about him, how about you Mary? Gray still goes to read a book every day... Oh no, does he go to see you every day? ’

"You misunderstood, Gray really likes to read..."

‘Hey! Isn’t that possible? ’

‘We heard him talking, what’s that name... Thinking of it, it seems that there is Yan Ruyu in the book and little Mary in the book? ’

‘? ? ’

‘Mary, what are you doing with your head down, you say!’


"Oh! Lyn, don’t ask, Mary is embarrassed! It’s Ellie, we all know that you have liked Doctor Duo for a long time, and you are so good-matched, tired of working together every day, and have the same hobbies. Has he not confessed to you yet? ’



‘Then you should take the initiative!’

‘I have! I really thought about it, and I hinted at him many times, but he has always regarded me as a friend. What a dull dumb guy...’


‘Allie, you should listen to me. To deal with that kind of wooden head, you should find a chance to get him drunk, and then just do it directly!’


‘Karen! You, what are you talking about? See if I won’t tear your stinky mouth!!’


Soon, in the hot spring next to the never-freezing waterfall pool of the Goddess Houshan in Ore Town, such a group of big girls joked together again.





Looking at the people chasing each other in the hot spring pool, Annie didn't understand them a little bit, but she also vaguely knew that those things were not something children like her should participate in, and she didn't want to participate, so...

"That one……"

☆? (o?ω?)?

"Sister Karen, Sister Ellie, Sister Lin, Sister Mary, and Sister Populi. Today they suddenly felt that it was time to leave Ore Town! Maybe they will leave tomorrow~?!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Speaking of it, Annie has been in this mineral town for almost a year (the year here is 120 days), so she has basically eaten those delicious things, and some too troublesome things are done by herself. When she is too lazy to study and fidget, obviously there is no much use for her to stay, especially when it is particularly boring here in winter and there are no fun programs yet?

Although it’s strange to watch the sunrise and Qiao Mai’s noodles at the New Year’s Eve party on the 30th of winter, it’s not worth making Annie look forward to it and stay until the end of the year. Therefore, at this time, look at these young ladies After we frolicked and explained their messy troubles, Annie suddenly felt that it was time for her to leave.



"Annie, you, do you want to leave Mineral Town? Where are you going?"

"Which wild man wanted to hook you up?"

"Bah! Karen, what are you talking about, how old is Annie?"


"Hey! Annie, are you saying that you are going home?"


"But does Annie still have a home?"

"Yeah! Karen, why are you hitting me?"

"Pubuli, aren’t you talking nonsense? Of course Annie has a family. She is not from our mineral town... But I thought Annie would stay here forever. You have all seen it, although she has some Lazy, but the ranch is still well run..."

"Sorry, Annie, I was actually praising you just now, really!"

During the argument, when she saw a little girl bathing in a hot spring, her complexion seemed a little unpleasant. Karen, who felt that she had just said something wrong, quickly stood up and planned to explain a little bit.



"Seriously, don't ask. Anyway, they might really be leaving tomorrow!"


"At that time, I will write to Zac and ask him to give you all the money he can't spend in his account. There should be a lot of money left? (One or two million g is still there), which ranch family Maybe you can't take care of it anymore, when Lin, you can go ask that Cliff to take over!"




Annie suddenly remembered an important thing.

"Pubuli, when people were bored a few days ago, they accidentally made a weird thing. It seems to be called'super grass'. Anyway, it is still in the refrigerator. You can take it tomorrow. Show Dr. Dort, that stuff should be helpful to your mother's illness!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie is sure of this!

Because it was not made when she was cooking at all, but she made it out of thin air based on the rules of the world and Perbury’s mother’s illness. It must be very useful, provided that...the Doctor Dot Not the case of a quack?

"Anyway, I was very happy during the time I was playing with you~! Moreover, this seems to be the only place where people haven't encountered that kind of fight, I really like you here!"


If you think about it, it is true that Annie has never used her hands in this world, at most it is a little mischief...Of course, the dwarves must not be counted, because Annie has not beaten them at all, she just accidentally detonated the flour Suspended particles, and then scared those guys to surrender directly. How did she know how timid they were?


‘Annie, are you really leaving? ’


‘Oh! Don’t be sad. Annie has been in Ore Town for so long. Isn’t it normal to go back? Maybe, her parents are already very worried about her!’

'makes sense……'

‘But it’s really sudden to think about it, it’s more frustrating than Populi leaving Mineral Town to elope with a wild man!’


‘Karen, what are you talking about, I eloped with a wild man there? ’

‘Ah! I didn’t say anything!!’

‘Just say it, stop! Don’t run!’



‘But Annie... There are some things you have to talk to Mayor Thomas, but you can’t just leave like this!’


‘Hey! Why don’t we ask for leave together today, go to Annie’s house for a whole day, and then squeeze that big bed with her at night? ’

'good idea!'

‘Hmm! I agree! I can do it and make a lot of delicious food for everyone, for our Annie, for this little guy!’

‘I agree too!’

‘I can go to Dik’s house and buy a lot of Let’s have a good time together!’

'it is good!'

‘I...I can contribute my family’s champion chicken, I know, Annie has long wanted to eat it, but I have to catch it secretly. If my brother sees it, I’ll die!’


‘Then I’m going to ask Dr. Dort for leave now? There are no patients in the hospital today, I think it should be fine. ’

‘It’s definitely okay. Don’t worry, Ellie, Dot dare not agree to Karen and beat him for you!’

'what? please do not……'

‘Okay, hurry up! Hurry up!’


Soon, after a while, maybe it was reluctant, maybe it was a little sad, or some other reason? Anyway, after Karen, Ellie, and Lin and others had a discussion, they all roared and laughed, and they were surrounded by a little girl who wanted to say something but couldn't put her mouth in to the side of the hot spring. Go, while preparing to dress, then go to the big house on Annie's ranch and make a big fuss!

As for whether Annie really wants to leave tomorrow, they don't want to think about the sad things, everything, then wait until tomorrow to talk about it?


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Seeing those sleek female humans quickly put on their clothes and clustered around the house, the messy little owner in a blue and white snow skirt rushed out of the hot spring hut, Tibbers, who was forgotten by everyone, was first After sighing, he had to slowly climb up from the warm stone, and began to step away from its small arms and legs, and chased up to the six people in the distance...)


?. ?(ˊΩˋ)??. Ask for everything. ?(ˊΩˋ)??.

?The relaxing mineral town is over. Volume 48 will be opened tomorrow?

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