Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1282: (lll?ω?) God? You are scolding people...


Just saw the cruel hand of the scum on the little girl Annie. Although Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but exclaimed directly, all he could do was exclaim and remind him. He didn't dare to rashly. Rush down.

After all, he himself knew that that little girl was not an ordinary little girl, she should have some means of self-protection, if only a few scum and that slashing attack method, it should not be difficult to get her Therefore, he just put more attention and computing power on the body of Wang Huaye, who is said to have regained the throne.

He knew that, now, that Hua Ye, who was so careless and indifferent, was the key!

If they can’t defeat that powerful and terrifying guy, or can’t hold the opponent for a long enough time, then they are really bad luck this time, and they may even be so tired that they are adventuring to come to support. Their queen Yan and other female angels?

‘! ! ’

‘? ! ’

'how come……'

‘? ? ’

But soon, although he didn't think that the scum could easily deal with that little guy, the response of the other party still made Ge Xiaolun and Zhixin and the male scums feel astonished, because something unbelievable happened to them. Up:

Just now, the leading male scum walked step by step toward their coercion on the steps, and with a single sword, he slashed towards the neck of the little girl who was blocking their way. If the little girl can’t hide Avoiding and not defending, the sharp dagger hit the little guy’s neck with a muffled sound like touching a metal plate, and quickly broke from the middle. , And Broken Blade was still spinning, and instantly flew high and plunged into the floor where Tianzhao Wang Huaye was, really frightening everyone in the room?



Do you really dare to chop? !

Annie didn’t speak, she just took a look at the scumbag who had actually dared to kill herself just now with her half-squinted, talking eyes, and she didn’t hide her at all. There was a dangerous atmosphere brewing in his eyes.

‘! ! ’


‘Quick, rewind! ’

'Be careful! That little thing seems weird! ! ’

Then soon, the few male scum who wanted to step forward to clean up important targets such as Ge Xiaolun and Zhixin were still smart. Seeing that they were in a bad situation, they did not continue to try to attack and did not wait for Xiao Annie. Instead, with a violent wave of his wings, he immediately retreated like a rush, and returned to the side of the angel Wang Huaye, and locked the little figure standing in front of the steps with a suspicious look.

'what? ! ’


‘Attention all units! Don't attack for now! ’

'repeat! ’

‘Don’t attack for now! Keep on guard! ’

At this time, the black-clad soldiers who just almost couldn't help launching a saturation attack on the scums also heard the anger of one of their officers in the channel, causing them to involuntarily move their index finger from the trigger of the energy gun. Let go and straighten the front, re-enter the standby state, and want to see, in what direction will the situation develop?

Especially, what kind of reaction will the little girl who is not afraid of being cut by the enemy? It would be best if the other party can help, anyway, they don't expect the backward weapons in their hands to hurt those powerful and frenzied scum.



Ge Xiaolun also looked at the female angel Zhixin in shock, but they did not rush to comment or say anything about it. They just continued to look at the one below with incredulous eyes and seemed to become a little angry. The little guy whose little hand started to clenched his fists.

To be honest, just now they thought that the other party would counterattack or use that kind of wormhole carrying ability to evade, but how could they have thought that the other party stood still in place, and was able to withstand the blow of the scum leader. Didn't suffer any harm, even broke the opponent's weapon directly?


'Ah! interesting! ’

At this moment, Lian Feng, the female officer of Nuo Xing, who was still cold and felt that today might be too bad, even if she could escape her life, she would pay a heavy price. Suddenly, she grinned and hugged her arm, Rao Ready to watch the development of the situation with interest, and plan to take a good look. What kind of skills does the little girl Annie under the steps have?

in case……

If the other party is really as powerful as she said three days ago, and there is a lot of power as a backing, then maybe the other party will become a powerful boost for them and the earth? Of course, she doesn't know if it will be like that for the time being, but she believes that they will see the result soon.

She will look forward to this very much!



The head of the Heavenly Scum Group, King Hua Ye was also a little bit astonished.

However, he quickly recovered and didn't say much. Instead, he first glanced at the little girl in front of him, then directly stretched out his hand and inserted it in front of him, which shocked him. , Even the blade of the broken sword that was almost inserted into the sole of his foot was sucked into his hand and carefully observed.


"Tsk tusk! Look at this gap, it turned out that it was broken directly, not by any other method..."

Hua Ye saw that there was a small gap in the fracture of the blade. It could only be caused by a huge force hitting an absolutely hard object. It was not as he had just imagined, it was the weird one. Little girl or someone else used some defensive means to cause it.

"This stuff..."

"Although the workmanship is rough, it is also a sacred martial I am curious, this cute little, who are you and which **** are you?"

Killing Shenwu is different from ordinary weapons. Its principle is to study the level of anti-dark matter to produce a huge anti-dark singularity effect. This effect is even more dangerous than nuclear fusion. Its power is not only in destruction, but more The point is that energy is devoured infinitely, and delta radiation is produced.

And now, it's okay for the opponent to be chopped unsuspectingly like that, how can he not be worried? You know, even if it was replaced by his angel Wang Huaye himself, he would definitely not dare to take it just that moment without defending himself.

"Say it!"

"Which **** are you?"

Kang Dang~!

He threw the broken sword in his hand onto the huge and flat square of Sky Blade Seven, and let it fall on the rocky floor with a crashing sound. Then the angel Wang Huaye hugged himself. With his arms, he carefully looked up and down again for the one standing in front of the steps not far in front, wearing a red dress, carrying a plush bear in his hand, with beautiful blond hair, blue eyes and delicate skin The weird little girl asked cautiously.

Counting it all, Hua Ye hasn’t dared to come out for more than 10,000 years, and now he has finally regained his throne and recalled countless male angels to rebuild the glory of the heavenly palace, but now it’s good, he will touch him as soon as he goes out. When he came to such a weird little guy who couldn't understand it, couldn't understand it by analysis, and couldn't cut it with the Killing Shenwu, he must be careful and vigilant.



"People don't like to be a god, bad guy Shu, you just cursed people, right?"


Annie can say very responsibly: Queen Anne did not like her for a long time, and she was unwilling to be boring for others to treat her as a fairy! And she really didn't understand, what's so good about that kind of gods and ghosts, why do these indigenous people like to call themselves gods?

Anyway, in Annie's view, the other party just took her for granted as the kind of influx of gods or something, that is, they are cursing her in a different way! Because, it is impossible for her Queen Anne to have been around for so long, or something that didn't fall into the eyes of her, even her own little bear Tibbers was a little despised!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"It turns out that it's not a god... that's much easier, just tell me! Who are you... and who are you?!"

Because there was no Summarie by his side, and there was no dead ghost Ruoning who would advise him again, the angel Wang Huaye, who didn't know who the little girl in front of him was, was still a little worried.

For him, who was once defeated by a group of women and overthrew his rule, the reason why he dared to challenge the Merlot Court and **** his throne was to confirm that the divine Keisha was indeed by Carl and Liangbing. Dare to take action until after the team is killed! And now, there is such a little girl in front of him who is not afraid of being chopped off by the gods, how could he not be more cautious?

Because the other party is a little girl, and the little girl is also a woman, he was defeated by a woman before King Hua Ye, and now once again encounters a weird little woman that he can't see through, the shadow in his heart He couldn't help whispering again.

"Who is it and what does it matter to you?"


Annie was just chopped off by them for no reason. According to her prudent temperament, how could she talk to each other well now?

"People don't like you bad guys called Tianzhu!"


"and so……"

What? What?

"I plan to let you have fun with my little bear!!"


Annie didn't answer the other party's question, and when everyone felt that she was about to turn her face and attack her, her original murderous words suddenly changed, and she was talking so cute and cute.

‘? ? ’



On the steps, Ge Xiaolun, Zhixin Lianfeng and others suddenly looked at each other at a loss, wondering what the little girl underneath was going to do.

But they did not intend to intervene. After all, the other party is wasting time, and that was originally what they were going to do. If the other party can toss for a while and persist until their help arrives, maybe this time the hurdle will pass. maybe?

"Little Bear?"

"Huh! Little guy, who is your little bear?!"

Although I think this little guy in front of me may not be simple, no matter how much Hua Ye is scared by the other party, he does not intend to stop here, otherwise, his throne of the king of angels does not need to continue. Sit down.



"You must have never seen other bears, have you?"




"Come out, Tibbers, kill them for me!!"


While she was talking, Annie suddenly turned her face directly, and then a stuffed bear was thrown towards the scum on the front with a flame!

Then, when it was still in the air, it suddenly burned under the eyes of everyone's astonishment and swelled and enlarged rapidly. Finally, under the incredible gazes of Hua Ye and the scum around him, his eyes and The flames and red light on the mouth fell from the sky, and he sat down towards them with a butt! !

"What kind of play is this...!!!"


and many more……

Suddenly, his heart was horrified. Before the angel king Hua Ye just wanted to wave his palm to fly away from him, he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, as if he had sensed something?


not good! !


Realizing that the situation seemed a bit wrong, he didn't give a voice to remind the scum subordinates who were standing still and preparing to fight back without fear, but he selfishly took the lead in a violent retreat. Before everyone reacted, they dangerously avoided the bombardment of the huge flame bear.


??????: Wow~!

(Finding that an important person ran away first. No way, Tibbers had to growl in annoyance, and instead stretched out his bear claws towards a little master who had just even his house. The guy who dared to chop caught it.)

Boom~! ! !



After the flames and air waves exploded and shook, whether it was Ge Xiaolun and Zhixin and others on the steps, or the black armored soldiers surrounding here, or the scum Wang Huaye who retreated violently and those who were lucky not to be sat down. The scum who arrived, saw in disbelief:

At that moment, there were three scum that were directly squashed by the opponent in the raging molten pit, and the number of scum who was injured by the shock or the flames was as many as ten. One!

What made them even more shocked was...

The giant flame bear, who didn't know what it was, had a scum in its paws. It was the one who had just attacked the little girl!

‘Uh~! ! ’

‘What kind of monster is this! Let go of me! ! ’

‘Uh wow! ! ! ’

At this time, he was firmly grasped by it in the terrifying bear claws that were still burning with blazing flames, and while he was slashing the broken sword and continuously stabbing and cutting the body of the giant flame bear , UU Reading www.'s thing seemed to be completely indifferent. It broke his wings arbitrarily under everyone's gaze, and then in his screaming scream, a paw slammed his head. Unscrew it.


Then, with a wave of its hand, it threw the burned and broken corpse on the ground beside the square, and let the flame on its body gradually burn the headless corpse little by little...



(Interestingly, after avenging his wicked little master on the spot, Tibbers slowly turned around, opened his hideous mouth with a grin, and used it at the same time. The horrible eyes burning with fiery flames firmly locked on a certain scum group leader who was staring at it with unbelievable gazes in astonishment, and the scum around him who were also a little surprised.)


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