Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1283: ?(?`?′)?? Tibbers, give me a bite...

‘! ! ’

‘! ? ’


Seeing that the terrifying ferocious giant bear burning with dark red flames instantly killed a few of its own people and looked at them and others, including the scum Wang Huaye and others, in shock, they couldn't help but subconsciously. He flapped the white angel wings behind them, and then slowly lifted into the air and flew a little further away from the opponent.

It wasn't until they were sure that the giant flame bear did not seem to be flying, and they did not try to attack them with other long-range attack methods, they stopped in a little shock.


"What the **** is that? You, you are talking about you, give it to me, hurry up and chop it down!!"

Although he didn't know what that huge flame bear was, but at this moment, Hua Ye, who realized that he was so scared and flew into the air subconsciously, started to feel a little bit annoyed after he recovered. Therefore, he felt himself After being severely provoked by the majesty of the'king', he gritted his teeth and waved his hand bitterly, indicating that the few scum who had already put out the flames on his body who were also flying by his side would come forward and test for him first. The power of that giant flame bear.

"go with!"

"If you can't kill it, don't come back!"

And as to whether they would die again under the claws of the fierce flame bear like those guys just now, then he couldn’t control it, and he didn’t even care about them. The life and death of people do not take such small things to heart.

After all, there are many, many, many, many, many men under his King Hua Ye. At least there may be hundreds of thousands of male angels, so as long as he is okay, he will be fine, and no matter how many male angels are killed or injured here today, he won’t. Take it to heart or mind too much.

'Yes! ’

‘You guys come with me! Don't worry, it has no wings and should not be able to fly! ’

‘But, my lord, what about that little girl? ’

'she was? ’


'Humph! ’

‘I’m going to stare at that little **** with the two of them first, and the four of you will besiege the bear first, and chop it up for me as soon as possible! ’

'it is good! ’

'Yes! Yes! ’

Soon, the few scums who were ordered to deal with the giant flame bear only briefly discussed a few sentences and completed the relevant tactical arrangements, and then they were divided into two in the sky, directly divided into two groups. He swooped up at the little girl and the shadow flame bear on the ground.

‘! ! ’

'not good! ’

‘Attention everyone! Let's go help now...! ! ’

At this time, seeing that the enemy was planning to besiege the little guy Annie, Ge Xiaolun would definitely not let them bully the less if they didn't say anything!

Therefore, he directly grabbed the big sword in his hand and was ready to rush up to help and at the same time call out the other black armored soldiers to do it together. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the little guy to show off, see if he can resist those scums against the sky blade. Offense on the 7th?


Before he could start to act and issue orders, he found that he was first stopped by Lian Feng, the leader of the Nuo Star?

‘? ? ’

‘Head, head? ’

"You are..."

Ge Xiaolun is a bit unclear. So, I don’t know why the other party stopped him at this time, because now the scums have surrounded the little guy Annie and the giant flame bear. If they don’t take action anymore, they continue to watch. If that is the case, wait until that little guy is knocked down later, then it's their turn to be knocked down!

And once the Sky Blade VII is destroyed or occupied by the scum, the line of defense of the Chiwu star system and the earth can almost be declared to have fallen. That is no joke!

'Ah! ’

‘Don’t worry, Xiaolun, haven’t you noticed...she doesn’t seem to worry at all now, and she has always been confident? ’

The female officer Lian Feng didn't explain much, but with a smile on her mouth, she looked at the little girl under the steps, who was not scared or nervous even though she was surrounded by enemies! And the attitude and performance of the other party at this time is obviously enough to explain some problems.


‘Sorry, I really can’t see it! ’

'Ah! ’

‘That Zhixin, what do you think? ’


‘She is really weird! And, I feel it, that's very strong! Those scums should not be its opponents! ’

‘Is it amazing? I always think it looks very clumsy...’

'Have! ’

'All right! ’

'Let’s not rush to speak, Xiao Lun, watch it, now is not the time for us to go desperately, now is the time for that little guy’s personal performance... Wait, I suddenly have a good hunch, maybe Will this be a great thing for us? ’

‘Good thing? ’

‘Um, well, I hope you are right...’

Seeing that Chief Zhixin and Lianfeng both said that and really didn’t plan to intervene. Although he didn’t understand why, Ge Xiaolun was quickly persuaded in the end, so he slowly put down the big sword in his hand and continued to stand on the steps. He watched and made a combat gesture to the black-clad commanders in the distance, telling them not to act rashly, and to continue to stand by and observe.

Now, he decided to give the little guy more trust, just like Chief Lianfeng and Zhixin, to see if things are really the same as they said, and they will develop in a good direction? Although, he doesn't think that little guy is strong enough to deal with so many scum. You must know that in this bad situation, even if it is replaced by someone from their company, it must be. Can't stand it.



What did Ge Xiaolun and the female angels think and say on the steps behind her, Annie did not care, because she was looking up anxiously at the three people who were being ordered to fly over and surrounded her aggressively. Scum villains.

As for the four scum around Tibbers, she didn’t take it to heart. Anyway, she knew that those guys would have no choice but to use the idiot bear who could secretly use their power at any time, even if it didn’t. Flying does not use magic, and will always set fire to itself and indirectly use it to burn the enemy!

"Don't you dare to come down?"


"Hey! Tibbers, kill them for me!!"


Seeing that the three scums were just surrounding herself, and no one wanted to rush down and attack her. Annie was not in a hurry. She didn't plan to show more means and strength too soon, so she simply pointed at the one in front of her. Like her, Tibbers, who was also surrounded by the scum, gave orders.



(Tibbers said that it wants to kill those nasty birds flying in the sky, but it really can’t do it... Others can fly, it can’t, and it’s more than three meters tall now. Of the fat body, the shadow flames on its body can only affect enemies within a few meters at most. If the scum flying in the sky cannot survive, then it may only have to pull the stones on the ground to try very badly. Throw it away.)

Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as some Xiong Tibbers imagined...

Isn't this?

'Right now! ’

'attack! ’

‘Chop it first! ’

'go to hell! Flame monster! ’

When it thought that the enemies would not rush down to die, the scums, after spinning around it and arranging a formation, suddenly coordinated from four different directions from front, back, left, and right, flapping their wings. They rushed down to it one after another.



Happiness came too suddenly...

Roar~! !

??????: Ow!

(Tibbers, who was embarrassed about how to execute his own messy little master’s order, saw the enemy swooping down in an instant, how could it miss that excellent opportunity? So, after a roar, it He directly waved one of his own bear paws that was burning with flames, and slapped the scum that was the fastest and still wanting to be in front of him!)

Bang! !


In the next instant, the first scum that rushed down was hit by Tibbers' bear claws!

Although he swung his sword to block the bear's paw burning with dark red flames for the first time, he still miscalculated. He was directly grabbed by the sharp claws and the weapon was shot and his body was shot and cut into pieces. After several sections of the corpses with the scent of smoke and the smell of meat, they were scattered and rolled onto the Tianblade No.7 Square. Those who are still flat on the rocky floor, seem to be dead...

‘! ! ’

'go to hell! ! ’

‘You **** monster! ’

‘Fate! ’

Realizing that the deputy captain who was just in front of him was killed in an instant, the scum who came to the left and the other assaulted at the same time did not retreat and advance instead, directly enduring the weird flame burning on the giant flame bear. , Enduring the bitterness, deep bone marrow and soul-like pain, cooperated and tacitly penetrated the long sword in their hands directly through the giant bear's skin, sending the sharp blade into the opponent's body.

‘It’s done? ! ’

'You are dead! Damn monster! ’

Seeing that the giant bear had neglected the left and right defenses because he was about to attack the deputy captain, the two scums who hit the shot couldn't help cheering with excitement.

Because at this time the flame bear has been deeply pierced into the skin by the weapon in their hand, it must have been severely injured. After they drew the sword to make a few more knives, then they chopped off the opponent's head and limbs. At that time, no matter how big the opponent is, no matter how tenacious his life is, he will definitely die!




‘? ? ’

'not good! ’

They had just pulled out the weapon in their hands, and before they had time to continue to make up their swords, the two scumbags soon regretted it!

Because, they found that after pulling out the long sword, what was sprayed from the gap in the opponent's bear skin was not blood or other things, but the same terrible thing that was burning on the opponent's appearance, as if it was burning. The dark red flame that the soul generally makes them feel extremely painful? Moreover, they also spewed out directly and confused their heads and faces? !

‘Wow! ! ’

‘Uh, wow~! ’

The two screamed in exclamation and hurriedly covered their faces and eyes with their free hand, and hurriedly fanned the burning Jie Tianshi wings, planning to fly high in the air first. The terrible flames that gush out from the opponent and the opponent's body are farther away.

‘! ! ’

Seeing this sudden situation, I was so frightened that the scum who had planned to attack the back of the giant flame bear and was the last one to rush down hurriedly made a stagnant movement, flapping his wings vigorously, and stopped dangerously in the air several meters high. Interrupted the plan of assault backstab, it seems that he intends to see the situation of his two companions before making other plans?

‘? ! ’

'what? ! ’

It's a pity that the scum who was going to backstab can stop, but the two scum who just stabbed a certain flame bear can not escape because they wanted to escape at this time, but it was too late. So a little bit.

Wow~! !


At this time, Tibbers, the giant flame bear, who had just slapped the scum that had just attacked from the front with a paw, and cut the opponent's body into several pieces of smoking meat, had already reacted, and saw that it was nothing. Concerned about the wound on his body, he just stuck out his two claws, grabbed the legs of the two scum in the sky, and then slammed it to the ground.

boom! boom!


Immediately after two loud noises and numerous splashes of rubble, the two scums who were hit by Tibbers and cracked the floor struggling to get up and flew away, it hurriedly took two steps forward. , One foot slams one of the scum's heads directly, while the other foot slams on the back of the other scum that can only stand up, and directly exclaims and wailes at the opponent's bursts. In the sound, step on the opponent’s back and the other’s beautiful golden patterned plate armor to dent a little bit, until the opponent’s back is squashed down a little bit, and the other’s eyes are almost bursting. Opened, and then opened the screaming mouth, spitting out black and red blood clots and finally motionless, it stopped unconsciously.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

(After finishing up the three masters who dare to challenge his majestic scum, Tibbers slowly released the shadow flames on his body and burned the corpses of the scum on his left and right feet. While looking up at the guy who just stopped in mid-air and didn't dared to rush down, the guy who has been frightened to a little bit faint.

‘! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

Seeing that his three companions suddenly turned into that miserable appearance and their bodies were still being burned mercilessly, the scum who was lucky enough not to have time to shoot, shouted in panic and sternly, and directly abandoned the giant flame bear. , Hurriedly flapped his wings, flew to their angel Wang Huaye's side with some shock, saying that he didn't dare to continue rushing to death.

Because he could see it, the giant bear didn't seem to care about their attacks at all. Even if their long sword can pierce the opponent's body, it can be like a okay bear, and it can crush their bodies with backhands and squeeze them. Their heads, even as they did just now, are like torturing and killing a mortal, trampling them to death one by one and burning their gods?



'This this……'


At this time, the three scum who were still surrounding the little girl just now, hesitating whether to launch an attack, also saw the fate of the companion who besieged the giant flame bear, and saw them fleeing three deaths and one death in an instant. After the misery, they could not help abandoning their original goal with some hesitation and anxiety, and directly followed them up to the ground, and swallowed with difficulty after looking at the two bodies that were still burning under the soles of the giant bears. Swallow, don't know what to do.

"King Huaye, we..."

Huh! !

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ? ’

At this time, everyone saw that the scum who fluttered his wings and fled back to the scum Wang Huaye in embarrassment. He just wanted to say something, but he was cut off by the violent Hua Ye with a sword. , And then with a face of astonishment and fear, letting the head and the body of the angel who lost the control of the head spin down toward the ground...

Puff~! !

With a muffled sound, when the winged corpse of the celestial scum fell to the ground of the Heavenly Blade VII, when the deadly scum's head bounced and rolled with the ancient Roman-style helmet on its head. After falling into the green plants around the Tianblade Seven Square and disappearing, all the talents all cast their sights on King Hua Ye who was smiling and shaking off the blood beads on his long sword.

‘Don’t mind everyone! ’

‘Hmph! ’

‘This king’s men don’t need that kind of boring deserter, so I had to kill him, it’s that simple! ’

Indifferently, he discarded the weapon in his hand that was not outstanding and the blood stains were indelible behind him. After letting it fall into the corner of the Seven Forests of the Sky Blade, Hua Ye was so full of face. Said softly indifferently.


‘Is that man mad? Why did he even kill himself? ’

Before Ge Xiaolun had time to express his opinions on the powerful Shadow Flame Bear, he was quickly frightened by the cruel and tyrannical methods of the Celestial King Huaye.

Although the execution of the soldiers who fled on the battlefield is indeed understandable, in that case, he did not think it was wrong for the scum to give up the attack and retreat on his own. After all, in his opinion, even if the opponent continues to attack the flame giant Even if the bear launches an attack, it will inevitably die. Instead of that, it is better to retreat first!


However, the Nuoxing Commander Lianfeng next to Ge Xiaolun did not speak. She just frowned and stared at the shadow flame bear. Obviously, her attention was more on it, and It is very interested!

'madman? maybe……'

"But Xiaolun..."

‘Believe me, Hua Ye’s tyranny, what you see now is just the tip of the iceberg! ’

Although he is only 500 years old and has not experienced all the things of 24,000 years ago, he can be the most personal student and warrior of the Holy Keisha, and he has absorbed the experience, knowledge and teachings of the Holy Keisha. The heart of the loyal executor of the enactment, she has a deep feeling for the former creator of the heavenly order, Hua Ye!

Otherwise, the sacred Keisha and countless ancestors would not have experienced all kinds of painful resistance and the last earth-shattering battle before successfully overthrowing the other's rule. UU reading

However, this is not the time to think about that kind of thing!

Because Zhixin saw that the scum Wang Huaye was flying a short distance toward this side, as if he was planning to have something to say? But in any case, they had better be vigilant about good things, after all, that guy is not good.


‘Then I hope I can defend Sky Blade 7 today...’

That scum Wang Huaye was so powerful, in fact, Ge Xiaolun himself had already seen it at the place where he negotiated with the triangle body. He never denied this! However, it is not the time to care about that kind of thing. What he cares more about is the little guy Annie, can he withstand it?


|?˙?˙)Hello? Do you still have tickets in your pocket? ?

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