Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1284: (???)? Would you like to come and play too? It's super good...

The unremarkable little girl and the huge flame bear that she threw out really frightened the tempests. Of course, what frightened them even more was their angelic Wang Huaye's fierce action!


"Why is she so good..."

‘It’s not that little girl is amazing, but that flaming bear is amazing! ’

'Do not! That little girl is just as good. Didn’t you see it just now? If you cut your neck directly, you can't cut it. If you change to something like you and me, you have long been cut in two! ’

'what! That's also...’

‘It’s terrible! ’

‘It’s been hit by two swords just now, how come it looks like nothing happened now? ’

‘It should be that kind of energy creature, right? ’

‘I don’t know, it doesn’t look like...I’ve never seen it before anyway! ’


Although the scum Wang Huaye beheaded the hapless guy who fleeed and shook morale, the scum soldiers still inevitably began to have chaos and commotion. After all, the huge flame bear was too much. A little bit fierce, and killed seven of them in the blink of an eye, but it didn't seem to be a major problem in itself, and the level of lethality really shocked them.

'you guys! ’

‘If you don’t want to die, just shut up to this king! ’

Hearing the chaos and commotion coming from behind, Wang Huaye, who just wanted to say something, turned around and yelled loudly at the men. They were so scared that they shivered and shut their mouths before snorting coldly. Turning his head back a little gloomily, he looked down at the dark red flame giant that had just severely smashed the morale of his men and the one who was still standing not far behind the giant bear and was sitting under the steps. That weird little girl.

He had been observing and scanning for a long time before, even if he used the Void Particle Black Hole Void Engine, he couldn't figure out what kind of ability the opponent had!

"Hey! Little guy!"

"Let's talk about it, who are you and where are you from? Also, the creature below...the bear, what kind of ghost is it, why are you here to fight against this king, the lord of the heavenly palace?! "

A single attack of the ordinary slaying gods seems to have no effect on the little girl. This has been verified, but the ordinary male angel can't beat the hideous dark red flame giant. This situation inevitably makes Hua Ye was a little upset and entangled.

Because, Sumary’s plan is not like this...

Although he had made an emergency contact with Su Marie just now, and the guy also suggested that he let himself try it out, Hua Ye did not intend to do that. He was not prepared to rush without knowing the strength of the enemy. Shot, in his opinion, that is a stupid idea that can't be stupid!

Therefore, he intends to ask questions first, after all, now the other party has also beaten him, and killed many of his people. If he wants to come, he should be a little less angry, right?



"People won't tell you this badass!"


However, Annie made a face directly to the other party.

Where did her Queen Anne come from? The bear cub in her family is actually a shadow creature. The bear skin is just a shell that seals it. She obviously does not intend to tell the scum bird flying in the sky. The leader of people knows.

Anyway, she is standing here now and playing slowly with each other, her bear cub Tibbs can't fly, if they have the ability, they will come down to hit her or hit her bear?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that the fight just now made him very satisfied! After all, it has been a long time since it has been unable to move its muscles and bones due to work such as tearing angels, and its body that feels about to rust has finally recovered. A little bit of vitality... So, if it can, it hopes that their scum can fly down a little bit more so that it can move its feet, hands, tears, and mouths?)



Although Hua Ye didn't think that the little girl was definitely better to provoke than the terrible giant flame bear, but he didn't plan to just retreat in such a dingy manner, after flapping his wings to make himself fly higher , He shouted and ordered again:

"You guys, let me go together!"

The other party dared to be so unreasonable at himself, the king of angels, the founder of the heavenly order, and the universe **** king who returned to the heavenly palace, Hua Ye was decisively angry!

"Destroy them for me!!"

Then he waved his hand and motioned to the scum behind him to come together, and then explored the way for him, let him see what kind of ability the little girl has?



However, unexpectedly, what made the angel Wang Huaye somewhat unacceptable is: Following his orders, the scum behind him just commotion, and then you look at me, I see you, and none of them intends to obey him. Ordered and attacked?

"King Huaye..."

‘It’s not that I, we don’t want to fight, but that giant flame bear is really weird. It’s not a way to go straight down like this...’

Seeing the angel king Hua Ye slowly turning around and staring at them with that terrifying look, one of the scum fighters had to bite the bullet and explain.


"You fools!"

"That bear is not easy to provoke, so you won't kill the little girl first? Is she really invulnerable, she won't be able to chop, but can't chop a few more times?!"

To be honest, Hua Ye himself felt that the giant flame bear was not something his stupid subordinates could deal with, but he didn't care, because the bear could not fly, and it seemed that there was no other special means. , So he has a way to deal with each other!

However, the problem now is...

He wanted to know what kind of abilities the little girl who summoned the giant flame bear had?

The opponent has never shown any power except for breaking the long sword at the beginning. Therefore, he is very interested now, and intends to let his own hands before he personally cut off the opponent's head. Those guys with the second-generation divine body go to temptation first?

'she was? ’

'Right! ’

‘Cut her! ! ’

'soldiers! For the glory of Tiangong! For King Hua Ye! ’

'attack! ’

'attack! ! ’

'kill! ! ’

After thinking for a while, those scumbags who felt that King Hua Ye’s words made sense quickly reached a consensus, and after organizing a formation in the air, dozens of people shouted slogans and avoided that. In the direction of the giant flame bear, it descended diagonally from the sky, and rushed straight towards the little girl who seemed to have nothing but an impenetrable divine body and the ability to summon giant bears.



Of course Annie heard those conversations between the scum and Wang Huaye, but... she didn't understand. When did she give them the illusion that she was better to bully?



(Seeing that those stupid bird people didn't continue to rush down to kill themselves, but swarmed toward their little master. Tibbers only looked up and thought about it, and felt a little confused. Moving and continuing to stand in place, there is no intention of rushing over to help or assist the other party's little master.)

‘! ! ’

'hateful! ’

At this time, seeing so many people from the scums charging towards a little girl, Ge Xiaolun couldn't stand it anymore, and once again picked up his big sword and planned to rush up.

‘? ? ’

However, this time he was stopped again!

But this time, it was not the officer Lian Feng who still didn't say a word that stopped him, but the angel Zhixin! And after the other party grabbed him, he didn't explain, but shook his head gently at him, beckoning him to stay calm and keep watching?



Seeing those scum villains who lined up in a neat formation from high in the sky and wielded bright knives, ready to dive down and attack themselves, they were about to rush in front of them. There was no way, and Annie had no choice but to face her. They spread out a small white palm.

She doesn't like fighting recently, but she doesn't like being beaten even more, so...




In the next instant, when the first enemy was less than two meters away from Annie, the white dangling long sword was held high, and the kinetic energy of the rapid dive was about to slash in front of her head again, a fan-shaped flame. It gushed out into the sky from the palm of her hand, and it happened to cover the scum who swooped toward her in a formation.


(? ̄? ̄?)

Get it done! !

Two or three seconds later...

When a little girl clapped her hands indifferently, and when the sky of flames slowly dissipated, everyone only saw: the scums who had swooped down toward her were all gone! In the sky, except for the ashes in the sky and the molten metal liquid scattered all over the rocky floor of the Tianblade Seven Square after melting, they have nothing left, not even screams. ?


"So, what is that move?!"

Seeing the subordinates who followed him into the protective shield of Sky Blade VII were wiped out in an instant, Wang Huaye of the Sky Scum was so scared that he hurriedly retreated and flew directly to a height of more than hundreds of meters, and even retreated to the Sky Blade. After being within the scope of Seven's shield, he muttered to himself in an incredible tone.

"That's magic!"


"Shu, do you want to come and have a fun too, it's super fun!"


Others may not be able to hear each other’s voice, but that does not mean that Annie can’t hear. Therefore, she made a big grimace towards the small figure above the sky and answered her cutely. Asked jokingly.

'you! ’

"you are vicious!"

‘You, you all wait for me! ! ’

Seeing that little girl downplayed and wiped out all her subordinates and still using weird methods she couldn't understand, seeing the second-generation divine body whose flames could easily destroy her subordinates, King Hua Ye decisively persuaded him. !

Therefore, he habitually waved his hand to cast a black hole, causing it to continuously produce huge and terrifying suction, along with the scum that he brought that surrounded the outer space of the universe and the sky blade VII that was shrouded in the black hole' After Schwarzschild's radius' that inescapable distance, he himself turned and disappeared, and escaped first!

‘! ! ’

'not good! Is that... Is that a black hole? ! ’

'fast! Run! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

‘Help! ! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Hot Heart! Start Tianblade VII, let's leave here immediately! ’

‘No! This distance is too close, and Heaven Blade VII can't get rid of it at all! ’

‘Then use the Heaven Blade Seven’s bug door to get out of here! Go! ’

‘I, I will try now, but I can’t guarantee! ’


'Wow! Help! ! ’

‘Hurry up and grab my hand! ! ’


‘Attention everyone, try to hug the fixture and don’t get sucked into the universe! ! ’


At the moment when the black hole was released by the Heavenly Scum Wang Huaye, both the Heavenly Scum Soldiers in the universe surrounding the Heavenly Blade VII or the people in the Heavenly Blade VII inevitably became chaotic and miserable.

But their chaos and miserable howls are of no use, and it doesn't make them **** into the black hole celestial body by a second!

But fortunately, compared to the scum soldiers in the universe who quickly sucked into the black hole and screamed ‘disappear’, the human soldiers and angels staying in the Seven Miles of Heaven Blade are much better! Because, with the protection of the Seven Blades of Heaven, they haven't been sucked away for the time being, just some violent shaking and faint tearing feeling.

Of course, that was only temporary. Once the Heavenly Blade VII couldn't hold on and collapsed, their fate would definitely not be better than those who were sucked into the black hole just now.

‘Zhixin, how is it? ’

‘No! ’

‘Within the range of the black hole, the Seven Blades cannot perform calculations and open the wormhole! ’

'What now? Do you want me to help you? ’

'I do not know! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Over, over! ! ’

At this time, seeing countless scums screaming and being sucked into the black hole, seeing that the entire Sky Blade VII was inevitably torn and pulled into the black hole, countless angels and black armored soldiers began to cry out. Drinking thoughts to escape, even Ge Xiaolun and Zhixin were helpless. When the angel's spacecraft was about to collapse, Annie snapped her fingers boringly and in time!


Really boring! !



With the sound of the snapping fingers, I don’t know what Anne did. The black hole'celestial body' in the universe that was made by the scum Wang Huaye disappeared instantly, and then everything on the Sky Blade VII quickly changed. The wind calmed down.


?(?′0`?)? Ahhh~!

‘! ! ’

"Hot Heart..."

‘This is...what’s the matter? ’

'I do not know! ’


If it weren’t for those scums who had disappeared, or if the Sky Blade VII had different degrees of damage, and there were still the giant flame bear and a few incomplete corpses of the scums on the square, I’m afraid everyone would think it was just now. Are you dreaming?

'I know! She did it! ’

'she was? ’

'Ok! ’

‘How did she do it? ’

'do not know…….'

After getting confirmation from the officer Lianfeng, Ge Xiaolun and Zhixin and others looked at the little girl under the steps with unbelievable eyes. They couldn't believe that the terrible black hole thrown out by Hua Ye was unexpected. It was so easily lost by the other party.

You know, the scum king Huaye has thrown out three black holes so far. The first black hole killed King Hexi, and the second black hole directly annihilated the Demon King Morgana, that is, the King of Apocalypse Liangbing. Even the current angel king Yan had to escape under the influence of the black hole!

And now, the third black hole was taken away by the little girl's understatement. Doesn't that mean... the other party's power is more powerful than King Hexi, King Apocalypse, and Queen Yan?


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"I just helped you in a fight, and now I'm hungry, don't you hurry up and ask someone to prepare a big meal for them? He and Xiao Xiong are going to the cafeteria to wait for you now. Hurry up!"


Annie jumped directly onto the shoulders of Tibbs, her little bear, and sat down, not afraid of the flames burning on it that could not hold back the scum, and then slapped Ge Xiaolun and the angel Zhixin on the steps. He greeted her and motioned for the other party to wink quickly to prepare food and bribe her, then patted the bear on the head and let it take itself to the cafeteria and walk away slowly.

‘We won? ’

'seems like it……'

‘Oh, so good, so many scumbags, except for the head of Hua Ye’s head, all the others are dead. I thought it must be a big battle this time, and then we little soldiers will at least be killed or injured! ’

‘That little girl, who is she? ’

‘I don’t know, but I heard that it was a rescuer invited by Monkey Monkey King? ’

‘Shit! What nonsense, where did you hear it? Let me tell you, it was obviously the rescuer that Liu Chuang and Chief Ge Xiaolun found. What is Dasheng Guan? ’

'what? ’

‘That... hug, sorry, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is like that? Maybe I heard it wrong...’

'All right! ’

'Go! Go! Go! Hurry up and help clean up the mess, there is only so much we can do. ’

‘Isn’t it? That kind of scum and that level of battle, there is nothing to do with us mortals at all! ’


After discussing for a while, a group of black armored soldiers began to clean up the square of Tianblade Seven and the corpses and weapons scattered everywhere under the scream of their respective officers.

Of course, there are also various places that have just been torn into chaos by that terrible black hole...


(?????) Where's the ticket?

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