Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1296: Hahaha?? (???*) People got crazy from...


   Annie didn't make it to the throne of the Tiangong in time to fight Hua Ye and his scum army. It was not that she didn't want to go, but she couldn't go yet!

And the reason why she was not there was because she was stopped by a bad guy named'Carl' shortly after she had just rescued the angels and demons from the nest, and the other party directly used one that was considered qualified. The space teleportation skill of, transferred her directly from the Tiangong to the unknown red giant star field in front of her. Then, the other party appeared again as a holographic image. In front of her.

   "It turns out that you are the villain who is making trouble..."


   "What's the matter, the last time I beat you was not bad enough, do you still dare to come and scream in front of others?!"


Seeing that it was the last time that the **** of death called "Carl" who invited her to beat her, and seeing that the other party was so courageous and dared to appear in front of her again, Annie ridiculed the other party's feelings. Laughed.



'do you know? ’

   However, Carl ignored Annie's ridicule, but turned around silently, and said to the huge star in the distance that had reached the end of the red giant stage:

'Last time……'

'I also used the same method of teleporting you here, teleporting the divine Keisha to a red giant star named Emerald Star, and then using the sun’s light Rena to dispatch the Emerald Star to detonate a supernova explosion. Using the terrifying power that the radiation energy released by a supernova explosion can be equivalent to the sum of the radiant energy of the sun in its lifetime, the body of the sacred Keisha was successfully destroyed in one fell swoop, and the sacredness of Keisha was formed by a big clock. The atomic teleportation spreads to all corners of the known universe, and it will take at least 300 million years for her to reorganize...'

  ‘So, to some extent, I did successfully kill or destroy the divine Keisha, ending her myth of immortality. ’

   After finishing speaking, Carl didn't rush to express his opinion, so he proceeded in a cage, silently watching the red giant that was exuding huge energy and heat.

   It's a pity that he is now a holographic image of the phantom, and he definitely can't feel the majestic heat and radiation emitted by the stars, he can only see it.

"and then?"

   Annie didn't quite understand, the other party brought herself here, and then suddenly told her what that kind of thing meant.



   "I know, you badass, don't you want to use the same method as that of Keisha, want to blow up the red giant to deal with others, right?"


   After a bit of a daze, Anne soon recovered herself, and basically understood what the other party meant.

To be honest, it has been so long. For Little Annie, who has visited countless worlds, this is the first time she has encountered such a ferocious and technically content enemy. The other party and those who cannot be commanded on the stage secretly engage in sneak attacks and assassinations. The guys are completely different, they are actually going to use the'terrible' method of blowing up a star to deal with her?

   It's a pity, the solution is good. It really can't resist if it is replaced by ordinary people or ordinary gods. She can only surrender honestly and surrender, but she is an exception!

   "Tell you, people are not afraid of you!!!"

  ! o

   "This method of yours is of no use to others, you should save it!"


   It turns out that the other party suddenly teleported himself into this corner of the universe, and he wanted to use stars to deal with himself?

   It's a pity. Regarding this, Annie said that she would not persuade her at all!


   I won’t talk about anything else, just because she is not afraid of fire, which talent is enough! Even, she may not need to defend herself, just stand in this cosmic space so gracefully, even if the other party pulls a hundred stars here and detonates the supernova, under the impact of radiation and energy similar to flames, she will There will be nothing!

   In fact, the other party didn't just choose the wrong method, it was useless to choose any method at all! Let alone detonating a supernova, she is not afraid of detonating the entire universe! At most, it just made her have to go to other worlds in advance?

   However, the detonation of a supernova by the other party is almost the limit, and things like destroying the universe, I am afraid that only she, the omnipotent Queen Anne, can do it.

'It's useless. ’

  ‘I know you should be scared now, and you should be scared too. That is the instinct of life when facing death, even if it is stronger than you. ’

   Carl obviously didn't believe what little Annie was saying, he just unilaterally thought that she was just being brave and stiff.

  ‘You don’t have to try to calculate and analyze this universe, it has been specially modified by me. Before you analyze it and escape, I have enough time to do what I want to do. ’

   As he talked, Karl finally stopped facing the star directly, but slowly turned his head, and gently reminded the little girl who was a little surprised and ‘helpless’.

   The other side's arrogant words are of no use to him, Karl, because he is not the kind of person who can be easily moved by words.

At the beginning, when he was transferred to the Emerald Star as strong as Divine Kesha, he could only obediently'slay the neck and kill'. Therefore, the power in front of him seemed to him to be similar to Divine Kesha, and might even be only better than Kesha. The little girl who is so strong that it is "outside the territory" should not be able to deal with the situation in front of her.

   The only thing he needs to worry and be alert to right now is that the other party may have some way to resolve the space and escape from here.

   But he has used the big clock to deploy monitoring and counter-analysis measures. He will not give the other party a chance, at least until the other party answers some of his questions!



   "You guy is really weird, your eye saw people trying to analyze this space and then ran away?"


   "Do people have to escape? Even if they want to leave, they don't need to analyze it!"


"Your arrangement is too simple, tell you, your stupid method is impossible to restrict people! As long as they want to leave, one thought is enough, they no longer need to go for a long time. Analyzing the space, anchoring the coordinates and opening the portal, it is almost the kind of "worm door" you call!"


The barriers of the universe and plane space, the indescribable, indestructible and relatively impenetrable things can not stop her Queen Anne’s roaming pace, and the kind that the other party has set here can be seen through at a glance. How can it be difficult to get her with simple interference and restraint methods?

   And the reason Annie didn't leave right away was just to see what the other party had to say.


  ‘You can’t fool me. ’

  ‘Little girl, or Anne Hasta Arcane Archmage Her Excellency? You are very anxious now and want to go back to the Tiangong ship, right? ’

   Carl doesn't want to entangle with the other party on that kind of issue, because facts are facts, and facts speak louder than words. At this time, it doesn't make much sense to waste time arguing about those things.


   "People didn't think much about it. Anyway, those people should be able to hold on for a while, don't talk nonsense!"

For those of the male soldiers or those demon angels, Annie said that she really didn’t know them well, and she had already helped them a lot before being sent here, and she found them all at once. So many helpers, and even Ao’s ashes have been thrown out... So, she is really not in a hurry now, even if those idiots are really useless to be defeated or killed by that Hua Ye, she I will not feel sorry for it at all!

  ‘Actually, you have failed. Really, you have no chance...’

  ‘I have calculated that you will do that. Nothing can escape the calculation of the big clock, and Hua Ye has been making arrangements according to my plan. It is impossible for him to fail. ’

  ‘I have calculated your possible strength, even if you are not teleported here by me, even if you are on the Tiangong and make a move, it is impossible to win! ’

'and also……'

  ‘Although I don’t have the sun’s light Rena, I have used a big clock to simulate a virtual sun’s light device here. As long as I want it, it can be excited anytime...’

   Carl turned his head again, looked at the huge red-emitting star in the distance, and said faintly.



   "Is there a chance, that's not necessarily, what you said is not counted!"

Anyway, Annie feels that whether she has a chance to win Hua Ye is based on her mood. If she is in a good mood, the combination of angels, demons and earthlings can defeat King Hua Ye, and if she is in a bad mood, That's hard to say!

  ‘Let’s talk! ’

  ‘Little girl, tell me the secrets of the void, tell me the secrets outside the universe, I will let you go back, and even make Hua Ye stop directly, so that the three of you will have peace in thousands of years? ’

'I have researched and have always been puzzled about it...because I found that no matter how the main biological civilization develops, there will always be more powerful force majeure...Under the main biological technology, that obstacle and force majeure factor can never be Go beyond. ’

  ‘To put it simply, the universe cannot accommodate the highest wisdom, and at the same time, if wisdom cannot break through the universe, it cannot be understood... We define it as the ultimate fear, which is another name for the obstacle that wisdom cannot overcome? ’

'and so……'

  ‘Ultimate fear, what is it, can you talk about it? ’

   That's right, this is the ultimate goal of Carl using the means of dealing with the divine Keisha to get the little girl in front of him from the Tiangong, and using death threats to force the other party!

  He just wants to learn the secret of the universe from the other person, or to say...the secret of the ultimate fear?

   He believes that the other party must know, whether it is the words that the other party has said, the mysterious origins or the methods that the other party has used against him all show something.

   "The ultimate fear?"

   "Why is it so complicated? Actually, your universe, in the eyes of some beings, is just a glass ball, a drop of water or a cell!"

Annie knew what the thoughtful bad guy in front of her wanted to know and get, but unfortunately, the other party went the wrong way... From the time the other party gave up the body, merged into the whole universe, and let the universe trust his soul, just Already going in the wrong direction.

  A universe, or a plane outside, is indeed the existence of ‘emptiness’, there is nothing there, even the ‘existence’ itself is meaningless! But now it's better, the other party directly denied the meaning of his own existence, instead pinning his body in the universe, completely ruining the possibility of getting out of the universe, what else is there to say?

'Oh? ’

'anything else? ’

   Carl is a little urgent. He seems to have grasped some key points faintly, but he doesn't seem to get anything, so he wants to know more.

   "No more!"

   "I won't tell you anymore, you can't understand it anyway, so let's do it today!"

  Ε=)) alas

The situation in Tiangong is a bit unsatisfactory, so Annie plans to go back and clean up a little bit, instead of staying here and wasting time with this villain named Carl, lest a certain scum named Hua Ye is too arrogant and proud ?


  ‘Then your fate of failure today is doomed, and you will become the dust of this universe just like the divine Keisha! ’

   Carl was a little bit disappointed. He didn't expect this little girl to be so soft and hard to eat. She was still so stiff, or refused to tell him what he wanted to know about the'ultimate fear'?



   "But, weird, why are you so confident?"

   Annie is about to go back, she has gradually become impatient, and she doesn't want to waste too much time with this guy in front of her.

However, she didn’t want to punish the other party either, because she felt that after she helped those guys hit Hua Ye, those angels, demons, or people on earth would definitely not let this guy named Carl go. of!

   When the time comes, will this guy be beaten badly, or will he be beaten worse?

   She is very much looking forward to this... Although she may not be able to see it, but that does not prevent her from arranging things easily before leaving the world to make a loop for the other party or something.

'Do not……'

  ‘That is not self-confidence, it is based on facts and conclusions drawn from countless calculations! ’

   Karl began to guard, wary of the other party's possible forcible analysis and escape in some way he didn't know, because now Hua Ye has reached the most critical time, and soon everything is settled.

   Actually, he didn't like that Hua Ye, but that didn't prevent him from using the other party to achieve some of his goals.

   "But your facts and conclusions are wrong!"


  ‘How can you see it? ’

   Carl is unmoved.

   "Forget it!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "You can blow it up now! Hurry up, I have to go back and clean up that Hua Ye after the explosion. It might not be fun to be late!"


'you sure? ’

   Seeing that the other party finally had the courage to face the fate of death calmly like Holy Keisha, this made Carl a little surprised.

"of course!"


   But Carl did not act.

   "Oh! You guys do not explode or not? People are really in a hurry!"


   The stupid guys on the Tiangong ship are going to be wiped out soon, Annie is a little untenable, she has to go back quickly.


Carl hesitated, and was a little bit bluffed... He didn't understand, because in his calculations, the result should not be like this. According to the calculations of the big clock, this little girl who is playful, tasty and lazy, no May be indifferent under his threat.

   "You don't blow up, do you?"

   "If you don't blow it up, then someone will help you blow it up!!"

   After finishing talking, Annie immediately started, preparing to detonate the stars and blow herself up! After all, she seems to have never played this kind of super-big ‘bomb’ that ignites such a big ‘bomb’ herself. She has never played it before, and feels very excited to think about it!

  ’! ! ’

'and many more! I…..! ! ’

    It never occurred to him that the other party would take the initiative to detonate the device he had arranged, which caught Carl by surprise.

'you! ! ’

Then, before he could finish his words, he only found that the distant star suddenly stagnated, and then the endless radiation, light and energy roared and instantly flooded the area where the two of them were, and his holographic image was also there. The huge energy washed away and disappeared instantly, and he could no longer monitor any situation in this star field.



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