Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1297: !? (·''·?)? Tibbers, who made you...

   Tiangong, the battle that took place here to attack the Royal Court of Hua Ye is almost coming to an end...

Of course, in the end, it was not that the company and the demon angels defeated the scum army and wiped out or captured the scum Wang Huaye. I am afraid that only dreams or certain dramas would dare to shoot like that. , And here on the Tiangong, after the tens of thousands of scum are prepared and targeted, they definitely have no chance.

   Not to mention the ridiculous 5% chance of success calculated before, here, in fact, there is no chance of even one in ten thousand!

   Even, everyone in the Xiongbing Company wanted to take out nuclear weapons to detonate the Tiangong, blow up the symbol of the Huaye Throne and then die with the enemy. The scums never gave them a chance from the beginning to the end!

   Isn't this?

After the dust settles, when a tragic little girl is still entangled with a certain death **** Carl in a certain distant star field about some "ultimate fear", most of the Tiangong ship here The demons have been strangled and slaughtered!

For example, Thornton, the red-skinned crocodile, was chopped into several pieces, and then it was discarded on the pile of demon corpses on the side, as if it were a few insignificant rubbish... And that powerful demon Atuo, he was nailed like a hedgehog by dozens of arrows, and the huge demon's head was chopped off by the scum a long time ago, and he stuck it on a wooden stake.

The new queen of the devil, Time and Space Rose, the power of the galaxy, Ge Xiaolun, and the gods Liu Chuang, Xin Zhao, etc., were directly **** with a special device after being beaten half-dead...even if it is as strong as the myth. The Monkey King, Monkey King, was sealed in a fist-shaped seal under the targeted attacks of the scum, and with the participation of a certain death **** Carl, only one hairy head was exposed to the finger. He bared his teeth and cursed outside, but his body couldn't move at all, and his power was suppressed to death.

The sun's light Lena is not much better either. She was caught and imprisoned by weaker gluttons a while ago, but now she is defeated and captured by the stronger scum siege under Hua Ye's. It couldn't be more normal.

As for Qilin and Rui Mengmeng and the other female angels and demons, let alone, they were disarmed by the scum and **** and thrown on the floor under Hua Ye’s broken throne. She languished with her hands on the ground and formed a seductive look with her **** cocked. He didn't even have the strength to stand up long ago.

   "Tsk tsk!"

"Look, look, look! This king caught so many beauties all at once today. This is really a good thing... Wait, wait until the City of Angels is captured by my army, and wait until Mei Luo Tianting was overthrown and occupied by Su Marie, there is time for this king to have fun!"

With a treacherous smile, seeing that the overall situation has been determined, and that all the rioters have been captured or eliminated directly, Hua Ye flew down from the sky with a smile, and immediately stood up to the group that was about to be killed by him. In front of the female slaves who filled the harem as a collection.

   In fact, Tiangong’s line of defense, that is, outside the universe, the remaining black armored soldiers and those difficult fire phoenixes are still entangled with the Scum Legion under him, but Hua Ye did not care.

"Hum hum……"

   "It's great, there are so many beautiful chicks all at once, I am really happy today!"

   Yes, in his opinion, these important female prisoners, from today onwards, all become his slaves to King Hua Ye!

Of course, it must also include the angel Queen Yan who hasn't got it yet and the beautiful female angels under the other party, such as Zhixin or Lingxi, Achai, and other female angels, he is generous He is bestowed on his men who made meritorious service in combat. After all, ordinary male angels also need to reproduce offspring and they also need to enjoy themselves. After he accepts the woman with the best genes, the others are slightly worse. Yes, he definitely can't occupy all of it anymore.


   "By the way, you...what's your name?"

At this time, Hua Ye walked to the helmet and was knocked off. There was some blood on his face, and the black hair was scattered all over his head in a mess. It looked a little embarrassed but I saw the pitiful female sniper of the male soldier company. Sticking to the waist, touching his chin with one hand, he asked in a frivolous tone.


'Uh! ’

  ‘I...I’m pooh! ! ’

Qilin raised her head weakly, and looked at Hua Ye who was standing in front of her and looked a little high, then panted heavily, and spit blood on the opponent's boots on the ground, which was an expression. My unyielding attitude.

   They lost a streak, and they defeated thoroughly...

But at this time, the devices on her body, especially the shackles with her hands on her back, were tormenting her, let alone resisting, and she didn’t even have the strength to stand up, so she didn’t want to follow her. This Hua Ye talks more nonsense.


"I seem to remember... you call that'Qilin', an earthling chick. I heard that many of my men were beaten to death by you with that kind of Killing God I. I'm right. ?"

"In this case……"

   "You said, how should I punish you now?"

First, frowning and looking at the saliva on his originally clean boots with a little displeasure, Hua Ye slowly grinned, and after rubbing his boots on the opponent's body with some disapproval, he suddenly Leaning down, grabbing Qilin's chin in one hand, directly lifting Qilin's body, just like that, making Qilin's legs hang weakly in the air and staring at his cruel eyes.

He had thought of directly squeezing this earth woman who dared to disobey him and dared to offend the majesty of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, but after thinking about it, he thought that he would soon achieve a full victory and be able to maintain his heavenly order forever. , Then decided to a large extent, temporarily bypassing the other party this time?


   ‘Let go huh...’

Qilin wanted to struggle to get rid of the opponent's hand holding her face and chin, because this posture made her body and all the weight of her armor concentrate on her neck and chin, making her feel very uncomfortable. It's not good and bad, and she also hates the other side's cruel eyes that want to swallow her like a prey!

   But it's a pity that her hands were carried behind her back and she was back-cuffed by some kind of imprisoning device. She couldn't even speak clearly, so how could she struggle or resist?

"Not bad!"

"Look at this face, this figure...It's really charming! Well, this king has decided now, and you will be the one to be favored tonight! But before savage little Nizi still needs to take good care of A lesson?"

   After finishing speaking, Hua Ye's other hand began to touch Qilin's face recklessly.

When he found that there were all sticky blood, sweat and Sha Shuo, he curled his mouth somewhat boringly, and then kept his hands moving. While saving his money, he continued to carry the opponent while the other hand began to move along Qi. Lin's smooth white neck skin slid down, and quickly rubbed against the cold armor on her chest.


   "This cold and hard armor is really boring. Although it looks very curved like this, it can't touch the meat at all..."

   "Forget it! This king is showing mercy now, so please take them off in advance for you!"

After that, with the mentality of punishing the other party, Hua Ye waved his hand and threw Qilin to the side of the grass, causing her to fall to the ground with a heavy face and snorted. Then he walked forward with a grinning disdain.


   "Want to struggle? It's too late!"

First stepped on Qilin’s back waist, making her unable to move, Hua Ye continued to stretch out his hand, and quickly pulled the black armor on Qilin’s back piece by piece with brute force, and went on. The tights inside the black armor and the big chunks of snow-white skin on the back were exposed.

"Not bad!"

   "This is how a woman should be. It seems that she doesn't lose to those ordinary female angels. It is indeed worthy of my collection!"

   Nodded in satisfaction, Hua Ye just continued like this, his hands kept moving, as if he really planned to take off Qilin's black armor and black tights in front of the crowd and countless scums? !

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Stop it! ! ’

  ‘Asshole! I'm going to kill you! ! ’


  'Qi Lin...Hua Ye, the scum, stop! ’


  ‘I’m so angry, my grandson! ! ’

  ‘Kilin! ! ’

Seeing Hua Ye’s atrocities, watching Qilin being trampled by Hua Ye and her and others can only watch, seeing that the black armor on her companion’s back is getting less and less, and she has already exposed a big picture. The large piece of smooth skin saw that Hua Ye actually planned to tear off the tights that Qilin was wearing. Those Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Monkey King and Lena who had not fainted at the scene all spoke out and angered. With.

However, they, who have been caught and controlled by the scum, can't use any power at this time. Even if they see that Hua Ye is about to use force and do some terrible atrocities against Qilin, they can only stand aside. His eyes stared angrily.

   "Don't worry!"

"When the king strips her off, it's your turn... That demon named Qiangwei, she should know the king's methods, but last time, because her hair was too short and ugly, the king was not favored. She, but not necessarily this time."

After finishing talking, the black armor of Qilin's back has been torn away, and then even the white and blood-stained tights worn in it have been torn off a lot of gaps, so that a large piece of it is somewhat wonderful. After the curvilinear skin, Hua Ye nodded in satisfaction, kicked Qilin over again with one foot, and then continued to step on her stomach with one foot, amidst her grief and pain. She was ready to stretch out her hand again, intending to tear off the black armor that covered important parts in front of her.

   Of course, he is not just planning, the movements on his hands are indeed what he does, and there is no hesitation at all. It is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Stop it! ’

  'Hua Ye! Stop! Let go of her, something is coming to me! ’

  ‘Bastard, you have the ability to rush to believe me! ’

  ‘Huh! ’

  ‘Ahhhhh~! ! ! ’

In the distance, Ge Xiaolun and others are still struggling and roaring, wanting to stand up and rush over to relieve Qilin, but it is a pity that they have no meaning in doing anything like that. Instead, they were just kicked by the impatient scum on the side. Kicked to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

   "To you?"

   "Forget it, this king is not interested in men, but don't worry, after this king finishes researching your genes, he will definitely chop up all of you and feed the dogs!"

   "This king likes the kind of creatures called dogs that you people on earth, and you will definitely have a few of them, so don't worry."

Hua Ye smiled indifferently. With a second effort, he broke off one of the black armor on Qilin’s chest and tore off a part of the inner lining, so that Qilin in a state of grief and anger could only Watching his chest reveal a large patch of white skin and an obvious ditch.

   "Tsk tsk!"

"alright, alright."

"Little girl, stop struggling, you can't make it... Also, don't look at this king with that kind of eyes, it will only make this king more excited, maybe... later, this king Can't help but pamper you directly here!"

   "Come on! Work hard for a while and finish..."

Seeing his remarkable achievements, and seeing that the earthling chick in front of her was indeed hiding a proud body under the black armor, King Hua Ye, who had read countless women, nodded in satisfaction and prepared to continue to do it. , I plan to take the other party and clean up all the female slaves who are worthy of collection, and then throw them into the palace, let the maids wash and strip them, and spoil them one by one at night?


   "Let go of that little sister!!"


Suddenly, without waiting for Hua Ye to continue to do it, there was a burst of noise. In the grinning laughter of those scum, and the angry but helpless sorrow of Ge Xiaolun and others, Hua Ye suddenly heard it. He actually passed it behind him. Here comes the voice of a little girl that he never wants to hear again?


what? !

  While hearing the sound, Hua Ye seemed to be aware of something...

However, he was a little impatient just now and just wanted to strip off the crucial pieces of black armor in front of the female captive. At this time, it was too late to avoid him, so he could only subconsciously turn around and use his own void. The particle black hole type void engine urgently created a shield and twisted the defense.

  : Wow!

   Boom! ! !

In the next instant, he and Qilin, who was stepped on by him, were still sturdily blown by a certain flaming attack dropped by a little girl, so that the thick smoke and intense flames were instantly blown up. It immediately enveloped him and the female captives at his feet, enclosing them together.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Enemy, enemy attack! ! ’

  ‘Quick! Protect King Huaye! ’

  ‘Where’s the enemy? Where is the enemy? ! ’

  ’! ! ’

'Look! ’

'there! She is on the throne! ! ’

After the initial panic, the scums quickly reacted, and then some of them were ready to rush towards the place where the flames exploded to see if there was anything wrong with their King Hua Ye, and the other part. , It quickly found the enemy's location, and slowly surrounded it towards that location!

   So, I don’t know when, a little girl actually sat abruptly on the throne of the Tiangong that was smashed by a hair-faced monkey before? Moreover, at this time, the other party was still frowning, thrusting his waist angrily and glaring at them?

  ’! ! ’

'not good! King Hua Ye was caught by the flame bear! ’

'what? ! ’

  ‘Hurry up! Go save the king first! ’

  ‘Look at her! ’

  ‘The others follow me! ! ’

When the flames and smoke gradually dissipated, the captured people and the scum were shocked to see that on the ground, the King Hua Ye had been grabbed by a giant bear full of flames in an instant. He picked it up next to him, and seemed to have passed out in a coma?

And in the arm of the giant bear’s other hand, it was Qilin who had messy coat and was almost stripped naked by Hua Ye. She also fainted at this time and let it go. The body with a large white flowery thigh and back skin hung weakly between the giant bear's arms.

   But in comparison, her treatment is much better than that of Hua Ye!

  Because everyone saw it, the giant bear thoughtfully gathered the flames on the other side of its body and the arms, so as not to accidentally burn her? As for Hua Ye, not only was his body surrounded by fire, but his head was also burned by the dark red flames of the giant bear's claws. The beautiful blond hair was burned into curly bald heads, and even his ears were burned. One, all the blisters formed by high-temperature roasting on his face, it looks so terrible!

'what! ! ’

  ‘It’s great, yes... it’s Annie! ’

  ‘Annie? ’

  ‘It’s that little guy...’


Compared with the shock and panic of the scum, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Xin Zhao, and Lena, etc. saw that the person came from their side, and they caught the vital Hua Ye as soon as they came out, they exclaimed At the same time, I finally felt relieved.

   Because they saw it, Qilin is okay, they no longer have to worry that the scum Hua Ye will insult Qilin in front of them.

"That one……"

"Sorry, people are a little late... You don't know, there was a bad guy just now, that bad guy named Carl wanted to bomb people with stars, he said that he didn't dare to bomb people for a long time, and then they became angry. Just play by yourself, and then accidentally come late!"

That’s right, Annie really didn’t come late on purpose. She just wanted to see what she would be like when she was bombed by the star, that is, the supernova, so she detonated the red giant star and waited for a long time, but she It didn't take long to play. After the supernova exploded, she felt that the big cannonball seemed to be nothing fun, so she rushed back here for the first time.


Suddenly, with a slight explosion, under the shocked and unbelievable gazes of the crowd and the scum, the horribly burnt head of the scum Wang Huaye was instantly squeezed by the flame giant, and then Which red blood, white brains, and two eyeballs broke out directly from the fingers of the bear's paw, and was quickly burnt into coke by the flames on the bear's paw? !




  This situation stunned the Scum Legion, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and others who had just thrown rat-inhibitors. They just looked at everything dumbfounded, and didn't even dare to believe it?

  噗! !

Immediately afterwards, the headless corpse of King Hua Ye, whose entire head was burned, brought the angel wings that were also burnt to black behind him, and fell to the ground with a slight muffled sound. ring.



   "Tibbers! Who told you to kill him?!"


Annie said that she didn’t really give the order to squeeze the opponent’s head, and did not ask Tibbs the bear to kill the opponent. After all, she had to use that Hua Ye to coerce those days. Scum, thereby forcing them to surrender!

   But it's okay now, that Hua Ye was so easily pinched to death by the bear? Although, Annie knew that she had suppressed the opponent's power and the messy engine, but she really didn't expect the situation in front of her.


  ’! ! ’

  'Hua, King Hua Ye are dead? ’


  ‘What, what to do? ’

'do not know……'

  ‘King Hua Ye is dead! ! ’

'damn it! !’

  ‘Go! ! ’

  ‘All the guards of the heavenly palace listen to the order: Let’s go together! Kill me that little girl, kill those prisoners, kill them all, and avenge King Hua Ye! ’

  ‘Who can kill that little girl, who is the new Lord of Heavenly Palace! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Come with me! ! ’

Seeing that the great Lord of the Heavenly Palace, the founder of the Heavenly Order, and King Hua Ye, who has a life span of more than 30,000 years, was so easily squeezed out of his head by a giant flame bear, and it seemed that he was not alive. At first, they wandered in confusion for a while, and then soon they reacted under the anger of a certain scum general, and then they charged towards a certain little **** the throne in grief.

  ‘Kill! ! ! ’

  ’ Revenge King Hua Ye! ! ’

  ‘Kill her! ’

  ‘Chop them up! ! ! ’

Now that they have basically controlled the situation, and the enemy has been determined that there is only one, then they obviously will not be the same as before. Because of King Hua Ye's fall or failure, they gave up everything in the Heavenly Palace and fled separately, and went on. The kind of people who hunt down refugees living in Tibet under the threat of Merlot.



   Watching countless angry scums rushing towards her and towards Tibbers, Annie said that this was really beyond her expectations, and she was definitely not like this.



   "However, no matter how many people in UU read, it is useless to others!"

watch out!

   All petrochemicals! !

Since that villain Hua Ye was beaten to death by Tibbers, there is no way for Anne to play with them slowly... Therefore, the scums clamored frantically and rushed towards her. At that time, I saw a gleam of light from her fingertips like ripples, suddenly surging out of the surroundings!

  ’! ! ’

  '? ? ’


Soon, those scum who were besieging her, after being swept away by the ripple-like light, they quieted down in an instant and their eyes were rounded at the same time, and then the next instant it was like no soul. Like the puppets, they lost control of their bodies with dull expressions, and fell from the sky like dumplings, and after making a muffled noise, they could no longer move.

   "Humph! Get it done!"


   Looking at the scum that have fallen on the ground of the Tiangong, and at the thickly spread birdmen with white wings and motionless, Annie hummed and clapped her hands.

   What are you kidding about, what about tens of thousands of scum?

You know, when her Queen Anne became mad, she even dared to blow herself up with supernovas. Now, these scumbags who are completely uncomfortable in comparison, how can it be possible? Will it be difficult to get her? !



   Hey! If you don't vote, there will be no girls to watch!

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