Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1309: (?·??-)? You are just waiting to be beaten...

Although a certain bear fought a certain bear in the magic projection arena for a long time, fought for several times and used all kinds of terrifying magic attack methods, but in the end he was changed by the bear, such as live roasting. The Stardust Witch, who had eaten several times with novel ways of eating, eaten raw, chewed, sliced, and so on, finally couldn’t bear it. She had to stop the fierce “duel” and went outside the tree house alone. Come prepare to take a breath of fresh air, relieve the gloomy bad mood and sum up experience gains and losses.


As soon as she came out, before she had time to breathe a few breaths of air and look at the flowers and tease the butterflies, she was suddenly caught by someone standing behind Irene, who seemed to be about to do evil to their genius apprentice. The big bone frame was shocked!

Then, of course, without thinking about it, she directly took out her magic wand, and with the strongest magical shock, using her fastest speed, suddenly a magic missile was directed at the big-boned lich. Slammed his back!


   Boom! ! !

Then, for some reason, he was sneak attacked by someone's back, and a certain great lich who became very angry in an instant turned back into a death and withering, and fired an orb at Witch Fran and hit her protector. The shield exploded directly, leaving behind a large pool of terrifying withering ponds exuding shadow and death energy where he stood.

'Humph! ’

  ‘How could such a trick of carving bugs make me difficult? I'm the Stardust Witch! ! ’

  Unable to stand on the ground, Fran directly floated into the air with aerospace technique, and at the same time raised the magic wand in her hand.

After facing a round, she found that the opponent was strong and had already left Irena. She didn't have to worry about continuing to attack and would accidentally injure Irena. She made a decisive decision and flew directly into the air at the same time, began to guide the power of Thunder with all her strength. Prepare to use the continuous and powerful'Thunder Spear' that she is good at to bombard and smash the evil undead creature that does not know why it appeared in this forest!

'is it? ’

  ‘Then you can try this? ’

A certain big lich who was sneaked up by a witch who didn’t know where it came from for no reason would certainly not be timid, so he just started rubbing the spell, preparing to fly it into the air with the “ice starburst” he is good at. The witch shot it down with a frost meteor!

   But it's a pity...

  ‘Really! ’

  ‘Two teachers, what are you doing? ’

  ‘You guys don’t stop quickly? ! ’

   When both parties were preparing to blast each other to death with powerful magic, Irena, who finally reacted, rushed forward to stop them.

  ‘Mage Kel’Thuzad, that is also my teacher, she is Witch Fran! ’

  ‘Fran, assistant teacher! ’

  ‘This lich is Kel’Thuzad, who was just summoned by Teacher Anne to teach me magic! ’

   After clarifying some basic information for the first time, Irene finally resolved the misunderstanding of the two sides slightly, so that the two did not really fight.

And then……

   Someone never thought that Fran, the Stardust Witch, would be replaced by someone else in her absence for only a long time, so she rushed back to the tree house and found a certain little girl for granted.

   "Ann, Annie!"

   "I said you are really..."

   "Why didn't you tell me first and suddenly summoned such a terrible and evil undead lich to serve as an assistant teacher for Irena?"

   "Such an evil undead creature, let him teach Irena magic, maybe it's not good?"

With a serious and responsible attitude, Fran, who doesn’t want her teacher’s daughter to touch that monster casually and learn things that shouldn’t be learned, and Fran, who doesn’t want her to suddenly lose her job and existence so quickly, so she fights with reason. She blushed and questioned a little girl who was also an irresponsible teacher like herself.

After all, anyway, Irene was entrusted to her by her parents after paying her a large sum of money, and the reason why she passed it to the little girl in front of her was simply because she felt the power of this little girl Is indeed above her, is indeed the best candidate for the excellent Irene?

Of course, although she herself is a little selfish, she also has the meaning of being a happy'middleman' who earns the difference without having to work hard to collect the money... But she has always been with Yi Lei no matter what. Na's side stared at and guided responsibly!

   But it's better now, and suddenly there is an undead archlich who knows that he is not a good fellow at a glance, how can she be relieved and let that fellow continue to stay with Irena?



   "That Kel'Thuzad is honest now, he seems to be teaching seriously, he didn't dare to do bad things..."

   Anne of course knows that the great lich Kel'Thuzad is not a good bone. The other party has indeed done a lot of bad things in the world of Azeroth, and has been killed more than once! However, Annie also knew and dared to guarantee that the other party would definitely not dare to do other bad things in this world!

   At least, when she hires the other party for free and she is still here, the other party dare not?


   "Well, even if he didn't do bad things, but an evil undead like it, if I accidentally teach Irena, what should I do?"

   "I promised her parents to teach her a year so that she will become a formal and powerful witch!"

   "A undead like it will teach Irene how to become a witch? Does it have that kind of ability?!"

   Fran was a little angry, but also a little scared.

Because, she was really worried that the lich accidentally taught Irena, or instilled certain concepts that were not suitable for the little girl. At the same time, she was more worried about the other’s mother, which was even more terrifying. Why did the witch cause trouble with her later?

   To put it bluntly, she just doesn't believe in the osmotic bones, let alone how much magic knowledge such a guy can have!

   "How could it not be taught well..."

"Tell you, that guy named Kel'Thuzad, although he is indeed a bad bone frame and a big lich, but he was still an archmage in the magic kingdom of Dalaran, and he was also a Kirin Tor Six One of the members of the People’s Council, it’s easy to teach a stupid guy like Irene!"

   That's right!

   In Annie's eyes, a guy like Irena who became her apprentice inexplicably is indeed a dumb guy, and for such a guy, using that bone frame to teach is more than enough.

   "There is more!"


"Spicy guy is actually very powerful. If Irayana hadn't stopped in time, you would have been defeated by him in no time! Anyway, if he is serious, a witch like you, even if you come again. If you fight, you can't beat him!"

Just now Annie saw the conflict between the Stardust Witch Sister Fran and the Great Lich Kel'Thuzad in the tree house, but she did not stop her, allowing the two to confront each other and prepare to explode. Battle.

   However, she hadn't waited for her to prepare drinks and snacks for the show, but the pesky Irena was stopped. It was so boring!



   "Is he so good?"

Although I don’t understand what the members of the Magic Kingdom Dalaran and the Kirin Tor’s Council of Six represent, the short confrontation has already made her feel strong pressure from each other. Therefore, Fran thought about it and finally did not have it. Refute directly.

   However, she still feels a little stubbornly that, anyway, that evil undead shouldn't be Irene's magic assistant.

   "But Annie!"

   "That guy, if he is responsible for teaching Irene magic in the future, what about me, what should I do?"

   Yes, this is also one of the areas where Irena feels a little anxious.

   "Is it possible that I won't have to teach her anymore?"

You know, originally, Fran was one of the core members of the team, and she was Irene’s assistant, but now she was suddenly replaced by a bone frame and was about to be marginalized...Although she was happy to be lazy and do nothing, However, once she felt that she didn't seem to be that important, she was always a little uncomfortable in her heart?

  Perhaps, this is the reason why she was so nervous and blushed, right?


   "You really don't seem to have anything to teach her, you said before, didn't you?"

   Annie had heard the other party say about this, otherwise, the other party wouldn't have rejected Irena's request of apprenticeship and would directly push the trouble to herself.

  Of course, this is also the main reason why most witches in Loberta are unwilling or afraid to accept Irena as an apprentice, because they all feel that they can't teach themselves well, and there is nothing to teach.

   "That's right!"


   "Do you really need me? Then what's the use of staying here in the future? I suddenly became redundant?"

   As she talked, the voice of Fran, the Stardust Witch, gradually became quieter, and her face looked a little frustrated and lost.

   "Really no need!"

   "In the future, you only need to work hard to be her sparring partner. Don't be beaten so badly by her. Don't let her be a teacher within a year!"

This is what Annie discussed with the Fran in front of her. As long as Irene can defeat Fran, who is an official witch in a duel, then the other party can go out and become an official witch, and that The last time, both of them tacitly agreed to a year later.

   "That's it..."

   "Good too!"

   "That's what I expected..."

   After thinking about it, Witch Fran, who felt that there was nothing wrong with Annie's arrangement, finally nodded reluctantly.

   When she wanted to come, no matter how talented Irena was, she would definitely not be able to beat her in a short time. In this regard, Stardust Witch Fran expressed confidence!

Because, recently, she has been training and steadily improving against the shadow flame bear Tibbers, although every time she died under the opponent's claws or in the mouth... But her magic skills and The level of use has indeed improved a lot, and it is getting harder and harder for the bear to catch and eat her. This improvement is obvious to all and beyond doubt.

   Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Irene to defeat her Stardust Witch in a short time!

Even if the other party has a good teacher, there is also a bear as a sparring partner, and even a powerful undead lich teaches magic, but no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to surpass her veteran, long-standing reputation and various combat experience. All extremely rich witches!


   However, Annie would not tell the Stardust Witch in front of her: Will Kel'Thuzad teach Irena she doesn't know, but her little bear might?

   Of course, may also include her?

However, she still hasn’t figured out what to teach the other party, because the foundation of Miss Irena is still a bit too poor, so she is going to let the Kel'Thuzad teach the other party for a while before speaking. As for In the future, we will have to wait and see later.

   "Since Annie, you have arranged everything, then I won't interfere, I will continue to practice!"


   "Stop! Tibbers!"

   "It was my carelessness to lose to you just now, don't run, let's have a few more matches! I don't believe it anymore, I, the Stardust Witch, can't beat you who can't fly!"

After tossing with a certain lich for a while, and then finished negotiating with the little girl in front of Annie, basically relieved the gloomy mood just now, and found her own position again, of course the Stardust Witch remembered something again, so He looked directly at a certain stuffed bear sitting on the table in the study room with full energy.



   However, Fran, the Stardust Witch, quickly discovered that the little bear didn't pay attention to her at all at this time, just glanced at her, and then lay down straight, lying on the table motionless.


   "Ann, Annie, what's wrong with your little bear? What does the look it just looked at me mean?"

Opening her mouth, she found that the other party was just lying there indifferently. Witch Fran, who could not get any response, had to look at someone who was also lying lazily in the hanging basket in the study, shaking, and still humming. A little girl with an unknown ballad.



   "It just said..."

"It’s too tired to eat today... The touch and taste of the meat from different parts of your body is already familiar. Therefore, it doesn’t plan to talk to you again until it thinks of a new way to eat you. There was a fight."

The magic projection toy that Annie turned out is very popular recently. Of course she knows it, but she is a little unbelievable that this big sister Fran and her apprentice Irene are so miserable that they have been picked up. Perth ate so many times in the projection arena?

You know, when projecting, Tibbers can only use its own power, and can't borrow any energy from her. In that case, a formal witch can't hit one end. Burning the shadow bear that it plays by itself is really useless!

You know, she is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Queen Anne that year But when he was only two years old, he successfully tamed Tibbers from the Petrified Tree Forest, and these guys are so spicy that they have been eaten so many times by the other party, just thinking about it, I feel a little embarrassed for them!


   "What did you say? It... did it really say that just now?"

   "Damn it!"

   "Tibbers! If you have the ability, you can get up and compare with me again, and see if I don't use the spear of thunder to kill you into scum!!"

   "Come here! I'm ready, I want to see this time, how did you eat me?!"

   "Hey! Don't run!"


Soon, Fran, the Stardust Witch, was in grief and anger, and she suddenly sat up from the table towards a certain one, but did not go to the chessboard-like magic projection arena in the middle to confront her, but gave it first. She gave a disdainful look, and then the stuffed bear who turned around and left the window calmly chased it out.

  ‘Stop! ’

  ‘Don’t run! ! ’

'what! ’

  ‘Damn it! ! ’


  The voice got farther and farther, and soon, Annie couldn't hear the cursing sound coming from the forest.


  Ε=)) alas

   "It's finally quiet..."


Seeing that Tibbers helped her lead away the troublesome guy who could only be noisy, and a certain bone frame was helping herself to teach another little trouble, Annie was finally able to comfortably nest in this hanging in the study, Under the effect of magic, there were patches of green leaves and vines swaying comfortably in a hanging basket full of flowers.

   "Ah oh..."

Annie has recently been tired of the chaotic world, so she is not going anywhere, just take a good time off here to relax, without worrying about those messy things, and don’t have to be afraid of being caught My acquaintances came to the door, so I had a good rest.



   Soon, Annie gradually fell asleep...

   And at this time, someone outside was summoned by her, and then the magic assistant who started to take up the post that day was doing his best to teach her the curious and problematic genius Irena.

"That one……"

   "Teacher Kel'Thuzad!"

   "Are you really a badass before?"

   On a grass not far from the tree house, Irena, who was sitting on a small rock, was asking curiously while recording some magic spell and precautions.


   "Irena, this question. Does it have anything to do with the frost magic we are going to learn?"

   Obviously, a certain great lich didn't want to say more about the things he had done, because in his opinion, those things have happened for a long time, and there is no need to continue to discuss and elaborate.


   "Can't you really talk about it?"

   Irene did not give up, and continued to ask...

   "It's not impossible."

"okay then!"

   "Irena, I will tell you about my past now, I hope you won't be scared?"

He looked at the curious little girl, then turned his head and took a look at a certain tree house. Finally, Kel'Thuzad resisted a magic impulse to burn the annoying genius trainee witch in front of him into a skeleton. Later, he began to talk silently:

   "In fact, we have to start talking about the chaotic era."

   "At that time, I was still a member of the Kentori Council in Dalaran, and I had only just begun to study the undead magic including spiritism..."

   "Beside our Dalaran, there is Lordaeron, the largest kingdom of mankind on the eastern continent. Its king is Terenas, a cunning and greedy old guy..."

   "Then, I remember..."

   "He also has a dutiful silly son named Alsace Menethil?"



In the surprised and frightened eyes of the female apprentice Irena, the Arch Lich Kel'Thuzad sneered so much. It took nearly an hour to learn what he had done, such as going to Northrend and seeing the Lich. The king's power, the establishment of the cursed sect and the overthrow of the Kingdom of Lordaeron were all told to One Fifty Ten.

   At that time, he almost succeeded...

   In fact, he did succeed in other timelines, there is no doubt about it!


   Unfortunately, in his timeline, there is an extra little girl who shouldn't exist, so his final ending is a bit bad? But no matter what, Kel'Thuzad finally dormant, and has not died yet!


   "So, Teacher Kel'Thuzad, did you offer your loyalty to the Lich King and become the Queen of Lich, did you really achieve eternal immortality?"

   After listening to the other party's story in silence, Irena asked excitedly until the other party stopped.

It was just because she asked her teacher Anne that question, and then the impatient little girl summoned such a new magic assistant in front of her. Therefore, she wanted to get the one she was very interested in. s answer.

   "Eternal immortality?"


   "Child, please listen to my advice..."

   "There may be many ways to achieve eternity, but becoming an undead lich is definitely not the best choice!"


   "It's just a cage of soul..."


   "Yes, that is a cage!"

   Very rare, UU reading www. uukahnshu. After com persuaded Irena, the soul fire in Kel'Thuzad's eyes began to flicker, but in the end, it turned into a faint sigh.


   "But, if the lich doesn't work, what should I do when I want eternal life in the future?"

   The Horcrux previously seen in the book has been rejected, and now the method of becoming a lich doesn't seem to work. This situation makes Irena feel a little frustrated.



   "Eternity is a very philosophical question. I think you should ask your teacher?"

   Kel'Thuzad said like this, as if to imply something.


   "But, why?"

   Irene was puzzled, she didn't know why she asked her teacher Anne, because she had asked before, but she didn't get the answer.

   "Forget it!"

   "Not why!"

   "This question, you will naturally understand..."

   Kel'Thuzad did not explain, nor dared to explain.

He didn’t want to talk more to the trainee witch who was in the treasure house in front of him and asked him how to obtain the “treasure” because he was afraid of accidentally saying something wrong and offended the one in the tree house. No, he may spend countless thousands of years, even if he really has an eternal lifespan, he may not be able to reach the slightest existence.


   ask for tickets, ask for subscription~!

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