Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1310: ?(???*)?? The genius Irena finally wants...

In the days that followed, genius, the youngest and youngest apprentice witch in the history of Loberta, her beauty and talent radiated light, and even the sun could not help but squint her eyes when she saw the sun, not losing to the colorful flowers, beautiful blooming like flowers Irena, who is as beautiful and cute as a doll, spent a whole year in the depths of the forest under the careful guidance of her three teachers.

During this time, she worked hard to learn and absorb all kinds of magic knowledge, while trying hard to satisfy the reasonable or unreasonable requirements of the two teachers of Anne and Fran, except to serve as a dedicated servant. In addition, under the guidance of her other magic assistant, the archlich Kel'Thuzad, immersed in the ocean of magical knowledge.

   Since this time, Irene felt that among her three magic teachers, the ugliest Lich Kel'Thuzad was undoubtedly the most conscientious, and none of them!

Because her real teacher, that little girl Anne Hasta, apart from waiting for her to cook, eat, drink, and all kinds of fun every day, she just plays with her own, and she disappeared for three days without knowing it. Wherever she went to go crazy, she never seriously asked her about her studies.

   And the Stardust Witch Fran teacher, let alone!

The other party didn’t know what kind of madness, it was like self-mutilation. Every day he knew that he couldn’t live with a certain bear, so he changed the way to duel with the other all day long, and then he was changed into the magic projection arena. All kinds of abuse and all kinds of eating...

   Irene even felt that the other party must have some bad hobby?

In such an extremely harsh teaching environment, it’s because of her that Irene has another teacher, Kel'Thuzad, the Arch Lich, who has been in a cave in the forest not far from the tree house of the three of them for 24 hours. Stand by, and forget to sleep and eat, work hard, and meticulously carry out the great duty of teaching her, and never slack off one day, otherwise, she would not want to learn anything useful this year!


   Irena felt a little frustrated that since yesterday, her knowledgeable assistant in magic, Mr. Kel'Thuzad, refused to continue teaching her magic.


  ‘Child. ’

  ‘You are very talented, even better than the female apprentice Jaina Proudmoore I’ve seen in Dalaran before...’

  ‘It’s also an honor for Kel'Thuzad to be able to guide you...’

  ‘But I have nothing to teach you now. ’

"Undead magic, you only need to understand a little bit, because they are not very suitable for you, and I will not teach you more... Now, please go back and tell your teacher, saying that my task has been completed Now, let her make the next arrangement for you. ’


   The above is what the archmage, the archlich's Mr. Kel'Thuzad said to her.

So, after going to the cave in the forest today and being told that no magic knowledge will be taught anymore, Irena had no choice but to return to the tree house with a trace of anxiety, hesitation and excitement, and found her. The little girl teacher and some assistant Fran who seems to be going to have some kind of weird'duel' with a certain bear again.



   "Irena, that bone frame Kel'Thuzad really says you can already graduate?"

   Hearing what Irena said, Fran, the Stardust Witch who was still immersed in some kind of daily life, was obviously shocked. You know, in her impression, it seems that time hasn't been long. Why in the blink of an eye, Irene suddenly said that she was ready to graduate?

   "How can it be so fast?!"

You know, it has been this period of time that she was finally able to fight a certain bear inextricably and win each other, and vaguely felt that her magical attainments were soaring, and she was about to break through... But now, this Irena also said that she has also made great progress, even that big lich has nothing to teach?

   "Yes! Teacher Fran!"

"Mr. Kel'Thuzad really said that. He just said that starting from today, he will not continue to give me any guidance. He said that what I lack now is only experience. For promotion to the official witch, That is more than enough!"

"and so……"

First, she lifted her chin up generously and proudly to explain the situation to the Stardust Witch Fran in the study, and then glanced at a certain hateful bear who had also eaten herself many times, and finally Yi Lei Na just turned her head and looked at a certain irresponsible little girl teacher who was climbing into a certain vine basket and lying on it contentedly, as if she didn't care too much about what she just said.

   "Mr. Annie, do you have any other arrangements?"

   Irene didn't know what arrangements her nominal teacher had for her, anyway Mr. Kel'Thuzad said that, so she came and was looking forward to it.


   "No! People don't have any messy arrangements for you!"

   Where does Annie care about those things?

   In fact, if the other party hadn't mentioned it suddenly today, she would have almost forgotten that the other party was still her Queen Anne's apprentice.

   Anyway, the apprentices or students she has taught are quite a lot, but there are none that she can really care about!

   In short, she is notoriously irresponsible and will not teach students. Even if she teaches, it must be a mess! Therefore, if Irene wants to count on her to make any arrangements, it must be something that she can't count on, and don't even think about it.



   "Yes, but..."

   Irene is a little messy.

   "Teacher Annie! What should I do next?"

   "What should I do?"

You know, she was very worried and looking forward to her just now, thinking that her teacher would put her on various tests or make arrangements that were more difficult or challenging, such as trialing her or simply summoning a more What can a powerful mage teach her?

   But as a result, what she waited for was indeed such an irresponsible sentence:


   "Next... of course, cooking, washing clothes, doing housework and going out shopping every day!"

   Little Annie said it for granted and looked carefree, she didn't even care about Irene's pretty face, who was standing in front of her, which had become darker, duller, and ugly.


   Irene opened her eyes and pursed her mouth, feeling very aggrieved, she almost cried out without ‘wow’.

   How can this be?

   Feelings, in the eyes of her teacher Anne, her apprentice is really just a tool person like a maid?

   But, in the past year, she has obviously worked very hard to study and work...


"That one……"

   Seeing Irene’s expression, the Stardust Witch Fran on the side was obviously more eye-catching, so she came forward in due course to remind a little girl who was disheartened:


   "Anne, since Kel'Thuzad's bone frame says that Irena is ready to graduate, then let's..."

   "Is it time to give her the final assessment?"

   For that bone frame Kel'Thuzad, Fran has always been a fake color.

Because she had secretly invited the opponent to "duel" in the tree house for three games. In each of them, she lost so miserably that she couldn't afford to fight the opponent anymore... But if it was If Irena has met the requirements and is about to graduate, then she turns to beating the apprentice that the other party has carefully taught, seems to be a matter of smashing the other party?

  Because they have said before, if Irena wants to graduate and be promoted to a formal witch, she must pass the test, and their test must be to ask the other party to defeat her as a witch in a magic duel.

   But the opponent is a fifteen-year-old trainee witch who wants to defeat her, a senior witch who has worked hard to improve for a whole year, and it is obviously impossible to defeat her, the Stardust witch!


  ! o

   "Yeah! I almost forgot about it. She seemed to have actually said that she wanted to become an official witch soon..."


   Finally, under the prompt of a certain witch on the side, Annie finally remembered something that was not too important to her.


   Irene did not speak, but pressed her lips tightly, looked at her irresponsible teacher with stubborn eyes, and patiently waited for the other party to make arrangements for her next step.

"okay then!"

   "Since the lich said yes, now..."

   "That's right! What shall we do now?!"

   Annie looked at Witch Fran who was aside, and wanted the other party to give her more hints.

After all, for such a long period of time, she has been just playing with her own, and the Irena in front of her has not been concerned for a long time, except for knowing that the other party will prepare them with delicious and fresh food every day. Besides, there is really not much impression.

   If the other party hadn't talked about it today, she would have forgotten that she still has such an apprentice, how would she know what to do next?



At this time, not only Irene was a little dumbfounded, but even the Stardust Witch Fran, who opened her mouth and wanted to say something, was stunned by the botched performance of a messy little girl. She didn't even know for a while. What to order.


   "It's an assessment!!!"

   A certain witch covered her forehead for the first time.


   "It seems that the time is indeed the past year. If Kel'Thuzad's bone frame is not messed up, now think about it, it is time for Irena to take the graduation examination and become an official witch."

   "Didn't we talk about it before, you forgot?"

   quietly glanced at Irene, who seemed to be pursing her mouth hard, and she seemed to be very sad. Only then did Witch Fran wink at Annie and beckoned the other party to follow her words quickly.

   "Have you ever said that?"

   "I seem to have forgotten it accidentally..."


   "Since it's been a year... well, let's prepare now to see if Irena can graduate, right?"

   Seeing that there seemed to be business to do today, Annie, who had just climbed into the gondola and failed to lie down for a few minutes, had to hurriedly jumped off the gondola again.

Although, after graduation, it seems that he will lose a caring little maid or something. No one will cook lunch, dinner and supper for himself, and no one will prepare bath water and warm bed for himself. Well... Since she had said the matter before, she had to do it reluctantly.



Seeing that an irresponsible teacher finally planned to take action, Irena finally breathed a sigh of relief... Although, the next step in her imagination for graduation is not the same, but since they are all Speaking of this, she is not good to say more.


   "What is the assessment?"

   Annie looked at the Irena, who seemed to have suddenly become full of energy, and then asked the witch Fran on the other side.

   Anyway, it was a good thing that was said a year ago. Time has passed so long, and she has never taken it to heart, so she must not be expected to remember it.

  Ε=)) alas


   "It's a duel!"

   Stardust Witch Fran once again clutched her forehead, and pointed at the magic projection arena that was made by Annie herself more than half a year ago, and can be used to fight them with all their strength.

   "That is the duel assessment!!"

   Fran remembers it clearly. They said at the time that when Irena could defeat her Fran in the arena in the future, the other party could graduate successfully and be promoted to the official witch?

   And this is the main reason why they lived in isolation in this inaccessible forest for a full year!

  If it weren't for Irene, if it wasn't for the large sum of money from the other's parents, she wouldn't come to this place to waste a full year! Although, she did have a very fulfilling time during this period, and was a little bit happy in it?


  Σσ is right!!!

   "It's a hot duel!"

   "Here! Irena, hurry up, move that thing outside, we will have your assessment soon!"

   "You have to hurry up!"


   Pretending to remember, Annie stretched out her hand, grabbed a certain annoying little bear and clutched the opponent's neck tightly in her hand, and ran out quickly ahead of time.



Shaking his head, UU reading looked at the bluffing little girl who had run out, Stardust Witch Fran had no choice but to cast a joke on Irena, who didn’t know her mood. Funny eyes.

   "Let's go!"

   "Irena, take this thing out as your teacher said, let's go to a duel!"

   "But you have to be careful, I won't be merciful to your subordinates, if you are beaten to death by me... the next assessment time, at least one month later!"

After blinking, Witch Fran waved her magic wand, and her whole person disappeared in a flash of magical stardust, and then appeared in the distant flower sea meadow in an instant, obviously using some teleportation spell. It was sent directly.


   "I don't want you to show mercy!!"

After shaking her fist, she saw that a little girl outside had jumped to her destination, and her other teacher, Mr. Kel'Thuzad, also floated out of the forest to watch the battle. He took a breath and waved his magic wand, causing the chessboard-like magic projection duel arena to float leisurely, following her, and then drifting out of the window with her.

Irena believes that through her hard work during this period of time, and after Mr. Kel'Thuzad has carefully taught herself for more than half a year, she will be able to defeat the assistant teacher of Witch Fran and be promoted to become an official Witch, so that she can be Traveling around the world as a witch, she must be like that!


  ☆Pick a ticket

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