Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1314: I really came to find someone, I am a witch, you guys...

This country of magicians is a very interesting country. For this, Irena can know from those magicians who fly around the city with a broomstick, and this kind of situation cannot be seen elsewhere. .

   Obviously, this is a country that promotes flying, and it is full of the rich atmosphere of magic. Otherwise, there would be no strange rules that are not magicians and cannot enter the country without magic.


Thinking about the chaos in the entrance area of ​​the city gate, and thinking about the destroyed walls and statues of the witch in the passage into the city, Irena suddenly felt that she had better hurry to find her unreliable and somewhat arbitrary Reckless teacher?


   "There was an air traffic accident when I just came in, and then I was going to find the teacher who only knows to make trouble. It seems that the future journey will not be too smooth..."


Irena, sitting on the broomstick, is no longer in the mood to see the exotic atmosphere of the magical country below. She just sighed in her heart, and hurriedly headed towards the most luxurious hotel in the city. Fly away.

She just heard from the guards who were cleaning up the mess at the city gate. The witch elders of this country confessed to their defeat and certified the identity of the great witch to her teacher and let her stay in the most luxurious place. The hotel, and all fees are free... Doesn’t that mean that as a student of the other party, she should be able to follow along and enjoy a free super-standard hospitality?

   Although it may be a little unglamorous and make her a little bit shy, but...

   Thinking of coming out this time, I didn't bring too much money. I thought that I might have to stay outside for a long time. Therefore, if I can save a little now, I can save a little more. Irena can't take care of that much.


   "Where is the city so big..."


   "Is that a hotel over there? It looks really stylish, just like the Loberta Palace... It should be right, it must be there?"

Soon, Irena did not waste much time flying in the sky. From the glorious city of this magician country, according to the signs and wooden signs nailed to the roof, she found the most looking one. Luxurious and atmospheric hotel.

It is the same as the gate of this city. The entrance gate of the hotel is also set up on the top floor a few meters high. There are golden badges and flags crossed on both sides. If ordinary people can't fly, they must enter. Not going to that place!

   It can be seen that in this country, the identity of a magician is indeed beyond ordinary people. If you can't use magic and can't ride a broomstick, I'm afraid that even daily life and movement will be severely restricted here, right?

Of course, that kind of thing doesn’t belong to Irene, and she doesn’t have to worry about it. At most, she writes what she sees and thinks about on the first page of her diary... Don't include the'good thing' that her teacher did at the city gate before she came here. She didn't think about it.

   After all, it’s not a glorious thing, and the other party is his own teacher. If you write that kind of thing in, it seems that you don’t respect the other party too much.


"Never mind, I've been flying for so long anyway, and I was hit by that stupid guy when I entered the city, but I was cold, tired, sleepy, painful and hungry, so I should hurry in to find the teacher and enjoy it. The service of the most luxurious hotel in this magician country!"

"In a moment, when they see my beautiful woman with beautiful gray hair, whose beauty and talents are shining, and even the sun can't help but squint her eyes, they will definitely say: Lord Irene, You are so young. You have acquired the status of a witch so quickly. You are indeed an apprentice of the Great Witch! If that is the case, you will not be charged. It is the honor of the small shop to live here?"

   "Presumably, you must be sure and you will say that?"


Although Irena feels that some of her teacher’s practices are a bit bullying and a little unglamorous, but she can’t manage that much now. She wants to be wrong and talks to herself, so she just wants to hurry down and find her own teacher. And eat a delicious meal, then soak in a hot bath comfortably, and finally pounce on the big soft bed to sleep until the daybreak, the kind that doesn’t get up in the sun!

You know, this year, since becoming teacher Anne’s apprentice, she has also been a maid who has worked hard for a full year at the same time. She has to wake up early and greedy the dark every day, either doing housework or busy with three meals a day and nights. At night, and she had to take time to study at the same time, but she hadn't been able to sleep well in a long time.

If this goes on, she will not lose to the colorful flowers, the beautiful flowers blooming like flowers, but wrinkles or premature aging, that kind of thing, but thinking about it, it feels terrible, so she shouldn’t be like her. Mom does housework like that and grows old so quickly!

   "Wow! It's really big here!"


   "That's right, it must be here, the teacher must be here!"

Irena landed in the air and landed on the semicircular platform in front of the luxurious hotel entrance. Then, she put away her broom and took a breath. After finishing her makeup, she was generous and generous. He pushed open the large wooden door with the same style and luxury and walked straight in.


   Irena just walked in, and saw two male staff wearing that waiter tuxedo directly greeted her.

   "You, hello!"

   "May I ask..."

   When she thought that the other party was here to welcome her and just wanted to say something, she only saw that the other party was straight-faced and blocked her way.


   "This guest, please go out, we cannot stay here for you!"

The first uncle with a beard, a flat hat, and a waiter or a doorman looked down at only fifteen years old. She still looked a little petite, and stared with cold and unfriendly eyes. After she watched it for a while, she said ruthlessly.

   "Huh? Huh?"


Irene didn’t even know what to say for a while, and she didn’t know exactly what went wrong... You know, she is a noble and beautiful witch, and she is also a Loberta. The youngest and youngest apprentice witch in history and the youngest genius witch, a person like her, even if she doesn't come to eat and stay like her teacher, should the other party greet her with a smile?

   Besides, she didn't have time to explain her intentions, why did the other party treat such a beautiful and powerful witch like her?

   "This guest!"

   "It's rare for you to visit our shop, but please find a hotel that matches your identity. We can't entertain you here..."

   Seeing that Irena seemed to want to say something, another blond waitress with a better personality smiled slightly, and said this apologetically to her, as if he wanted her to retire when she was in trouble?


   "Body and identity match?"

   At this moment, Irena was completely trapped, and she had no idea what these individuals meant.


"wait wait wait!!!"

Finally, she was stunned for a while, until the other party arrogantly reached out and pushed her out of the door, and until the other party was about to close the big wooden door again, Irena finally remembered something, and then she reacted. Hurriedly stepped forward, reached out and pushed the door directly, and hurriedly added:

"That one……"

   "Actually, I...I came to see my teacher. Excuse me, my teacher, does she live here?"

Although I don’t know why the other party doesn’t want to see me so beautiful and cute like a doll, even the scorching sun in the summer will give off a hotter light, and there is a big beauty with the status of a witch of the highest level, but she is about to eat Yi Lei who is closed Na Ke couldn't manage that much anymore, so she hurriedly explained her main purpose and reason for coming here.

If it is said that this luxurious hotel like a royal palace must have certain conditions to stay in, even if the status of a formal witch is not so good, then she is now here to find her teacher and use it It’s always okay to move in with the apprenticeship of your teacher Anne’s, right?

Anyway, as far as Irene knows, no matter where in this world, whether it is a palace or an important banquet, or some private place, it is certain that the family members of the guests will not be blocked by the door. Outside.


Sure enough, after hearing Irena's addition, the three people who blocked the door and just wanted to drive her out. The well-dressed and dog-like guys first looked at each other and exchanged glances. , I had to be patient and smiled slightly and asked aloud.


   "This lady, may I ask, your name, age and identity? Also, who is your teacher and what is her name?"

   "We can check for you now."

"very sorry!"

   "Because this is the regulation of our shop, you can only enter the premises only after you have successfully verified your identity and obtained the permission and interview of the guests staying in, so..."

Since Irena was here to find someone, one of the three who didn’t know if it was the doorman or the waiter quickly took out a check-in book, and then still blocked the door impolitely and started asking questions. And registration.


   "Good, good!"

   Although I was a little dissatisfied with the opponent's attitude of defending myself like a thief, after thinking about it, Irena still gritted her teeth and continued:

   "My name is Irene, I am fifteen years old this year, and I am a witch from Loberta, officially a witch!"

   Irena, who was afraid that the other party might remember something wrong, raised her head and focused on the superior status of a formal ‘witch’.

"and also!"

"My teacher, her name is Anne Hasta, she is only eight years old... I just heard from the gatekeepers that she was staying in the most luxurious hotel in the city, and it should be yours. Yes, right?"

   "Please tell her, that her student Irene has come to have a round with her, and she will definitely come out to see me."

   Irene said a little nervously, for fear that this was not the place she was looking for, and finally got an oolong, and then these nasty guys made their faces and cooperated to drive themselves away.

  If that were the case, then she would be too embarrassed!


   "Official witch?"

However, Irena was a little surprised that when she said the name of her teacher, the guy with the check-in book among the three suddenly stopped the check-in, and did not check it, just He whispered something in his mouth, then glanced up and down at her with a little surprise at the same time, then turned his head to look at his companions, and closed the registration book with a snap?


   "Isn't this the most luxurious hotel in town?"

   Did you find the wrong place?

Seeing the reaction of the other party, Irene subconsciously thought that she had found the wrong place. If that was the case, then she was afraid to ask them carefully, asking where the place she was looking for was in the city. Locally.

   "You did not find it wrong, this is indeed the most luxurious hotel in the country of our magician, there is no one!"


   "I still ask you to leave!"

   After finishing speaking, the waiter named the leader straightened his face again, and when he reached out, he drove Irena out, while the other two beside him were about to close the door.


   "But, doesn't my teacher live here? Don't you help to check it?!"


"please wait!!"

Irena was stunned for a moment. Seeing that the three of them did not answer, and her face looked a little weird, she felt that her teacher must be the one who lives here, so she hurriedly reached out again to resist the two heavy wooden doors, and Asked somewhat puzzledly.



   "Your Excellency Anne Hasta, the Great Witch, indeed lives here!"


"The Lord Witch is resting in the luxurious suite at this time. We will not inform you! Believe me, today you are not the first guy who wants to impersonate the Lord Witch’s apprentice or friend, and it will never be that. the last one!"

"All right!"

   "Please leave quickly, don't disturb our normal work, we have had enough!"

  嘭! !

After that, the bearded uncle directly stretched out his hand, pressed Irena’s shoulders and pushed her back two steps "politely", then quickly took a step back, and then banged and closed it heavily. A heavy wooden door made Irena directly eat a closed door.


  ‘A guy who doesn’t even have the status of an apprentice witch dare to pretend to be an apprentice of the great witch. How can we believe that kind of thing? ’

  ‘That’s it! ’

  ‘Look at her, you dare to pretend to be a witch at the age of fifteen, and you don’t know what she thinks! It must be the same as everyone else, wanting to get in, and then go to the noble Great Witch to apprentice, right? ’

  ‘There is no doubt that it must be! ’

  ‘How many is she? Ninth or tenth? ’

  ‘I don’t know, I can’t remember...’


  ‘Okay, don’t care about her, go to work, don’t let unrelated people come in. Disturbed the Lord of the Great Witch, we people can't eat it! ’

'Yes! ’

'Yes! ! ’


Soon, in the luxury hotel with the heavy wooden doors closed, there were waves of small conversations and complaints. The voices that ridiculed Irene clearly reached her ears completely, making her I can only stand outside the door, stupidly standing in the wind in a mess, without knowing what to do.

   "Damn it!"

   How can they be like this?


   "Tell you: I really am a witch, believe it or not!"

   "The big deal..."

   "It's a big deal, I'm going to find another place to live, so I can't live in their shabby hotel!!!"

I was so ridiculed by the other I am proud, she became a trainee witch at the age of fourteen, and Irena, who was certified as an official witch at the age of fifteen, could not bear that Kind of wronged?

Therefore, she first yelled a few words towards the two luxurious and heavy wooden doors, vented her emotions, and stomped her foot fiercely, then directly summoned her own broomstick, and then sat sideways on it. Then, in the pointers and weird eyes of the magicians nearby, it soared into the sky and flew towards other places.

   Those guys...

How dare to question and treat her as the youngest and most talented witch in history, with beauty and talent exuding light, not losing to the colorful flowers, beautiful blooming like a flower, beautiful and cute like a doll, that kind of thing, She will never forgive easily!


   "Let's take a look! The service attitude is so bad, the business will not last long!"


   "Be sure to write them down in your diary!"

Soon, Irena gritted her teeth and decided to find a place where she was welcome to live. This city is not the only hotel and hotel in this city. With the status of the official witch, where can she go , How could it be rare for their broken place? !


  In that luxurious hotel suite, a little girl is hugging her little bear Tibbs, lying on the same luxurious and soft bed and falling asleep...



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