Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1315: Irene, your teacher is really that big witch...


Maybe it’s because the witches used magic to interfere with the weather. Anyway, here in the country of magic, the weather has been very good these days. During the day, it’s sunny and warm. It’s only when the night is dead. Occasionally it rains or winds, but it will be sunny in the early morning, which is very magical.厽厼

But those are small things, not too important!

Because, a bad little girl named Annie has been a worm for several days in this extravagant hotel and hotel in the country of Magic Envoys. She just lived the kind of magic The maid takes care of it, opens her mouth when she eats, and stretches her hands out of her clothes. There are also various delicious snacks that are never repeated all day long. Every day, I indulge in the incomparably wonderful appetite and feel a little bit happy.



"Tibbers, look at it! These things are so delicious, they are at least a thousand more delicious than the weed soup and grass sandwiches that Irena made... No! At least they are more than enough. Ten thousand times!"




Anyway, these days, Annie has forgotten a certain gray-haired female apprentice who followed her around the world!

At most, when she eats something delicious, she will compare the other person from the corner of her own memory, and will kick it back soon after the comparison is over?




ε=)) So delicious!

"That one……"

"Hey! Tibbers, why is that stupid Irena slow? It's been so many days, why hasn't she been here? Could it be that the monster got lost on the road and was caught by the monster?"


Finally, very rarely, Annie asked about some stupid guy who had just been remembered by her.

She is accustomed to shutting down her strong perceptions daily and focusing on enjoying a good life. When a bear goes on strike and does not give a prompt, of course she will not know that a hapless apprentice has come to look for her several times and was blocked by the waiter. The kind of thing outside the door.

Therefore, when Irene would not turn her face and fight after being rejected like she did, she still subconsciously thinks that the other party is still flying on the road, or is accustomed to running astray as she always did. Going to other places, so that you haven't come to this country yet?

Anyway, in Annie's opinion, it is normal that the other party will encounter the kind of things she often encounters.

Wonderful pen library 厺厽

"okay then!"


"Let's leave her alone, let's continue eating!"


Just remembered for less than ten seconds, after asking her little bear to no avail, Annie immediately left the other party behind, and did not even go to check and investigate for a while, and immediately paid her attention. Lige put it on the big table full of delicious food and snacks on the table not far from her.

"Hurry up, Tibbers, bring that plate of snacks to someone!!"


What about the lost apprentice, where is it important to have good food?

Therefore, Annie screamed directly, lying on the sun chair in the balcony garden of this luxurious suite as a matter of course, and directly ordered a certain bear.


"Ha! That's right, people just want to eat this!"




"Really delicious!!"


The sun in the sky is very bright, and the flowers in the balcony garden are also taken care of by the maids and maids. They still exude the light and elegant fragrance of flowers in the air, and there are also delicious, inexhaustible, inexhaustible food. With the endless food on the sidelines, Anne felt very satisfied and didn't really want to break it on such a comfortable day.

So, if a certain apprentice doesn't come, don't come. She is not in a hurry anyway, and there is time, so she can slowly wait patiently.


When she is bored and crooked here, she will naturally look for each other.

As for when is the time when she is bored and crooked... Then she can't guarantee it, maybe it is because she is bored by herself, or the magicians can't use more novel or delicious things. When to meet her?


And when a certain bear Tibbers followed its little owner in the luxury hotel without shame and ate and waited for others, the object that its little owner was waiting for was the youngest in history, with beauty and talent exuding The light, not lost to the colorful flowers, the genius witch who blooms like a flower, and is as beautiful and cute as a doll, is now hanging out with others in a wilderness outside the magician country.

Because her bear head witch badge disappeared on the day she first came to this country. She searched for several days but couldn't find it, so that all the middle and high-end hotels refused to receive her. This status is seriously inconsistent with her status. As a result of her foreign'witch', she finally had to find one of the worst small hotels to live in temporarily, and because of this, she met a waiter named Saya, a magician. She also agreed to become the other's instructor, and began to work. Point to each other and teach them how to become a real trainee witch who stands out among many challengers?

And now, the reason why she and the other party are in this deserted place is to teach the other party how to beat those competitors and win the victory in the apprentice witch exam.厽厼

For a classless magician at the bottom of a magician to become a trainee witch, the first thing he needs to pass is a written test!

However, that kind of thing is not too difficult for a genius, Irena, who has become a trainee witch at the age of fourteen, is not too difficult, because she is a student who is very experienced in such boring exams and knows how to go. Teach Saya to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily and cope with and pass those written tests successfully!

And the only thing that made Irena feel a little headache, was the final magic exam...

The test requires the applicants to fly in the sky on a broomstick while attacking each other with the kind of powerful magic that will not kill the competitors, and directly shoot down all the competitors and only one final winner is left!

That kind of cruel and fierce assessment is still a bit too harsh for the current Saya.

After all, no matter how many applicants there are for that kind of exam, in the end, there can only be one winner who can successfully advance to the trainee witch. The high elimination rate is indeed a bit rare and unfavorable.

But there is no way, that kind of examination system has been followed for countless years, that is not something that Irena’s complaints can change, so she can only try to teach Saya how to fly in the assessment and avoid opponents’ attacks. , And with tricks, generally try to avoid attacks, reduce the sense of presence, and save magic power in the assessment, so that when there are only single-digit enemies in the field, find the opportunity to rush into the duel circle and counterattack, and then win the final victory. Famen.

Anyway, no matter what, the other party must not be able to challenge dozens of people like she did before, and beat those competitors to flee, and finally humiliated those competitors severely. It easily won the first place in one fell swoop.

But then...

After a few days of training, Irena was still a little discouraged looking at the guy in front of her with many injuries on her body and knees. Although she had been very hard to teach, but after the real teaching, she quickly discovered that this new friend named Saya in front of her, this stupid woman who has been squandering the magician level is really too bad. Too bad.


"Your center of gravity was too high just now. In that case, maybe you don't need your opponent to attack you, you may fall by yourself."

"and also!"

"If you can't free your hands while flying, how can you attack your enemies with wands and spells?"


"I'll just tell you. With your current strength, even if you use tricks, the probability of passing the magic test is basically zero..."

"That kind of trickery can't be conceived by me alone. Those flexible-minded guys must have a lot of thoughts like me, so..."


While she was talking, Irena sighed again, rubbing the flowing and beautiful long hair on her head with a headache, she didn't know what to do for a while.

I never expected that she, the youngest in history, radiant with beauty and talent, not lost to the colorful flowers, blooming like a flower, beautiful and cute like a doll, would also worry about how to teach. Good someone's day.


"When I was really too good, I suddenly encountered an ordinary stupid guy who didn't know how to teach, it really was a headache!"

Irena whispered a few words at last, but she was speaking in that very small voice, but she didn't dare to let the stupid guy named Saya on the other side hear it.


"What should I do……"

Of course, Saya, the magi and hotel maid standing not far from Irena, had to lower her head in frustration after hearing Irena's comment.

She herself knows that compared to the current Irene, she is indeed too far behind... the other party has become a powerful official witch at a young age, and she herself is not only older than the other party. , All other aspects have been crushed and compared.


"Maybe we can only continue to strengthen the broom flying training. Since you can't make you stronger and more experienced, you can only try to fight for you not to be shot down by your opponent at the beginning?"


"It would be great if Mrs. Kel'Thuzad was here, I guess he would have a way to teach you well... Or if there was the magic projection arena of Mrs. Annie."

"It's a pity that it was snatched away by the cunning fellow of Teacher Fran..."

"It's really annoying!"

While talking, Irena also sighed in frustration, and murmured in annoyance.

Because she felt that the effect of teaching Saya like this didn’t seem to be very good... It was time-consuming and laborious, but the important thing was that she didn’t see any hope of winning and becoming a trainee witch at all. Not to mention being promoted to an official witch of the same level as her!


"Irena, do you... do you have so many teachers?" League of Legends novel 厺厽

Saye heard something unusual from Irene's words. She heard Irene say at least three teachers' names.


"I do have three teachers, but the other two are teaching assistants. The only real teacher is Teacher Anne!"

"Teacher Fran and Teacher Kel'Thuzad are actually teaching assistants..."

When the other party asked about that kind of thing, Irene didn't hide it, and directly and generously told her teachers.

"Three, three teachers?!"

厽厼. "that……"

"Irena, your teachers must be very knowledgeable and excellent witches?"

Saya, who was somewhat clear, nodded. She knew that it was not unreasonable for Irene to be so good. It turned out that the starting point of the other party was so much higher than that of Saya. There were three teachers teaching her?


"Should be considered?"

Irene was a little unsure, after all, two of the teachers, including her official teacher, had never taught her anything, and she must be unclear if she was not knowledgeable.


"What should it mean?"


"Probably not sure?"

"Then... You became a trainee witch at the age of fourteen and an official witch at the age of fifteen. At what age did your teacher become a witch?"

Saya once again asked her anxiously a question that was of interest.

To be able to teach an excellent witch like Irene, Saya felt that the other party's teacher must be a better existence than the other party, there is no doubt about it!

Perhaps, the other party became a witch at the age of thirteen?

If that's the case, it must be one of the most top-notch people in the world. It is an existence she never dared to think of, but Irene is fortunate to be in that kind of or It’s really so happy that a group of people are apprentices!

No wonder she became a trainee witch at the age of fourteen, and was promoted to be a teacher at the age of fifteen and went out to travel the world. She was so jealous that she was going crazy with the super high-level situation!

"Well, Kel'Thuzad and Teacher Fran, I don't know much about it..."


Irene remembered the situation when she met with Teacher Anne and Teacher Fran on the first day.

"My teacher Anne, I guess he should be two or three years old?"

"It should be about the same..."

The other party once talked to her about the things like surrendering the shadow bear at the age of two, burning the old dragon at the age of three, becoming a hero at the age of five, and becoming a demigod at the age of eight. Then, when you have the strength to burn the dragon, She must be a formal witch, right?


"Two by two...two or three years old?!!!"

"That's impossible!!!"

"Irena, are you sure you are not joking? When we were two or three years old, I'm afraid we still haven't learned how to speak and read words?!"

Saya directly exclaimed and asked, with an almost horrified and unbelievable look on his face.


"When I was two years old, I already started to recognize words under the guidance of my mother!"

Invisibly, the genius school bully Irene gave another secret crit on the scumbag Saya, but she did not care, nor looked at the ugly face of the other party, but continued to speak:


"Speaking of my teacher, you may have heard of Saya. She came to this country a few days ago and had a violent riot at the city gate!"

"Really, that's really shameful!"

Speaking of that, Irene's expression was a bit embarrassing, because she didn't know whether she should be proud or ashamed of her teacher?

Of course, what made her even more embarrassed and angry was that she had shown to some guys more than once that she was indeed the apprenticeship of that little girl, and that she had become a teacher and an official witch! However, those pesky guys just didn't want to believe her, and repeatedly refused her reasonable request to meet her teacher.

"A few days ago?"


"Yi, Irene!"

"Your teacher...couldn't it be the one who defeated the Witch Elders of the Magician Country at just eight years old, and made the other party have to collectively admit defeat and admit that she is the first official in the history of the Magician Country Lord Anne Hasta, the'Lady of Flame' who is certified as the'Great Witch', right?!"

After hearing Irena's words, after a short while, the girl Saya almost opened her eyes, and asked carefully with that kind of trembling excitement.


"It's her!!"

Irene didn't deny it, she just nodded her head and confessed it, because she had said this to others many times, but those people just didn't believe her!

Those guys, those hotel attendants don’t think about it, Irena, the youngest in history, with beauty and talent radiating light, not losing to the colorful flowers, beautiful blooming like flowers, beautiful like a doll Can the cute witch be the same as those crooks?

How could they stop the beautiful and powerful her from the door, just not let her go in to find her teacher?

That's really outrageous!

Also, her teacher Anne is true. It has been several days, and she only knew that she was hiding in the hotel and couldn’t get out. As a result, she squatted outside for several days and never touched the other person. , It's really hateful...

You know, she still wants to find the other party to reissue a witch badge for her. After all, the one she didn’t know before disappeared. So, if she can’t find a teacher to reissue one, she will travel the world next time. There is no way for Luke to continue. She doesn't want to be discriminated against or turned away everywhere!


"Huh? Sha, Saye, what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, Irena, who had been slandering some guys under her heart, quickly recovered her senses, and she looked at this person in front of her, not knowing when she had already rushed to her, and she was still kneeling on the ground and holding her tightly. Saya, who was holding his thighs, asked in surprise.

LOL fiction network 厺厽. "Irena!"

"Please be sure to introduce me to your teacher!"


"As long as you introduce me, I Saya will definitely promise you in the future, really, please!!!"


"Hey! What a promise, you let go first!!!"


"If you don't agree, I won't let go!"


"Where do you put your hands?"

"Irena, please!"


"It's no use begging me! My teacher can't see me now and can't help you!"

"I do not believe!!"


"Quick, let go!!"

"Don't let it go!!"


厽厼. "All petrochemicals!!"


Finally, after entangled for a while, Irena, who was helpless, cast her magic wand directly on a hotel maid who was holding her thigh and was crying and begging, and then spent a lot of money. It took strength to get his snow-white thighs from the bulging arms of the opponent.

After the tumult and before dusk fell, Irena and Saya took a broomstick and landed on a roof not far from a luxury hotel.

"Irena, over there is the hotel where your teacher lives, hurry up! Take me in!"

"It's useless, I said, I can't get in, it's useless for you to bring me here..."


"You are a witch, why can't you enter?"

Saya was puzzled.

"Because my badge is missing!!"

Irena lowered her head in frustration, she had looked everywhere, but she couldn't find it! And she wanted to find a teacher to make up one, but she couldn't see her teacher, so UU reading fell into an endless loop.

"Ah! I remember. I picked up this thing a few days ago, Irena, look, is this the badge you're looking for?"

After hesitating for a while, a certain hotel maid thief took out a hideous bear head badge with clearly written "Irena" and other handwritings on it.


"Saya, you..."

However, Irena, who took it stupidly, quickly realized something and stared at Saya with sharp eyes.


"I, Irene, I didn't mean it, I just didn't remember to return it to you, really, I really forgot to accidentally..."



"Do you think I will believe it?"

"Why not?"

"Don't run!"



"Ahhhhhhh! Yi, Irene, let me down quickly, quickly, I didn't wear that..."

Hanged upside down by an invisible rope, a hotel maid blushed and slammed her skirt tightly, trying to struggle but couldn't get rid of it.

Yunxuan Pavilion squatted. "What, what?!"

Suddenly, Irena seemed to see something, and then her cheeks turned red instantly, turning her head quickly and waved her magic wand, and put down a certain magician maid again.

Fortunately, there is no one here. Otherwise, some of the benefits just now will be seen by outsiders.


? Ask for a ticket?

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