Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1316: Annie Hasta


"Holy and respectable "Gray Witch", would you please come in? ’

'This way, please……'


When Saya returned Irena’s bear head witch badge and had a little understanding of all the reasons why Saya did that, Irena did not immediately blame it, but comforted and comforted it. Conducted psychological counseling.

Then, she took her badge, in front of the waiters who were already familiar with her, but at this time they were looking at her in a bewilderment. She raised her head and led Saya into it. The luxury hotel that had repeatedly intercepted her before and prevented her from entering.

And the reason why Irena did not blame Saya, maybe because she thinks Saya is cute? Or is it because she just saw some good things that shouldn't be seen, and doesn't plan to pursue it after taking advantage of it?

Anyway, Irene has now regained her own witch badge, and no longer has to stay in this magician country!

Just now, she had asked about her teacher’s residence from the mouths of those nasty guys, and was walking along the spiral staircase to the top-floor suite of the hotel, ready to meet her nasty teacher, and then restart her ring World travel.

"So, she is really a witch? ’

'should be……'

‘It must be! Didn’t you see? She wears a badge. Although the badge looks a bit hideous and ugly, there is definitely nothing wrong with the magic fluctuations on it. She must have been authenticated by a powerful witch, how can she pretend to be? ’

‘Really young... I remember, she said when she first came back then, she seemed to be just fifteen years old, right? ’


‘God of magic is on, fifteen-year-old official witch, this is the first time I have met...’


‘Hey! We stopped her from entering several times before, and ridiculed her many times. Shouldn’t we be hated by her? ’


‘Hush! Keep your voice down!’

‘Anyway, you can’t blame us for that. Who told her to be a witch but refused to wear the badge? Besides, too many people have come here to make trouble during this period of time. We are just performing our duties, so we can’t be blamed!’


‘Okay, okay! Don’t say anything, let’s go, all go to their posts, even if we offend her, what can she do with us? ’


‘That’s it!’

‘No! That may be true!’

‘? ? ’

'how? What's wrong again? ’

‘The young witch looks more reasonable and doesn’t look like the kind of savage person, but... but her teacher, the big witch is not necessarily!’


‘You mean...’


‘Don’t say anything! Let’s pretend to know nothing!!’

‘It’s gone!’

"All go back to their posts!!"


Finally, while chatting, the guys who had repeatedly blocked Irene, the uncles who didn’t know whether it was the doorman or the waiter, took a breath and turned pale, and then never again. Not daring to say anything, hurriedly returned to their respective positions, standing in a precarious manner.

At the same time, they can only pray secretly, hope that a terrible great witch will not blow up the hotel’s door just like the unlucky city door just because they have done something to obstruct the other’s apprentice. Drop?


"Where is it?"


"They said the teacher lives on the right side of the top floor. There are six red magic gems inlaid on the door of that suite?"


"Found it, it's here!"

The things that the gatekeepers at the gate were worried about Irene didn’t know, because at this time she had led her friend and half an apprentice Saya to her teacher’s door, and raised her hand, preparing Knocked on her teacher's door, and prepared to give the other a resentful look.

"Saya, come and take a look, it should be here, right?"

Because, these days, the other party stayed in this luxurious place like a royal palace every day to eat, drink and sleep without spending money, but for various reasons, she had to go to the small hotel where Saya worked. The small and hard broken bed, she was angry when she thought about it, and she was about to burst with jealousy!

"wait wait wait!"

"That one……"

However, before Irena knocked on the door, I had never been to such a luxurious place. The Saya who had been following Irena behind me suddenly took a step forward, took Irena’s hand and became nervous. Asked in a low voice:

"Irena, now I'm here to see the Great Witch, but I didn't bring a gift. Isn't this a bit bad?"


"Should I go out to buy some fruit?"

Saye is just a waiter in a small hotel, and the economy must be extremely tight. Therefore, the only gifts she can afford are the seasonal fruits sold by street vendors.


"no need!"

" teacher doesn't have so many rules and etiquette. She doesn't like ordinary fruits! Besides, I am afraid that you and I can't even afford what she likes, so forget it!"

After finishing speaking, Irene did not wait for the other person to say something, she stretched out her hand directly, on the door of the small hotel where she might be able to buy a single one, in the middle of the six-pointed star with magic gems on it. Pressing it once made the magic circle that seemed to have a sound transmission function to light up in an instant.

'Eh? ’

‘Who is outside, is it time for dinner now? ’

Soon, as the magic circle lighted up, Irena and Saya Bianqi outside heard rustling voices and a cheerful questioning voice from a little girl.


After hearing the voice she was familiar with, Irena took a deep breath before trying to maintain a not too bad tone and gritted her teeth:


"Teacher Annie, it's me, Irene, I'm looking for you!"

The other party knew what to eat, but she didn't even care about her apprentice... She didn't understand. They originally agreed to meet here in this country on the same day, but why did the other party not find her looking for the door? , Won't you go out to find her for a while?

As long as the other party does not stay in this luxurious hotel all day long to eat and drink, as long as the other party goes out and finds it a little bit, she must be able to solve the problem in the shortest time and alleviate the embarrassment of the few days. Right?



Of course, after hearing Irena’s slightly dissatisfied answer, there was a cry of exclamation, and then soon, as the footsteps approached, the door was soon'clicked' from The inside opened, and then a small head stuck out from the door.


? ? ˙? ? Eh?

"Aha! It's Irene, you stupid guy!!"


"I told Tibbers in the afternoon. They thought you were lost, and they said they would wait for a few days to get bored here before looking for you!"


I didn't even care about Irene's face full of black lines, and Xiao Anni directly spoke out what was in her heart.


? ? ? ? (?????????)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"Come in, you come at the right time, you can have a delicious dinner right away!"

ヾ(⌒???⌒) Hurry up~? ?


(???????.????)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"Irena, who is this guy, where did you pick it up?"


Finally, Annie, who opened the door and motioned to Irena to go in quickly, only saw it at this time. It turned out that behind Irena was a cringing strange young lady?


"That's it, teacher, let me introduce to you: This is Saye, my friend, because of some things, she has recently been'taken care of' by her. By the way, she also gave her some tips on how to pass the apprentice witch exam. I only found out that you live here today, so I brought her here."

Irene didn't want to remember the hardships and twists of the past few days anymore, so she just led Saya into it and explained faintly.



"It's really luxurious..."

However, she took Saya a few steps inside, and when a little girl had just waved her hand to close the door, Irene was shocked by the spacious, huge and renovated suite in front of her!

"Old teacher!"

"You live here these days? It's really...too, too corrupt, too shameful!!"

Now, she finally understands why her teacher can stay here for several days without going out. It turned out to be such a thing?

Looking at these noble, elegant and magnificent decorations, the huge terrace and the open-air garden, and the many fruits and snacks on the table that she could not recognize, she suddenly felt that, even If you change to her, maybe you can stay here for several days like the other party without going out, right?

If you give her enough magic books to study, I'm afraid... it's okay to let her stay in such a place with delicious food and drink for a whole year!!

"And this garden..."

"Oh my god, there is even a magic enchantment protected by it, and you can see the outside unobstructed, but the outside must not see the inside?!"

"It's so corrupt and exaggerated!"

"Loberta's palace, I'm afraid there is no better place here..."

"It's really hateful!!"

Irena, who walked to the huge terrace garden while observing, exclaimed again.

Then, when she thought of the days she had lived in the past few days and compared her teacher’s life, the boundless soreness could not help rising from the bottom of her heart, so that she looked at her teacher Anne. The look in his eyes started to change a little, and it was full of jealousy and dissatisfaction.

"so so!"


"The places that people used to live on Quel'Thalas and Haven are much better than this. There are several in the castle!"


Annie doesn't think there is anything good about this place, it's nothing more than someone in charge of eating and lodging, someone in charge of sprinkling and cleaning, and someone to deliver delicious and delicious things. She has been used to this for a long time and doesn't think there is anything special of.



"This stupid fellow, is she the apprentice you are looking for?"

(???????.????)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Annie didn’t care about Irene who was yelling, and once again cast her puzzled eyes to the one who only knew to follow Irene, like a little follower, looked at her many times, but she was so nervous. Stupid guy who dare not speak.

Irena seemed to have said just now, what is the other party's name... But forget it, it doesn't matter what the name is, anyway, she must have just paid no attention to it.

"She seems to be stupid..."



ε=(????`●))) Alas


"No, no! Saye is not my apprentice, at most...I just gave her a few days at most?"

After hesitating for a while, Irena finally rejected the statement of her teacher Anne, because she really didn't want Saya to be her apprentice, and even felt that she could not teach each other well, at best she could only be a friend, no more.

After all, how can she, the youngest in history, radiant with beauty and talent, not lost to the colorful flowers, blooming like a flower, beautiful and cute like a doll, how can she receive an age older than her? What about the idiot who didn't even get the status of a trainee witch?

That kind of thing is too embarrassing to her, so it doesn't matter if you give advice or something. It's better to refuse apprentices or something?

"So it's like this..."


Nodded, Annie was noncommittal, walked directly to the big table in the garden, and then sat straight on the main seat.

She just asked casually.

"You are here just right. It's about to be dinner time. I will ask them to prepare more later, so you can have a good meal together?"

(/^▽^)/~-? ? ? ? ? ?

With that, Annie waved her hand, and a magic butterfly that was flapping its wings on the flowers quickly flew up, and quickly flew towards a window under the hotel, obviously to convey what she just said. Information, let the maids of the magician prepare dinner for more people.

"I am very sure of that!"

"Why do I have to eat a good meal here, and then sleep for another night?!"

With that, Irena pulled a luxurious chair and sat on it angrily.

Originally Irena was thinking that she would set off immediately after meeting her teacher, but now she suddenly changed her mind. She decided to have dinner and breakfast here, and then enjoy the quality service here for another night And I don’t know how it feels like a big bed, waiting for tomorrow morning to continue her journey around the world?

"That one……"

However, unlike Irene and a certain little girl who only cares about eating and drinking, Saya, who has been silent for a long time, seems to have finally gathered his courage and walked to Annie respectfully and cautiously. Before, bowed and said:

"Your Excellency, Great Witch!"

"Excuse me... Can I be your apprentice like Irena?"

After speaking, Saya's face flushed.

You know, the reason why she was able to see this little girl who spread throughout the whole country of magic envoys, and it is said that the little girl who beat the whole country's witch elders with one person's power was all thanks to Irene's credit. If she did not have Irei As for Na, I'm afraid she will definitely not see each other!

Therefore, at this moment, the opportunity is rare. Although I feel that this request suddenly is a bit excessive and a little more abrupt, but she can't take care of that much anymore, so she asks respectfully.



Annie was taken aback, but did not answer directly.

"Excuse me, is it possible?"

"If the Great Witch can accept me, I will definitely study hard, I promise!!"

Saya lowered her head, feeling that steam was coming from her own head, but she still stubbornly tried to fight for it.




(?????????-)? ?

However, after thinking about it for a while, Annie still made a face and ruthlessly rejected the other party.

I think at the beginning, if it wasn't for the insistence of the Fran elder sister, or if a trainee witch who considered herself a genius was too self-righteous and too arrogant, she would not even accept Irene, right? So, now that a stupid guy wants to be a teacher, she will definitely refuse!

After all, no matter what, she is not the kind of cram school here, how could she just want her to accept anyone who comes here?


"Why, why?"

The body was stiff, and it was very difficult for Saya to bit her lip, raised her head very aggrieved, and looked desperately at the little girl who was sitting on the chair with a pair of white and tender calves.



"No, I just think it’s too much trouble, and the most important thing is that you are too stupid. The stupid person is, the more troublesome it will be to teach! You don’t know, people are most afraid of trouble, even Irene I don't want to teach it!!"



? ?


As if struck by a flash of lightning, Saya, whose self-esteem received 10,000 crits in an instant, lowered her head slowly, almost not directly buried in her own chest.


"Please be enough!!"

"Also, you haven't taught me anything in the first place. Teacher Kel'Thuzad has been teaching me! So, I think it is better not to worship you as a teacher, you guy will definitely not lose. responsible!!"

Seeing that her own teacher was so uneuphemistic, and seeing Saya’s grievances and sadness that she was about to cry, Irena hurried forward, blaming her own hateful teacher, while carefully cutting Saya She was guided to sit down on a chair next to him, and then comforted:

"Saya, don't mind, my teacher is like this!"

"Let me tell you this. Don't ask her to be a teacher. Don't you know, she really didn't teach me anything except letting me be her maid for a whole year. It was all taught by Little Bear and Teacher Kel'Thuzad!"

"She is not responsible at all!!"

Irene said that she has the most say in such things!

Come to think of it, if it weren’t for her, the youngest in history, radiant with beauty and talent, not lost to the colorful flowers, blooming like a flower, beautiful and cute like a doll, if she worked hard enough, it all depends on her. This irresponsible teacher Anne, I am afraid she is still just a poor trainee witch, right?



"Anyway, UU reading Kel'Thuzad's bone frame was also summoned by others!"


Although Annie did not teach Irene, she thinks that the bear is hers, and the fellow Kel'Thuzad was also summoned by her, so it is completely reasonable to say that it is her credit?

"Anyway, you just didn't teach me anything!"

"No, no!"

"So, I'll be responsible for Saya's problem, and I won't bother you to drive!!"

I sighed in my heart. While looking at her friend Saya with some worry, Irena quickly decided: stay in the country of magicians for two more days, and enjoy the luxury suite more by the way. While serving, you can also teach the clumsy Saya in front of you, and then make sure that the other party has a chance to pass the trainee witch's exam before leaving?

"Whatever you say!"


"People don't want to be her teacher..."

? ? ? ? (?????`???)? ? ? ? ? ?

That kind of simple stimulus method is obviously useless to Annie. So, seeing no one forcing herself to accept apprentices anymore, she was happy too, just sat in a chair and continued to wander around. With short legs, waiting for the maids of the magic envoy to bring her a delicious dinner, and then eat a ton fiercely?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


? ? (ˊ〇ˋ)? ? ? ? Ask for votes? ? ? ? (ˊ〇ˋ)? ?

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