Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1317: ?? 7 Aya Hanada ??


   "Teacher! Teacher! Look at it, this large colorful flower field is really beautiful! How about..."

   "Shall we rest here for a while today?"

   "Just a little while?!"

Today is the twentieth day of Irena and her little teacher, Annie, traveling together. After they just passed through the large dark dense forest behind them, what suddenly appeared in front of them was a large area. Spread over this piece of rolling hills, the endless splendid flower field.

   Although there are all kinds of flowers or something, Irena has already seen a lot in Loberta in the land of peace, and there seems to be nothing to fuss about? However, it was the first time she saw a large exaggerated flower field like the sight in front of her, and sincerely admired it, secretly glad that she had passed the witch trial at the age of fifteen and became an official witch. Otherwise, if you want to travel the world and see this beautiful scenery, you don't know when you have to wait!

Of course.

   For her genius witch, who is not inferior to the colorful flowers and blooms like a flower, it is absolutely impossible for the flower field below to compare her beauty!



   "Isn't it just a boring flower field, and I can't eat it, what's so good? Let's continue on the road, and there will be delicious food in the city ahead!"


   Frowning and staring at the lower one for a while, Annie turned her head straight away, not planning to go to rest or have a picnic as Irena said.

   If she encountered such a huge flower field in another place, she might have already flown into the flower field for cheering or rolling or something, but now here, she would not plan to do that.


   "Teacher, we have all been flying for a long time today, aren't you tired?"

   "We just flew in that forest for so long, and it was damp and dark there, but you can see, the sun is so good here and there are such large flower fields, can we really not go down?"

   Seeing that her teacher was still flying forward without any rush, and didn't mean to lower her broomstick, Irene couldn't help but feel a little unwilling, so she hurried to catch up and persuade her.

"Not tired!"


   Annie turned her head directly, and didn't want to pay much attention to it.


   I don't know why, Irene always feels that her teacher today is a bit strange.

   In the old days, if you encounter such a fun place, the other party should have cheered and rushed down long ago, and then couldn't persuade him no matter what, and finally had to wait patiently and allow the other party to mess around?

   "Really, what's wrong with going down and taking a rest?"

   "Is it impossible..."

   "Is it possible that those flowers can still eat us?!"

   Irena was a little angry.

   After all, she went out to travel the world, isn't she just to experience and feel all kinds of beautiful things and customs around the world? But now, there is such a large sea of ​​flowers but can't go down to experience the wandering, how could she be willing?

   And if she is alone, she can go straight down, where do I need to ask some pesky little girl teacher's opinion?

   "That's not necessarily true!"

   Annie took another look at the sea of ​​flowers below, and then slanted her eyes toward the apprentice Irena to remind her vaguely.

   However, she didn't say it clearly, so she continued to travel leisurely and flew forward.

It’s almost dusk now, not far in front, and flying for an hour or two, there will be a big city. She plans to stop there and rest for a while, and then go shopping there and it’s delicious. Have a big meal?

   I just don’t know, are there any strange, delicious specialties or foods there? If so, they may stay for a few more days, and if not, it is estimated that they will leave immediately in the morning tomorrow, and they won't stay longer!


   There is no way, her teacher is unwilling to stop, Irena has no choice but to continue flying with her broomstick behind her with regret.


   "Old, teacher!"

   "Look, there seems to be someone below!"

   Suddenly, Irene saw that there seemed to be a woman in a skirt with red hair in the colorful flower field below? Then, after thinking for a while, she gritted her teeth and stopped asking the opinion of a certain annoying little girl teacher. She turned the direction of the broom and swooped down towards the person below.


   "Hey! Wait a minute!!"


   However, Irene did not stop, and flew towards the guy standing in the sea of ​​flowers so carelessly.

   "It's troublesome, that fool!!"

   Seeing that the other party finally found the way to rush down, there was no way. After hesitating for a while, Annie had to turn the direction of the broom in angrily, and followed that fool, Ilena, and slowly landed under the sea of ​​flowers.


   Irena’s flying skills have undoubtedly become proficient after so many days of flying on the road.

   Isn't this?

She just swooped to a halt, and the flowers on the ground swayed for a while with the turbulence of the airflow, and then stopped steadily next to the lovely red-haired lady who seemed to be taking care of the sea of ​​flowers. Then he sat sideways on the broom and asked:

"That one……"

"excuse me?"

  ‘Ah! ’

  ‘You, hello! ’

"you're good too……"

   "May I ask..."

"Are you the administrator who manages this large flower field? We plan to go to the front town, just passing by here, and then see this flower field, so we come down and take a look... such a large area, are they all you Kind of?"

After getting close to the ground, I saw that this flower field grows so well, and Irena, who is so beautiful and has no extra weeds, was surprised and subconsciously thought that it must be because someone had been playing it carefully. Reason for reason?

   So, she asked with such curiosity and admiration.

She thinks that if you want to take care of such a large flower field as it is now, you must need a lot of serious and responsible manpower, and the one in front of you is dressed as a village woman, only one or two years older than her. The young woman must be one of those managers?

'what! ’

  ‘It’s nothing like that! I didn't plant this flower field, and it doesn't have other administrators. I just like this flower field, so I came here. ’

The red-haired village girl was stunned for a moment, and then she came back to her senses. She smiled slightly stiffly at the witch who suddenly visited here, and at a certain wicked witch badge on her chest. Added:

  ‘I just like playing with flowers here and soaking up the sun here! ’

  ‘It doesn’t belong to anyone. ’


   "It's amazing... Do these flowers bloom naturally? No one cares for them to grow like this?!"

'Ok! ! ’

  ‘How about this traveling witch, do you want to come down for a walk? ’

  ‘I also prepared some refreshments here, maybe we can sit and talk? ’


   Hearing this strange and friendly village girl smiled and initiated an invitation to herself, Irena was a little moved.

   However, when she turned around and saw that she was flying down at this time, she was waiting impatiently for the impatient expression of a little girl teacher beside her, and she could only regretfully refuse:


   "I'm afraid it won't work, because my companion is anxious to go to the town in front to rest, so..."

   Irene did not explicitly say that a certain little girl was her teacher, because that kind of thing was too troublesome to explain.

To be honest, if only Irene was here, she would of course not refuse the other's kind invitation, but now she is not alone, and her teacher does not know why she does not like to be in these flowers very much. Stay here much, so she had to give the other side an apologetic expression, saying that she could not accept the other side's kindness.

   "This way..."

  ‘Traveler, I saw it, are you really a witch? ’

   The strange woman thought for a while, and after looking at the badge on Irena's chest again, she asked with some uncertainty.

   "Hmm! That's right!"

Irena is most proud of the fact that she can be promoted to the official witch at the age of only fifteen. Therefore, when she heard the other person look at her badge again and asked, she straightened her small chest proudly. , So that the other party can see her badge and the name on the badge more clearly.


  ‘Although it’s presumptuous, can I ask you for a little thing? ’


"That one……"

   "If it is on the way, as long as it is not too troublesome, it should be okay?"

   I didn't expect that she could help the other party, Irena frowned and nodded, saying that if she dropped in, she would be happy to help, and her teacher would definitely not say much.

  ‘You just said, it seems that you are going to the town ahead, right? ’

   "It's true."

   "I am a witch who is traveling, and the next destination is indeed the city in front. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

'what! ’

  ‘That’s a coincidence! So, please help, and help me take this bunch of flowers to that town, how about? ’

   said, the red-haired female village girl handed Irena a bunch of colorful flowers that seemed to be wrapped by the torn skirt.


   "Send flowers? Of course you can!"


   "Who do you want me to give to?"

After receiving the flowers and smelling them, Irene couldn't think of any reason for her rejection of this kind of flower delivery. It was by the way, so she graciously agreed, and then she didn't ask at all. Remuneration thing.

  ‘Give it to anyone! ’

  ‘As long as she or he likes these flowers, you can send them out. The important thing is not people, but can you share this beauty with those who need it? ’

   The red-haired female village girl smiled, and while she was talking, she quickly picked up another bunch of flowers that had already been wrapped up from the ground.

   "This way..."


   "I guess you want me to help promote this sea of ​​flowers, right? Such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers is indeed worthy of publicity. Then, I promised this matter. Don't worry!"

   "I will give it to people who like it!"

   After thinking for a while, holding the flowers in her arms, Irena nodded directly and agreed.

After all, this matter is very easy for her, but it is just to take a bunch of beautiful flowers to the city in front, and then give it to someone who likes this bunch of flowers, and there is no designation to whom to give it. There is nothing too difficult to do.

  ‘Then thank you so much! ’

'correct! ’

  ‘Is there another little witch over there, may I ask...Can you also help send a bunch? ’

After finishing Irene, the red-haired female village girl raised the other bunch of flowers in her hand and rode on the broom as the one not far away, waiting impatiently. , Asked the little girl with a pair of white tender short legs.



   "Don't do it! People are very busy and I am very hungry, so I have no time to help you!!"

  Oo hum!

Without even thinking about it, Annie turned her head away in disgust. She ignored the request of the red-haired girl village girl who smiled brilliantly like a flower, and began to lift into the air so self-consciously. Fly away in a certain direction.


   ‘Don’t you want to...’

   Seeing that little witch was a completely different attitude, the red-haired woman with a big smiling face was instantly depressed, and she looked so sad that I felt pity.


"That one……"

   "Sorry, that companion of mine is not in a good mood today, or else, I'll give you this bunch, right?"

   After finishing speaking, Irena hurriedly controlled her broomstick and floated over, she said apologetically after she took the second bouquet of flowers in her arms with a smile.

   However, after touching the opponent's hand, she couldn't help but feel a little confused, always feeling that the opponent's hand was a bit cold? But when she thought that the other party might have stayed here for a long time, it might be because of the wind blowing too much, so she didn't think too much.

'what! ’

  ‘No, it’s okay, so much trouble you? ’

   The red-haired female village girl didn't refuse Irena's kindness, so she also gave the second bouquet of flowers and put them in Irena's arms.


   "Then, it's not too early. I am glad to meet you in this sea of ​​flowers, and I am glad to be able to help you. Let's leave now?"

Finally, I glanced at the other party, and then took a deep breath of the fragrance of the sea of ​​flowers that is full of magical fragrance, and Irena smiled and nodded to the other party, controlling her broom to raise her height. He hurriedly caught up with a certain teacher who had already flown far in front of him who didn't know why he suddenly became a little cold.

  ‘Thank you, kind traveler! ’

  ‘I wish you a smooth journey~! ’

Under the sea of ​​flowers, the smiling red-haired village girl waved her hand so vigorously, she stood motionless and said goodbye loudly, watching Irene and a certain little girl who had mercilessly refused her request to leave. .

"and many more!"


   "Old, teacher?"

   "Teacher, what's the matter with you today? Others just want you to give something to you. Anyway, you don't want to give it to you. As for giving someone such a big face?"

After a while, when the figure of the red-haired kind-hearted female village girl under the sea of ​​flowers faded away and disappeared completely, Irena finally caught up with the little Annie who was flying in front, and she asked with some dissatisfaction. .


  Anne did not answer, but looked at the two bouquets of flowers that Irena was holding in her arms with a bit of disgust, and then looked at the two skirts that wrapped the flowers, she hesitated and said with a curled lips:

   "It's nothing!"


"It's just that I simply don't like those flowers. After all, they can't be eaten as a meal... Also, she can't see them anymore. You still don't want to get in the way with them. People think you should just treat them directly. Throw it down!"

   If possible, Annie actually really wants to say to her stupid apprentice:

She just shook that guy's face just now and it was considered very good. You know, she just endured it for a long time before resisting the urge of a fireball to burn the sea of ​​flowers to the ground. How could she pick it up? What about that nasty bouquet?

   "Throw it away?"

"Do not!!"

   "That, that can't work!!"

   The teacher who heard her suggested that she take advantage of the opportunity that others could not see. Irena hurriedly hugged the two bunches of flowers in her hand and controlled the broom to move away a little.


   "I promised others that I must give the flowers out. If I throw them away now, it would be too rude and unethical!"

   "It's wrong to do that!!"

   Irena fought hard for reasons, and flew slightly away from her for fear that the other party would suddenly rush over to **** it and tear it up and throw it away.

   Anyway, she will work hard to do things when she promises others. Moreover, this kind of thing is not a difficult task. If this kind of small things can't be done well, it would be too bad if you have to do something like the previous one. In short, she wouldn't be like her teacher!


  Ε=)) alas

   "Then it's up to you, you can be happy, whatever you love..."

   Little Annie didn't explain, instead she accelerated her speed and flew towards the front. Because she is indeed a little hungry now, and can't wait to find a place to rest and eat and drink!


   "Teacher, wait for me first, slow down! If you fly too fast, the flowers will be blown away by the wind after a while!!"

   Seeing Annie speeding up, Irena hurriedly shouted from behind and ran after her.

   "It's just right when it's scattered! Then you don't have to go to give it away!!"

  ☆⌒v Hey!


   "Damn it! Teacher, I find that your fellow is really getting worse!"

   "It's terrible!!"

   No way, Irena had to release a magic to protect her magic enchantment, lest the two flowers in her arms were torn into pieces by the high-speed air current.

   "Whatever you say, I will not hear you anyway!!"



   ask for tickets, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything

  ↓More exciting, please see the ㊣ version↓

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