Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1318: ?(ψ`?′)o? Since I was cheated, then...

   Although it was night when the two arrived at the city gate, Irene, who was walking along the street with her teacher to the hotel to eat, drink and rest, still found some weirdness in the city.

  Because, in the city, she didn't even see any flower plants?

Those flowers and trees for greening that should have been in a city, or the fragrance of the flower beds on the street this season, or the various scattered flowers that should have been planted outside the windowsills of other city dwellers , Not all in this city?

There are only the kind of trees that do not bloom and the shrubs and weeds that do not bloom. The eyes are all green. As for the colorful flowers, she hasn’t seen a single flower, even the most common one. The same goes for non-poisonous flowers!

Therefore, after combining her previous experience at the city gate and the warnings she received, it is not difficult for Irena to guess: the people living here, the residents here, they are in hatred of the house and under the black, they are likely to Already have extreme hatred and fear to a morbid degree?


So, at this time, wearing a light and translucent nightdress, using an oil lamp to write his travel diary on the table in front of the window, watching the children playing on the street outside the window and the locals who are sitting at the street table drinking, chatting and eating supper Residents, Irene couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

   At this moment, she already wants to understand. When passing by the sea of ​​flowers during the day, she herself was really foolishly used by that nasty woman, she almost did something bad because of her kindness!


   That woman is not a person at all, but something else?

   But fortunately, when she entered the city, the dedicated guards stopped her and stated the reason. Otherwise, the two bouquets of flowers she brought, maybe how many more people would be killed!

So, thinking about it, Irena couldn’t help but stop the quill in her hand, and let the jet black ink drip onto the diary, remembering that the other side warned herself the day after she became an official witch and said goodbye to her mother. Those words that were said at the time come.

Irena still remembers that her mother had to promise three things by herself at that time, that is: first, if you feel dangerous, you must run away; second, don't think that you are how powerful or special you are, and don't be nosy; Third, if you have a chance in the future, you must remember to go home often?

  Before, she seemed to be overwhelmed, so she completely forgot her mother's instructions, and then kindly agreed to send flowers to others, but it turned out...


   Thinking about it, Irena sighed heavily and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she didn't cause too serious or bad consequences. Otherwise, she would be uneasy, and she would feel sorry for it?


   "If it's Hanada, think about it now, it seems I have seen it before..."

   At this time, Irena, who gradually calmed down and remembered something, suddenly remembered a description of the flower field that she had read in that book when she was a child:

There, there is a story about a wonderful plant. That plant was supposed to release magic power from the sunlight. But in the end, I don’t know what happened to it. Maybe it was polluted. Maybe it's a genetic mutation, or something else?

   Anyway, it later became another terrible thing that absorbs magic power...

After   , over time, because it has absorbed enough magic power, it begins to possess itself, has a sense of wisdom, becomes a monster-like existence, and has a strong aggressiveness?


   "Is it impossible..."

   "That flower field evolved from the terrible plant mentioned here? It...has it developed into such a large flower field now?!"

   Thinking about it, Irena's face couldn't help but a trace of uncertainty appeared.

   At this time, she suddenly remembered that the flower field seemed to have a lot of weirdness!

Because the magical scent carried in their floral fragrance is indeed a bit too strong, and there is no one to take care of it, but there is no weed or tree growing, and it spread so much that even the forest is invaded. That is really abnormal!

   there is...

   That woman didn't seem to have moved from beginning to end, and when she accidentally touched the other's hand, she felt that the other's hand was a bit too cold?

It's a pity that she didn't have the slightest doubt at that time, and so foolishly agreed to the other party's request. Fortunately, she thought she was the youngest in history, with beauty and talent radiating light, and not losing to colorful flowers. What about a genius witch who blooms like a flower and is as pretty and cute as a doll!

"and also……"

   Thinking about it, Irena turned her head and looked at the double bed behind her.

   Above, a little girl is holding a hideous stuffed bear, curled up on the bed and fell asleep. It seems that she has not been affected by what happened during the day?

   "Teacher she..."


Irene sighed, because she knew that her teacher, who was considered too cold and unkind by her before, must have seen something a long time ago and had given her a hint , But she stupidly did not react...


  Hoo! !

   "No way!"

   Finally, Irene failed to continue writing in the diary. Instead, she closed the notebook heavily and got up from her chair.


Finally, I glanced at a little girl who was asleep. Irena frowned and thought about it again and again. In the end, she couldn't help but turned around and put on her simple witch’s robe, and put on hers. Ding, and also grabbed his broomstick, planning to go to the flower field again overnight to see what happened!

After all, she obviously wanted to do good things at the time, but she almost harmed others. The kind of thing that was used as a fool by monsters. If she can't figure it out as soon as possible, she's afraid that she won't sleep all night. of!

and so……


   Soon, after bringing all the equipment, Irene, who didn't intend to disturb her teacher's sleep, blew out the oil lamp and gently opened the door to go out and gently closed the wooden door.



However, when Irena just went out and gently closed the wooden door, what she didn't know was that a certain little girl who was sleeping on the bed suddenly opened her pair of blue eyes. big eyes.


Although the weather tonight is not so good, the clouds in the night are thick and thunderous and it looks like it is going to rain, but since I have received a very serious deception for the first time in my life, I deceived myself. It's not a person but a kind of plant...So, Irene was so angry that she set off overnight and rode a broom back to the place where the woman in the flower field was.


   "That, that is..."

However, after returning to the place and gradually lowering her height, Irene soon discovered that the place where the woman was originally was actually a huge and terrifying plant, like a piranha, exuding a certain stench. And how tall is a corrupt flower? !

   Of course, what made her take a breath of air-conditioning, is that there is a man in front of the flower? And that man, who was the red-haired guard who stopped her during the day and asked her the source of the bouquet?


   Seeing that man’s eyes blurred, his body weakened, and vines invaded his neck, arms, and body, Irena didn’t know what happened?

   Obviously, although some of her stupid behavior was stopped in time, her behavior still harmed others.


'It's you……'

  ‘Thank you so much yesterday...If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to find my sister...’

  ‘Thanks to you for bringing the bouquet and the coat with the bouquet...’

   "Look at..."

  ‘I finally found her...’

   ‘She still looks so beautiful... and she owns such a great place...’

   "Next time..."

  ‘Just call everyone in the neighborhood...’

   Amidst Irene's astonishment, the man said with a gloomy look in his hollow eyes that kind of words that permeated and made his scalp numb.


**** it!

   Irena, who was clenching her teeth and holding the wand, and her body trembling slightly, knew that at this time, it was definitely not the man who was talking to her, but something else!

Although she wanted to take action to save the other person, she knew that she was still too late. Not only did the man begin to be eroded by monsters, but his memories were assimilated, and his thoughts and actions were completely controlled, even if she She is the youngest genius witch in the history of Loberta. She is helpless in this situation. She can only watch those earthworm-like vines slowly erode the opponent's body a little bit, leaving the other party with nothing left. A little more vitality is greedily absorbed, until the opponent is completely gone and turned into nourishment, becoming a part of this beautiful flower field with a very ugly inside...


   Damn it! !

Riding a broomstick slowly into the air, after rising to a safe distance, Irena, whose fingers holding her wand began to turn pale, really wanted to cast a blaze storm or fierce fire spell towards this flower field with a wave of her hand. All the sins here are burned!


Feeling the strong emotions and mocking malice from the surrounding land towards her, and looking at the strange rain clouds brewing in the sky, she knew that she could not do that. .

  Because, no matter whether it is magical power or other aspects, she is not the opponent of this ‘flower field’. The opponent is not as simple as she sees now. They are no longer the existence that a witch of her level can destroy. Such a large field of flowers that can absorb magic power and the magic reserve for so many years, that level of magic power, just thinking about it is a bit shocking!

Therefore, after weighing the strength of the two sides a little, and thinking about the fact that the other party can exist for so many years without fear of neighboring countries and cities, Irena has to give up some of the futile ideas in her heart, and slowly Putting away his magic wand, he was not ready to do something that even neighboring countries and cities could not do.

   "Ha! Look!"

   "I asked you to pretend to be good before, now look at it, and finally you know that you are wrong?"


At this moment, when Irene felt powerless and quietly put away her wand and prepared to leave, suddenly, a trace of magical power flashed behind her, and then a little girl who used teleportation to arrive in an instant did not He joked heartily.


   However, at this time, Irene was not in the mood to joke with her teacher, she just looked down at the large flower field in silence.



   "Did you know it from the beginning?"

Finally, after looking down silently for a while, seeing the man so embracing the corrupt'piranha' and rubbing it there, silently being eroded by the monster without realizing it, Irene Suddenly asked aloud.

   "Of course, I can tell at a glance!"



   "Then teacher, why didn't you just say it then?"

   Irene knew that the other party had given her some cryptic hints at the time, but it was a pity that she didn't think so much at the time, so she was foolishly fooled.

   "That's a test!"

   But in fact, Annie wouldn’t say that it was just because she was lazy, and she wanted to see what interesting things would happen, so she didn’t say it clearly? But the result... it seems a bit unfun, it's just a field of cannibalistic flowers?



   "Teacher! You can definitely help him, right?"

   was silent for a while, and Irena asked suddenly.


   Annie looks a little unhappy, as if she doesn't want to worry about such nosy?

   "It's not impossible, but it seems a bit troublesome..."


Of course, the most important thing is that the other party didn’t seem to provoke her on the initiative, nor did she take action against Irena. In her opinion, the other party’s cannibalism is the same as that of humans eating other animals and grains. The big difference is for survival, and it is also a natural law. She has seen a lot of things like this.


   "Please, help him..."

   Irena pleaded again.


   "Although my mother said that if you feel dangerous, you must run away, and don't think that you are so powerful or special. Don't be nosy..."


   "But, this matter also blames me, if I don't bring the bouquet into town, he probably won't..."

   As she talked, Irena's shoulders couldn't help but tremble slightly... After all, she still couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart and couldn't be a qualified traveler.

   "Then you can't do it yourself?"


   "I, I'm afraid I am not the opponent of this magic flower field, it... it is no longer what I can deal with..."

   Irena is still a little self-aware. Although she didn't do anything, she knew just how big the gap between her and this flower field was based on her witch's intuition!


  Ε=)) alas

   "Irena, do you know? Mommy Amorim told people before that the more beautiful and cute things are, the more deceptive they are, because they will definitely make you less vigilant?"

"So, people thought of a good solution long, long ago, that is: if they encounter those beautiful things, if they can be eaten, they will roast them and eat them? In that case, they will not be fooled. People are coming!"

   eh hehe!



   "Since it's Irene, you said that way, let me help you generously once!"

   "Go to Tibbers, kill it for me!!!"


   After finishing talking, as Annie waved her hand, a certain stuffed bear that was burning with flames was thrown from the sky to the flower field below.

Actually, Annie has been upset by seeing this flower field, because in the daytime, it even wanted to lie to her, so now she came to watch the excitement and agreed to Irene’s request. It's just to find a way to vent some emotions.

  : Wow~!

Soon, a huge flame bear that swelled rapidly and became as tall as two or three people suddenly bombarded the flower field that could not be seen at a glance, and instantly sent the colorful flowers within several meters of it. It was roasted into dead branches that were burnt and smoked or even on fire.

Then, with a wave of Annie's hand, she forcibly pulled a certain unlucky egg that was about to die from the hand of a mage next to the corrupted plant like a piranha, and instantly removed the earthworms from the opponent's body. After the roots of the vines, the sea of ​​flowers below instantly rioted, and countless magical plants and vines rose from the ground, like a gang of pythons entangled towards a bear and crazily, circle after circle Entangled and strangled.


   "Old teacher?!"

   Seeing this, Irene couldn't help but feel a little worried, and instantly summoned her wand again, ready to do it.

There is no doubt that if there is a choice between the unconscious man who has slowly floated beside the two of them at this time and the bear below, Irena will definitely be more willing to let the unknown man next to him go. Die instead of letting the bear present any danger!

   "Don't worry, little bear is playing with it!"




   Although I heard that it was all about, Irena still held her wand and waited.

   Once she finds out that the little bear below is in danger, she will definitely take action immediately, even if she puts herself in danger because of it.


However, in Irene’s worries, Tibbers simply ignored the vines that had stalked it, and waited until the other party completely stalked it into a large group of squirming vines and thorns, even its whole body. It finally reacted after it couldn't see the flames.

  'Roar~! ! ’

  : Wow!


Irene was shocked to see that the vine, which had already wrapped a certain bear in Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan vine vines quickly gradually expanded and continued to make harsh moans, and finally, it insisted I couldn't help it, it burned and shattered, exposing the behemoth as tall as a dozen people.


Then, while the huge flame bear shattered and burned the vines, it actually leaned over, and with its claws hard, it moved in the midst of waves of ground movement and the mountains. A huge plant rhizome under the corrupt'piranha' was directly forcibly pulled out with brute force and burned with the shadow flames on its body.


  ! o

   "Tibbers, you are so stupid! It is broken! And such a large flower field, it is so spicy, you can't kill it like this!"

   Seeing that a bear did a stupid thing, Annie, who was staying in the air with Irena, was so angry that she cursed a certain stupid bear underneath.

  : Wow!

   Obviously, Tibbers also knew that it was useless to do that, so it seemed to be a little angry.

Then, it roared, and its body doubled once again, and its head almost touched the dark clouds in the sky. At the same time, the endless shadow flame in its body was like a flood, from its huge mouth and the seven on its body. The twisted seams continuously flowed out and spread wildly in all directions.

While those shadowy flames like the flood of a bank burst crazily spreading around, burning the sea of ​​flowers on the ground to fly ash in an instant, it also directly burned the soil of the entire land and gradually formed magma. Ordinary things even continue to spread below the surface to ensure that some plant roots below will be burned at the same time.


At this time, the dark clouds in the sky that had always been attracted to the sky finally surging crazily, and then the torrential rain fell on the ground along with the electric snakes that were constantly hitting the giant bear, seeming to want to keep it still going. Will the terrible fire spreading at high speed be extinguished?

   But it's a pity...

The shadow flames are not the kind of heavy rain that can be easily extinguished, so the sea of ​​fire still spreads frantically around the flower field at an alarming speed, and will instantly burn all the monsters and vines that touch it. Ash or coke, at the same time, the whole land has been turned into a terrible magma hell!


"This this……"

Seeing this terrifying scene like the eruption of a doomsday volcano, seeing this red patch in front of me, seeing the terrible sea of ​​flames that can’t even be extinguished by heavy rain, I never thought that a certain little bear Tibbers would actually Such a powerful Irene was obviously frightened.

She could see that at this moment, the energy intensity on Little Bear was no longer something that witches like them could look up to... You know, if she does her best, she can barely turn a city into a sea of ​​fire. And now, Xiao Xiong actually intends to directly burn this large sea of ​​flowers into a magma pool, so as to directly destroy the roots of the buried monster vine?

   So it seems that when the opponent and her and Teacher Fran competed in the magic projection arena, they must have been playing around?


   The heavy rain is still stubbornly and stubbornly underground, but it is destined to be futile...

Before long, when Irene recovered from her astonishment, she only saw that the large sea of ​​flowers below, at least as large as hundreds of hectares, had turned into a large magma **** at this time. Doomsday!

Those terrible, boiling high-temperature liquid magma is roaring in the endless magma pool, and at the same time, the internal rock structure of the planet seems to have been burned through, so that the inner mantle of the planet has spewed out from several places. , And sprayed into the sky of tens of meters?


   With this level of magma pools and flames, Irena can be sure without much The monster that cannibalize people and invade surrounding countries and cities is definitely not alive!

This kind of thing, I’m afraid that only her teacher Anne can do it. If it’s her Irene, at most it will only burn off the sea of ​​flowers on the surface, for the monster vine and its underground roots. , She must be exhausted and she can't help it.

   Of course, in the face of that terrible vine attack, she certainly couldn't cope with it. It is estimated that if the fight really starts, she will have to flee after only a few burns at most, right?

   "Okay! It's done!"

"Irena, let's go back to sleep. You are responsible for moving this idiot back to the gatekeepers with a floatation technique. He doesn't need to die now. Just rest for ten and a half days and it will be almost healed. !"

Annie clapped her hands, first she shrunk a huge bear immersed in the magma pool and grabbed it back in her hand. She grabbed her head and slapped it on the broomstick twice, then slapped it. After the ashes on his body were slapped clean, he was one step ahead, and a teleportation disappeared, apparently he went back to the hotel to sleep.


   "Wait for my teacher!!"

Finally, I glanced at the magma pool below, and felt that after a few months, they should cool down, and after a few years they would re-grow other plants, Irene stopped watching and hurriedly controlled Carrying a lucky guy with a broomstick and a magic wand, he flew over this large magma pool that had already been reflected in the sky, and flew towards a city not far from here.


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