Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1320: ε=(???,) Ah, Aye~! !


   hoo woo woo~!

   The north wind is whistling, and in the sky, snow is constantly falling from the misty dark clouds, making the sky and the earth look like a vast expanse of white.


At this moment, a woman wearing a witch’s robe and wearing a witch’s hat was curling her arms sideways on the broom and cowering, flying against the wind and snow, the youngest in history, with beauty and talent exuding light, no Lost to the colorful flowers, who are so beautiful that they bloom like a flower, are as pretty and cute as a doll, and who is the genius witch who is mad with jealousy after seeing the snow and ice?

   That's right, this traveling witch flying forward in the wind and snow is Irene!

   "Huh huh~?"



Next to Irena, there is a little girl who has long been put on a blue and white plush winter dress, with snow boots on her feet, and a cute fox fur snow hat on her head. Dangling his legs indifferently, humming some unknown ballad in the face of the icy snowflakes and the icy wind, as if he did not take the icy weather to heart.


   "Mr. Annie..."

   "Don't you think it's cold? In this snowy day, although the ‘heating’ magic is working, it’s really uncomfortable for the wind and snow to be so big..."

   "My hands and feet are almost freezing, and my **** can't feel the temperature at all. It won't be great if it gets stuck on the broom because of the freezing!"

   She shrank her hands from the cold, and even her nose was about to come out. Irena sniffed, and finally couldn't help it, she asked the little girl teacher beside her who was still humming a song.

   "It's not cold!"

   "It's cold, it's fun! Also, the clothes people wear now are very warm and warm, and there is the kind of heat preservation magic that Amoryn's mother used to be constant, it can be warm!"


   That's right, the clothes Annie wears now are still the winter clothes her mother Amoryn prepared for her. It is very suitable and decent, and it looks cute and cute.

  Because she has fixed herself at the age of eight, she never worries about wearing clothes anymore. Anyway, the previous clothes are suitable. You can wear them whenever you find them!





However, just after talking about not being cold, a certain wretched little girl sneezed heavily after brewing, and she was so scared that Irena hurried to slow down and brake to avoid being sprayed. The end of face spit.


   "Look at you, still say you are not cold?"

   Regarding a duplicity and deliberately dressed thickly to anger herself, Irene has no idea what to say to the other party.

   "It's not cold!"

   "That's why I sneezed because I thought that snowflakes and dust had just drifted into someone's nose!"


   That is the truth!

   You know, Annie is not afraid of flames, nor is she afraid of frost energy, so this bit of chill is not a problem for her at all!

   And ah, just now, there was really dust and snowflakes floating into her little nose. It wasn't because of the cold wind and the freezing snow, she would not admit it anyway.

   "Where is there any dust in this snowy day?"

   However, Irene didn't want to believe what a bad little girl said, she just thought the other party was stubborn.

   So, she was going to quickly find a place to keep warm, and then go to avoid the wind and snow, and eat some warm tea, otherwise, she, the youngest genius witch in the history of Loberta, would almost be unable to hold on.

   "I've seen the map, I remember, it should be nearby..."



   "Teacher! Take a look, take a look, there seems to be a city ahead! Or, let's find a place to avoid the wind and snow in front?"

   "There seems to be a big and prosperous city in front!"

After finishing speaking, although it was a questioning tone, Irene did not wait for the answer from the other party, she just turned around, and flew towards the distant city that has faintly seen the huge outline in the face of the cold wind and heavy snow. .


"okay then!"

Annie has already seen the distant scene. She didn’t want to go, but wanted to continue flying forward in the originally planned direction, to another city and country... But now that Irena She flew first, and there was no other way. She had to sigh, and also turned her broomstick with a lovely luxurious seat'Firebolt' broomstick, and then a beautiful tail drift drifted sharply, He chased after Irene.


   hoo woo woo~!


Snows in the sky continued to fall from the misty dark clouds. When Irena’s witch hat and shoulders were covered with a thin layer of snowflakes, the two of them finally flew to this huge giant. It was a six-star fortress over the city.

   Then, the two of them also saw it at the same time. I wonder when it has turned into a ruin full of ruined eaves and broken walls and a bleak and bleak scene?


   "Is it a ruin?"

Looking at the city streets below where there are only broken eaves and broken walls and several wolves, and the scorched and twisted houses that were burned and covered with snow again, Irena flying in the air As he lowered his height, he couldn't help but frowned and sighed in surprise.

   "Is there a war?"


   "Why the six-pointed star double wall outside is intact, and there is no trace of attack on the gate and outside of the city?"

   "Could it be..."

   "Is it because of civil strife?"

Subconsciously turned her head and looked around the city, and then compared the scenes outside and inside the city, Irena quickly came to her conclusion, that is: There must be a civil strife in this city. Such wars led to the evolution of what it is now, and the intact city walls and the bridge connecting the city gates are proof!

   Anyway, if it was attacked by an enemy country, it would certainly not have been destroyed only in the city, while the walls and the outside of the city were intact!

   "It's miserable..."

   "There is no one..."

   "Now, it's really hard to do!"

   Looking at the broken eaves and the devastated walls below, there were ruins with blood everywhere, Irena was a bit stunned. Her heart that was still excited because of seeing the city and cheering died instantly.

It stands to reason that wars are generally aimed at occupation and conquest. However, the huge and prosperous city in front of us has been completely destroyed, and even the citizens have been killed...Irena doesn’t know. What kind of madman can do such a terrible act, and I don't know what it means to do so.

   Is it because of feud or simply because of the desire to kill?

   But, she couldn't understand how this kind of internal war broke out was nothing more than a struggle for power and profit. Has it developed to the level of subjugation of the country and species?


"Look, Irena, people just said not to come, you still have to come... the people here seem to be burned out, there is no house, no good food, and no hot bath to take in. , Or... let's go quickly?"


Annie probably knows what's going on here, but since it's all like this, she definitely doesn't want to care about it. She intends to make Irena and her turn around and go to another city not far from here. , By the way, also let her see how the other party was flying with her nose and shivering from the cold?


Irena didn’t answer, she just curled up on her broomstick, and flew forward slowly, giving her palms that were a bit stiff and cold and gave her a sigh of relief and began to rub her. I want to be warmer.

"Do it……"

   "It's too cold, even if it's in ruins, find a better house for one night, and wait until the snow and wind stops tomorrow..."

   After all, it is so cold right now, the sky is still snowing and the cold wind is blowing, and they have been hungry all day, and now she is not happy to let her turn around and go elsewhere.

  Because even if you leave now and don't care about the cold wind and heavy snow, it is estimated that she will not arrive until the middle of the night. In that case, she will definitely be frozen to death!


   "Old, teacher..."


  I moved a distance in the wind and snow, and suddenly, Irena stretched her finger to the distant one that seemed to be the largest and still well-preserved building in the city.

   "That is the palace, right?"

   "It looks intact, maybe... we can rest in it for one night tonight?"

Although Irena guessed that there might be a mess of corpses or blood in it, since it is relatively well-preserved and since it is still that big, then I found one or two clean houses with fireplaces in it. Then bake and eat some dry food, it must be ok.

   Anyway, it must be better than her teacher said, turning to the next city! !


   "Well, whatever you want, but..."

  Ε=)) alas

  Thinking about it, Annie didn't insist on that much, she nodded her head and agreed, and then turned her broom to follow her and flew towards the palace at the highest point in the middle of the city.

This is no way. After all, Irena doesn’t want to use teleportation spells to swiftly reach the destination, and she doesn’t want to travel overnight in the snow, so she can only go to that first as the other party said. It's been a night in the palace.


  ! o

   "Slow down! Wait for me!!"


   Just about to say something, when she saw the other party flying towards the front at a high speed, Annie stopped what she wanted to say and hurried to catch up.



   Soon, the two of them flew to the steel gate outside the palace, and then Irena, who rushed over and landed, quickly discovered that something was wrong, and subconsciously turned her head to look at the air behind them.

   "That's a magic enchantment!"

   "Should be used to protect something..."


   glanced sideways behind her, Annie said directly what the invisible thing the two of them had just traversed was.

   "That's it!"

   nodded, Irena didn't have much doubt.

   After all, this was originally the palace of a country, and it is normal that there is some kind of constant magical protection enchantment around the palace and castle!

  Perhaps, that is why the glorious palace in front of you has been preserved so far, right?

   "Let's go!"

   "Let's knock on the door, although there may not be anyone in there..."

After crossing the invisible magic barrier just now, passing through the gate of the outer wall of the palace castle and entering the inner court, Irena stepped on the snow and couldn't wait to walk to the same tall and gorgeous inner door in front of the main body of the palace castle. prior to.


   "It seems to be locked from the inside..."

   "Teacher, what should we do?"

   first pushed hard and found that the door could not be pushed at all, and it seemed to be locked from inside, Irena looked at Annie who was trotting to her with a broomstick and asked.

   "Then burn it directly!"


   As she said, Annie unceremoniously grabbed a ball of fire directly, and wanted to burn down the gate of other people's palace.


"wait wait wait!!"

   Irena hurriedly reached out to stop her violent little girl teacher, and sighed and summoned her wand.


   "Since this castle is so well preserved, let's not set it on fire and damage it?"

   "Alaho Cave opens!!"

  If Irene hadn’t learned some very practical spells, it is estimated that she could only be like the violent little teacher next to her, directly using flame magic to forcibly burn this iron-wood structured solid gate, right?

But fortunately,'Alaho Cave Open' is a practical spell used to open locked doors or other locks. For this kind of door that is protected by a weak spell and locked from the inside, opening it is simply Don't be too easy!

and so……


   After the light of the spell passed, the two doors, which were at least two people high, made a harsh rubbing sound, and then they were slowly opened by magic.



As the door opened, Irena, who walked inside, quickly discovered that inside this magnificent palace, it was spotless, and the precious magical lighting props and night pearls were still working, and those were inlaid with gold and precious stones. The seats, photo frames and other decorations are also intact, and there is no trace of damage!

   "Here, there seems to be no trace of fighting at all..."

It stands to reason that after a riot or war, even if the victor will not destroy the castle, he should have looted the contents, but now... In short, Irena gradually couldn't understand. Up.


   "However, no matter why this is the case, I should find a place to warm up and eat something?"

   Although I can’t figure out why it looks like this, it doesn’t prevent Irena’s plan to rest in this clean palace for one night.

Because she is a genius and powerful official witch, and her teacher is stronger than her, and there is also Tibbles the bear, so Irena feels that living here should not be dangerous, at most, Just need to be secretly vigilant?

   Anyway, no matter how weird this place is, she would definitely not want to fly to another city overnight! The feeling of flying with bone-heavy snow and skin-eroding cold winds is really too bad, especially when she doesn't bring enough warm clothes to keep her beautiful and frozen appearance?

'I say……'

  ‘Who are you two guys? ! ’

At this time, UU reading was just as Irena was planning to call her teacher to take a walk around this huge palace and find a place to light a fire for heating and lodging. Suddenly, a voice was alarmed. She had to raise her head subconsciously, looking towards the second floor of the palace hall.

Soon, she discovered that there was a luxurious gift group wearing red and a green gemstone necklace around her neck. She looked exactly the same as the woman painted in a huge picture frame hanging in the hall. Miss noble.

   Presumably, the other party must be the prince in this palace castle, because the words on that huge picture frame are just that.

   "It seems that this place has a master..."

  Ε=)) alas

   Seeing that the master had come out, the little Annie sighed.

   Originally, she didn't want to come to this troublesome place, but the guy Irene is coming, now it's fine, they broke into someone's place, maybe there will be something troublesome waiting for them!


  ?*. ???*. Ask for tickets??*. ???*.

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