Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1321: ??????: This is made by people...

In the icy and snowy cold day, we had a hearty fire dinner with Princess Miraroshe, the last prince of the kingdom, in the magnificent but empty palace and castle, and chatted happily for half the night. I learned about all the things that happened to the other party, learned about the prince’s amnesia, learned about the letters left by the mysterious warning person, learned that the culprit that destroyed the entire kingdom was not an internal or external war, let alone a coup, but a military change. A demon named'Gabare', and it will wake up at sunset, wreak havoc on the country before sunrise, and seems to have killed everyone in the entire country until the queen is killed. After the meeting, Irene was shocked personally.

Therefore, after a comfortable rest night in the warm and soft palace guest room, and after enjoying a delicious and hearty breakfast specially prepared by the other party in the morning of the next morning, Irena was a little bit sad. So he had to change his original plan, and was going to help the poor prince of a country without people for a while, and help the other party deal with the evil dragon and tyrant who would never give up without killing the last person in the kingdom?

Of course, Irene is not foolishly helping the other party with the kind of "Witch Quest", but before the other party is going to the "Witch Quest" drama that will only start that night, helping each other Dig pits on the scheduled battlefield!

After all, I slept for free for all night, and if I didn’t do anything, I would just say thank you and pat my **** and slap someone. That would be too bad... Irena, the youngest, beautiful and beautiful woman in history How can a genius witch who can shine, not lose to the colorful flowers, blooming like a flower, beautiful and cute like a doll, and even jealous of the cold wind in the north, and going crazy? What happened?

However, although it was said to be digging a hole, Irene did not do it herself. Instead, she stood on the edge of this ruined city square, waving her wand in her hand, using housekeeping curses and assistance, Wanting to sway her huge magic power, let the door panels, shovel, hoes, wooden barrels, and countless discarded dolls automatically work in the pit and line up to transport the excavated dirt.

   "Ah oh..."



   "Well...Irena, you really decided to help? You don't leave after digging the pit, and you still have to watch her fight the demon Gabriel?"

I watched boringly for a while, watching Irene control the hundreds of dolls, puppet bears, plush dogs, puppets, little yellow ducks, and Peter rabbits found from the ruins of the city. After waiting a long time for the boring things like the mess of toys, luck and dirt, little Annie asked strangely, who yelled and rubbed her eyes.

Because, when I got up early in the morning by the other party pulling the quilt up, the other party said to leave early in the morning, but it’s fine now. After eating a delicious and hearty breakfast, he changed his mind directly. It seems that she is easier to be bought than Queen Anne?

   That is really outrageous! !

"Yes, that's right!"

   "That's how I decided!"

"Teacher, think about it. After all, she was kind enough to welcome us. Moreover, this country is too miserable. It seems that she is really the only one left. If she just helps to dig a hole to help her save some magic and watch. If it is, it should be ok?"

   "It will be an epic battle. Witness it and write it in my diary, it will definitely make sense!"

Looking at the already destroyed fountains and gardens around the square, watching the horrible holes in the originally gorgeous stone houses, the hideous claw marks and the shocking blood stains, standing high on the wooden barrel and remotely commanding Irena shook her wand vigorously again.

Fortunately, that and gave her a lot of assistance. Otherwise, it would not be easy to dig such a big pit that can put Gabare into it, even if she is a genius witch. One thing!

   So, she is already considering, at night, should she lend her ring, hat, and that to her opponent to increase her chances of winning?

"is it?"

   "Are you really just watching?"

   Seeing the other party working so hard and earnestly and meticulously, for fear that the big hole will not stop the evil dragon and the tyrant at the time, Annie obviously does not believe the other party's words.

   In her opinion, when the time comes, once she sees that the queen Mira Rose can't hold on or makes a mistake, Irena will definitely attack and interfere, right?

   "You can rest assured!"

   "I...I shouldn't be involved in the battle! At most...I help save her when she fails?"

   Irene said uncertainly, and directly dispelled the thought of whether or not to lend her equipment to the prince Mira Rose she had just been considering.

   After all, since she has made up her mind to intervene, she might face the demon Jiaba Lie at that time, and the equipment on her body will definitely add a lot of help to her! Besides, those three pieces of equipment are too important and powerful, and she is not very familiar with that queen. It is always bad to give such good things to others casually.

   "Save it?"

   "But, didn't the eldest sister and daughter of Mira Rose last night said that if she leaves this kingdom, the evil dragon will always follow!"


Either from that letter or from the description of the queen Mira Rose, Anne and Irena already knew: the dragon or the demon plus Tyrant, unless the other party is destroyed, otherwise, it must not be Let the last prince leave!


   "Then I will only save her to the palace at that time. That's all right?"


   Irene was angry and said bitterly.

   Anyway, that palace is protected by a magic enchantment, and the dragon can't get in. It's a big deal when she saves the failed Queen Mira Rose directly into the palace. It's not too difficult.

   "It can be..."

"However, Irena, don’t you think this is weird? A witch who is stronger than you lost her memory for no reason, that strange letter written by someone who didn’t know, and the one in the city The evil dragon that eats humans and the enchantment around the castle that targets evil dragons..."


   "This thing is really weird, people always think it's better not to intervene casually?"


   After hesitating, Annie still reminded him vaguely.

  Because she had already known certain things, she definitely didn't care, it didn't matter who helped, she was just worried that a fragile guy would not be able to bear it when he learned the truth and was hit.


   "Of course I know this thing is weird, but..."


"This time, I'm sure I definitely won't take the initiative to intervene directly. Digging a hole to beat the devil is not too much, right? Isn't it possible to help me deal with the monster that destroys the city and eats people? wrong?"

   "Also, I will definitely be a qualified traveler and witness this time, just wait and see!"

If a certain nasty guy doesn’t help, it’s still babbling, so Irena turned her head bitterly, and waved the magic wand in her hand more vigorously to make those shovel buckets and cats and dogs The dog's toy moved faster.



"as long as you are happy!"

   The other party is not happy that Annie doesn't know, anyway, she herself is quite interested, just waiting for the sky to get dark, and then waiting for some personal reactions after the excitement and mystery are revealed!

"That one……"


At this moment, after busying for a while, Irene, who was slightly sweaty on her forehead in this cold snowy day, suddenly turned her head from the barrel, and then she was sitting on the side dangling with her face to the side. Said a little girl who looked at her **** her legs.



   "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

   "If you want someone to help dig a hole, then it will definitely not work! Because ah, people will definitely reject you!"


Because, if Queen Anne were asked to dig the pit, the pit was guaranteed to be big and deep. Then, the demon would not be able to climb out. Then there would be no suspense in the fight, so she wouldn’t do that. Things!


   "I thought, could Tibbers also come out and help dig?"

   "You also saw..."

   "The toys here are a bit small, and they are too small. Although they are driven by magic, they are also too slow to move things. If it is Tibbers, it will definitely be faster when it gets bigger."

   "And teacher, don't worry, after digging, I will wash it clean, anyway, I have to take a shower later?"

   I'm not sure if Tibbers bears out to help. Irena is not sure, but she only knows that the opponent is so strong, whether it is digging a hole or carrying dirt after coming out, she must be able to relax a lot.



A certain bear Tibbers didn’t have time to finish what he said. It was thrown into the big pit with a wave of one of its little owners and instantly grew bigger, from a small plush teddy bear to a huge giant. , There are three or five people so hot stuffed bear.


   There is a problem with wood!

   Obviously, Annie didn't listen to the protest of a certain bear, she just cast it out, and transferred the temporary control to Irene.

   Anyway, as long as you don't let yourself help, Annie definitely doesn't care.

  : Wow~!

"thank you teacher!"

"and also……"

   "Tibbers, don't worry, when they take a shower, they will definitely wash you clean too!"

Irene did not hear Tibbers’ silent threat, but just threw a radiant flower that shines and is not inferior to the colorful flowers towards her teacher and it, who is working hard in the big pit, beautifully. A beautiful and cute smile that blooms like a flower and looks like a doll.


Annie didn’t say anything, she just turned her head to look aside, because she saw that the last prince at this time, the eldest sister of Princess Mirarosser who cooks and toasts deliciously, came over, There seems to be a snack?

   That's great!

You know, Queen Anne, after watching her for a long time, is already very tired and hungry. If she can eat here while watching Irena work, then she will definitely be a "supervisor" job Will be more caring!

   "The progress seems to be quite fast!"


   "How about, Irene, can this project be completed before dark?"

At this time, after bringing a box of snacks to condolences, and watching a little girl **** it away and ran to the side to start eating, there was no intention to say hello to Irena, the kingdom’s last Princess Mirarosser shook her head first, and then smiled and asked the busy young witch Irena, who was standing on the barrel.

   "It should be fine, right?"

   "Now my teacher's bear Tibbers is also helping in the pit, I can relax a lot..."


   "Can I ask, how deep is it to dig to complete it?"

Although I saw a trace of the demon Gabare’s silhouette last night, Irena didn’t know how tall the other party was, and what abilities she had, so even she was involved in the development of this plan. As to how deep the pit should be dug, and what is the specific scale, there has never been a clear answer.



   "Should I dig another half or so, right?"

Princess Mirarosser stood on tiptoes and looked towards the bottom of the pit. After comparing the size of a certain demon, Gabare, she gave an order that Irena almost never got out of the barrel. Replied staggeringly.

   "It's even so deep..."


   "Tibbers, did you hear that? You have to work hard! We must at least dig down the same distance as the current depth!"

Although she felt exhausted, thought of Princess Miraross’s plan, Irena raised her energy and continued to wield her wand vigorously, and at the same time cheered a bear who was dug in the pit. Cheering.

Their plan is to lure Gabare into pursuit first, and then guide him to the square, let him fall into a trap disguised by magic, block his attack and movement to the maximum, and then take advantage of it’s inability to move. And the chance that you can't climb out in a short time, use powerful magic to continuously attack it, and in that case, the chance of successfully defeating it will be greatly increased, and it will be safer?

Anyway, Irena thinks that plan is good. As long as Princess Miraross doesn’t be burned to death by Gabriel when she seduce each other, it’s basically half of the success, and this is exactly what she is. So the reason why I was willing to help dig the pit was that I wanted the other party to save some magic power as much as possible before dealing with Jiabalie.

   "Have you heard, Tibbers, you have to come on!"



   "Ha! It's delicious!!"


  While eating gluttonously, Annie also cheered towards the bear who was thrown to the bottom of the pit to participate in labor, and continued to act as her white-hat supervisor management and chief planner.

  ! o

It’s a pity that no one here pays attention to Tibbers’ silent protest, and the only miserable little girl who knows what it’s thinking, only knows that she eats and drinks on her own, and where she will take care of it. Trivial thoughts?


  Oo ask for a ticket oo

  Please go to ㊣The author said to watch the follow-up 500 words

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