Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1322: ε=(?ο`*))) Alas! One more crazy...



   In winter, the night is always long and the day is short, so the sky soon gets dark, and the icy wind and white snow begin to fall again.

However, even if this is the case, even if Irena, who said before that she would not participate in the battle between Queen Mirarosser and the demon Gabare, finally finished her bath and ate a fairly rich dinner, she still Somewhat uneasy, she went directly to her unwilling little teacher Anne, and came to the ruined city square. There is a spire hidden in a fairly intact building, ready to stare aside, so that Intervene when the other party's situation is not good so that you can help a little bit?


   "I still can't help but come..."

   Irena, who watched the square in front nervously through the broken spire window and waited silently, couldn't help but sighed, then turned her head to persuade a little girl who was looking impatient:


   "Didn't you say that you want to watch the Queen Miraross fight the evil dragon? It's so good now, you look close, you can see clearly, it's much better than in the palace castle!"

   Irena quibbleed somewhat.

   Obviously, she herself thinks that her statement is a bit unreliable, because it is indeed far-fetched? Anyway...she definitely wouldn't say that the reason she had to bring her teacher here was nothing more than to add a layer of insurance to her actions!

   Later, if the Queen Mirarosser can't beat the Gabriel, she might be tough enough for Irene to go up, even if she is wearing three powerful magic equipment.


   "It's dirty here, there is no burning fireplace, no delicious snacks, and no soft chairs. There is still heavy snow in the sky?...Really, don't people see the same in the palace?"

   looked at the big pit that had been disguised by magic and the snow floating in the sky in the middle of the outer square? Anne directly jumped to the window sill full of snow and started to wait listlessly.

   "It's useless to lie, people see it, you just want to help her!!"

After curling her mouth and murmured, Annie began to sit on the snow-covered window sill, drawing on the thick layer of herself, not knowing how long it had accumulated, and the snow that had not been cleaned. Come.


   "Perhaps, is it really like that?"

   smiled a little embarrassingly, Irena, who had been told through her heart, turned her head a little shyly, pretending to look at the dead, white, snow-covered city ahead.

   "It's strange to say..."

"Teacher Annie, you also know that we only met her last night, but...but I don't know why, but I always hope that she can successfully defeat the demon Jiabalie, and then I also hope that she can live safe and sound. Come down?"

"and so……"

   "So I want to fight together?"

   "But don't worry, teacher, I will definitely not force myself! If the Gabriel is too powerful, I will definitely protect myself first!"

   As she said, Irena took a breath, changed her hands gently, and summoned her own wand, slightly nervously ready to intervene at any time.

Although, her magical power has been almost restored under the action of those magical runes pages, but... I think that Gabriel is a powerful one that can only destroy the entire country and kill at least tens of thousands of people. Devil, she couldn't help her heart trembling, because monsters of that level were definitely not easy to deal with!

   At least, in the eyes of Irene, with resistance, she herself would definitely not be able to destroy such a large country and slaughter all the hundreds of thousands of residents in the city!

   Of course, even if she could, she would definitely not be able to do that kind of frantic thing!

Thinking of the blood of the tens of thousands of people killed by the devil, Irena couldn’t help but shiver all over her body... That kind of fear, worry, and inexplicable anger couldn’t help brewing and burning in her heart, making her No matter how can I keep the calm mood of a traveler who should be calm, like a witness and a bystander.



   However, Annie didn't listen to what Irena was talking about at all, just busy herself with something.




   "What, what's wrong? Is Gabare come here? Where is it?!"

Irena, who was waiting silently and thinking about her own thoughts, heard the exclamation of a sad little girl next to her, and when she recovered, she hurriedly craned her neck and braved the wind and snow towards this place. Look around outside the window sill of the spire, wanting to see where the queen Mirarosser and the Gabriel came out.

   "Gabare? What Gabare? I didn't see it..."

   Annie raised her head, and looked at Irene, who was somewhat stunned, inexplicably.


   "So it didn't show up..."

   "But... Teacher Annie! What did you yell at just now?!"

   breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her little breast hidden in the plain witch's robe, Irena was a little angry and groaned at the bluffing Annie.


   "What! People just piled up a little snowman just now, look at it, is it beautiful?"


That's right, because waiting is too boring, so Annie used the thick snow on the window sill to take a picture of a little snowman? Come and play, as for what is super delicious or the cooking She temporarily forgot about the prince.



Looking at a little girl with a serious face, and then at the little snowman piled up on the window sill on which the other party was riding? Irena opened her mouth, and she had better sighed in frustration and lowered it. Head away, saying nothing.

   "Forget it..."


   This situation seems to be normal?

Therefore, Irene began to comfort her in her heart... After all, the year she spent with her little teacher in the forest and the time she traveled together, like this kind of nonsense and unreliable She has seen a lot of Pu's behavior, and it really shouldn't be too fussy.

   "Irena, it's still early anyway, can you make one to play?"

   Annie suggested.

"I do not want it!"

   When is this, how could Irena still go to make a snowman with her? Play?

   Besides, she is more than fifteen years old, and she is already a big girl, so she will not play the kind of boring games that little girls can play at this time like the other party!


   "So let's have a snowball fight together?"


   Talking, Annie directly began to pull a puddle of snow on the snow, and began to throw snowballs.


   Irene turned her face away and ignored her.



   "Irena, don't you be nervous, isn't it just a dragon-like demon? People started to burn and play at the age of three, so what's so great?"

  Oo hum!

   If you don’t play, she will play with herself!

After finishing talking, Annie began to draw on the window sill again, and after she had piled up snowmen?, she started to pile up snow dragons again, and directly photographed Tibbers, who had just been cleaned, on the windowsill, using snow Buried it whole.

No way, waiting is the most boring, and Irene doesn’t chat with her or play with her. If her Queen Anne doesn’t find something for herself to do, then I will definitely doze off!




   "Teacher! Look, she is here!!"

Fortunately, a certain bear had not been tossed for long. Soon, Irene saw that the magical Queen Miraross suddenly appeared from the end of the ruined street in the distance on a broom. Flew over quickly.

   At the same time, the fire blazed up behind the opponent, and there was a huge roar and a sense of vibration. It was obvious that the demon Jiabalie was indeed attracted by her success.



   Turning her head, Anne, who was condescending on the windowsill of this spire, quickly saw that the big sister Mira Rose, who cooked super delicious food, was indeed flying over.

   The opponent is riding on a witch's broom, and while flying at high speed, while dexterously avoiding the giant demon without wings, but with the form of a dragon, Gabriel’s claws, bites and flame breath attacks. At the same time, the other party did not forget to blast one or two magic behind him from time to time, causing the demon Jiabalie to shoot a little bit of blood, constantly irritating and provoking the other party to ensure that he would not easily abandon her, thereby Guaranteed to be able to smoothly lead it to the big trap they dug before?

'come on! ’

  ‘Gabare! ’


   Boom! !

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Horr! ! ! ’

   rumbling rumbling...

Soon, when a huge monster with black body and ferocious bone spurs on its back, looking like a dragon, but without wings at all, chased the queen Mirarosser violently and rushed into the square, it took it for granted. With a loud rumbling noise, the ground fell directly into the deep pit dug out by Irene and a certain bear.



   "Great! It worked!!"

Seeing that Gabriel was really hit, and seeing that the other party hadn't had time to use his claws to crawl its huge and heavy body out of the pit, the queen Mira Rose in the sky used all kinds of flames?, frost?, thunder? and All kinds of magic arrows slammed back, and then they could only continue to struggle and wailing inside, but after she couldn't climb out anyway, Irena gave a cheer.

Seeing this, she knew that their plan must have worked this time. Although the Gabriel was very powerful, it was in the witch who was stronger than her Irene, and in the prince Mira Rose’s Under all kinds of magical attacks, it is definitely destined to only be defeated!

   Of course, the premise is that the daughter of Mira Rose must be careful not to be burned by the other party's dying counterattack flame breath?

   But, I must not!

   Because of that kind of little things, Irene could do well when she herself was a trainee witch, let alone the mighty Queen Miraross.


   Boom! boom!

  , ‘Roar~! ’

Flame?, Frost?, Thunder? and all kinds of magic arrows? are still continuing to roar, and at the same time, the screams of Gabriel continue, and its counterattack, those flame breaths are swiftly avoided by the queen, even if No matter how furious it is, it will not help no matter how fire is set ablaze around the square.


   "Too, too strong..."

   Seeing this, Irene knew that if nothing happened, its ending was already doomed.

   "It seems..."

   "It seems to be better than me equipped with three magic equipment!"

Looking at the opponent’s continuous offensive, watching the opponent wailing Gabarlie and raging blood, and seeing Gabarlie’s flame breath being easily defended by the opponent as nothing, Irena knew it, no need Too long, everything here is about to come to an end, and the demon that eats people and destroys the country will eventually be wiped out by the prince's anger, there is no doubt!


'Ah! ’

   ‘It turned out to be like this...’

When Irene saw that Queen Miraross led the mighty Thunder? and used the Spear of Thunder to continuously bombard Gabriel, she was about to kill Gabriel, but she unexpectedly discovered The other party stopped suddenly, then just stood on the broomstick and laughed grinningly?

   is like...

   suddenly changed into a human? !

Then, the other party actually put away the thunder spell that was supposed to kill the other party with a single blow, and instead summoned countless iron swords, using those weapons that were extremely small compared to the huge size of Gabriel. Moving towards its body, just tortured it with the'ten thousand swords penetration'?


   "I remember..."

'how about it……'

  ‘Now, do you understand my despair at the time? ’

'My dear……'

  ‘Father? ’

After seeing that Gabriel was dying, the prince Mirarosser stopped in time. Then she stood in the sky, sneered at Gabriel and asked, and slowly removed some Iraqi The hidden secret that Lena didn't know was told.


   "What, what?!"

   Irena was shocked, and then looked towards Mira Rose in the sky in shock, and carefully listened to the other's whispering voice with magic.


Before Irene and her teacher Anne came to this country, the queen mila Rose fell in love with a chef. As for whether the two sides really fell in love at first sight or if they were deceived, it is temporarily unknown. Anyway, the prince fell in love at that time and was pregnant with the chef's child.

   But when the prince tells her story to her father and king with joy, what she gets is not the king’s blessing, but a human tragedy that pierces her heart?

Because of her pregnancy, the prince who was a witch lost her magical powers. She could not protect her lover. She could only watch her father cruelly give orders and let her watch her. The lover was burned to death on the stake...

   At the same time, because of the loss of her magic, she was even more unable to protect the child in her stomach...

   So, she swears, she will destroy everything about the king!

So, the story behind is what Irena saw... After losing the child, the queen’s magic power was naturally restored slowly, so the first thing she did was to transform the palace castle and transform it It became a safe place where'Gabare' could not enter. Then, the queen wrote a letter to herself, and at the expense of her own memory, she obtained a huge magical power, cursing her father and king. A demon like a dragon who only keeps memories but can't help himself, and will never give up without eating up all the people of the entire kingdom?

"how could this be……"

"how come……"

   Irena was shocked when she heard that Princess Miraross, who was the prince in the sky, began to wield magic once again to torture the extremely powerful demon Gabriel.

   She never thought that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this? !

'Ah! ’

  ‘Haha! ’


The woman in the sky was laughing and attacking frantically. Between waving hands, flame?, frost?, thunder? and all kinds of magic arrows? began to roar again, and Gabare was beaten back to the pit again. bottom of.

  Mila Rose may not have found Irena and Annie, maybe they have found it but don't mind?

Anyway, she unscrupulously used all kinds of powerful but not fatal magic to be trapped in the trap. She wanted to climb out but was attacked by Jia Balie who was back in time, while speaking out loud and frantically. The reason for that kind of reason seems to be venting the sadness and resentment in her heart, or telling'Ghabare' and some two witches that everything is normal, while laughing hysterically at the same time.


   At this time, the magic wand in Irena's hand no longer knows when she dropped it down.

   She no longer had the slightest idea of ​​helping, she just watched in a stunned manner that the Queen Mira Rose wielded magic power to carry out that simple torture attack and all kinds of vicious words in her mouth.

   At this time, she was a little at a loss...

It was not because the prince no longer needed her help, nor was it because she was shocked by the strength of the prince, but because... she never expected that the reason why this kingdom would become like this was actually because of that What is the reason for the entanglement between the father and daughter of Mira Rose?

   And that evil dragon...

   That terrible demon, Gabare, was actually her biological father, the king of the great kingdom that was destroyed by Mira Rose's revenge?

   The reversal of all this made her a little caught off guard. She only felt that the whole person was bad, and she didn't know what to do.

"how could this be……"

Irena was stunned, as if she was stupid, she was so stunned that she watched that queen Mira Rose continued to laugh wildly and wave her magic wand in the sky, to the one who was personally handed. The big pit dug out attacked the poor demon Jiabalie who had been pitted unscrupulously until it had no more good skin on its body, until its blood splashed all over the pit and the surrounding square.

   But the other party still didn't stop, he was still attacking and torturing hysterically, all kinds of magic came out of the rod and caused more wounds on the body of the ‘devil’.


It turned out that the tragedy here was not caused by a cannibalistic devil, but was entirely caused by the family ethical tragedy of the royal family. And she just thought that the other party was a poor prince and a good person. Want to help the other party... But in the end, the other party turned out to be the culprit that caused all this disaster?


The prince was also a victim, and what happened to the other party was miserable and miserable... However, in order to get revenge, she used all means to indirectly destroy her country and indirectly harmed hundreds of thousands of people. That kind of thing... It's all wrong!

Anyway, Irena has never dared to think about it, and never dare to believe that such a dark and terrible thing would happen in this world, and it still happened in front of her, and was witnessed by her. Arrived?

  ‘Haha! ’

'a ha ha ha! ! ! ’

Laughing frantically, and after telling everything, after venting her emotions, the queen Mira Rose waved her magic wand and chopped off the huge dragon head of the demon Gabriel. He also used countless fierce and unusual wind blades to twist it into a mess of blood and splashes, bringing this tragic story to its final end.


  Ε=)) alas

   "It's crazy again, it's a pity, the food she cooked is really delicious..."

Looking at Irene, who looked like she was silly, and then at the crazy prince in the sky in the distance, the eldest sister of Mira Rosse, Little Annie sighed and slumped helplessly. Shoulder, it means that she can't do anything about it.

   Actually, she had guessed a little bit at the beginning, but she really wasn't very good at interfering directly with this matter.


   "Teacher, you say, what the **** is this..."

   "How could it be like this..."

   Irene felt very depressed, and asked softly as if muttering to herself.



   Seeing the end of the matter, Annie stretched her waist and said that she did nothing, she was just a bystander, and everything that happened here has nothing to do with her!

   Besides, she just wants to know...

   After the eldest sister of King Miraroshe went crazy, she didn't care about supper? Also, tomorrow morning, will there be such a delicious and hearty breakfast?

everything is over……

Early the next morning, Irene and Little Annie ignored the prince Mira Rose who stayed in the castle talking to herself and regarded them as nothing. They left silently on their broomsticks and stepped on their feet again. The journey left behind the poor woman hiding in the castle like a walking corpse.

   Along the way, Irene didn’t speak, because the story was so tragic that she couldn’t write in the diary for a long time last night...

   Hundreds of thousands of citizens died so tragically in the feud between the two sides, and the originally powerful and prosperous kingdom was destroyed by a small matter that could have been handled properly...

Irene said it’s not good to say who is innocent and who deserves the crime in the story, and it’s not too bad to say who is right and who is wrong. Anyway, Irene feels that there is no winner in the whole kingdom. They are all played by fate. The poor people abandoned, including the princess Mira Rose!

Although it seems that Mirarosser did win, a ruined kingdom, an empty and cold palace and castle, a ruined city full of broken eaves and no living people, plus one crazy What's the meaning of that kind of victory?

   Maybe, everyone in the story is wrong...

If the chef does not have a relationship with the princess whose status and status are seriously mismatched with should not be delusional and greedy for power and wealth; if the prince can be less emotional and can look at the problem more rationally; If the king can handle the things that have happened more magnanimously or peacefully; if the citizens can sympathize with their princess a little bit, instead of watching indifferently, applauding the cruel punishment and gloating for misfortune... only I'm afraid that none of this will develop to the present level, right?


   Thinking about it, Irene on the broom sighed again.

It's a pity that there are not so many things in this world that if things have already happened, they are destined to be irreparable. At least, her Irene can't change. Therefore, she who is at a loss can only follow her teacher. Leaving silently, let the prince and daughter of the country without people stay alone in the empty and lonely luxurious castle, swallowing the endless bitter fruit created by the other side.


   "If we could stop that kind of tragedy, how good would it be?"

With a wry smile, I turned to someone behind me who was heartless, still looking carefree, and seemingly not giving those things to her heart. After a wry smile, Irene shook her head and quickened her body. The speed of the broomstick, facing the wind and snow? Fly forward quickly.

  Because, since nothing can be changed, it would be better for her to leave here early. At least, if she can't see her, she won't be too disappointed?


  ? Ask for a ticket?

  ? More exciting, please go to see what the author of ㊣ edition?

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