Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1328: - = ???? = ????? (…

The advice given by Annie didn’t seem to have much effect. Anyway, after Sheila and Irene were unable to locate the missing hair with tracing magic, they aggressively rushed towards the doll shops in the city, but they were very Unfortunately, in the shops that are still open, they did not get any valuable clues.

   Not to mention the closed shops. When people go to empty places, where do they go to find someone to ask for clues?

Fortunately, when they came back to the hotel, they were surprised to find a trace of something wrong with the owner of the hotel, who was a doll of a man with glasses, and they succeeded in using force threats to ask questions from the other party. At its true source, they were able to kill to a secret underground auction house.

And then……

   Annie no longer wants to remember those things, because she didn't even participate!

Anyway, it was nothing more than the genius witch Irene making a noise in the auction room, beating a certain'murder's accomplice auctioneer', frightening those criminals who participated in the auction, and brazenly taking a shot behind the scenes. The culprit-the witch owner of a doll shop!

   In the end, Irene, of course, succeeded in using magic to retrieve and repair her long gray hair that can flow in the wind, keeping her reputation.


   "You look so cute when you are angry..."

  ‘Keep getting angry, come and torture me hard, let me see how you are more angry~! ! ’

  ‘Your angry expression is really great...’


  ‘Keep getting angry! ’

  ‘Please give me a little more of your hair, I must make your angry look the perfect doll...’

At this time, a certain mad witch who was caught and locked in a cage, and still bound by the Forbidden Demon Shackles, was still hysterically clutching the iron fence of the cage, facing someone who was full of black lines, and still Some gritted their teeth, waiting for a thunder spear to directly blast the past and keep poking.


   "This weird person, she is a lunatic, right?"


   To be honest, it was the first time that Annie ran into such a person even if she was caught.

   Especially the one in front of me, didn't the other party see Irena gritted her teeth with hatred, was squeezing her wand tightly, and she was still trying her best to endure that she didn't cast some terrible spell?

   "Crazy man?"

"may be……"


   "Thank you very much for your help, Irena and the Great Witch, for allowing me to successfully catch this wicked lunatic. Finally, this tricky case that has plagued the city and the Magic Coordination Association for a long time can be solved perfectly?"

   Although a certain little girl did not provide any help at all, at most, she said two clues that were of little use, but Sheila still sincerely thanked her.

After all, after the mad witch was caught back, she could receive a large bounty. Now, she only needs to say a few polite words to the two of them to earn that kind of real benefits, so express her sincerity. She's grateful for that kind of little thing, she would definitely not mind doing it more than once.

   "Then, I am going to **** her back to the branch of the Magic Coordination Association now!"

   "Irena, and the Great Witch Anne, if you meet Fran in the future, you must remember to say hello for me?"

With that said, after using magic to hang the magic cage holding a certain crazy mad witch on the broom, Sheila, who claimed to be Fran’s senior sister, slowly rose into the air, preparing to airlift the prisoner back to the Magic Coordinating Association. Go to the nearest branch.

"of course can!"

   "Don't worry! Your Excellency, if you meet Teacher Fran, I will tell it on your behalf!"

   Also sitting on the broomstick with her teacher Anne, Irena, who was about to leave the city that made her angry today, nodded openly and agreed.


   "Your Excellency, Witch Shera, what kind of punishment will she receive after she is captured?"

   At this time, Irene is more concerned about the punishment for the lunatic witch.

After all, the other party cut her hair which was smoother than silk, crystal clear than snow, and more beautiful than clouds, and placed it on the head of a nasty doll, although she stepped on it later She broke the doll and took her hair back with magic, but that was not the reason she chose to forgive her.


   "I don't know either..."

   How to punish or convict the prisoner is not something Sheila can interfere with.

   "But I guess, she might eventually be imprisoned by the whole body's magic, deprived of the right to use the staff, and extradited to a lunatic asylum, right?"

Thinking about the crimes that are not minor but not serious by the other party using magic, Sheila thought about it carefully, and then said that she felt that the Magic Coordination Association was most likely to make possible punishments for the suspect’s behavior. .



   "Just being imprisoned? Why not be sentenced to death?!"

   Irene was a little bit uncomfortable.

Because as long as she sees the other's hideous and distorted face, when she sees the expression when the other party looks at her, and remembers the heinous things that the other party has done to her by controlling a doll, she always has something Can't help but the urge to hit the'Avada Suo' spell directly.

   Anyway, if possible, she strongly recommends the execution of the death penalty, and it is the one that is executed immediately and repeatedly?

   "Death, death penalty?"

   "How could that be possible..."

   Sheila touched the cold sweat on her forehead in a somewhat hesitant manner. She didn't expect the young one in front of her to be so cruel.


"She just used magic to cut the hair of you and others, and didn't directly or indirectly harm anyone's life. This kind of behavior is at best convicted of the crime of stealing and abusing magic, imprisoned by magic. And confiscation of the wand is already a very serious punishment, how can it be sentenced to death?"

Shaking his head, Sheila felt that if the other party was not crazy, and it was very likely that they would continue to abuse their magical powers to harm others in the future, it is estimated that the other party would not need to be detained in a lunatic asylum. At most, it would be nothing more than a fine and a fixed-term sentence .

   You need to know that being locked in a lunatic asylum would be ‘life imprisonment’. The punishment is serious enough, how could it be like Irena said?


   "Hair is the second life of a woman. Since she has cut mine and other people's hair, it is equivalent to depriving many people of their lives. Isn't it normal to sentence her to death?"

   Thinking that what happened today will become one of the dark histories of her travels, the resentment in Irena's heart can't help but rise.

"very sorry!"

   "Irena, you also know that things that hurt your hair can only be defined as stealing and improper profit, and even the crime of deliberate injury is not connected, so the hypothesis and crime you mentioned are not true!


   "I escorted her back first. I am glad to meet you here. Goodbye to both of you!"

After finishing speaking, I didn’t intend to talk more with someone who was still angry, and for fear that the other party could not help the grievance in his heart, and a magic hit Sila at the prisoner and hurriedly lifted into the air, then waved at the two at the end. After waving his hand, he accelerated, dragging the cage towards the nearest branch of the Magic Coordinating Association and flew at an accelerated speed.





Irene did not wave goodbye to a little girl, but turned her head a little bitterly, to prove that she was still stubborn about something, especially since the prisoner had not repented at all. In the case of the heart?


   "That...Irena, I'm leaving too!"

"of course!"

   "Then sir, where is our next destination going?"

   "It is said on the map that there is a town of clocks and watches in the east of Lostoff. It is said that the clock tower there is very tall and very beautiful. Why don't we go there to see it?"

   Irena took out the map, and after pondering for a while, she quickly delineated her next travel destination.

   "No more!"


   "You go, I won't go for now!"


   However, it is very rare. Originally, there was an indifferent attitude along the way. Annie, who followed where Irina went, actually rejected the other party's proposal for the first time.

   "Don't go?"

   "Where do you want to go, teacher? Is it the king of Celestia? Or the magical country with a high wall?"

Since her teacher didn’t seem to want to go to Lostoff, the home of clocks, Irena had no choice but to temporarily change her plan, and picked two places from the nearest place on the map that could be reached within a day’s flight. Fun and worth a trip.

   Anyway, those are the places that the witch Nicole has been to, and she naturally wants to see it.

   "Never go!"

   "Never go?"



"and many more!"

Finally, after a little pondering about Annie’s expression and those words that Annie said, Irene, who was a little slow to react, finally recovered and knew what her teacher wanted to say, so she couldn’t help but exclaim. Screamed.

   "Old teacher, can't you mean that you don't want to travel with me?!"

To be honest, since living in that forest with Teacher Kel'Thuzad and Teacher Fran for such a long time, they have already become accustomed to each other's existence, and she has always thought that her Anne The teacher will travel with her until she travels around the world and visits all the interesting or famous places!

   How can I think, now that the other party has just come out with me for two months, he is about to bid farewell?



I thought that from now on I would travel the world alone, no one would joke with myself on the road, no one would argue with myself, and no one would need to be dragged out of the bed every day. Irene felt empty in her heart, and she couldn't help being full of that sense of loss.

   "That's right!"


   "I have been in this world for more than a year, and it's time to go shopping elsewhere!"

   To be honest, Annie rarely stays in a world for such a long time. Thinking about the time she has been here for more than a year, it is really amazing.


   "Then teacher, where are you going to shop again?"

   Irene is a little puzzled. If the other party wants to go shopping elsewhere, she feels that she can also follow, so there is no need to separate.

   "I will go to another world!"

   "Just like Irena, you like to travel everywhere, and people like to travel around the world! But, people travel around the world of planes, and you travel in cities?"


   Thinking about it this way, Annie suddenly felt that her style seemed to be a little bit superior to the other party?



   "The teacher!"

   "I... can I travel around other worlds with you?"

   Irena was taken aback, and then hurriedly went over and asked.

   If she can travel around other worlds, she will definitely be very popular if she writes a book in the future? At least, in her opinion, it must be more rare than that of Nicole's adventure story and can arouse people's desire to buy?

"No way!"


   "You are too weak, plane travel is still a bit too dangerous for you!"


  Of course, the real reason is that the other party is too annoyed. It's so easy to get up every day, and that doesn't matter... However, Annie will definitely not talk about that kind of thing.


   "Then teacher, will you come back in the future?"

Irene was a little depressed. After all, she became an official witch at the age of fifteen. So far, she has never seen anyone more talented than her. But now, in the eyes of her own teacher, she has even the plane. Have no qualifications to travel?

"Maybe will?"

   Annie is not 100% sure about this.

   "This way..."

   Irene looked a little depressed, and the good mood she had originally wanted to go to the next city disappeared instantly, but she felt that she was a little bit unhappy.



   "I will leave soon, Irene, what is the thing you wanted last time, I will give it to you now!"

   Annie does not guarantee that she will come back to this world, nor can she guarantee how long it has been here when she comes back, so she feels that she should just meet the previous request made by the other party before leaving!

   It's just that she had forgotten what the other party said last time she wanted something, and she would definitely not care about such small things.


   There is no way, since the other party's departure is inevitable, after the frustration, Irene frowned and thought, planning to maximize the benefits and get some good things from her teacher as much as possible.

  Although, during the time traveling together, she has learned a lot of useful magic from each other, but in her opinion, those are obviously not enough, she wants more!

   "Hey! What do you want?"

   Annie became a little impatient.


"I want it!"

   originally wanted the elder wand, but suddenly, Irene had an idea and pointed directly at a bear without being polite.

   Obviously, if a powerful shadow flame bear accompanies her during the journey, she will be safe, and more or less can she have someone to talk to?




   "No way!"

   "The little bear can't give it to you!"


   "Here! This hearthstone will be given to you. If it is dangerous, you can activate it and use it, even if there is no magic power. That's it, goodbye~!"


Unexpectedly, the other party dared to hit her bear's attention. What was not said, when Annie was angry, she threw down an item that could save the other party's life, then turned around and ran away, and then rushed to a portal. Completely disappeared and disappeared.


   "Old teacher?!"

   Irene didn't really want the shadow bear, because it was only a condition she proposed to prepare for negotiation, but how could she think that her teacher would not give her the opportunity to bargain at all?

   If she knew that was the case, she should just ask for the wand she had seen...

   "Damn it!"

   "But what is this hearthstone?"

   There was no way. Seeing the opponent ran away and instantly teleported away, Irena had no choice but to look at the white piece in her hand, with a blue round runestone engraved with magic power on it.

   Hearthstone: No magic required, it will instantly return you to a safe place after activation. The coordinates can be set. The current coordinates are the tree house in the forest on the outskirts of the country of peace.

   "It turns out to be a teleportation item..."

   "Damn it!"

   "I knew I should ask for the magic wand or the magic projection arena where Teacher Fulan walked along!"

   "What a mistake..."

   After discovering that the Hearthstone was just a rune item that could be teleported at any time, Irene put it away a little annoyed and disgusted.

Obviously, for her, the youngest in history, the beauty and talent exuding light, not losing to the colorful flowers, the beauty blooms like a flower, is beautiful and cute like a doll, and even the hot summer sun will release more How could the scorching genius witch use that kind of props for escape?


   "Let’s go to Lostov, the home of clocks and watches..."

Irena, who had become a person again, tangled and regretted for a while, and quickly regained her energy, and then after looking at the map, she dexterously controlled her broomstick in the sky. , After crossing a beautiful arc, it galloped away at high speed in a certain direction.


  ☆The witch roll is over, ask for a ticket

   Next volume...

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