Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1329: Play on earth

   After bidding farewell to Irene, it was surprising that Annie did not go to other messy worlds this time. She accidentally ran directly to a world called Earth.

Then, this time, she directly released her long-lost little white spacecraft, so that the drop-shaped tourist-type spacecraft was suspended in the synchronous orbit of the earth, ignoring the backwardness of the people on earth. The satellite did not care about some of the Tiangong space stations under construction. It only turned on the spacecraft’s invisible device, and then began to live in her private customized spacecraft, and downloaded it randomly with a current and strongest mobile phone. Found her first game and secretly connected to the earthling network.

   That's right!

   Annie, this time, is to take a vacation in this interesting material world that some people on earth consider to be a reality and play those mobile games that are said to be popular with people on earth!



Surprisingly, Annie spotted a gadget she was familiar with on the app market, which was the hearthstone-like icon she had just given to Irena, so she was attracted the first time. And took a second look.

   "This should be one of the projections left by other worlds in this earthly world? Ha! It's really interesting, so let me play with it first!"


Anyway, I came here for a vacation, so Annie didn’t care where to turn on her mobile phone, and directly connected to a certain 5G base station in the Asian and Eastern countries on the earth by using the powerful space communication capabilities of the Xiaobai interstellar spacecraft to embezzle those operators. The traffic of, just swoosh, the game named "Heartstone" was installed in less than a second, and the game was opened directly.


   "Okay! Just call Annie Hasta!"

   "Damn it! If you can't use dots, then it's Anne Hasta!!"

  ˇΕˇ))) Bah! !

   This kind of small problem is not a problem at all for Annie. Anyway, she is not afraid of being known by her real name. What happened to her using her real name now?


  ‘To move forward rashly is to find a dead end. For safety, everything must return to the original point...’

   At this time, an opening voice sounded, which seemed to be the voice of a novice guide, but Annie didn't care at all. Although it was her first time playing, is Queen Anne a novice?

   Obviously she can't be a novice. She is good at all games. How can this kind of small board game be rare for her? So, she didn't even care, and just clicked the next step.


Looking at the icons on the top that represent the druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, stalker, shaman, warlock, and warrior, a total of nine card combinations of different professions and different professions, Anne of course didn’t even think about it. , Directly and naturally chose her own deck of the most, most familiar, most familiar, most, most, most, most, and most proficient'Mage'.



   got the talent of ‘Spell Profound’!



   Annie didn't even look at the messy pop-up windows. She went to the back and went to the next step. Soon, she entered the first game interface.


Annie, who didn’t want to recall that guy’s past, just wanted to go past this step, but... she looked for it and found that there were only Malfurion Stormrage, Telan German style and Hakkar the Dog Trainer on the entire interface. After options, and nothing else seems to be available, you have to prepare to compromise.

   "Damn it! You can't move on to the next game without recollecting it, right? Okay, just play, who is afraid of whom!!"


No way, after discovering that this terrestrial game seems to have to be carried out step by step according to some novice guide, Annie reluctantly lay down on the sofa in the soft cabin living room, first stretched out her finger on the front wall of the warehouse, let it be instant. After becoming transparent, allowing her to see the vast universe outside and the azure earth, she directly chose the first of the three opponents, which is the spicy Malfurion Stormrage. Opponent in the first game and clicked to start.

   "Malfurion Stormrage" vs. "Ilidan Stormrage"



  唰! Huh! Huh!

   Soon, with the start of the game, the three cards in the hand flew to Annie's phone screen in an instant. Annie took a closer look and found that they were:

   Arcane Missile: Inflict three points of damage, randomly distributed to all enemies.

   Flame Enchantment: Mystery, after a minion attacks your hero, it deals three points of damage to all enemy minions.

   Frostbolt: Inflict three points of damage on a character and freeze it.


   "Isn't it just a card board game, what's the problem, people order this first?"

   looked at it, Annie didn't even think about it, she just clicked to confirm, and then the game started, she got the first hand, and then a new hand returned to Annie's hand.

   Frost Ray: Twin spell, freeze a follower, if the follower has been frozen, it will cause two damage.


   "Then, choose this one!"

   After tangling for a while, Annie touched the flame barrier.

After all, as a mage, she knows that before she wants to hurt the enemy, the mage must protect herself. If you can’t get a distance, it’s best to use a protective spell, so now choose the flame enchantment. That's normal, besides, its effect seems to be similar to the'lava shield' she is good at, and she is very good at it.

   beep! beep!

  ‘My mana is too low...’

   After two warning sounds, it was the sound of that annoying egg.



   "The mana is too low? What is the situation? You a demon hunter don't even have the mana of a flame enchantment?!"

   Anne was very angry about this, but she couldn't help it. After finding that the hand of the flame enchantment did not seem to be used, she had to reluctantly point the Frostbolt.


   beep! beep!

   After the two warning sounds, there was still the reminder of ‘my mana is too low...’, there is no doubt that that ‘an egg’ reminded her that Frostbolt cannot be used either?


   Now that she encountered a problem, Annie had to be patient and study it.

   "The blood drop 30 next to this hero's surrender should be life, right? Is this blue gem 1/1 just..."


   "I am a mage, how can a mage only have a little mana?!!!"


After    figured out something, Annie was shocked instantly!

What's a joke, she is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful The arcane archmage of, now there is only a little mana to use?

   Damn it!

   If possible, Annie really wants to find the developer of that game, and then use a million ice arrows to stick to the opponent's face, so that the other party knows how much her Queen Anne's mana is!

   In fact, let alone one million Frostbolts, if needed, she can now use endless Frostbolts to completely submerge the entire earth!


   became angry, and in the end, there was no way Annie could only bite her teeth to compromise temporarily.

After all, this is just a game. She definitely can’t expect those ignorant earthlings to know how powerful her Queen Anne is, so after curling her lips, she had no choice but to point to the one that seemed to only require a little mana. Used arcane missiles.

   Soon, the hand card was thrown on the desktop of the phone interface by Annie, then crushed and excited.

   Boom! boom! boom!

Because there was no follower on the opponent's field, the arcane missiles in the three-wave triple-pack directly slewed and hit the green-haired horned minotaur after being excited, reaching the icon of Malfurion’s head, and The opponent's "Blooddrop" made a total of three points of damage.





   "The mana has changed to 0/1. It seems that the round is over, right?"

After looking at it, I found that I really couldn't use any more cards, and there was no option to draw cards. After I couldn't release the frost ray that only required a little mana, Annie had to click the button of'end round' in an annoyed way. .


   It's the opponent's turn.

However, on the phone screen, the'Malfurion' just pondered for a while after the card was drawn, and then did not make any reaction, nor did he throw any cards, he ended the round directly, and then another round in an instant. It's Annie's turn.


   "Is he still? Forget it, regardless of him, he is just a computer person anyway!"

   It's Annie's turn again. She drew a Pyroblast card, Pyroblast: Causes 10 points of damage, but requires 10 full mana to activate.



   Seeing that she had become 2/2 mana in the second round, Annie thought for a while, and took advantage of the chance that the opponent had no defense, and directly clicked the Frostbolt again.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!



twenty four!

Soon, under the blow of Annie, the opponent's HP was directly reduced from 27 to 24, while the opponent's hero was frozen, and her mana became 0/2, so she had to click the end round.

   It's the opponent's turn.


However, this time, the Malfurion did not remain silent, but directly summoned a freshwater crocodile with attack 2 and life 3 into the field. Since it was just summoned, the minion had to wait until the next round to attack, so he was in The mana became 0/2 and ended his turn.

   It's Annie's turn again.


There is no doubt that Annie is not stupid. Although she played for the first time, after looking at the minion summoned by the other party, and then looking at the cards in her hand, she quickly knew what this minion card was. How to use it!

   Because, at this time, she also drew a new minion card from her own hand.

  Water element: Attack 3, life 6, freeze any character damaged by this follower.

   It's a pity, that is a minion card that requires four mana points to be summoned, and now Annie's own mana is only 3/3 in the third round, obviously cannot be summoned, so...


  ヾ Hey!

   Without hesitation, Annie activated the flame enchantment, and then finished all her mana.


  ‘Witness the power of nature! ’

  Malfurion summoned a woodland dryad with an attack of 2, and a life of 4, and initiated a choice: make each player get a mana crystal, or each player draw a card!

   Annie did not get the mana crystal, but she got a card: Magic Blue Frog, attack 1 life 3, after you cast a spell, randomly deal 1 point of damage to a local follower.

  , ‘Roar~! ’

   At this moment, a roar sounded, and Malfurion's freshwater crocodile attacked Annie!

   But it’s a pity that Annie has cast a flame barrier before, so...

When the opponent caused 2 points of damage to her hero, her flame enchantment also played an effect, instantly burning the enemy's freshwater crocodile and returning to the cemetery, and at the same time also sent the woodland dryad that the opponent had just summoned. Burn the remaining blood for 1 point of life.

   Soon, the opponent ended the round. When it was Annie's turn, she obtained another follower card, Arcane Amplifier: Your hero skills will cause two additional damage.

"How to do it……"

   "Forget it! Let's summon the water element first!"

   There is no way, now that she has four mana points, Annie does her part to summon the water element with three points of attack and six points of life and ends her turn.

  ‘I must guard this land! ’

Malfurion summoned the guardian of the jungle with 2 points of attack and 2 points of life, and relied on the choice to cause 2 points of damage to her water element. At the same time, the opponent's Woodland Dryad launched a direct attack on her hero, killing her The round ended after hitting 26 points of HP.

   "Damn it!"


Seeing that she had drawn another arcane augmentation body, Annie curled her lips in disdain, but she still summoned one of them, and then used the hero skill flame impact and water element to directly empty all the entourages on the opponent's field. After that, the round was over.

  'Roar~! ’

  ‘The force of nature! ’

   Malfurion instantly summoned three treants with 2 lives and 2 attacks.



   "What the hell, people have just cleaned up your entourage, you turned around and summoned three, how can you still be like this?!!!"


   After discovering that her entourage has become less than the other party again, Annie is a little upset. After all, she doesn't want to lose her first game to a computer guy, so...


When it was her turn, after seeing that she had drawn a magic trick, Annie didn't even look at the card that only consumed a little mana, but she could get a card with a mana cost less than or equal to three. Directly and outrageously summoned an arcane booster again.

  Since the other party has summoned three treants, then the number of her Queen Anne's followers can't be left behind, right? Anyway, if you lose, you don't lose, and her entourage can't be less than the opponent.

   "Flame shock! Let's go together and kill him!!"


Annie has already understood that the other party will summon entourage endlessly. It must be a bit unwise for her as a mage to summon entourage with a druid, so she directly controls her two followers in the right place. The hero launched an attack, and then simultaneously launched the hero's flame impact, directly hitting the opponent's hero's health to a pitiful 14 points.


   "A little mana is left?"


After the operation, after finding that her mana was still a little bit left, Annie thought for a while, and finally activated her own frost ray to freeze one of the opponent's Treant directly, so that it doesn't matter if the opponent cannot attack in the next round. The ground ended his round.

Now, the entourage on both sides is the same, but her entourage is obviously of higher quality, with more damage and life. At the same time, her hero’s health value is nearly half that of the opponent's. Therefore, the outcome of this game seems to have been It was destined, and she was very satisfied and proud of this!


  , ‘Roar~! ’

   Mark of the Wild: Allows a minion to gain taunt and +2 vitality + 2 attack power attributes.

  'Roar~! ’

   Sweep: Inflict 4 damage to one enemy and 1 damage to all other enemies.

   Malfurion’s entourage and the "Sweep" card attacked...



Soon, after the dazzling attacks of that Malfurion, Annie was stunned for an instant, and when she recovered, she discovered that her entourage had died at this time with a blood left. Arcane booster?

   But fortunately, Annie drew a "Deep Freeze" in time, which can freeze an enemy and simultaneously summon two water elements that attack 3 and life 6.

   But it’s a pity that that card requires a full 8 mana points to activate, but in the current round, Annie’s hero only has 7 mana points, so...

   There is no way. After hesitating, Annie first launched a magic trick, and then, from the three random cards she found, she chose the cold wisdom that only consumes one mana and 1 mana.

   Cold Wisdom: Freeze a follower and cause three points of damage to it.

   "Go to hell! Badass!"


   Without even thinking about it, Annie directly killed the other treant who had gained the Mark of Wildness and taunting effect.

Then, she launched a frost ray to freeze one of the opponent’s treants, and at the same time, her hero’s flame shock also directly and brazenly launched, killing another opponent’s treants, and finally summoned her own poor magic blue frog. And when the mana was cleared, he used his own arcane booster to kill the opponent's hero by 2 points and ended his round.


  ‘Witness to the power of nature...’

   Wild growth: Obtain an empty mana crystal.

  ‘Sweep! ’

   That terrible attack hit him and all the entourages he had finally summoned.

   "Damn it!"

   Annie saw that her arcane booster was killed again, and at the same time there was only a poor 1/2 magical blue frog left, she looked at the mana dragon she had newly drawn.

   Mana Floating Dragon: Every time you cast a spell, you gain +1 attack power.


   Annie curled her lips and threw the Mana Floating Dragon onto the court. Then she soon regretted it...

   "Huh! Wait a minute?"


   "What's the matter, shouldn't people put deep freeze first at this time, and then summon two powerful water elements?"


Seeing that she seemed to have wasted a round by accident so that her mana was not enough to 8 points, she regretted that her intestines were green, so she simply launched a flame impact and a magical blue frog attack, causing some damage to the enemy hero .



   Helplessly, even though she still had 4 mana points left, Annie, who had no cards or skills to use, had to end her wrong turn in an anguish.

   That is not a mistake, it's just that she accidentally made the wrong hand quickly...

   ‘it’s me...’

   Summon ‘Ancient Tree of Knowledge! ’

  The ancient tree of knowledge, the choice: draw a card or restore 5 points of health.

   launch a "claw strike"!

   launch a "claw strike"!

   Claw Strike: Give your hero 2 armor points and +2 attack power in this round.

After a series of operations by Malfurion, his HP has now changed back to 15 points, and he still has 3 armor points. Then there is a 5/5 ancient tree of knowledge and a 2/1 one on the field. Tree people.


  ∑っOuch, my entourage is gone!

   Seeing that her entourage was instantly emptied again, Annie knew that she was in danger now!

  Because she only has two cards left in her hand, they are Pyroblast and Deep Freeze that can cause 10 damage, and then the new draw is still a useless magic trick?

   "Damn it!"


Annie activated a deep freeze, freezing the enemy’s ancient tree of knowledge and summoning two 3/6 water elements. At the same time, she activated the last bit of mana, used her magic trick hand, and chose'Arcane Wisdom 'After adding his own hand, the round ended.

   Arcane Wisdom: Draw two cards, and 3 mana is required to activate.

  ‘Witness the power of nature...’

  Malfurion summoned'Stonefang Boar'!

  Malfurion summoned "Stonetusk Boar" again!

   Stonefang Boar: Summon 1/1 Stonefang Boar, skills, charge!

  Malfurion summoned ‘Woodland Dryad! ’

   Malfurion used ‘Ancient Blessing! ’

   Ancient Blessing: All followers gain attack power +1 vitality +1 increase.

  Malfurion used ‘Transform! ’

   Transformation: The hero has +1 attack power and +1 armor value this turn

  While Annie was stunned, that Malfurion had another dazzling attack and operation, and then after the opponent had finished the round, Annie discovered that her hero now had only 14 HP?

   And the other party still has 15 points of health and 4 points of shielding value, and at the same time, there are five very good followers who have been blessed?

   "How could it be like this..."


Fortunately, at this time Annie drew a deep freeze again, and then she didn't even think about it, she directly activated the deep freeze, and directly frozen the opponent's most powerful old tree of knowledge, which had become 6/6. Two more water elements were summoned.

   Then, her two actionable water elements began to directly attack the enemy hero, destroying all the other's shields and three points of life, and now it became a 14VS12 situation.

   "The next round will definitely make you look good!!"


   looked at the three cards in her hand, and then at her water elemental entourage. Annie decided that she would directly activate the Pyroblast in the next round and directly destroy the opponent's hero! !

   So, she fiercely clicked the button to end the round on the phone.

At this time, her life still has 14 points, but the enemy only has 12 points left. In addition, the most powerful of the opponent's entourage was frozen by her, so Annie felt that even if the opponent's entourage was all right It’s unlikely that her hero will reach the end of her health when attacking. Attacking her followers would be a dead end, and if the other party summons new followers, there will be no chance. UU read www.uukanshu. com because she is going to kill her next round!

   It's Malfurion's turn...

   However, to Annie's slight surprise, the other party did not attack her, but the start was an ancient blessing.

  ‘Ancient blessings! ’

  All the minions get attack +1 life +1!

Then, Malfurion himself and all the entourages on the field that had been strengthened once again launched an attack on Annie’s hero. Coupled with the hero’s attack, it soon seemed that the opponent’s mana crystals were all It was not used up, and Annie's health was instantly cleared under the attack of those entourages who were numerous and received ancient blessings?

'Ha ha……'

   ‘Keep on practicing, my brother...’

After a mocking voice was heard from the    field, Annie's phone turned gray soon, and then a frame of your ‘lost’ picture popped out.



   "But, **** it! Such a broken game! How can a computer guy be so spicy? He wants ancient blessings and ancient blessings, why can't people draw the cards they want?!"


In the anger, Annie directly lifted the phone and the table to the side, and asked a humanoid maid robot'Xiao Bai' who was coming in with snacks and freshly squeezed drinks to stand aside in fright. Don't dare to come near at this time.


   woo...the computer can't get through, please ask for votes and comfort

   For more exciting, please see ㊣ version author said

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