Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1330: Q(`⌒?Q) If you can’t beat Malfurion, you’ll fight first...


   took a deep breath, this time Annie, who was going to be more cautious, resolutely pressed the blue hearthstone button that started, and chose to play against Tyrande who seemed to be a hunter.

   As for that Malfurion...

   The hot guy with green head and green eyebrows is too bad and too cunning, so she is going to dry the other party first, and wait for her to clean up the other hot Tyrande and the dog handler Haka before giving him a good look?




   is calling an audience...

   is making small marks on the card...

  唰! Huh! Huh!

Soon, Annie discovered that she was barely able to play the starting hand of the second game. There were two magic cards that could be used with a little mana. They were'Magic Trick' and'Arcane Missile'. , There is also a water element that can be summoned with 4 mana.


  Since the starting hand is not too bad, Annie naturally didn't say anything and clicked to confirm.

  ‘Elune’s priestess is not easy to deal with...’

'Ah! That is natural! ’

   The half-demon "An Egg" in the screen of the mobile phone had an ambiguous conversation with the Telanman, it didn't look like a game was going on at all, but Annie wouldn't care about them!

Because now it’s her turn, and she has drawn the "Arcane Wisdom" that requires three points of mana to activate. She does not have 3 points of mana now, and she does not need to activate Arcane Wisdom to draw two cards. So naturally just ignore it.

"Kill you!!"


  Since she was the first to start, Annie unceremoniously directly used the "Arcane Missile" and swiped it directly onto the interface.

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   Three waves of arcane missiles directly hit the health of Tyrande Whisperwind from 30 to 27, and then ended the round after the mana was cleared.

   It's Tyrande Whisperwind's turn.

  ‘Your recent practice must have been very hard, right? ’

  ‘Not bad! ’

  ‘Did you see it? ’

   Tyrande Whisperwind didn’t act, so he chatted with "An Egg" and ended her round directly after hesitating.

   It seems that the opponent must have not drawn a useful hand.


   "What did she do, she didn't fight when she saw Illidan?"

   Annie didn't know what the other party was doing, but that didn't prevent her from looking at her newly drawn hand.

   Wizard apprentice: consumes two mana points, has 3 attack power and 2 health points, and can reduce the mana consumption of spells by a point.

   "Never mind her!!!"


   Annie directly threw the apprentice wizard in her hand...

  ‘One day, I will be as strong as you! ’

   After the wizard apprentice uttered a cute voice, he was summoned directly with 2 mana.


   At this time, Annie discovered that the magic card in her hand, the cost of that ‘magic trick’ had become 0 mana, and the arcane wisdom that was originally 3 had also become 2? However, it is a pity that her hero's flame impact spell still costs 2 points, and there is no change.



  Since the ‘magic trick’ becomes 0 mana and can be used, of course Annie threw it out. Then, the three chapters of the card appeared in her selection interface.

   Those are three cards she has never seen before. They are:

   ‘Elemental Allies’ that consumes 1 point of mana, side task: use element cards for two consecutive rounds, reward: draw three spell cards from your library.

   "Spell Torrent" that consumes 2 mana points: Reduces the mana cost of all spell cards in your library by 1 point.

   "Decay Missile" that consumes 1 mana: Launch three missiles at random to the enemy minion, transforming them into minions whose mana consumption is reduced by 1 point.



   "Do you still consider this? Of course this is the choice!"

Seeing the three cards, Annie, of course, didn't even think about it, and directly added the torrent of spells to her hand, and then she was pleasantly surprised to find that when it was in her hand, the torrent of spells with 2 mana cost turned out to be It became 1 point in an instant?

   But this is not important. After thinking that all the spell cards in her library have become cards that reduce the mana consumption a little, Annie is satisfied.


   It's Tyrande Whisperwind's turn.

   Tyrande Whisperwind used two mana points to activate ‘Shadow Word: Pain’!

   Shadow Word: Pain, destroy a follower whose attack power is less than or equal to 3.

Several groups of purple shadow energy **** blasted directly towards the cute apprentice wizard who had not had time to finish the trimming on Annie's field, so that he had just had time to play a role and was directly sent back to the cemetery by the opponent, and then Tyrande The round is over.



   "Isn't she a hunter, why does she have the skills of a shadow priest?"

  ! o

   At this time, Annie finally reacted. It seemed that her guess was wrong. Someone riding a white tiger with a bow and arrow is not a hunter, but a priest?

   "Also, how come her reduced mana consumption has changed back after she was killed?!"


At the same time, after discovering that the'Arcane Wisdom' and'Spell Torrent' in her hand had once again changed back to a card that consumed 3 and 2 mana, Annie almost didn't cry out. .

   She just thought that the effect was permanent, but how could she think that it turned out that the apprentice wizard must be on the field to be effective? Therefore, she had no choice but to look at the newly drawn card Frostbolt.


   "Forget it! Let's put this first!"

Staring at the four cards in her hand tangled for a while, and then saw that this round she only had 3/3 mana, but it was helpless, Annie finally chose the torrent of spells and removed all the spell cards in her library. The mana consumption of all has been reduced a bit.

   End of round!

  ‘You need a goal in life, Illidan...’

'I have got! ’

  ‘My goal is to surpass my brother! ! ’

Tyrande Whisperwind habitually chatted with a certain "an egg" before consuming 3 mana to summon the "Ironmane Grizzly" with 3 points of attack and 3 lives, and possessing taunting skills. Using'Power Word: Shield' increased the health of the Ironmane Grizzly she summoned to 5 points.

   Then, after the mana crystal was used up, Tyrande Whisperwind ended her round, leaving the shield-shaped "Ironmane Grizzly" on the field to be blocked there.



   "It's just a bear, what's so great!"

   Annie directly used the newly drawn magic blue frog and summoned it on the field, so that the poor frog with only 1 point of attack power and 3 points of vitality stood opposite the grizzly bear.

Then, without expecting the frog to be effective, she directly used the Frost Arrow drawn just last round to freeze the opponent’s Ironmane Grizzly and at the same time the magical blue frog’s special effect was activated. Once again, the Ironman Grizzly's health was destroyed, turning it into a poor creature with only 1 health frozen in place.

   "You are out of luck now, right?"

   Seeing that the mana crystals in her turn had been used up, and after becoming 0/4, Annie clicked on the end directly on her phone.

  The round is over!


  ‘Woo~! ’

   Tyrande Whisperwind used 3 mana to summon the "Ironbeak Owl" and silenced the "Magic Blue Frog".

   Ironbeak Owl: Attack Power 2, Life 1, War Cry: Silence a follower.

   Tyrande Whisperwind used 1 mana to activate the "Holy Smite" and destroy the "Magic Blue Frog"!

  Holy Smite: Consume one mana and cause 3 damage to a follower.

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended the round.


Looking at the two entourages on the opponent's court, and then seeing that her poor magic blue frog was sent back to the cemetery, Annie frowned directly, and then gritted her teeth and looked at the newly drawn one in her hand. Cards are'deep freeze'.

Due to the fact that she had launched the'Spell Torrent' before, the mana cost of the'Deep Freeze' has now become 7 points, but that is of no use, because it is only the fifth round, Annie's mana It was only 5/5, and she didn't have more mana crystals to use that 7-consuming "deep freeze".

   Therefore, she had to temporarily shift her gaze to the other two cards in her hand, that is, the two Arcane Wisdom and Water Elemental.


   "Forget it! People think this is better?"

After losing once, Annie, who didn't want to lose anymore, chose to use Arcane Wisdom. Then, she drew an Arcane Amplifier and one that was reduced by 1 point of mana cost and became 0. Pointing magic tricks, they went directly into her hand.



   Without even thinking about it, Annie threw out the "magic trick" in her hand as if she had picked up the bargain. Then, she drew three chapters of cards: Spell Torrent, Energy Fountain and Ice Spike

   Energy Fountain: Consume a little mana and find a mage follower card. If there is no follower card in your library, keep all three cards.

   Ice Spike: Consume two points of mana and cause 2 points of damage to a minion. If it has been frozen, draw a card.



   "Another "Spell Torrent"...this thing, can it be reused?"

   After seeing the torrent of spells, Annie's eyes couldn't move away.

   Because, she is thinking, if she now uses another "Spell Torrent", can she reduce the mana consumption of the spell cards in her library a little bit? In that case, the two points and the spell cards below two do not need to be consumed, and the rest will all reduce the consumption of two points, so that, her advantage is even greater!

   If you can't win that way, she will beat her bear! !

  ! o


   Annie, who felt she had to try it, didn't even think about it, so she chose the torrent of spells drawn with ‘magic trick’, and then added it to her hand.

   "It doesn't matter! Must try!"

  Since I have chosen all of them, of course Annie threw it out, using the last two mana crystals she had left, and using the'curse torrent'.


   I can't see the effect for the time being, and I don't know if it's working. Annie thought about it. After seeing that she had no mana crystals, she had to click the button for the end of the round.

  ‘Ilidan, I’m worried that the way you use magic is not safe...’

'Ah! ’

  ‘Maybe, the situation will force you when you meet the enemy in the future, but where will you be safe? ’

   The two guys once again talked without anyone else, but those are not the focus of Annie's attention. Now the point is: the other party summoned a ‘runaway nightsaber’!

  Fleeing Nightsaber: Expends 4 mana points, sneaks, and whenever the minion attacks, he will get a mana crystal that can only be used this round.

Then, Tyrande Whisperwind’s “Ironbeak Owl” and “Ironmane Grizzly” attacked Annie, hitting her hero “An Egg” directly from 30 HP to 25 and it ended. This round.

   "Ha! Another apprentice wizard?"

   Annie saw that she had drawn a wizard apprentice, she didn't even think about it, she threw it out, and then she found that her ‘deep freeze’ had become 6 mana consumption.

   But it's a pity that she still can't use it, because now she only has 4/6 of the mana crystal left, so obviously she can't use it anymore! Therefore, she had no choice. She threw out the water element that had been hidden for six rounds, leaving her own field with a 3/6 water element and a 3/2 wizard apprentice.

   "Hey! That's it for now!"

   Although I think it might not be good for me to do this, Anne obviously has no other choice. After all, she only has so many cards in her hand, so after she slapped her lips, she clicked the end of round button.


   Tyrande Whisperwind used 4 mana crystals to activate the ‘Holy Nova’, Holy Nova: Inflicts 2 damage to all enemy minions and restores 2 health to all friendly characters.

   Tyrande Whisperwind's health was restored to 29 points, and Ironmane Grizzly's health was restored to 3.

   "Ironbeak Owl" attacked the "Water Element"!

   "Fleeing Nightsaber" wiped out the "Water Element"!

   "Ironmane Grizzly" attacked "Ilidan"!

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended the round.



   Seeing that the two powerful minions she had summoned so hard were once again annihilated, and seeing her hero's HP drop to 22 points, Annie was a little anxious.

Therefore, she was angry from her heart to the courage, and directly turned her own card into a 7-point mana consumption "deep freeze" and threw it out, and while summoning two 3/6 water elements , Frozen the opponent's ironmaned grizzly with taunting ability.

   Then, she drew the newly drawn ‘Frost Ray’ which had a cost of 0 and hit the ‘Ironman Grizzly’ and once again reduced the opponent’s HP to 1 point.


"what happened……"

   Seeing that the ‘frost ray’ in her hand was not sent back to the cemetery, but the cost was changed from 0 to 1 and kept in her hand, Annie couldn’t help but wonder.

   However, she was puzzled, because she had run out of mana crystals anyway, so she could only click the button at the end of the round.


   Now, it's the opponent's turn.

   Tyrande Whisperwind consumed 5 mana crystals to summon the ‘Nightblade Assassin’ and caused 3 damage to Illidan.

   Night Blade Assassin: Attack 4 lives 4, Battle Cry: 3 points of damage to the enemy hero.

   Tyrande Whisperwind consumed 2 mana crystals and summoned the ‘Fountain of Light’.

   Bright Fountain: At the beginning of your turn, randomly restore 3 points of health to one of your injured characters.

   "Fleeing Night Saber" attacked "Ilidan"!

  'Ironbeak Owl' attacked'Ilidan'!

   Round is over!

   "Damn it!!"


Seeing that the health of one's hero has reached an extremely dangerous critical value, only 14 health is left, but the opponent has five followers on the field, and the attack power and hero increase of the followers After waking up for a total of 13 o'clock, Annie couldn't help feeling a little anxious.



   But there is no way, this mobile game is not based on her will, and she does not want it to be based on her will, so she had to look at the newly drawn card.

  Hail Messenger: Battlecry, summon two 1/1 ice fragments that can freeze the enemy.

There are currently three cards in Anne’s hand, namely, Arcane Amplifier, Frost Ray, and the newly acquired Hailbringer. All of them require 9 mana crystals to activate, but she now only has 8 o'clock...So, after a moment of groaning, she threw the "Hail Messenger" in her hand first, and at the same time the battle cry summoned two 1/1 ice fragments that could freeze the enemy.

   Then, she summoned her'Arcane Amplifier' again, completely using up her mana crystals.

   "Humph! Kill them!!"

  .. .:*

   Annie controlled the water element summoned in the previous round and launched an offensive.

   ‘Water Element’ attacked and destroyed the ‘Ironmane Grizzly’, the current status is 3/3.

   ‘Water Element’ attacked the ‘Night Blade Assassin’ and frozen it, the enemy’s state was 4/1, and his state was 3/2.

   After finishing all this, watching the mana crystals that she had emptied, and then looking at her six full followers on the field, Annie nodded in satisfaction, and then ended her turn.


   Tyrande Whisperwind’s Bright Spring restored the frozen "Nightblade Assassin" to 3 health points.

   Tyrande Whisperwind summoned the "Ironmane Grizzly", and the taunting skill was activated!

  ‘They won’t know how they died! ’

   Tyrande Whisperwind summoned a new follower "Nightblade Assassin", the battle cry of the Nightblade Assassin was activated, and Illidan took 3 damage!

   "Fleeing Nightsaber" attacked "Ilidan" and suffered 3 damage!

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended her round.



   "This this this..."


   Looking at her own poor health, then looking at the opponent's entourage and the full 29 health, Annie was a little panicked.

   And at this time, she got a Pyroblast that only cost 10 points, but now it only needs 8 mana crystals under the torrent of two spells, but what's the use? !

   "Damn it!!"

   "I don't believe it anymore, they are fighting with you!!"


   said, Annie started her dazzling operation.

   ‘Ice Shard’ launched a suicide attack on the enemy’s ‘Ironman Grizzly’, hitting the opponent’s HP to 2 and freezing it.

  'Ilidan' launched the'Frost Ray' to wipe out the enemy's taunting entourage with the'Ironman Grizzly'!

   ‘Ice Shard’ launched a suicide attack on the enemy’s ‘Night Blade Assassin’, hitting the opponent’s HP to 3 and freezing it.

   ‘Water Element’ attacked the enemy’s ‘Fleeing Nightsaber’ and destroyed it.

  'Ilidan' launched the'Pyroblast' technique to destroy the'Night Blade Assassin'.

  'Water Element' attacked the'Fountain of Light'!

   ‘Arcane Amplifier’ eliminated the ‘Fountain of Light’!

   "Humph! See if you can stand it now?"


Seeing a perfect operation by himself, he immediately emptied all the followers on the opponent's field, and then the only one with three life points left, the Night Blade Assassin, was frozen by himself, and he saw that the opponent's hand was the same as his own. After all of them were gone, Annie smiled triumphantly and clicked the end of the round.



   Tyrande Whisperwind consumes 4 mana crystals to summon ‘Maiev Shadowsong’!

   Maiev Shadowsong: Battlecry: Choose a minion and sleep for two rounds. The ‘Water Element’ is dormant, awakens after one round, and cannot move this round.



   "Dare you come with a better hand?!"

  Ε=)) Bah! !

   Annie saw the hand she drew. Although she was not satisfied, she still consumed 5 mana and threw it out.

   Deep Blue Conjurer: Randomly put two magic cards with a mana cost of 1 into your hand!

  You got the "Secret of Wisdom"!

  You got the ‘energy fountain’!

   Wisdom Tome: Randomly put a wizard spell card into your hand!

  Energy Fountain: Found a spell follower card, if there is no follower card in your library, keep all three cards.


   This is a difficult time to make a decision. If you are not careful, you are likely to lose everything! Therefore, Annie started to think after summoning the Deep Blue Conjurer.

There are two 4/3 followers on the enemy's field, and now she can only move a 3/1 water element and a 2/5 arcane booster, so Annie feels that she must find a way to limit the enemy’s two A follower or annihilated, otherwise, she would be finished next round!

   So, look at the two cards in your hand, and then look at the 5 mana crystals that you have left, and Annie will act...

   "Energy Fountain" is launched!

   You have found three chapters of the follower card, please choose:

   Glacier Racer, the summoning needs to consume 1 point of mana crystal, and the magic method: 3 points of damage to all frozen enemies.

   Dune Shaper, summoning requires 3 mana points: after you cast a spell, randomly put a mage follower card into your hand.

   Archmage Antonidas, the summoning requires 7 mana points: whenever you cast a spell, put a fireball spell card into your hand.

   "Damn it!!"

Although Annie really wanted to choose the archmage Antonidas, she knew that there are two powerful minions on the enemy's field that can attack in the next turn, but her hero only has 8 health points, so, At this time she must make the right choice!

   "It's you!"

   Annie chose the worst and worst ‘Glacier Racer’, put it in her hand, and watched ‘Archmage Antonidas’ leave her.

  'Water Element' attacked'Maiev Shadow Song', and the water element and Maiev Shadow Song died together.


  ! o

   "It seems wrong..."


   At this time, Annie suddenly discovered that... she didn't seem to need to use the water element to freeze the enemy's followers and then launch an attack, because the enemy's followers only had 3 health points left, and she could spell it out directly! !

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


   "My archmage ah ah ah ah!!!"


   Annie was shocked!

   She suddenly didn't understand. What did she think about just now, is it possible that she suddenly became stupid with her mobile phone?

  Ε=)) alas

   "Damn it!!"

   "Arcane Amplifier" attacked the "Night Blade Assassin"!

   "Huh? When did Illidan's flame impact become 3 points of damage?!"


At this time, Annie found out that she had done something stupid again, because she didn't need to use her Arcane Amplifier to spell out the opponent's Nightblade Assassin for 2 HP. She could use Illidan's flame impact directly. Destroy the opponent's!

   "Damn it!!!"


   There was no way, it seemed that she was so dizzy that she made a mistake in her practice, she had to take a deep breath, threw out her ‘Secret Code of Wisdom’ and obtained a flame barrier.

   But, that's no use!

  'Ilidan' launched a flame shock and eliminated the'Night Blade Assassin'!

  'Ilidan' summoned'Glacier Racer'!


   "Hey! Although there were some twists and turns in the process, but... anyway, wipe out all the opponent's entourage, right?"

Although I feel that I just wasted many, many, many opportunities, and did many, many stupid things and useless steps, but... When I saw the opponent's field, all the followers were wiped out by myself again, and I saw the opponent's hands. There was no card in there, and only one draw at a time, and after the priest seemed unable to attack directly, Annie finally nodded reluctantly, and then ended her round.

   After all, she has no mana crystals anymore, she can only see how the opponent will play the cards.



   Tyrande Whisperwind drew a card from her hand, and the priest didn’t seem to have as many spells as the mage to choose from, so she just threw it out after she got the card.

   Tyrande Whisperwind summoned the "Young Priestess"!

  Young Priestess: At the end of your turn, randomly make a friendly minion gain +1 health.

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended her round...


   "You can't draw a good hand, right? It deserves it!!"

   Seeing that the other party had finished the round, and seeing the poor priestess summoned by the other party was trimming, Annie started to move excitedly.


   This time, she drew a flame enchantment, and the magical thing is that the other party only needs 1 mana crystal, but the other one needs 3 points?

   However, now is not the time for her to study that kind of thing, it doesn't matter what card she draws, as long as the opponent can't draw enough cards to change the situation on the court at this time, she will be satisfied.

   "Glacier Racer" wiped out the "Young Priestess"!

  'Arcane Amplifier' attacked Tyrande Whisperwind, with 27 health remaining!

  'Dark Blue Conjurer' attacked Tyrande Whisperwind, with 24 HP remaining!

  'Ilidan' attacked'Tyrande Whisperwind', and the opponent has 21 HP remaining!

  'Ilidan' uses a flame barrier!

   "Huh? Can only one flame barrier be used?"

"OK then!"

   clicked, and found that her other flame barrier could not be used, Annie curled her lips indifferently, and then clicked the end of the round.

  Although, she still has 5 full mana crystals left, but, after all, she has no cards in her hand, so she can't kill people with mana crystals, right?


   Tyrande Whisperwind summoned the elf, 1/1.

   Tyrande Whisperwind used a minor healer, and his current health has been increased to 23 points.

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended her round...


   Everything is under control!

   After seeing that the opponent was already unable to get up, and the hand card drawn was still a pitiful elf, Annie directly summoned her newly drawn mana dragon.

   Mana Floating Dragon: Attack 1 life 3, every time you cast a spell, you gain +1 attack power.

   Mana Floating Dragon's attributes are quite good, but unfortunately, it has now reached the final stage of victory. As long as there is no accident, its attack power may not rise.

  ’Ilidan’ used flames to blast and destroyed the ‘pixie’!

  'Arcane Amplifier' attacked Tyrande Whisperwind!

  'Water Element' attacked Tyrande Whisperwind!

  'Dark Blue Conjurer' attacked Tyrande Whisperwind!

   "Glacier Racer" attacked Tyrande Whisperwind!

   Tyrande Whisperwind currently has 14 HP remaining and is frozen!

"mock up!"


   I didn't say anything, now the situation is getting clearer, and Annie feels that she has the chance to win, and there must be no waves!

Therefore, after seeing that the flame enchantment in her hand was still unable to be used because there was already a flame enchantment, she ended her turn directly, leaving the pile of mana crystals to be continued. Wasted.


  ‘In the name of Elune! ’

   Tyrande Whisperwind used a lesser healer, and his health is currently 16 points!

   Tyrande Whisperwind used ‘Holy Smite’ to destroy the ‘Water Element! ’

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended the round.


   "Do you still want to fight to death? But, you can't draw any hands, so what's the use?"

  Ε=)) Bah! !

Without even thinking about it, although she didn't draw any good cards, Annie still threw the magical blue frog she had drawn onto the field again, and...the rest of course was swarming at the enemy. Go over!


  =3333 A da A da!

  Under Annie's control, all her followers and the hero Illidan swarmed towards the Tyrande.

  'Ilidan' launched a flame shock!

   "Arcane Amplifier" launched an attack!

  'Dark Blue Curse Master' launched an attack!

  'Glacier Racer' launched an attack!

   "Mana Floating Dragon" launched an attack!

   Soon, Tyrande Whisperwind, who suffered a gang fight, quickly reduced her original high health to 8 points, which is the same as Annie's hero "An Egg"!

   "Hey! Victory is here!!"


   Annie said that if she can still lose the game at this level, she will eat her phone on the spot! !


   Soon, it was Tyrande's turn to draw the cards... Fortunately, the opponent didn't seem to draw any good cards. After throwing them out, they turned out to be that poor elf again?

   Tyrande Whisperwind summoned the "elves".

   Tyrande Whisperwind used a minor healer, and his current health is 10!

   Tyrande Whisperwind ended her round.



   "It's over!!"

   Seeing that she was finally about to win, and seeing that she finally didn't have to eat her phone, Annie slid on her phone casually, not even taking a second look at the newly drawn card "Fireball". UU Reading

  Because, it was just a fireball technique, and Annie didn't care what it was for, just throw it out!

   "Ilidan" has activated fireball! The health of ‘Tyrande Whisperwind’ has been reduced to 2!

   The special effect of "Mana Floating Dragon" is activated, and the attack power is +1!

   The special effect of ‘Magic Blue Frog’ is activated, the ‘elf’ takes damage 1, and the elves die!

  'Ilidan' launched a flame impact on Tyrande Whisperwind, and Tyrande Whisperwind was damaged by 3, and his current health is 0!

   You won! !


  ‘Good game! Illidan, if you continue to practice hard, you may be able to catch up with Malfurion soon. ’


   In the screen, the two guys who ended up continue to talk, still in that ambiguous tone.

   "Damn it!"

   "What's so good about? You wait, wait a moment... No, after they have eliminated the dog handler Hakkar, then go and eliminate the Malfurion!"


   The other party even dared to taunt herself in a different way even after losing. Of course, Annie made an unpleasant rant toward the phone.


  Since she had only been ‘humiliated’ by a certain hateful archdruid before, after losing once, she was not in a hurry to avenge her revenge, but planned to defeat the dog handler Hakkar first.

  Ε=)) alas


  O ask for a ticket

   More exciting, please see the ㊣ version.

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