Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1331: Report the little master, that group of book friends are scolding you!

Annie played the game for two days, and then, she didn't do anything today, so she continued to stay in her infrequent traveling spaceship.


Some people may never know the true meaning of this volume called the "Advent", so they are so unscrupulous in the book review area at this time and say bad things about the great Queen Anne, so that, It finally succeeded in attracting the attention of a certain dog-legged bear who was secretly playing with his cell phone.攫欝攫

For example, what a group of guys in the comment area said:


‘I finished reading this chapter, pondered for a long time, and decided to tear up the monthly pass...’

"Too much~ there is water left"

'That's it? Want a ticket? next! ’

‘How come you suddenly become a sea king! Too much water! ’

‘The water is too much! ’

‘? ? ? I'm throwing up this chapter of water'

"This volume is boring..."

‘The author forgot his settings. The existence of the Lord of the Worlds itself is the will of the world that will affect the Lord World. Talking about people means going out and having everything, first prize in lottery, everything will come true. In the game, the opening king explodes, never empty fee, the opponent has a 10-fee card dead, and the 5-fee game ends. ’

‘Don’t play Hearthstone, I skipped this volume. ’


‘Please, Annie, give me a net! ’

"So what brand of phone does Annie use? ’


'I go? How many years have passed? Illidan actually has children? ’

‘Refund! ’

‘Refund of excessive water! ’

‘Already vomiting. ’

‘It’s not going to be the legend of Hearthstone, right? ’

"I saw a loneliness..."


and so……

Tibbers directly held the phone that he had been playing with all day, jumped directly onto the sofa, and then climbed awkwardly in threes or twos directly to the one who was eating and drinking, not minding the passage of time. On the little master’s lap, he sent a small report to the little master who didn’t know what he was thinking:

"what did you say?"


Annie didn't get back to her senses all of a sudden, because, ah, she was just thinking about whether she herself had lunch first and then went to bed, or went to bed first and then woke up and then had lunch, which is a very important thing!

"Take a look!"


Annie still felt a little unbelievable, because, ah, she stayed in the synchronous orbit of the earth well, and at the same time gave the spacecraft to play her own game invisibly. She didn't hire anyone, let alone provoke anyone. How well she ended up inexplicably. curse?

"Huh?" 厺厽 Yunxuan Pavilion 厺厽

Soon, Annie, who had just picked up her phone and started to read the comments, quickly frowned her cute little brow.



oo?? Boom!巘戅Yunxuan Pavilion

as expected!

After reading it, Annie was so angry that she threw the phone directly to the side, and groaned her fist on the table. At the same time she made a loud noise, she also frightened a robot who just wanted to bring something. The maid walked back silently.


Obviously, the robot maid Xiaobai is not stupid. She knows that her master is angry right now, so, in order to avoid being hurt by some guys, her best choice now is to do nothing and wait for her master to be in a good mood. Then appear in the spaceship living room that has a terrifying atmosphere at this time?


"People can't play games by themselves? Tibbers, you say, who among them is the most scolding?!"


Annie began to stick her waistline and asked angrily.

There is no doubt that she is losing her temper now, and she doesn't plan to eat lunch or take a nap, so if I didn't say anything, someone must be out of luck later! !


With a stern face, she swept around on those names, and finally, Annie's eyes stopped on the name of the bad guy in "Star Dance and Feiyang".


"Huh!" Snapping


"Tibbers, wait and see, he...and they will definitely be punished! Today I will punish this guy who ‘vomited twice’ first, and they want him to look good! Let him vomit enough!"

Look at her in this history, the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the greatest the greatest Annie The Queen even said that she would vomit when playing games, so she decided, starting from today, she will not play the game live, she changed to live broadcast to play with their bad guys!

??????: Ow!

"No need!"


"That would be too cheap for them..."



"It's very simple! Since they don't let people play games, and they say so many bad things, then they won't play games, so let's play with them!"


Anyway, Anne didn’t plan to leave too soon after coming to Earth this time, so she had time to play with the bad guys slowly!



Now that she has decided not to play games, but to play with the earthling book friends who speak ill of her, Annie naturally summoned some robot Xiaobai who had been upgraded by her and planned to let it help her. Deal with some troublesome things.巘戅玩吧 Novel Network 戅

'in! ’

‘Great Master, may I ask, what is your order? ’

A certain robot maid who had been hiding outside the living room dared not to come in hurriedly ran to the living room, put the fruit and other snacks she had just washed on the table, and asked respectfully.

She had already heard the conversation between a certain bear and the owner, and knew that someone was going to be unlucky, but she didn't mind it, because as long as it wasn't her unlucky, she wouldn't care about that much else!


"Just use a hearthstone to build a real game system, and people have to play with their bad guys!"

Don’t those guys say Hearthstone is not fun?

Then, she threw them into the Hearthstone world one by one and asked them to bring joy to her, and then gave them a "forget it all" when it was over, but let someone be influenced by her. The author of the tool man wrote about his experience so that they could know what they had experienced, but they couldn’t remember how they experienced it. They were desperate to death!

‘Yes! ’

Nodded, Xiaobai's maid was not verbose. She raised her hand and a ball of light sucked in the mobile phone in a bear's hand and instantly melted and decomposed it into microscopic atoms.


"Start analyzing Hearthstone game..."

‘Analysis is complete! ’

‘Start to build the world...’

‘Several timelines in the world of Azeroth have been loaded! ’

‘Start loading necessary elements...’

‘Start loading other worlds...’

‘Loaded! ’

‘Build a crossing system...’

‘Build is complete! ’

‘Start debugging the time system...’

‘The time asymmetric system debugging is complete! ’

‘Build a login and logout system...’

‘Build is complete! ’


'report! Great master, according to your will, the simulation of the main **** version of the Hearthstone crossing system is completed, please start to try and operate, I wish you a happy game? ’

Soon, in less than a minute, the robot maid directly constructed a game based on the principle of a certain'master god' and the will of her great master, and gave the holographic tablet terminal device loaded with the game system respectfully. He handed it to the owner of the little girl who was already a little impatient.厺厽 play it novel net 厺厽



"Now, guys who are reading, come and play together, it's really fun..."


After receiving the terminal device, Annie waved her hand, and a personal phantom jumped out from above. They were either at work, on the street, or in some means of transportation. Of course, there were also some people living in the house. Those who play with mobile phones at home are even some guys who are squatting in some kind of small compartment and doing some kind of disgusting thing.

But that is not important!

Anyway, whether it's Annie or Tibbers, they both know that the holographic images of these guys are the ones who just scolded her in the comment area! And now, this new game, of course, is to use them first!

and so……

What? What?


"You said, who is better to play with first?"

Looking at the different men, women and children in front of her, Annie couldn't help but feel a little tangled for a while, and she didn't know who to pick first.


"Ah! That's right!"


"It's him! So..."

After finishing talking, Annie stretched out her hand and grabbed some guy's phantom in her hand. Then, regardless of the opponent's struggle, she looked at it and said:



"You must be very scared and scared right now? But it doesn't matter, you will soon know what will happen to the bad things about this Queen. Now, let's play a fun game together!? "

"Don't worry! After you die, we will be very intimate to completely erase your memories of this period of time. You will never know what you have experienced, but you can write from someone What did you experience in your book, how? Isn’t that interesting?"

"Then, the game begins!!"

With that said, Annie completely ignored the desperate struggle of the little guy named'Xingwu Feiyang' in her hand, so she grabbed the other's'phantom' that was not as big as her palm and placed it on the table. After squeezing it twice, she was stunned like some fish waiting to be slaughtered in a vegetable market and stopped moving, her other hand was groping for a card system.



Cold Blade Warrior:

Attack 3, Life 2

Active skill: Charge!

Passive skills: blood sucking!

Evaluation: Able to defend and attack, use two swords with one sword, and who will fight for the front? With it, even the shortest dwarf can become a warrior!

"Paladin template?"

"Well, let's take a look at What kind of luck will you nasty guy have?"


Seeing that she had drawn the opponent a template of a Paladin and also had a charge skill, Annie curled her lips in disdain, and then began to draw the opponent a magic card.

Because she decided that every hapless guy caught by her to participate in her game will have two chances to draw cards, one is a template for determining the opponent's profession, and the other is a magic card!


厺厽Read the novel for a long time 厺厽

"Damn it! How can a bad guy have such good luck?"


Seal of Light:

Restore up to 4 points of health for your hero, and permanently gain +2 attack power, limited to once per hour!

Seeing that the Paladin magic card she drew turned out to be the "Sacred Seal of Light", Annie was so angry that she directly lifted the table. There is no doubt that if such a good combination really allows the opponent to enter the game with these two cards, God knows what it will grow into!

"No! This is obviously someone else's help, it's obviously their own luck!"

Soon, Annie reacted.

Because she suddenly found out that she shouldn't help the other party to smoke, she should let the other party smoke by herself, and she just watched the show on the edge?


Seeing that the other party had been thrown into a dead fish by herself, there was no way, Annie curled her lips and began to choose the game world for the other party.


What? What?

"You bad guy, aren't you

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