Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1332: Are you guys coming to play? It's fun (?·...

Lou Dongmei’s own father has made some money over the years, but it’s not worth mentioning in front of Dong Haiyan’s father, the Singapore Ship King. If you want to compare it with this young man... Lou Dongmei can’t understand, her love rival Gao Fang looks How can a woman who is so innocent and honest know this kind of person? Come to Singapore with this man? Why don't those **** report in advance? Can three people and one person handle the same way?

Seeing Su Chen smiling all the time, Lou Dongmei now believes that Gao Fang and the other woman are Dong Haiyan's best friends, not because of Gao Fang but because of this man!

Lou Dongmei compromised. She is not an opponent of these people. The strength behind her family can't be compared with that of the ship king, let alone a person who doesn't know the depth behind them! She hated it, knowing that this time not only Gao Fang could not help but also might lose Chen Weixing forever. After all, if a woman used this method to deal with the woman Chen Weixing once loved, that man could accept it. Who knows if she will use the same method to deal with Chen Weixing herself in the future?

Gao Fang and Liu Qiong were shocked again. Lou Dongmei actually drove away alone in her Mercedes, a little panicked. A group of bodyguards were left dumbfounded. The bodyguards also wanted to leave, but the eldest lady said, and the opponent's firepower was too strong. They reluctantly handed over their weapons, and then they were tied behind their backs and brought them to the side of the high road to stand in a row.

"Mr. Su, Miss Gao, what do you think of these people?" Dong Haiyan asked after seeing Lou Dongmei disappear.

"They are just some people who are ordered to do things, so it is necessary to embarrass them and tell them that their employer has abandoned them." Su Chen said.

Dong Haiyan looked at Su Chen with an unbelievable look. Is this still the guy who killed people in the Golden Triangle? She thought he was a cold-blooded animal, otherwise, after killing so many people, she didn't change her face and heartbeat, or even left herself and ran away. But those of Dong Haiyan who listened to Su Chen's words looked at Su Chen in admiration. This is the person who does the big thing. The pattern of men and women is different. You have to know why they were ordered to act, there are people outside the sky, if every big brother is cruel, they can't avoid the end of the bodyguards like Lou Dongmei.

The bodyguards of Lou Dongmei were full of doubts when they heard that the victim did not intend to kill them, and then a dozen sturdy men climbed up from the ground with difficulty and bowed in the direction of Su Chen and fled. They saw the murderous look in Su Chen's eyes, and it is estimated that no one has the guts to go back to the building.

"Then Mr. Su is ready to severely punish the mastermind?" Dong Haiyan asked hesitantly, seeing Su Chen let go of these people so easily.

"That's natural. If Miss Dong is embarrassed, I will do it myself."

"Mr. Su, what are you talking about? Although our Dong family is far from what it used to be, it is not too difficult to deal with a real estate businessman who has been in the family for more than ten years." Dong Haiyan took out the phone and started dialing.

After the call was connected, Dong Haiyan spoiled for a while and then suddenly said solemnly: "Dad, today Mr. Su was almost murdered at the airport. The murderer was the daughter of the Danguiyuan boss who visited you a few days ago, right... …You don’t know how hateful that woman is..."

A few minutes later Dong Haiyan hung up the phone and said, "Where are you going next?"

"Thank you for sending this teacher to the airport. She wants to return home as soon as possible. As for us, we still have things to go to the terminal."

"No problem, Uncle Zhang, you are going to use my business jet, Miss Song Gao, to go to Hong Kong. Mr. Su and this young lady will get on the bus. I will send you to the dock."

Hearing that the two women were stunned again, but Dong Haiyan didn't expect that instead of sending Gao Fang to the airport, Dong Haiyan directly used a business jet to send Gao Fang to Hong Kong. As a result, Su Chen's reply surprised everyone even more.

"Then trouble Miss Dong. Please be sure to send my teacher back to Hong Kong smoothly. This is a CCTV reporter. Miss Dong can ask her to give you an interview. She still knows the specific location of the dock. I have something to do first. Take a step.” Su Chen came to Gao Fang and gave her a affectionate hug.

After a long silence, Su Chen suddenly said to Gao Fang in the back seat: "Since you have seen clearly and made a decision, call the animal and tell him that you are going back to China and will not disturb him in the future. If No matter who does it next time, I will send him to see the Sea Dragon King."

Although Su Chen now suspects that Chen Weixing did not do it from beginning to end, he can be sure that at least this time Gao Fang was on the phone with him before he came, so what happened to Gao Fang before then he I knew it, but he didn't have the ability or initiative to stop it, so that this happened again today.

If it weren't for Su Chen being dragged down and wandering around by 6 Qiong, then Gao Fang would most likely become an unknown female corpse in the sea. This is completely different from being in love and empathizing. Anyone with a conscience will never see his innocent girlfriend disappear in this world because of his greed. This can only be described as cruel, indifferent, and unfeeling, and beasts have these qualities!

So Su Chen decided to ask Gao Fang to directly call Chen Weixing to warn Chen Weixing. In any case, Chen Weixing should feel the pressure.

Gao Fang nodded and agreed, but Liu Qiong asked curiously: "Who is Xu Gang? Who is Xu Gang? Did you kill him too?"

Gao Fang didn't know who Xu Gang was, but seeing Su Chen's fierce expression, she also knew that Xu Gang must be a dead Malaysian. So she immediately picked up the phone and started dialing.

Now Gao Fang has gotten rid of the image of a grieving woman, and talked with Chen Weixing in a calm and cold tone for about one minute and then hung up. Fortunately, Su Chen was very meticulous, and the packages that Gao Fang had scattered on the street were retrieved in time.

Seeing Su Chen using violent means to retrieve his bag, the two women watching laughed. This guy is really a natural master of violence. Those guys with eyebrows and squirrel eyes were only handed over by Su Chen after a few glances. This is my own trophy!

Su Chen did not answer 6 Qiong who was Xu Gang, nor did he take Dong Haiyan's car to the port, but drove a car dropped by Lou Dongmei's bodyguards and galloped away. He believes in Dong Haiyan's energy, but he will not let Lou Dongmei go so easily, because this is not the first time the Lou family has provoke him!

In fact, Lou Dongmei was still in a panic in the car. She did not expect Dong Haiyan to be so strong, and of course she was fortunate that the young man standing next to Dong Haiyan did not stop her from leaving. She was thinking about how to explain to her father that she had left so many bodyguards and vehicles. Although the Lou family was not bad money, it was not such a waste. She was wondering how to explain to Chen Weixing. She didn't know Chen Weixing's reaction. Maybe there was really no possibility of recovery.

But Su Chen once again used his skills to let Lou Dongmei know how good this person is. She got off the heights and headed towards her villa in the harbor. She was sure that Su Chen did not catch up, and Dong Haiyan did not send it. People caught up, but as soon as she returned to the villa and parked the car, a car parked behind her. She thought it was the bodyguard who went with her by chance to get it back, but she didn't get it so fast?

But when he saw the face of the person sitting in the car clearly, Lou Dongmei almost exclaimed. The security guards in the villa area are no more than their own bodyguards. How did this guy track him down? Did he know the way before? You know, Dongmei has only been here four or five times.

Su Chen didn't get out of the car, but waved to Lou Dongmei and signaled her to come. Lou Dongmei was afraid. Su Chen was about to drive forward and the back door was opened.

Lou Dongmei saw another woman with a very guest appearance, compared with Gao Fang, Dong Haiyan, and the woman next to Gao Fang he met on Gao Lu. This woman is not too outstanding, but her sharp eyes frightened Lou Dongmei. This look is scarier than Su Chen!

She didn't expect Su Chen to have a helper. No, this woman should be Su Chen's bodyguard with murderous aura... Why didn't she see this woman on the high highway?

Lou Dongmei's legs were shaking, although the woman didn't say a word after getting out of the car! She would rather Dong Haiyan threaten herself with words like this! But the other girl who looked very beautiful flew directly, and then Lou Dongmei found herself in mid-air, thanking God for a small tree outside the villa for catching her, but she was quickly caught by that fierce Woman ripped from the tree.

Papa papa...face, buttocks, chest, leak did not feel that every part of her body did not fall, the woman in front of her beat a few times, although there was no blood, she felt painful! She couldn't bear the sweat of her whole body, and she curled up on the ground and kept shaking.

The security guards and bodyguards in the villa rushed to join the battle as soon as they heard the news, but it was a one-sided game rather than a battle. Without exception, those people were either holding rubber rollers or pistols, a total of eight people. But in front of this cruel and silent beauty, it was all for nothing. Now they can only pin their hopes on the local police, and the heroes of the local police know that if the woman wants to kill them all and pack them away calmly, the police may not even feel the scene when the body appears on the sea!

"Miss borrow your car and you will go to the port to get it back in the afternoon. Besides, I don’t want to see Gao Fang suffer any further harm. You'd better ask the Bodhisattva to bless her for the rest of her life. Otherwise, I will count it on your head." Seeing Lou Dongmei's appearance, Su Chen couldn't believe that she was such a cruel woman, so he put down the car window and said.

"I promise never to provoke her again, Mr. Su, please be thin." Lou Dongmei, who has always been proud, got up from the ground with difficulty regardless of her identity, and threw herself on her knees. She knew that Su Chen was here specifically to threaten him. It was already terrifying to easily catch up with him and find his home.

And this woman who doesn't know the origin is even more terrifying, a hundred times more terrifying than Su Chun! Ten thousand times! Because neither she nor her cousin saw Su Chen hit someone, and this woman had no psychological pressure to hit a woman!

In fact, Lou Dongmei later thought that she was absolutely correct in doing this. Think about her cousin who ended up like that because of a quarrel with a piece of clothing. She dealt with Gao Fang again and again. In Su Chen's words, if it weren't for him to have something to leave, maybe this guy would really use various forces in Singapore to completely destroy Lou's family before stopping.

"Mr. Su, don't worry, I will rush back to Anlin as soon as possible. I will not leave until you come back. Miss Gao will be safe and sound. As for things here, I know that you have a very famous home in China. There is a descendant of the Great Yan Kingdom called the Murong family. I will learn from them. You must believe me, and you must give me this opportunity!"

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