Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1333: If you don't die, you won't die (*???`?)

Published on 2019-08-2401:47

So Yeon's battle is somewhat similar to that of Mo Xiaolang.

Yinyue was much stronger than Zhu Xi's opponent Yinhai, and was the boss of the Sanyin Beast. The character is the coldest and cruelest, and many female gods died tragically in his hands!

"Eternal black hole!"

"The Way to Elapse!"

So Yeon was able to control more and more rules of Wa Demon. Even if Yinyue still affected her mind and performance with various **** rules, it also caused a fatal crisis to So Yeon several times, but So Yeon managed it!

She has great faith in her heart!

After fighting for a while, she and Yinyue were already quite exhausted.

"This woman has such amazing resilience. It is really troublesome to confuse her, but it will be swallowed easily!" Yinyue also had a headache.

The more you fight, the more amazing it is.

So Yeon has not been smooth sailing along the way, so in terms of tenacity and persistence, she surpasses many others.

"Smelly, die for me!"

The silver moon rushed like a wolf. Under the rules, he was psychedelic like a silver light, rotating crazily around the demon Wa, and his teeth were already showing cold silver light. That was his strongest place. If Yan is bitten, she will definitely lose her sanity quickly and let Yinyue's mercy!

At that moment!

Yinyue was about to attack. Suddenly, on the seal of God and Demon Sky Star, a huge monster wolf pounced on the seal, and the scarlet eyes looked at Yinyue.

"Brother Little Wolf!"

So Yeon knows that he is coming...

Surprised in my heart.

"What the hell!" Yinyue suddenly raised his head. When he saw the pure black flame demon wolf and the scarlet eyes, he was shocked. It was also a wolf. The sun-eater demon wolf is now invaded. The state is simply terrifying for him, even though he knows that there is a seal blocking him, he still has a tingling scalp!

What he didn't know was that Mo Xiaolang relied on swallowing Anger Yuan and had already rushed to the realm of the Perfect Realm God King! He now has almost the same strength as Long Chen to reach the 100th floor. Although he is only separated by a heavy seal, his aura and murderous intent are locked to Yinyue!

For Mo Xiaolang, who would dare to hurt So Yeon was a **** hatred, and he would fight him hard.

"I..." Yinyue was frightened by the demon wolf.

So Yeon was just after Yinyue, she also realized that she also hated this opponent, they were obviously against herself, if Mo Xiaolang did not come now, then she would probably be defeated by him, don’t mention how much she ended up damn!

"Nine Star Prison!"

After Yinyue, Soyeon took advantage of Yinyue's frightened by Mo Xiaolang, and used the latest rules of Wamo! The same is the rule of black holes. It is indeed different in the way of deployment. Nine black holes are arranged one after another, like nine blades, suddenly formed, cutting from all directions to the silver moon!


In the extreme shock, the Yin Beast was divided into nine pieces, which were swallowed by the black hole! No one can escape, this Perfect Realm God King, can be regarded as vanished in front of Soyan!

it's over!

So Yeon breathed a sigh of relief and turned into a human form. She looked at Mo Xiaolang with tears in her eyes. This time the two of them had almost experienced a life and death, but they finally survived this disaster!

The seal was released.

Mo Xiaolang did not interfere with the battle, and it was not a violation of the rules.

The divine kings onlookers moved away, looking at them in awe. They realized that these guys who came with Long Chen were all monsters.

Mo Xiaolang and So Yeon get together.

So Yan was startled and said, "Where are Zhu Xi and Lingqing!"

"Just now I saw that Zhu Xi had defeated the opponent, and Ling Qing..."

Speaking of this, Mo Xiaolang smiled coldly and said: "The four of us all encountered a trap, which happened to be during the selection battle of Big Brother..."


Yang Lingqing's situation is very bad.

She was not like Zhu Xi who just restrained her, nor was she like So Yeon, with Mo Xiaolang's help. The charming sea couldn't dissipate, it became thicker and thicker, no matter how she destroyed it, it was still like a bone maggot!

All around was the laughter of the silver stars.

"Don't struggle with Little Beauty, you are mine!"

His voice is pervasive, and it feels terrifying.

The more the deadlock is, the more troublesome it becomes.

That love sword kept killing from all directions, and every time it attacked, Yang Lingqing could be dizzy once.

When she got to the back, Yang Lingqing was even blurred. She clenched her teeth, but she was still staggering, Yin Xing's laughter was getting closer, and Yang Lingqing's face was getting paler.

"You are about to die, just like that, throw into my warm embrace!"

The silver star seemed to be right in front of him.

"Go!" Yang Lingqing shook his head vigorously, trying to escape the rule of love. This rule is so terrifying, it is almost pervasive.

"I have to tell the boss to save you." The kitten said several things like this.

"No, he is engaged in the battle of selection, can't influence him!" Yang Lingqing still wants to hold on by herself. She thought that she hadn't transformed the dragon yet, if she transformed into a dragon, she would definitely defeat her opponent! It's just that in the dizziness now, it seems that even the strength of the dragon is gone!

"The time is up, get ready for the play!"

Suddenly, Yin Xing held the Sword of Love and appeared in front of Yang Lingqing's eyes. He stabbed with a swift sword. Although Yang Lingqing displayed rules to resist, he lacked experience and could not completely stop him. The Sword of Love pierced his wrist. Suddenly, the world pretended that even though she wanted to be sober, the impact of the other party's **** rules was really too strong!

"Damn! Doesn't it exist to be a cat master! Boss! Someone wants to **** your girl!"

The kitten had long wanted to inform Long Chen, but Yang Lingqing was stubborn and didn't want to disturb Long Chen. Little cat understands that if you don't bother Long Chen now, if something happens to her, the trouble will be big.

From sixty to one hundred!

Seeing that Yang Lingqing had been recruited, Yin Xing couldn't help it for a long time after he was overjoyed. He quickly reached out and hugged him, laughing from ear to ear!

In this beautiful silver sea, no one can see what is going on inside.

Just when he was about to succeed, suddenly, a white light gleamed in front of him, and suddenly a stunning beauty appeared, such as a fairy, making Yin Xing's eyes straight, he was shocked, and he didn't know this. The woman was very angry, and that little hand stretched out swiftly, and it was immediately printed on Yin Xing's chest!


That's right, it was Ling Xi who came here in an instant through Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!

Distraction is her most powerful rule at present.

Silver Star's world tree completely collapsed. At that moment, he suffered a terrible and severe damage, and he was directly transformed from a **** to a waste of powerless chicken! Distraction directly abolished him.

"Lingqing." Lingxi grabbed her. Her prime source power is a power that has a stronger purifying ability than the power of the phoenix. Under prime source power, the evil rules in Yang Lingqing's body have been swept away. Dispelled, she also quickly woke up.

"If you have anything in the future, you have to tell us as soon as possible. The rules of the battlefield of the gods and demons are strict. I will go back first. You can solve him slowly!"

Lingxi came for a moment, and was still in this silver sea. Now the gods and devil's stars are very chaotic. It is hard for everyone to guess that someone can directly penetrate the seal with the rules and come to Yang Lingqing's side. After disappearing, nothing seems to have changed.

Only Yang Lingqing was sober, and Yin Xing was seriously injured and dying!

"You break the rules!" Yin Xing was shocked and was about to make a loud noise, but before the sound came out, Yang Lingqing's angry attack was overwhelmed! Being attacked by the distraction technique, he can't stop even ordinary gods now, let alone Yang Lingqing in anger!

"Women are terrible!"

The kitten slapped a spirit, looking at the silver star that was beaten to death by Yang Lingqing, he was terribly scared. He was thinking about whether he should provoke Zhu Xi again. What if he fails and is beaten like this?

When Yang Lingqing blasted the opponent into scum, Mo Xiaolang, Zhu Xi and Su Yan were already waiting for her outside.

Despite the danger, everyone is fine.

Mo Xiaolang said: "Everyone is fine. We have all encountered traps and attacks. These opponents were originally on the tenth floor above our floor. Someone instructed them to deal with us."

"It should be related to a brother of the evil spirit. UU Reading"

"How is my brother now?" Yang Lingqing couldn't help asking.

Mo Xiaolang smiled slightly and said: "He... must be very angry. The show has just begun, we just wait for him to get angry, and then challenge the King of Gods Bang. Before he challenges the King of Gods, we will not fight for the time being. ."

"Good." The girls became more cautious after experiencing this shock.

At a certain moment just now, I really felt scared.

However, after this thrilling crisis, the three of them have grown a little, which is also a good thing.

The kitten slumped and said, "Boss, this guy is the shortest guard, and most hates others doing things to people close to him. This is all right, this battlefield of gods and monsters, I am afraid that he will be demolished."

Everyone remembered Long Chen's rampage, and felt that the kitten described it appropriately. Everyone could not help but laugh for the rest of their lives.

This time Yang Lingqing had the greatest crisis.

In Long Chen's eyes, she is a real sister, who was born on the same day and grew up together.

Therefore, when he heard the reminder from Mo Xiaolang and the kitten, and saw Yang Lingqing in distress, he quickly let Lingxi pass by. At this time, he was actually fighting a top ultimate **** king!

That drove him crazy.

When he was fighting, he attacked four people so important in his life!

Each one is dangerous and dangerous!

Especially Yang Lingqing, almost succeeded by the other party! Just as the kitten guessed, when he saw this picture, his brain was congested, and he was in a state of rampage in an instant. Originally he just wanted to get through the selection battle casually, but now his eyes are full of blood, no matter who he sees , Are his enemies!


It's very simple, just think about it, it can only be that mandrill!

This method is really despicable.

After touching Long Chen's Ni Lin, he must be ready to be challenged!

(End of this chapter)

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