Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1350: ?(???*)? Big nose dew!

  ‘Hahaha! ’

  ‘It’s really released again, it’s really good for the outside air! ’

  ‘Yeah~! ’

  ‘Haha! ’

'That's great! ’

  ‘It’s awesome! ! ’

   In the hall of the Fairy Tail Guild resident, Naz, known as the strongest fire dragon, is cheering loudly because of the fact that he and Elisa were released the next day by ‘not guilty’ and showing off his arrival in the palace.


'very noisy! ’

  ‘Naz! Please be enough! ’

  ‘Leave him alone! ’

   "The guy who has never seen the world..."

'Ugh. ’

  ‘Really, it’s hard to rest quietly for a while...’

'what! ’

  ‘But because of this, this is the cutest place? ’

  ‘Did you say, Little Annie? ’

   Yesterday, Elisa and Annie were about to duel with Naz to decide who is the strongest in the Fairy Tail Guild.

   can result...

It was only halfway through, and the two of them had not even divided the outcome. Before a certain bet came out, Elisa was suddenly stopped by a "frog" messenger from the Magic Council and announced her arrest. He was taken to Fioré's council station for trial.

   Then, of course, Naz did his best to run to the trial scene to make trouble, intending to use his stupid method to exonerate Elisa? Then, he was arrested all at once, and then the two were locked up for a whole day and night, until this morning they were released together with Elisa.

   And this is the main reason why he is now cheering loudly and jumping for joy.


   "Really, people thought they were really caught, and thought that Elisa and Naz's fire frog would be caught and beheaded together. So it was just a formality?"


   Yes, Annie really thought so.

   Moreover, she was waiting to see the two men being taken to the guillotine, crying, snotting and tearing, and even peeing their pants in fright, before she planned to save them or something. But it turned out... it turned out to be just a form that those councils made to deal with the kingdom, and after declaring guilt and taking photos and reporting, the two were secretly released the next day?

   "Chop, behead your head?!"

   "You little guy dare to think!!"

Lucy on the side of    also heard it, so she just rejoiced that Elisa and Naz were ‘not guilty’ released, she couldn’t help but stared at the little guy in fear.

   Anyway, Naz and Elsa are also their companions, and as companions, it doesn't matter if you don't worry about each other, how can you just think about that kind of bad thing and hide behind gloating?


   Milaj, who was wiping the wine utensils at the bar, also shook his head at a certain disgusting little girl, and then added:

   "How is that possible?"

"Annie, don’t think about it. The Supreme Magic Council has already sent an official letter and a letter of commendation before, and the loss caused to the kingdom has been compensated accordingly. If it weren’t for the kingdom’s censure, it’s just a formality There won’t be any trials!"

"Furthermore, in addition to the power to administer and supervise the guilds, and to punish guilds that violate the rules, the council also shoulders the responsibility of safeguarding the rights and interests of various trade unions and coordinating disputes between the guild and the kingdom. of."

   "Besides, Elisa only caused the small damage to crush the'Iron Forest' conspiracy. In that case, how could they really punish her?"

"All right!"

   "Hurry up and eat your stuff!!"

After speaking, Miraj smiled, took a piece of pastry that the other party had just ordered from the baking oven, squeezed a little cream and put a few pieces of fruit on it as garnish, then gently placed it on the small In front of the guy.


   "They just complained about it, and didn't say they really wanted to chop their heads!"



   After a few words, eating and eating, without waiting for the big sister Mira to say something, Annie suddenly felt something was wrong, and then subconsciously turned her head and looked towards the guild's gate.


   "Annie, do you feel it too?"


   "Don't be nervous, that's your own person."

Seeing that the little girl Annie was at the same time as herself, she felt abnormal even earlier. President Makarov, who was sitting on the bar cross-legged and holding a wooden cup drinking alcohol, smiled rarely, and moved towards preparing for this. The little guy who reacted gestured, and soothed.

   "Is it my own?"

"OK then!"

   After seeing a bad old man, she didn't have much reaction, and after hearing the other person said she was her own, Annie thought for a while, and did not take care of it, but bowed her head and continued to eat her own food.


   "Who is it? What do you feel?"


   "Little Annie? What were you talking about just now?"

Miraj on the side clearly heard the dumb-like dialogue between the two, so she couldn't help but subconsciously asked, and raised her eyes to the direction of the guild gate where Annie turned her head. Look over.


  ’! ! ’


Soon, Milaj hadn’t figured out what was going on, so his eyes straightened and the person started to shake, then the whole person tilted, and with a whisper in his mouth, he collapsed so directly. Inside the bar.

'what! ’

'what? ’

  ‘My eyes are so sleepy...’

'not good! ’



   Then, as the signature girl Miraj of Fairy Tail collapsed in the bar, the others outside also felt something was wrong.

  嘭! !


  咚! !

   However, they didn't have time to deal with it in the end, so they collapsed on the chair, table or floor, and fell asleep in that deep sleep.



"That one……"



   "People are going to sleep too..."


Although she was not affected in any way, it seemed a bit uncomfortable when she saw other people falling asleep and felt that she was not asleep, and she thought that something interesting would happen later, Annie thought about it, and watched it again. Seeing the horrible old man chairman sitting on the bar calmly, she simply pretended to close her eyes and lay down on the bar.

  Ε=)) alas


   opened his mouth, looked at the little girl lying on the bar pretending to be asleep, and seeing the little girl who hurriedly closed her eyes when she saw her, Makarov didn't know what to say.

   But, now he has no time to explain to the little guy.

Therefore, he just continued to sit on the bar so peacefully, while resisting the powerful magic that can make people fall asleep, while steadily looking at the direction of the door, watching the man walking step by step while everyone was successfully hypnotized. The guy who came in.



   "Are you back for the task again?"

Looking at the Mistgang who walked in with a black hat, a dark green mask, a tattered black robe and a fin-shaped wand in his hand, he looked at the'fairy tail' The S-class member and strongest alternate in here came back and walked straight to the taskbar to stop. Makarov asked the other side softly.

'Ok! ’

  ‘I took this task! ’

After tearing off a commission to defeat the devil with a price of 800,000 J, the guy wearing a black hat and a dark green mask responded with a muffled voice, and then he was about to turn around and leave without looking. Chairman Makarov glanced at the bar.



At this time, just as President Makarov wanted to stop the opponent and dispel the magic, he was surprised to see that someone was lying on the bar, and his face was covered with cream and cake pieces. Crumbs, the little guy with a big red cherry stuck to his nose suddenly jumped up?

   "Aha! Big nose dew!"

   Then, the kid suddenly leaned his head and made a big grimace in front of the Mistgang who was wearing a black hat and a dark green mask.

  ’! ! ’

Of course, the guy with a black hat and a dark green mask, who was called Mistgang by President Makarov, obviously didn't expect this to happen, so he was agitated, and then slammed to the side. She avoided, and knocked over a table in embarrassment.

  嘭! !

  哐当! !



   "Coward, are you scared like this?"


   Seeing that her prank seemed to take effect, and seeing that the other party was so frightened by herself and almost fell, Xiao Anni laughed so carelessly.


   "You are not hypnotized by me?!"

   Settling down, I didn't even see that I was knocked to the ground, but Lucy and the others, who were still deep asleep at this time, subconsciously exclaimed and asked.


"Spicy, low-level magic, how can it be hypnotized to this fairy tail guild, the most, most, most, most, most, most, and, most, most, most, most, Where's the guide!"

What a joke, when some ancient gods who were particularly good at hypnotizing people wanted to interfere with her Queen Anne in her dreams, they were all beaten, killed and caught by her. The ending is so miserable! And now, such a strange and weird guy who hides his head and shows his tail, wants to affect her Queen Anne with those inexplicable hypnotic spells, how can that be possible?


Hearing the other party actually said that he was proud of his super-hypnotic magic, that even the S-rank wizard Elisa could hypnotize, even the guild leader Makarov could only support it. The'Misty Naraku' that slept in a coma is a low-level magic, and Mistgang was so angry that he almost couldn't help but care about it with the other party.



Seeing the opponent’s small body, he quickly remembered who this little guy was. Therefore, after hearing some bad rumors, he looked at the still silent Makarov meeting. After a long glance, he still chose to hold back that it did not happen, then snorted coldly, grabbed the quest commission he had just uncovered, and turned around and left.


   "Will you not unlock the hypnotic magic before leaving?"

Seeing the little girl beginning to wipe the stains on her face, and seeing that the two of them were not in conflict, Makarov couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then he did not forget that the other party was about to walk to the guild gate and asked aloud. Such a sentence.


   However, Mistgang did not answer, but went straight out.

   But soon...

   A few seconds after he went out and disappeared from Makarov's sight, everyone in the guild hall finally reacted.

  ’! ! ’

'what happened? ’

  '? ? ’

   "This feeling..."

  ‘Is it Mistgang again? ’

  ‘That’s right, it must be him, that bastard! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘That trick again? ’

'That rascal! ’

   "It's careless again..."

  ‘Mistgang, who is it? ’

  ‘Lucy, don’t you know? ’

'I do not know! ’

  ‘That’s the strongest man in Fairy Tail, one of them...’


   Then, of course, after those people recovered, they started arguing and condemning loudly about what happened just now.

Then, everyone’s conversations aroused the attention and ridicule of an S-rank wizard named Laxas Dolea on the second floor of the guild station, making this guild station that was only going to gradually calm down again. The excitement became noisy.


   "Damn it!"

   "The old man wouldn't let me go up..."


   "Bring me two! Ten glasses of beer!"


   "But Naz..."

   "You seem to have no money..."

   "It doesn't matter!"

   "First credit, I will make up for you after the next commission is completed!"

   "But, you have credited it many times..."


"Alright alright!"

   "This is the last time!"

After the uproar, Naz, the guy who could not compete with Elisa normally or fight Laxus, had to ran to the bar angrily and asked Mira for a lot of wine. , And then just pouring sorrow with wine there.

   "Sister Mila!"

   "What the chairman said just now, what do you mean by not letting Naz go to the second floor?"

   "Huh? Lucy, don't you know?"

"I do not know!"

   "Actually, you can't go to the second floor..."

   "That's because the task bar on the second floor posted a completely different task from the first floor. They are all very difficult S-level tasks, and they are the kind that will die if you are not careful!"

   "So, all S-rank wizards who have not been recognized by the president are not allowed to go up for safety. This is an iron rule of our Fairy Tail Guild!"

   "S, S-level tasks?"

"Yes it is!"

   "What kind of mission is the S-level?"

   "Sorry, I can't tell you this, that is the president's rule..."

   "Is it impossible to talk about it?"

"No way!"

"Really annoying……"


"and many more!"

   "If only S-rank wizards can go up, doesn't it mean..."

   Hearing what Miraj said, and then watching the other side take something and walk to the other side of the bar again, Lucy quickly turned her head and asked a little guy sitting next to her:


   "You can go up, can't you? Tell me quickly, what kind of task is on top?"

   Lucy didn't mean anything else, UU reading was just curious.

   "It's nothing..."

   "It seems that there are just a few commissioned tasks of millions of J at every turn?"


   "How many, millions? It's too much!!"


   "Annie, you never thought about picking up one or two?"

Lucy's eyes reddened when she heard the number. After all, she was really short of money recently, but...thinking that it was an S-level commission, she couldn't help but mumble a little and didn't dare to fight. Their ideas.


   "People still like the kind of not having to do anything, and just a few words can get a commission of 2 million J!"


   Yes, those commissions are too troublesome, and some are far, far away. Therefore, for Annie, who is not short of money for the time being and is more afraid of trouble, she doesn't need to deal with those messy commission ideas.

   "You guy..."

"You think too much!"

   "There will no longer be such a cheap thing to take advantage of you! Just continue to spend money, and when you run out of money, I see what you will do!?"

Hearing what the other party said, I remembered the last time I worked hard with Naz, but I didn't make the last penny. All the benefits were given to Lucy, who was taken by this little clever ghost in front of him, so he said goodbye. Go too far.

   "People are not afraid, there will be a way anyway!!"



  _〆 New Year’s code word is so hard, please comfort

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