Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1351: ?*. ?(?ω?*)??*. Let's go around...

   Today, Annie is idle and has nothing to do, so eating delicious food at home becomes her only choice.

   In fact, as long as she is willing, she can even stay idle and have nothing to do...

   "People are going to start!!"



  Ψ Chew!





So, of course, she stayed in the dining room of this small garden villa to eat her own food since she got up. She likes this kind of idleness at home all day long, and she can eat delicious food and sleep in as much as she wants. Leisurely life.

   Anyway, as long as she doesn't have to go to work, don't have to do that troublesome mess, and then she can do what she likes without worry, then she will like it all!


'Found! ’

  ‘So she is still here? ’

  ‘Quick! ’

  ‘You guys come here! ’

   At this time, the three guys Lucy, Naz, and Hobby the cat who cheered suddenly came in from the outside living room, looking excited, and don't know what they were cheering.

'All right! ’

  ‘You two go out first! ’


'Hey! ’

  ‘Annie! ’

  ‘Look at it! ’

  ‘Look at this good thing? ’

Then, Lucy sternly first drove out the two young maids who had been hired, who were gradually unable to pay, so she could not wait to hand a piece of paper to Annie. .


"this is……"

   "Bah! What? What do you guys want to do?"


Little Annie, who was relaxing at her home enjoying the food and service of the maids, looked at Lucy, Naz, and a certain blue cat with a look of excitement and handed herself a dirty torn paper. She thought it was. These three people wanted to avenge themselves or play pranks with themselves, such as disgusting her with the kind of paper that wiped the buttocks and stained her, so she hurriedly hugged her with a trace of disgust and vigilance. His food was let aside.

   "Get away soon!"


   "People are eating, if you dare to do this again, they will be angry! Be careful to turn you all into small animals, and then stuff them into the toilet and flush away!!!"

   After avoiding it, of course, Annie threatened the man and woman in front of her with the kind of harsh language she thought was extremely threatening.

   Yes, she was already thinking about it now, maybe...

   She really should turn these three nasty guys into three fishes and then flush them directly into the toilet? At that time, they must know, what kind of miserable and pitiful end will be if they dare to use that disgusting thing to do that kind of mischief to her while she is eating?


   "Annie, you fellow, what are you talking about! You should take a closer look at the above content before you talk!!!"

Seeing that the little guy hides aside with a disgusting expression inexplicably, he still says something endless. Not knowing what is in the other's head, Lucy hurries to pat the paper on the table. , And then point to the words above and let the other person take a closer look.


  ! o

   "What's so good, isn't it the kind of disgusting thing you used to prank?"

First glanced vigilantly, and found that although the top was dirty and shabby, it did not seem to be the kind of prank she had just subconsciously thought of, and it was not stained with papa, then Annie breathed a sigh of relief and put the chair again. Moved to the table, and leaned forward to take a closer look.




   After reading it, it took a while before Annie realized what the three of them had done, and then she couldn't help being taken aback.

   "Do you understand?"

   Seeing the other's reaction, Lucy knew that it was time for them to perform.

   She must do everything possible to flick this little guy into their team, and let the other side willingly help, and she can't let the other side know that she wants to ask the other side for help.



   "I remember, didn't that bad old man, the president said, you guys can't go to the second floor? But, what about this S-level mission commission?"


   Of course Annie still remembers what happened yesterday.

At that time, Naz next to him still wanted to rush to the second floor to fight, but because of his lack of level, he was knocked to the ground with a fist by the bad old president Makarov before he even reached the edge of the stairs. , Now these guys, there is a way to sneak up to the second floor under the surveillance of so many people and get such a commission?

   "That kind of thing is not important!"

   "Annie, take a look first, how about it, are you interested?"

   "Think about it, you are an S-rank wizard. If you complete this commission, you must be qualified!"

   "But if you go alone, it will be difficult, right?"

   "In this way, you need helpers, and now, we are your best helpers, don't you think?"

   Naz thief came closer, and said in that kind of far-fetched words, the intention in it was so obvious that everyone could know what he meant.


   "I don't seem to have said that I'm going to do a task recently..."

I looked at the piece of paper on the table again, looked at the "7000000J" commissioned bounty written on it, and then looked at the content above, I saw what it was like to save the island and be cursed... it still seems to be called something On the island of Garna, Annie quickly regained her sight.

   She had seen this task a few days ago, and she had no interest at all, because it was too far away, and she didn't bother to go far away to do good deeds.

   "Stop it!"

   "Annie, come with us, we..."

"go away!"


   "What are you doing?"




   "Okay, Annie!"

Seeing that Naz seemed to want to say something to discourage the little guy's enthusiasm, Lucy on the side couldn't stand it anymore. She hurried forward and kicked the opponent away. First, he gave the opponent a fierce look and motioned for him. After shutting up, he squeezed to the other side and said:

   "Annie, think about it..."

"You are now an S-rank Sorcerer. This is personally recognized by President Makarov, and Elisa also recognized... But if you want more recognition from everyone, you still want to If you want to **** the position of President Makarov, it is definitely not enough to just use the S-rank magician and trick everyone and beat those who oppose you every day!"

"You still need to make more and more achievements to complete more and more difficult commissions. Only then, wait until all people sincerely admire you and fear you, and wait until you have sufficient qualifications before you can Challenge the chairman, and others will not raise any objections, do you think?"

Lucy herself felt that the above fallacies were too taken for granted, but in order to fool the little girl in front of her, in order to complete the commission and get what she wanted, she had already planned to give it up at this moment and could not care about it. too much.


   "Although what you said seems to be correct, people think it might be faster to beat all those who oppose them until they are convinced?"


   What Miss Lucy said in front of her seemed to have a little bit of truth, but when she thought that such a method might waste a lot of time, Annie directly retreated.

   In that case, it seems that it would be better for all the guild members who opposed her Queen Anne to turn into small animals and put them in cages faster! Even if you do that, maybe there will be few people left in the entire guild by then?

  Ε=)) alas


"No way!"

   "Annie, you can't rule the entire fairy tail with the same violent spell as your kind of prank!"

   "Furthermore, there are wizards like you in the guild who can turn people into small animals!"

"and also!"

   "Even me, even if our relationship is already very good, but I still don't support you to become the president now, because you don't have the qualifications yet?"


   "I, Naz, don't support you either, even if you have turned me into a frog several times and beat me severely, it is the same. I will never give up to you!"

   "Hobby is too!"

   "However, if you are willing to buy a lot of fish for Hobby, Hobby will immediately support you as the president!"



   "Damn it!"

   "You gluttonous cat, where on earth are you standing?!"

   At this time, hearing a certain cat actually pull her two hind legs at a critical time, Lucy hurriedly pulled each other aside and violently pulled the tough tentacles on the other's mouth.

  ‘Whoever feeds Hobbit, whoever will Hobbit support...’

'what! ’

  ‘Okay, it hurts! ! ’

   A certain non-principled cat, under the violence of Lucy, finally closed his mouth and squatted to the side with his head angrily.

"All right!"

   "Annie, how are you thinking about it?"

   After teaching a certain smelly cat, Lucy winked, and signaled that Naz was optimistic about it, and then once again approached the little guy who seemed to be faintly excited.


"OK then!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "It seems that what you said is right, and I am familiar with everyone now. If you use violent means to beat them, they will be a little bit embarrassed..."

   "Then! Just follow what you just said, let's complete the S-level commission together, let everyone be surprised!"


After thinking about it, I feel that I have been quite idle lately, and I feel that it is indeed Annie who is not able to kill those interesting guys for the throne of the chairman, and she quickly accepted Lucy and Naz. The two suggested that they plan to do an S-level commission, and see what kind of reaction will everyone have then?

   If it is indeed feasible, she will do a few more in the future, and then wait until everyone admires her so much, and then pull the bad old man from the chairman's throne?

   That's right, it was so happily decided!


   "After completing the task, the seven million J on the commission will be taken away by half!"

  Since the decision was made, Annie naturally brought the topic to the issue of sharing the spoils.

Although the horoscope has not yet been written, and I don’t know the difficulty of the task and whether it can be successfully completed, it is impossible for her Queen Anne’s quest to be unfinished. So, let’s talk about the issue of spoils first. That's right.


   "You, do you still want money?!"

Lucy has never thought about giving money to the other party. She only intends to fool the other party to help her and Naz for free. At that time, she will take three million Naz and get three million, and the remaining 1 million will be given to Ha Than, that's just right.

   "People don't have small money anymore, of course they want it!"


   " spent all your money again? Only a few days ago, that was two million J! did you spend it?!"

   Lucy was a little surprised.

   You know, that was a windfall of two million J. If she was replaced by her, even living in a villa and hiring a maid would be enough for her to splurge for several years! But now, the other party actually says that he has no money, how is that possible?

   "You talk nonsense!"

   "There are no two million. Didn't I give you ten thousand? How can there be two hundred, obviously only 1.99 million!"

   Regarding this matter, Annie still remembers very clearly, don't try to mislead her.


   "But does that make any difference?!"

   Lucy's eyes widened, wondering what the point of arguing with him is.

   "Of course there is!"

   "The mathematics is very rigorous. One hundred and ninety-nine is one hundred and ninety-nine. It will never directly become two hundred!"

   Annie started to fight for reason, especially when reason was still on her side.


   "But, are we talking about mathematics?"

   Lucy was a little at a loss. She felt that what she was trying to say just now seemed to be a question of the other party's misuse of money, right? I squandered so much money in just a few days, even if it is really only 1.99 million J, but what is the difference between that and two million J?

"Is not it?"



   Lucy no longer knows what to say to the other party.


   "Forget it, Lucy!"

"Anyway, the two of us don’t have much confidence, and Annie is very strong, she is still an S-level wizard, so that we have a reason to make the commission, no one will know it is us. If you steal it, share it with her!"

   At this time, Naz, who was already very impatient, finally spoke.



   "Naz agreed!"


"But you can't ask for half of the money, UU reading, everyone will share it together! Moreover, the twelve keys of the zodiac belong to me. That is something from our Astral Sorcerer. Even if you give it to you, you can't do it. use!"


Now that the purpose has been achieved, Lucy no longer wants to manage how the other party spends the money in the past few days. Anyway, as long as the other party can afford the rent, as for other things... she doesn't seem to be able to manage it even if she wants to. Is not it?

   "No problem!!"

Annie’s main purpose now is to complete the S-level mission as soon as possible, so as to achieve her achievement as the guild leader as soon as possible. As for the small money, it is not important, so the other party said that the split is evenly divided. , She will be more generous and take a little less.

   "Damn it!"

   "At this time, I suddenly became generous again. I really don't know what you are thinking about as a little guy."

   Lucy covered her forehead with a headache, but when she saw that the other party had indeed agreed to their previous request, she could not help but secretly relieved.

   With this S-rank little guy, she is always more or less a little bit more confident.

  Although the opponent doesn't have a positive shape on weekdays, and he knows about pranks and pranks every day, the ability of the opponent is indeed very strong. Otherwise, if only she and Naz, and the stupid Meow Hobbi who basically can't help much, go, God knows what terrible things will happen then!


   ask for tickets, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything

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