Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1353: o(?^`)o People who curse something are not afraid...

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, it didn’t matter that kind of thing. Anyway, in the end, little Annie, Lucy, Naz, Hobby the cat, and a certain Gray who had to follow him for various reasons. As soon as the person met, he finally successfully landed on the cursed island of Garna, and from the mouth and body changes of the village chief who issued the commission and the villagers, he probably knew what was happening here and what was happening here.

   In short, it is a troublesome curse!


   "Purple Moon..."

   ‘It really seems to make Hobby feel worried and creepy...’

  ‘It’s really weird...’

  ’! ! ’

'okay! Hobby! ’

  ‘Hurry up and close the window! ! ’

  ‘You’re already a cat, can you still worry about how ugly the cursed moonlight becomes? On the contrary, we, especially beautiful girls like Lucy, should be worried. If something ugly grows on her body, or if her hands and feet become half demons like villagers, then I might as well die. Forget it! ’


  ‘There’s nothing but, close it! ! ’

  嘭! !

Hobby the cat still hasn’t squinted a certain stubborn Lucy, and hasn’t been able to continue to look at the distinctive one in the sky, which is different from the purple moonlight in other parts of the world, and Lucy hastily rushed over. The only window that was still open was closed severely.

"Especially you!"


"You are such a lovely child, and you must not have strong resistance. Therefore, you are not allowed to run outside at night. Be careful that the cursed purple moonlight turns you into an ugly monster like a villager! "

After closing the window, Lucy turned her head and urged the little girl, Annie, who was sitting in the big house provided by the village with boredom on her chin, dangling her white legs, and wondering what she was thinking. Write.

Because Lucy knows that this little guy likes to run around when he gets up. Even at night or in the dark, he can’t scare him. Therefore, if she is worried that the other party will go out and play crazy at night, she can only give it in advance. The other side warned.

"would not!"

   "I'm not afraid of that kind of boring curse!!"


Annie wouldn't tell Lucy that the kind of thing that was good at cursing a creature's body, such as the ancient **** C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, N'Zoth, etc., had long been played by her. I grabbed it and stuffed it into a bottle to play with.

Since even the horrible curses and whispers of the ancient gods that can affect an entire planet can't help her, Queen Anne, then the boring, magical little purple moonlight that is full of the small island in front of you is again How could it have won her?

   Even if she is here to take photos of them every day, for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, they don’t want to change even the ends of her hair!

   "Don't talk nonsense there anymore!"

   "Didn't the village chief tell us before?"

   "If the moon shines for too long, even our wizards will become demons. Otherwise, the commission will not be released in the guild for so long without anyone trying to solve it!"

   "So, you are not allowed to go there at night. Just stay here and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning we will investigate together again. That's it!"

   After closing the window and warning a certain blue stupid hobbit with her eyes, Lucy told and warned seriously, and went on to clean up the salutes she had just brought out.

   She is going to wash up quickly, then go to bed and sleep with the quilt. It is better to wrap her whole body tightly with the quilt to avoid being caught by those purple moonlight?

   "This is terrible!"

   "If the curse really comes from the moon, I am afraid that there is really only one way to destroy the moon, but with our ability, it is simply wishful thinking to want to destroy the moon!"

   "Even if the members of our Fairy Tail and the entire guild come together, I am afraid it will not be destroyed..."

   "Sure enough!"

"The reason why it is an S-level task and it will have a huge reward of seven million J, it does have its truth, unless we can think of other solutions, otherwise, I am afraid that we will have to be dingy in the end. I slipped back."

   Gray who was sitting aside sighed.

After being subdued by Annie and brought to this island, he himself confessed his fate...Since he couldn't stop a few people, he could only join them and try his best to help them complete their tasks so that everyone could go back safely. , That was almost the best solution he could think of at the moment.

   But it's a pity that the cursed island of Garna is not so easy to intervene in this S-class commissioned mission. At least for now, including Gray, none of them have any good solutions.

   "Without an entire guild, one person can destroy the moon!"

   "As long as people think, you can squeeze it with two fingers!"


   Although destroying the moon is very simple for Annie and a foolish solution to the curse once and for all, but she doesn't really want to do that.

Because, once she destroys the moon, there will be no moon in the whole world, and it will have some profound effects on the planet’s gravity and orbit for a long time, which is not what she wants to see and deal with. Follow-up questions will become very troublesome?

   "Don't laugh!"


   "Annie, no one can destroy the moon, even if you are an S-rank wizard, you can't make trouble!"

   "Hurry up, clean up, get ready to sleep!"

   However, Lucy interrupted Annie directly, obviously not willing to believe the kind of childish anger or bragging that Annie just said.


   "I don't care about the purple cursed moonlight. It's cool to be like that uncle and them. If moonlight can really turn me into a dragon, it would be best!"


   "Lucy, should we go to the moonlight bath?"

   At this time, there was a careless person on the side, who was said to be raised by a dragon, and Naz, who had never shown himself to others, suddenly suggested.

"To shut up!!"

   "I won't go to the moonlight bath with you!"

"and also!"

   "No one is allowed to go out before dawn!!!"


   Lucy turned away bitterly, and gritted her teeth and rejected the outrageous suggestion.

You know, when she thinks of being exposed to too much moonlight, she will be transformed into a demon or half-demon like everyone else in the village. She just feels that the goose bumps are about to rise, and she can't wait to wrap herself up even more. Be stricter, so as to minimize contact with the purple moonlight, where would you take the initiative to take some moonlight bath? !


   "But, speaking of it, what happened to the uncle who brought us to this small island? Why did the village elder say that he had been killed?"

   Seeing the fierce Lucy, Naz didn't take it seriously. He just thought of something strange while he was bored and free, so he suddenly asked.

  ‘Hobby knows! ’

   "It's a ghost..."

'really? ’

  'Lucy! ’

  ‘It’s a ghost! ! ’

  ‘Hey hey....’


   "Habi and Naz, you two shut up for me!"

   Lucy had already deliberately avoided mentioning the topic, but now, the two guys have brought it up again, making Lucy feel a little creepy.

  Thinking about it, I originally thought that an uncle who kindly brought himself and others to the island was the son of the village chief who had been dead for many years. Thinking about such weird things made her feel panicked!



"How can it be……"


   Blinked, and heard that a certain cat and a certain ‘fire frog’ were trying their best to tease Lucy, Annie turned her head away boredly.

   How could that uncle be a ghost? Could it be that Queen Anne herself couldn’t tell that kind of thing?

   However, seeing those two people having a good time, Annie didn't bother to explain. Anyway, she wouldn't play with them the scary games that only children can play! Besides, what's so scary about ghosts?



   "Stop making trouble!"

   "Actually, it wouldn't be enough to say that the uncle is a ghost..."

  At this time, seeing Lucy being messed up by two heartless guys, Naz and Hobby, it was a bit bad for the whole person, so Gray on the side indifferently explained.


   "But Gray, didn't the village chief also said that his son was killed because he lost his mind?!"

   "We have seen the photo, that is the weird guy who brought us to the island, but suddenly disappeared on the way!"

   Lucy didn't agree with Gray's words, so she vowed and fought hard.

She really thinks that the kind uncle is probably a ghost, and he is still the kind of deadly purpose, so he hopes that someone can help Garna Island to solve the curse, so that he will get it when everyone is unwilling. A small boat and sent them to the island?

   And that is why she was scared by Naz and Hobby just now!

"Do not……"

"I think……"

"It may be that the village chief is reluctant to kill his son, but he has to give an explanation to the other people in the village. After all, the other villagers who got out of control were killed. So... Killed the opponent, but secretly released the opponent secretly, and then said that he had been executed?

"after that……"

   "Maybe after leaving the purple moon's range, gradually, that guy gradually returned to his normal sense?"

   "But for that reason, he never dared to go back again. Even if he had to sail to send us off, he would jump into the sea and leave by himself at a distance?"

   Hugging his arms, Gray said seriously what he thought of.


   "It sounds like Gray, your explanation is a bit more reasonable... After all, ghosts are not really reliable..."

   After thinking about it for a while, Lucy nodded.

   "Just, in that case, it would be too unfair to other people, right?"

   "If the village chief's son loses control, he can be secretly let go, and other people's children will be executed. That's too..."

   Lucy couldn't say what she said. Before, she thought that the village chief was a good person and very pitiful. It turned out that that bad old man was also a selfish guy?


"Lucy, isn't that normal? That's the so-called privileged class of all evils! It's just a means of management and dominance, and the filth behind it is something you can never imagine! "

   "Forget it, let's watch the opening point!"

   Seeing the gloomy expression on Lucy's face, Gray smiled and enlightened him.

   Anyway, he sees similar things a lot. Under the same laws and regulations, the king’s son and the commoner’s son will be punished differently if they violate the law! Don't even talk about the king, are they the same magicians?

   During this period of time, are there still few city buildings and public and private properties destroyed by Naz and Elisa?

If you change to an ordinary person, I’m afraid I’ll be sitting in prison long ago, but the result is that Naz and Elsa are powerful wizards, and they have fairy tails, the alliance of wizards, and the Supreme Council. In the end, so, in the end, it was to lose some money. The laws of the kingdom must not be able to control these privileged people.

   Because they have the power of magic in their hands!

   Anyway, as long as it doesn't do things that are extremely grievous or particularly harmful, it will be the same in the end.



   Annie didn't care what they were talking about, she just started to eat her own food.


   "Although you know what Gray you said is right, but..."



   "I'm going to bed soon, so don't eat anymore!!"

   Turned his head, and saw that a little guy was still eating at this time of the night, Lucy walked over and reprimanded it like a housekeeper.


  ! o

   "If someone eats other people's food and doesn't eat you, what is your business?"

  !? ?

   Annie is a bit inexplicable, because they don't live together for a day or two, but it's the first time that the other party directly takes care of her situation as it is now.


   "Of course I know that you are eating your own food, but now you have to go to bed quickly, and we will go to the island early tomorrow to investigate the situation!"

   "And you guys! Go to sleep!"


   "You are perverted! This house is not yours alone, there are two lovely girls in there, so please don't just take off just one pants!!"


   "Move your bed farther to the corner over there! The best position is reserved by me and Annie!"



   "If you dare to open the window secretly, I will definitely tie you up with a rope and hang it on the roof! If you don't believe me, you can try it again!"

Seeing that the time is late, and I don’t want to stay on this terrible island for a moment, I just want to solve all the problems tomorrow, or leave here in time if they can’t be solved, Lucy angrily confronts these one by one. Her worry-free guys scolded.


   "Then they will go to sleep after eating these!"


   "No way!"

   "If you eat too much, you will sleep late. You often get up at noon. We have to get up early in the morning and do business tomorrow!!"

   Lucy directly snatched something in the arms of a messy little guy without a doubt, and then dragged Annie toward the bathroom without a doubt.



   "Then how early is it to get up early tomorrow morning? Is it the time when the sun is basking?!"


"Do not!"

   "It's just before dawn!!"

   Lucy said without looking back, and continued to drag a little guy who wanted to play tricks. UU reading



   "People don't want to get up so early!!!"


"no kidding!"

   "It's useless to make trouble!"

   "Hurry up, come in and wash, and then go to bed quickly!!!"

   "Damn it!"

   "Come here quickly!!"

   Soon, Lucy started arguing with a little guy who was extremely unwilling to cooperate in the bathroom, and then a lot of terrible things flew out from time to time.



  ‘Lucy suddenly became so scary! ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘Or Naz, let’s go to sleep now? ’

  ‘Good too! ’

'Come! Hubby, let's move the bunk over and stay away from them. ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘Grey, how about you? ’


  ‘I’ll be together too! ’

In view of certain less threatening threats from a fierce woman, and tomorrow is indeed something that needs to be done seriously, so in the end, Naz, Gray, and the cat Hobby did not continue to make a moth, but Honestly, they moved their bed to a corner of the house, giving the two best positions to two troublesome guys who had to go to bed and wash them first.


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