Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1354: ?|·'-'·)? Hey! Where are Lucy and others...

   The next day, early in the morning.

   Today’s weather is very good. Although the sun has not risen yet, but looking at the weather and clouds, I know that it will definitely be a sunny day. It is a good day for exploring and investigating the island.

The good weather naturally gave Lucy a good mood, making Lucy feel that today’s things are likely to go smoothly, and they will have unexpected receipts, and then it won’t take long before they can complete that. S-level commission, and after successfully earning a large fortune, happily go back to Harujion by boat?


   The only thing that made her a little uncomfortable today is that in the end, she still failed to wake up the troublesome little guy at six o'clock in the morning like this!

After she tried everything she could but was powerless, and didn't want to be the one who carried the other party to explore and investigate, in the end she had to "abandon" the other party in that house, let the other party continue to sleep, turn And he picked up Naz, Gray, and Hobby the cat who were easier to scream.

Anyway, in Lucy’s view, this S-level task is just investigating and solving curses. It is more a test of wisdom and patience, and there is no need to fight or something. So, ah, something that will only add chaos. If the little guy gets up, get up!

   In case when the time comes, if you wait for someone to investigate it clearly or think of other ways to solve the curse, you don't need to distribute her money anymore. I am envious of the nasty little guy who knows to sleep in!


'Hey! ’

  ‘Lucy, get up now, isn’t it a bit too early? ’


   "The genius just turned on..."


   ‘Hobby wants to sleep two more hours...’

Gray, Naz, and Hobby, who were tossed by a certain terrible Lucy and had to wake up early, even if they have already reached the entrance of the village, they still look a little shaky and confused, and they have no energy. Unable to mention it, it was in a sharp contrast with the energetic and energetic Lucy who led the way.


   "Shut up, you guys!"

"Without further ado!"

   "Let me tell you that the longer I stay on this island, the greater my chances of being cursed and mutated. I felt a little scared by staying all night last night!"

"Think about it, if a charming and cute girl like me, with smooth and white delicate skin like me, suddenly grows unsightly sarcomas, or is full of scales and horns, it should be What a terrible thing?"

While she was talking, Lucy couldn't help but shudder, and then she shook her head quickly, and quickly put the bad thoughts behind her, and was not ready to think about such terrible things for the time being. possibility.

"and so!"

   "We are running out of time, today...or tomorrow at the latest, if we can't find out the cause and can't find a feasible solution to the curse, let's leave here quickly, give up this task, and don't stay for a while!"

   "You all understand, right?"

"All right!"

   "All cheer up, let's go now!!"

   Lucy just led the way while cheering up, but even after mobilization, Naz, Gray, and the cat Hobby behind her were not very interested.




   The two followed feebly, but soon one of them suddenly discovered something wrong.


   Finally, after walking for a while, Naz suddenly felt that in the smell of his companions, there seemed to be missing a little guy who always smelled of various snacks or cakes?


   "Lucy, where's Annie, didn't she follow?"

   So, I first looked around in confusion, and soon found out that a little guy was indeed not in the team, so he asked Lucy who was leading the way in a strange voice.

'Hey? ’

'right! Hobby didn’t realize that Annie was following...’

  ‘Where did she go? ’

  '? ? ’

  ‘Huh! ’

  ‘Don’t watch, she hasn’t gotten up yet! ’

   Following Hobby’s exclamation, Gray quickly curled his lips and added contempt to Naz and Hobby’s two big-hearted and unresponsive guys.

Think about it, everyone is sleeping in a big tent-style house, and the two guys didn’t realize that there was one missing person in the team until they walked out of the village for a long distance. So where did the nerve reflex go? Yes, Gray definitely didn't understand.


   "Lucy? Aren't we taking Annie?!"

   found out that Annie was indeed not there. After hearing Gray’s words again, Naz exclaimed in surprise.

   "No more!"

   "Anyway, it's just investigating the specific cause of the curse, and there is no need to fight, she will only add chaos when she comes, let her continue to sleep!"

   Lucy said bitterly.

   Anyway, she wouldn't say that she really couldn't drag the other party up, and didn't want to waste time tossing in the house, so there was no way, so she had to compromise and let the other party continue to sleep.

'what! ’

  ‘Since it’s an investigation...Habi, let’s go back and get some sleep? ’

  ‘Yes! ’

'I am coming too……'

   Hearing what Lucy said, Naz took the lead of course and prepared to turn around with Hobby and go back to sleep again. Gray also felt that it was too early to go to work and planned to go back.


   "You all stop for my mother!"

   "Damn it!"

   "You guys, you are not kids anymore, hurry up and cheer me up and go work with me!"


   "It's useless to complain, this task was chosen by you, who can you blame now?"

  ‘Come on! ’

   "Whoever dares to go back will die!!"

After frolicking and threatening, Lucy finally managed to tame the three guys who were ready to retreat as soon as they went out, and then watched the whole way with a cold face, escorting three reluctant guys to Gal Explore the depths of the island.

   The sun is rising gradually...

And at this time, when Lucy, Gray, Naz, and Hobby are working hard to investigate the depths of the island, a certain little girl is really just like Lucy said before. In the house where they were resting last night, they were asleep with their heads covered.



Outside the window, those strange birds that are also affected by the curse, such as the three-legged crow, the four-winged luan bird, and the six-eye finches with the tail of the mouse at the same time, just chirping on the tree head outside the ground Called not to listen, and one or two fell on the window sill from time to time, curiously watching a certain sun gradually rise, reluctant to get up, destined to have no worms to eat, after a long time, it thumped The wings flew away slowly.

for a long time……

I don’t know how many hours have passed. Anyway, when the long sunlight shining diagonally from the window into the house gradually shrinks and gradually shortens, until it hangs high in the middle of the sky, it can no longer shine into the house. And after the temperature gradually got hotter, finally, it was rare that a little head with a trace of confusion came out of the quilt.



   "Still a little sleepy..."

   "Ah oh~!"

   Annie sat up and stretched her waist.

   Originally, she could still sleep for a while, but... now she is hungry, so she must choose between getting up to eat and continuing to sleep.

   And now, she obviously intends to get up first to find food, and then wait until she is full. If the situation permits, she will continue to sleep after dinner?



   "Where are Lucy and Naz? Did they go to dinner?!"


Scratching his head, he found that the house was empty, and Lucy and Naz's bed sheets were already empty, but the luggage and other things were placed inside, but they were all gone. Some scratched his head, wondering if those people actually ran to eat secretly behind her.

However, she didn’t entangle that kind of thing very much, instead she got up and ran to the bathroom to wash up, and finally opened the door of the house in this afternoon. .



   "It doesn't seem to be outside..."


   "Damn it! I didn't even call someone, Lucy and the others, didn't they really ran to eat something delicious?!"

When I walked outside the house, I wandered around the village for two laps. I saw the villagers who were so strangely eroded by magic because of the'curse' that they were busy doing their jobs, and they didn’t. After not seeing Lucy or Naz and any of them, Annie became a little impatient.

   "Forget it!"


   "Leave them alone! Tibbers, let's find something to eat first!"


Anyway, Annie has already looked for it. Now that she can’t find it, then she really can’t blame her. So, she was going to have a look at the yard of the villager’s house that was just passing by, to see that the kind that was being processed by that family seemed delicious. Can you sell some of her grilled seafood for her to try?

   As for Lucy and the others...

   That kind of thing is not important, anyway, after she is full and when she remembers again, if they still haven't come back, she will definitely go out and look for them!

   "It's here!!"


   "Aha! It smells so good, it must taste delicious!"


   Following the smell, Annie quickly found the villager's home who was having a barbecue party, and then cheered directly, cheering uninvitedly, and rushed to the other's yard.

  Ε=)) alas

"Hello you all!"

   "The barbecue your family makes looks so delicious. If you eat a little bit, you must not mind it, right?"

"Do not worry!"


   "After eating, they will pay you!!"


   Annie sat unceremoniously directly next to the other party’s barbecue, and after reaching for her little nose to sniff again, before waiting for the other party’s response, she directly picked up one of them and ate it.





   "You're welcome!!"


   In the eyes of the villagers looking at each other, a certain messed up little girl just ate a lot on her own.


"That one……"

   "You are the little girl who came with the commissioned fairy tail wizards, right?"

After seeing that little Annie had eaten the third bunch, one of the villagers with a horn on his head hesitated for a while, and looked at Annie who was invisible and a certain belly sitting on her shoulder. After the soft toy bear with the emblem of the'fairy tail' emblem, he hesitated to ask.

   "Hmm! Hmm!"


   "It's really you!"

   "Great, since it is here to help us solve the curse, of course we welcome it!"

"bring it on!"

   "Eat more. As for the reward, it's fine. Anyway, it's just seafood in the sea. It's easy to pick up on the beach. As long as your partner can really help us lift the curse, you can eat as much as you want!"

After figuring out that the little girl was indeed the companion brought by the gang sorcerer, the villager with horns on his head said with a smile, and continued to be busy around the charcoal fire stand, and at the same time greeted those who were as long as him. The strange-looking friends came over and enjoyed it together.

   "Don't worry, man!"

   "After they are full, they will definitely help you solve the curse problem as soon as possible!!!"


  This, Annie dare to use the name of Tibbers to guarantee!

   Because, for these kind people who enthusiastically ask her to eat delicious food, she is generally not stingy at all and willing to help them a little bit.

   Of course, provided that... after she has eaten and drank enough?

  ‘Just you little guy? ’

'just forget it……'

  ‘If your companions can really solve the curse, we will thank God. ’

  ‘Haha! ’

  ‘That’s it! ’

  ‘Come on, kid, try this? ’

  The villagers present burst into laughter.

Obviously, they don’t think that the little guy in front of them can help them. They think that the little girl is at best the family members brought by the irresponsible wizards. Because they don’t have combat power, they will be stranded. In the village?

   Anyway, it must be like that.



   Annie didn't care about what they said, and she didn't have time to explain, because she was eating delicious food now, and her mouth was gradually delicious, so she didn't have time to talk more.

'correct! ’

  ‘Little guy, aren’t you afraid of us? ’

Everyone ate for a while, talking and laughing. At this time, a weird man with a pimple on his face, who looked like a pineapple head, suddenly smiled and asked Anne, and opened his mouth. He lost his mouth full of sharp teeth.

   "Don't be afraid!"

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Why are you not afraid? ’

   Another villager with a spike like a hedgehog on his chin and head also approached at this time, and asked strangely.


   "People who are even uglier, uglier, and annoying than you weird guys have been seen!"

  Annie doesn’t care about the self-esteem of the villagers of Garna Island who invite her to have a barbecue. tells the truth so carelessly.

In fact, it is the same. For Little Annie, who has never known how many worlds and has seen all kinds of monsters, the strange appearance of these village names in front of her is not bad. She is still there. Within the range of acceptance in her heart, at least it is not the kind of guy who can directly affect her appetite, so there is nothing to be afraid of at all.

   Actually, strictly speaking, in this world, or in countless other world planes, it seems that so far, there is really nothing that Annie is afraid of.


  ‘More and uglier? ’


  ‘You little fellow, is your kind of words comforting? ’

'alright, alright! ’

  ‘Honey, eat, it’s rare that she is not afraid of us, so don’t ask so much...’


  ‘Come on, everyone enjoy! ’

  ‘After eating, there is still enough for us to eat till the evening! ’

  ‘These skewers are ready, who wants it? ’

   "I want, two strings!!"


Soon, the group of villagers who looked more horrible than the other, and more than a crippled man and woman, the group of guys who were like a group of demons danced around the charcoal stove and the rows of seafood grilling above. , And a little girl who has completely forgotten about business, only knows to eat, and is still smart and cute, talking and laughing while eating while chatting.


  |˙˙)? Ticket

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