Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1371: People are not in a hurry at 1 o'clock -=????=…

When President Makarov and Miraj finally persuaded a messy little girl to rush to save someone, what they didn’t know was: near the sea in Kaelum, The tall tower that re-rises on the sea, the R magic system that was previously attempted by a magic sect that believes in black magic, is the "Tower of Paradise" that was rebuilt not long ago, Ellu Sha, Lucy, Naz, and Gray have nothing to do at all.

In fact, Elisa and the others don’t need someone to save her at all, because not only has she successfully escaped safely, but at the same time she is also planning to bring down someone and destroy the tower of the paradise in order to prevent something that may come at any time. Evil ritual.



   "Elisa, you mean, that friend of yours, he wants to...resurrect the evil black mage named'Selev'?"

   "It's the conspiracy we wanted to target the guild leaders, the creator of the monster in the flute, that we finally smashed?"

   After listening to Elisa's statement while walking, Gray finally understood why Elisa didn't rush to leave with them after getting out of trouble, but thought about the reason why she wanted to defeat someone here first.

   "It's not just that monster!"

   "Even the demon "Daliola" that we eliminated on Alcatraz back then is the same. The opponent should also be one of the demons in Seref's Dark Sorcerer's Book!"

   "So, everyone, we must stop Geral anyway!"


   "Once the'Selev' is resurrected, the world is afraid that it will be dangerous!"

   "Furthermore, according to the original words of the ‘Xiu’ who detained me before, the resurrection ceremony should be carried out very quickly, and then ‘Selev’ will most likely be resurrected at dawn!"

   "Our time is running out..."

   After cleaning up some of her emotions, Elisa fiercely grasped the long sword in her hand and walked forward so firmly.

This was the place where she and her companions rebelled and gained freedom, but now, she is back here again, and is ready to raise the sword in her hand to her former companions, which is what she had imagined before anyway. Less than.


"you are……"


   However, they couldn't go far, and soon they had to stop again.

Because, a black mist appeared in the passage ahead, and then, Elisa’s partner eight years ago, a strong man named'Simon', the guy inlaid with steel because of his jaw injury appeared in the four of them. Ahead, and blocked their way.

'Ah! ’

  ‘It’s nice to see you again, Elisa...’

   However, what made Gray, Naz, Lucy and others feel incredible is that the other party did not launch an attack, but looked peaceful, just walked over and stretched out his hand towards Elisa.


   "What the **** is going on?"



   "No matter what this is going on, I'm going to find Hobbit first, and I'll come back to meet you later, that's it!"


   "Naz! Wait a minute!"


Without waiting for the various Lucy and others to say something, Naz on the side could no longer bear it anymore. Following a certain scent that only he could smell, he took the lead and ran towards a certain passage on the other side. It disappeared after a while.

   "Damn it!"

   "That fellow Naz..."

   "Elisa, what shall we do now?"

   "Anyway, go with Simon and stop Geral from talking!"

   "But Naz..."

   "Don't worry, he will follow!"

   "Is this really good?"

   "Lucy, we have no time."


   Soon, after Elisa and the weird had finished recounting the past, the group began to run along another passage towards the top of the ‘Paradise Tower’.


The manager has cleared the context of the matter, and they are preparing to fight for the safety of the entire world. What they don’t know is that their every move is actually being monitored by a guy named'Geral', and they don’t know. Let them mess around in the tower.

Of course, what Elsa, Lucy and others who are preparing for the battle even don’t know is that in order to help them, President Makarov even promised something extremely'outrageous' to a certain little girl 'And harsh conditions, in exchange for the full rescue of the little guy who was'abandoned' by them.




   "Tibbers, the food here is really delicious!"


In the sea near Kaelum, in a small town close to the bay, a wretched little girl is sitting in a pier seafood restaurant and eating very much. She is not in a hurry to rescue her companion at all. Not to worry about certain things.





   "Boss! I want a big share, so hurry up!"


  , who thought that the things in this restaurant were very, very suitable to her own appetite, Annie stood on her stool, then waved her greasy little hands and called to a kind boss lady in the distance.

  ‘Okay! ’

  ‘Little guest, don’t worry, you will be well soon! ’

  ‘Do I need a coconut first? ’

  ‘I think you can drink some juice and wait a while because it’s free. ’

   As she said, the proprietress didn't care whether Little Annie agreed or not, so she asked her chubby daughter and waiter to bring a tray to Little Annie with a big coconut that had been opened in the shell.


   "Thank you! But you still have to be quicker when you serve the dishes, there are still important things to do later!"


Seeing that the other party's cooking speed did not seem to be as fast as she could eat herself, Annie reluctantly sat down, and began to'suck and suck' the drink that the other party brought to herself, preparing to wait patiently for a while. .




   "If people don't have enough to eat, they will have no strength, and if they do not have strength, how can they be in the mood to save those bad guys?"

   There is no doubt that Annie is here deliberately, she is still dissatisfied with some guys who abandoned her and then ran to play by herself!

   Besides, that matter is actually not very urgent, it should be in time, that is her instinct!

Although, she has always been very serious about restraining the powers that are not applicable beyond Lulu, but, no matter how much she restrains, she can still faintly perceive some things in advance, such as: when is she Departure, when will I arrive at the destination to do the least and easiest work, and to complete the task the fastest?

   Anyway, it was a very strange feeling. It is difficult to describe in detail, but it has always been very spiritual. So, this is one of the reasons why she has been here forever.

"and so!"

   "It’s a necessary task to let people eat well first!"


  Is it necessary or not, Annie doesn't really care.

She wouldn't say, she just changed temporarily because she smelled the smell of the restaurant when she was passing by looking for a boat; then she couldn't bear the smell of going, and finally she couldn't bear it, she didn't need to bear it anymore, so she changed temporarily After thinking about his ideas and schedule, I adjusted my plan slightly, and put the less important things to the end, and then I came here, planning to have a good meal first.

   beep! beep!


   At this time, while Annie was waiting for a certain proprietress to serve food, the kind of mobile communication tool carried by their important members suddenly lit up.

   "Why this time..."

   Annie didn't activate it the first time, because she knew that if there was a communication coming from this time, it must be the bad old man of Makarov or the big sister Miraj who came to ask about the situation!

   But, she didn't find the tower right now, so how did she know what the situation was like? So, of course, she didn't want to pick it up, but wanted to wait until she was full and set off to complete the task.

   beep! beep!


   beep! beep!

   "Damn it!!"


It's a pity that the thing kept ringing stubbornly, and then, a little impatient, she grabbed it. After she turned her back to the window and adjusted it so that the person in the communication could see the direction of the sea, she was stunned. He entered his magic power and connected to the remote magic communication system.


   As expected, the two faces that appeared in the magic communication screen are not President Makarov and Sister Miraj, who are they?

'Great! ’

  ‘Annie! ’

  ‘I finally got in touch with you, how is it, have you found Elisa and the others now? ’

  ‘Are they okay? ’

   In the screen, just after seeing Annie connect to the communication, Makarov and Miraj both exclaimed and hurriedly asked.

"That one……"


   "I should find it soon, right?"

   Annie was a little evasive, not daring to look at each other in the communication.

  Because, is it possible for her to say: She is still staying on the shore to eat, and she is still going to continue to eat, she didn't even look for the tower on the sea and Elisa and others seriously?

  Ε=)) alas

   "People are now looking for what they are looking for!"

   "If you don't believe me, look at it!!!"


  Anni triumphantly pointed to the background board behind her. It was a vast ocean, and she felt unusually quiet and charming in the night.

   That's right!

She just wanted to create the illusion that she was looking for it at sea and was about to find it soon, but she couldn’t say that, because it’s wrong for a child to lie directly, but if it’s the other person’s own misunderstanding If it does, it doesn't matter to her.


  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘My dear, the drama performance just now was so beautiful! ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘Go to your house tonight? ’

  ‘No more, my parents are back...’

  ‘Then go to my house? ’


  At this time, there were two dog men and women who were snuggling together, talking and laughing, just walking past the ‘surface of the sea’ behind her, and even the content of the conversation was passed over.

   At the same time, the lighthouse in the distance swept toward this side undeadly, and suddenly swept out the shadow and outline of a large building, which revealed some of her conspiracy in an instant.

"That one……"


   "People seem to be able to explain..."


   Annie began to think urgently, and was thinking about what to say to fool the two people who were in a petrified state in the communication.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Annie! You guy, haven't you been looking for it? ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘You wait for me! ’

  ‘Wait for you to come back, I have to...’

Sure enough, after discovering some problems, the two originally worried guys in the screen changed their faces instantly, and that Miraj even approached the magic communication device and shouted angrily at Annie. When he got up, he roared with his mouth wide open, and even the small pink uvula in his throat was exposed.

'That one……'

'OK! ’

  ‘Xiaomi La, this is not the time to talk about that! ’

'Hey! ’

  ‘Let me say a few words first. ’

   After a long time, Makarov finally pushed away the angry Miraj, and leaned forward to the Moffa communication device in a dreadful manner:

  ‘Annie! ’

'I just received news from the Magic Council. Although the speaker was not there, the council passed the resolution. There will be at most half an hour before the council will use the satellite magic circle to display the magic power of the wizard, directly Destroy the tower of the paradise on the sea instantly! ’

'and so! ’

  ‘If you can catch up, please be sure to immediately notify Elisa and the others, and let them leave immediately! ! ’

  ‘The sooner the better! ’

  ‘There’s not much time left for you! ! ’

   Makarov was very anxious, and spoke in that simple and stern tone.

   "Half an hour..."


   If it’s only half an hour, it seems to be a little nervous, and Annie’s plan to start off after eating and drinking must not work.

  ‘Annie! ’

  ‘You should be near Kaelum right now, right? Have you found that island? How long will it take to go there? ’

   Makarov continued to question him anxiously. He did not open up angrily like Miraj, because it didn't make any sense to do that. He just wanted to quickly see if there was any remedy.


   "It's about twenty minutes, right? If you drive the boat faster, it might be earlier!"


  ’! ! ’

  ‘Then what are you doing now? Don’t hurry up? ! ! ’

   Finally, UU reading www. Makarov scolded, even the two strands of white hair on both sides of the bald and bright head couldn't help but stand up.



   "People, people, go now!!!"


No way, after seeing that today is indeed not a good meal, Annie sighed, and quickly dropped a wad of money, and then grabbed a damned bear, Tibbers, who was gloating for misfortune, directly Turning over the window, he rushed towards the shore.

  ’! ! ’

'The guests? ’

'Hey! ’

'The guests! ’

  ‘You are...’

   The proprietress who was just about to bring the food saw this, she was so frightened that she put down everything she had on hand and ran after her.

'Ok? ’

   However, she only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the stack of money on the desk.

'Scared me! ’

  ‘I thought that little guest was going to run away...’

  ‘It’s just, it’s so good, why do you want to turn the window? ’


   The proprietor of the restaurant didn't know that Annie was actually going to save the world.

   So, after ordering some banknotes, she found that the pile of money was only a lot more, so she put them in her pocket contentedly, and then complained, and asked her daughter to come over and clean the table quickly.

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