Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1372: ?(???)? The process is not important...

Undoubtedly, although hurrying and hurriedly hurrying, a nasty little girl who was unwilling to use more power to'foul' the rules still failed to catch up with the'magic spirit' that came from the magic council and fell from the sky Force' bombing.


Fortunately, her unreliable'intuition' was quite reliable, although the bombing had already ended when she arrived, and even the'Tower of Paradise' was bombed to reveal its core crystal. The skeleton reveals the true face of its'R system', but it is amazing that the person inside the'Tower of Paradise' is as safe as her intuition, and there is no accident!

   Anyway, if Annie saw it, everyone in their guild was still alive, and she definitely didn't need to worry about certain promises.

Then, she hid like that, taking a moment to watch the duel between Elisa and the guy with the tattoo, and the next duel between Naz and the guy with the tattoo, and finally saw what happened before the crystal exploded. Some interesting things...

In the end, after everything was over, she was slow to arrive, driving the boat in a leisurely posture of'savior', connecting all the guys in the water to the speedboat she rented, and then just like that. Their group of dumb guys who should have been drifting at sea for many days, combined their group of people, Elsa, Naz, Lucy, Gray, and Hobbi, plus the group of "childhood buddies" Elisa knew and A certain "iron chin man" who almost died, etc., were all caught on the boat and drove directly back to the bay of Magnolia City, back to the dam of the guild's residence.

   And now, three full days have passed since the battle that took place in the "Tower of Paradise".

Since the guild’s residence has not been repaired so far, all including Elisa and Naz, the "Fire Frog" who had eaten the wrong thing, had a bit of energy in the body, and had to dormant for a long time. All were arranged to live in a small garden villa with the best living environment and the most rooms for recuperation.

   That's right!

   The small garden villa with the best living environment and the most rooms is the house where Annie and Lucy rented together!

   But now, they are indeed home to an entire team...

Anyway, right now Elsa, Hobby the cat, Gray, and a certain Naz who is still asleep waiting to recover, moved in together, and occupied three rooms all at once, and at the same time, let the original daily Some of the hired maids who only need to take care of the daily lives of two people expressed their pity.

  ‘Look, look! ’

  ‘It’s been three days, why haven’t they left yet? ’

  ‘Shhh! ’

  ‘Keep your voice down, those are the friends of Miss Anne and Miss Lucy, they seem to be magicians! ’

  'Magic? ’

  ‘What’s wrong with the Sorcerer, can the Sorcerer stay at someone’s house? ’

  ‘I’m telling you, I can see that our little hostess, Miss Anne, doesn’t like them at all. Look at her expression! Besides, we didn't collect the wages of their group of people, so why let us serve them all day long? ’

  ‘Forget it, bear with me for a few days, anyway, they will leave after they get well. ’

  ‘I don’t think so! ’

  ‘If...they refuse to leave by then, will you continue to provide services to them? Look, especially what the cat and the man have made the house look like, it keeps us busy every day! ’


  ‘Then what can you do? Are you quitting this job? ’

  ‘That’s not necessary! ’

  ‘I’m thinking, at that time, should we go and talk to them well, let them share the service fee and rent together? ’

  ‘Is this bad? We shouldn't talk about this kind of thing! ’


  ‘It’s alright, don’t say anything, go and work! ’

  ‘Anyway, it’s appropriate for Miss Lucy and the others to talk about this kind of thing. We are servants. Don’t you dare to ask those fierce wizards? ’


  ‘Let’s go, be careful not to be heard by those people. ’


The maids complained and complained, but there was no way. After all, those people were friends of their employers. Although the other party moved in to make them busy with their otherwise idle work, they only needed to prepare meals and washes for two. The clothes for the two have increased several times, and even the cleaning has become more difficult to handle... But anyway, it is still their work, so even if they feel unhappy, they face But I don't dare to complain too much, I can only hope that the other party can heal the injury and get out sooner?

   In fact, what they just said is true!

  Because, at this moment, not only them, but even one of their employers, a smart, cute, well-behaved and clever little girl who is looking angry at this time is just like what they just thought!



   "Damn it!"

"You bad guys! I didn't call anyone when I went to a hot resort hotel, and I have to ask them to run to rescue you all the way...I'm all right now, I'm back, all of them are injured, just to know Go to someone’s house to live in a delicious and delicious place, you guys, it’s really bad!"


   In the presence of Elisa, Lucy, Gray, and a certain cat Hobby, who were still in bandages, Annie yelled and complained so very uncomfortably on the spot.

Although, she didn't do anything at all, and was late in the end, didn't participate in the real battle, and didn't promptly remind some lucky guys to retreat in time, but anyway, she is still keeping the promise. , Arrived at the'Tower of Paradise', and before everything was destroyed, all these guys were'fished' back.


   "That's not right! Annie, didn't we call you at that time? Didn't that guy Rocky remember to give you the accommodation voucher for the Akane Beach Resort?"

   "This shouldn't be..."

   Lucy was a little startled when she heard Annie's angrily, and then asked in exclamation.

To be honest, Lucy always thought that Rocky had also given the angrily little guy in front of him an accommodation voucher, but this little guy didn’t like to run so far to play, so he avoided it. appeared.

   How can I think, it seems that things are not what she imagined?

   So, I suddenly heard the other party say that today. After a little embarrassment, she looked at Elisa, who was also a little surprised, and carefully confirmed the way with her eyes towards the other party.


   "I thought Lucy, you called Annie, that's why..."

   Elisa made an innocent look, and slumped her shoulders, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with her.

After all, Lucy has always lived with Annie. It stands to reason that Lucy should be reminded of this kind of thing. Let her, the "outsider" who lived elsewhere, to notify, that is indeed the case. Something is unreasonable, and she will never carry that pot!


   "And Gray, you didn't seem to notice it at the time, did you?"

   Talking, Elisa looked at Hobby the cat and some exhibitionist who was shirtless in other people's homes, and asked with her eyes.

   Anyway, when she set out that morning, she did not hear anyone telling her that a certain little girl had not arrived at the scene to gather and set off for vacation together.

'Meow? ’

  ’Did Annie not be with us before? Hobby always thought she had followed, but she just ran to play on her own! ’


  ‘Listening to what you guys said, I seem to remember it too. Before, did we accidentally forget Annie? ’

   At this time, the cats Hobby and Gray looked at each other, and then finally came back to their senses. It seems that they had indeed forgotten a certain little guy at the time?

  ‘Let’s just say, I always felt like I was missing something at the time. ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Habi didn’t forget! ’

  ‘Hobby just thought you all remembered it, so Hobby didn’t say it! ’


  ‘Hobby, you just forgot! ’

  ‘Habi is not there! ! ’

  ‘There is it! ’

'No! ! ! ’


Hobby and Gray quarreled, but they weren’t too guilty...because it wasn’t just that the two of them accidentally forgot a little guy, in fact, all of them were just taking care of themselves at the time. Happy, all Qiqi at the same time selectively forgot a poor little girl in his head, it's not just their fault!


   "I'm sorry Annie, it seems everyone forgot about you..."

   "But it's all Loki's fault!"

   "If he hadn't forgotten to give you the accommodation voucher, even if we had forgotten all of them, we wouldn't have left you behind!"

   While talking, Lucy, with a silly expression on her face, hurriedly pushed all the responsibility to a certain celestial spirit who ran back to the astral world, whose true identity was the head of the zodiac in Leo.

   "The main thing is..."

   "Who let you sleep in the morning when we all set off? If you don't sleep in, we will definitely remember to call you together, even if you don't have an accommodation voucher!"

   "Elisa, are you right?"

   Lucy winked at Elisa, trying to get the other party to cooperate with her and shirk all the responsibilities! In any case, she would definitely not admit that Lucy had forgotten an important companion and only cared about the fact that she was going on vacation. She would say nothing, nor would she admit it to death!



   "Are you not ignorant, people are not just sleeping in that morning, in fact, they like to sleep in every day!!"


Annie was righteous and strong. She didn't even mean the least bit of shame. She told everyone some of her laziness and bad ailments in such a grand manner, and she also said something that I am proud and glorious of. Look like.


"very sorry!"


   "This is indeed our fault. As companions, we should indeed remember to inform you at that time. For this, I apologize to you on behalf of everyone!"

However, to Lucy’s surprise, Elisa did not learn to shirk responsibility like she or Habi did. Instead, after indulging for a while, she directly apologized to Annie in a sincere and generous manner, and admitted everyone at the time. It is indeed a fact that the other party has forgotten.



   An apology is obviously useless, and Annie did not accept it.

  Because, that is not enough for her to choose to forgive these bad guys, even if she got a very important promise from a bad old man because of them! In short, regardless of whether the other party apologized or not, she would be angry for a long, long time in this matter, and it would be useless to persuade anyone!

  ′`●))) alas


   Looking at the little guy with an angry look, after finally knowing why the other party has been very unwelcome them for the past two days, Eliza shook her head dumbfoundedly and looked at Lucy on the side.


   "Lucy, isn't Naz awake yet?"


   "I just went to see him, he is still asleep in the room, and he slept well!"

   "That's right!"

   "Habi just went to see it too!"


   "It's been three days, is that guy really okay? Would you like a doctor to see it?"

   "It shouldn't be used anymore, right?"


"Really, who told him to directly eat the magic crystal containing the powerful magical elves? He is the'Fire Dragon Slayer', not the'Crystal Dragon Slayer', really It's too messy!"

   "What a monster..."

   "Don't you say that, Gray!"

   "However, thanks to Naz, otherwise, this time I am afraid that the guy will really succeed!"


   "Anyway, I'm really sorry. This time, it's all because of me. You could spend two days at Akane Beach and the resort hotel, but it caused everyone trouble..."


   "Elisa, don't say that, we are partners, aren't we?"

   "Yes, Elisa, you have said these things several times..."

   "That's it!"

   "Everyone is a companion, a family member, where do I need to apologize? Hubby, don't you think?"

   "Meow~! That's right!"

"That's it!"


   While talking, everyone began to persuade Elisa, who still seemed to be a little guilty and guilty.

Think about it, this time the attack on Akane Beach was indeed all caused by Elisa. Of course, the main culprit was also related to the other party’s childhood friends, but it was also because Related, everyone can successfully prevent Geral's attempt to resurrect Seref's conspiracy.

   Otherwise, if they were not involved in this matter, maybe something terrible would happen in this world!


"Speaking of Akane Beach, what I am more concerned about is actually another news: just now, I seemed to have heard a rumor on the guild’s construction site that it was President Makarov who made a public promise. Turned Annie into the first heir to the president of our guild?"

   "Laxus even came back yesterday to be furious and had a fight..."

   "Hey! Annie!"

   "That thing must not be true, right?"

   Among the crowd, that is, Gray and Lucy are basically not injured and can move around.

But Lucy needs to stay at home to take care of Elisa and Naz. Therefore, if you can go to the guild residence to hang around and hear some'new' news, it is only Gray who is clearly unharmed, but is playing. The guy who blatantly refused to participate in voluntary labor in the name of the wounded soldier and came here all day to idle.


   "Is there any other kind of thing?"

"No way?"

   "Ann, Annie, what Gray said is true. President Makarov really said that?"

   Now, after hearing Gray's words, Elisa and Lucy couldn't help but turned their heads in astonishment, and looked at a little girl who seemed to be a little smug on her face.

   "I said it!"


   "Anyway, when he really abdicates one day, they will be the new president! Whoever dares to refuse, they will beat him up!"


  Anni said, especially for the Laxus who ran to the resident construction site yesterday, the other party had better be careful!

That is to say, the old man Makarov has not formally abdicated. If he abdicates, if that nasty guy dared to make trouble and oppose her Queen Anne’s inheritance of the presidential position, you can see if she will not then. Will beat each other badly?


   "How is this possible?!"

   "I still can't believe that the president will actually say that outrageous thing... Annie, are you threatening the president or using some magic to control him?"

   Lucy felt that she couldn't believe that kind of thing anyway.

If the guild leader handed over the guild to Mira, to Elsa, to Elfman or anyone else, even the **** of Laxus, she would not be too surprised, but only It's not the little guy in front of you!

   Anyway, even if she has a very good relationship between Lucy and Little Annie, she doesn't think it's really a good thing for such a big guild to be in the hands of such a little girl in front of her! After all, the other party is still too young, and he only knows how to mess around all day long, and God knows what outrageous things the other party can do after taking over the position of the president.


   "He agreed voluntarily! If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Mila or someone else another, many people were there at that time!"

  Oo hum!

   Annie doesn't want to explain too much, anyway, it's just like that. Whether these guys believe it or not, it's a fact!


   Speaking of this, Lucy has nothing to say except for surprise.


"Okay, Lucy, I think, there must be something hidden in this... Another day, wait until you meet the president or Mira and ask again. Anyway, it's a while, and the president shouldn't be in a hurry. abdicate."

   Elisa stopped Lucy who still wanted to say something. Although she had guessed something faintly, she was not in a hurry to figure out the whole story, nor was she in a hurry to correct it.

"bring it on!"

   "Let’s go see Naz again and see if he is awake?"

   "It's been three days, but it's worrying to think about it..."

   After finishing speaking, Elisa asked Lucy to help her stand up hard, and then dragged her injured and bandaged body to a small room on the second floor.

   She intends to see the stupid guy who hasn't woken up after sleeping for three days and three nights, because he ate the wrong food and caused his body to be overdrawn.

   "No matter what you ask, it's useless!"

   "That matter has been decided, it is the kind that cannot be changed!!"


   Regardless of whether the other party heard it or not, Annie just yelled such a sentence toward the back of the two of them.


  |˙˙)? Tickets

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