Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1373: ( ̄? ̄)/New station and civil war

'so big…...'

'it's beautiful……'

  ‘Wow~! ’

  ‘Is this the future home of Hobbit? ’


After more than a month, when Elsa, Naz and others recovered from their injuries and finally prepared to move out of Anne and Lucy’s home, they had not visited the guild’s premises for several days. At this point, Qi Qi was surprised to find that the guild residence that was damaged and even razed to the ground was caused by the war, and Qi Qi was shocked by their new larger, higher, and more beautiful castle. Up.

  None of them thought that President Makarov and the others would be so desperate to lead a large group of magicians to rush to work, and it took less than two months to complete it?

  ‘Don’t sigh! ’

  ‘Let’s go! ’

  ‘Let’s go in and take a look! ’

  ‘Naz! ’

  ‘Annie! Come here soon! ’

'Wow! ’

  ‘This... is this an outdoor cafe? ’

In astonishment, the cheerful Lucy, Elsa, Gray, and Hobby rushed in from the gate of the iron-stained courtyard first, and behind them was someone who didn’t know why they were a little unhappy. Naz and a little girl who didn't think it was so rare.



At this time, Annie actually had some disdain in her heart. She didn't think this new guild resident castle was so great, at least, it was far worse than her former Saffron Castle and the palace in the City of Fire. !

   But, disdainful and disdainful, she still followed a few people and walked into this new station, ready to see what this new guild would belong to her great Queen Anne in the future, what it is like?

  ‘Look, look! ’

  ‘There is not only an open-air cafe, but also a grocery store! ! ’

'It really is……'

  ‘God! ’

  ‘Lucy Lucy, come and take a look, there are still your figures on sale here! ’


  ‘It seems that you can take off all the clothes! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Hobby! stop! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! Who allowed you to sell this thing? ! ’

'Hey! ’

   Elisa, Annie, Gray, and Naz didn't bother Lucy and Hobby who were making trouble in front of the grocery store, but continued to wander around like this.

Soon, they discovered that there is not just a castle with a main body built of huge stone bases, but also a huge, complete and fully functional supporting castle complex with the exception of the main castle. Huge garden!

At this time, at the front entrance of the castle, there is a huge, yellow-bottomed and silver heraldic flag with a gold rim. It hangs under the castle's clock tower, even if it is far away, as long as it is in Magnolia. The open area inside can be clearly seen.

In addition to the open-air cafes and grocery stores they are seeing, there are also restaurants, cafes, noodle shops and other shops. Moreover, on the first floor of the castle, there is a huge and beautiful indoor tavern with a stage, which can almost simultaneously All the members accommodated here are drinking, frolicking and celebrating, which is incomparable to the original small wooden building anyway.

At the same time, there is a huge open-air swimming pool and man-made beach in the back garden of the tavern, allowing men and women in the guild to show off their graceful or sturdy figures after drinking and eating to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Power in order to inject new vitality and new generations.

In addition to the swimming pool, there is also a huge playground on the basement level of the pub, which has entertainment facilities such as billiards, darts, barbells, game consoles, etc., as well as a huge task commission bulletin board, which allows the guild to When the members are relaxed, they choose various entrusted tasks that they like or are within their ability.

   Finally, it is the second floor of the guild castle...

   In the past, when the guild site was still a small broken wooden building, the second floor would never allow guild members below level S to go up. That was an iron law!

   But things have changed now.

   Maybe it is President Makarov or Miraj who thinks that the distinct hierarchy is not conducive to the internal unity of the guild? Anyway, anyone can go on the second floor of the guild resident, even the worst guild wizard!

However, although anyone can join, the conditions for receiving an S-level mission entrustment have not changed. It is still necessary to have an S-level wizard in the team or get the permission of an S-level wizard to travel together. Otherwise, , Then it really can only be seen.

   For example, there are now two S-rank wizards in a team that is known to be the strongest and most troublesome team, that is, the team of Annie and the others?

Of course, in addition to becoming bigger, more luxurious, and more humane, the current changes in the guild have also added a lot of new faces. Anyway, when they walked in all the way, Elisa and Naz have seen a lot of people from They were originally hostile to the guild, but now they have heraldic emblems.

Just like the one who destroyed the old station before, was later captured by Annie and detained for a long time, but because of this, he escaped the trial of the Magic Council. He has the strongest man and is also the "Iron Dragon Slayer" "Gajiro Leit Fox" and Jubia Rox, one of the "Four Elements" who disappeared after being shot into the air by Annie, and others.

Of course, a certain earth wizard'Sol' who is also one of the'four elements', that hapless gentleman was not seen by Elisa and others... Maybe, that hapless guy is still paying Still in the sea as a drifting bottle and floating, and it is also called every day should not, the ground is not working, right?

But that kind of thing is not important. What surprises Elsa and others at the moment is that when a group of them came to this huge bar lobby on the first floor of the castle, they had not waited for them to decide where to sit first. As soon as I sat, suddenly, as the lights dimmed, a certain welcoming show began.

'Hello everyone! ’

  ‘In order to welcome Naz and the others to their safe return...and to celebrate the completion of the new guild residence, I will sing a song here! ’

When they looked towards the only light source, they quickly saw: At this moment, Miraj, dressed in a costume, was sitting on the slowly opened stage with the guitar in his arms. After the loudspeaker microphone welcomed and appreciated their recovery and their previous actions, they just started singing and performing.


   ‘I gently stroked...’

   "The table where you can't see your figure..."


Melodious and soft, the beautiful voice, like a beloved lover's whispering in the ear, began to spread throughout the hall of the guild under the accompaniment of the guitar, causing the noisy members of the guild to quiet down one after another, and could not help but listen carefully. Listening.


'Eh? ’


   At this time, Miraj, who was performing on the stage, was only halfway through the song, and she seemed to have discovered something. Then she sang and looked towards the curtain on the side, and at the same time couldn't help exclaiming.


   She was actually under the light, under the gaze of countless people, she turned into a petrified statue holding a guitar and sitting on a stool on the stage?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘What, what’s going on? ’

  'Mira? ! ’

  ‘Sister! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Who is tired of life, dare to come to our Fairy Tail station to make trouble? ’

'what's the situation? ’

  ‘Is that a stone? Is it petrified? ’

'do not know……'

At this time, when everyone was shocked and puzzled, when the lights in the hall turned on again, when everyone shouted in exclamation to stand up for the first time, when they saw that their sister had an accident and was the first to rush to the stage recklessly Elfman also seemed to have discovered something and subconsciously turned his head to look at the curtain, he turned into a stone statue in an instant, and in a protective posture, he opened his hands and held his sister Miraj In front of the stone statue.

  ‘Elfman, be careful! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

   A reminder sounded, but it was still too late.

   "Damn it!"

Annie was a little angry, because she had a very good relationship with Big Sister Mila. The other party often made her a good meal, and ah, she was happily listening to the song, but now it’s good. Some people just do it abruptly. How could she be happy after coming for a while?



   "Damn it!"

   "Who is it?!"

Seeing that even Elfman was attacked and petrified, Naz, who had been a little absent from the changes in the guild’s residence, immediately clenched his fists, and at the same time the flames started to ignite in his hands, he planned to fly. Pounced on the stage and pulled out some guy who was hiding behind the curtain.

However, when he was just about to exert force under his feet, Elisa, who was still wearing a bandage, pressed his shoulders and turned her head to look aside and walked to the stage with a calm face. Chairman Makarov is here.


   "Did they come back?"

   Obviously, Elisa knew what was going on, so she took action to stop Naz, and turned her head and waited for the chairman's reaction.





   "Is it my own?"

Of course Annie also saw the coat of arms above the bulging chest exposed by the other party. She knew that the other party was also a member of the guild, and looked at the expression and tone of a bad old man. After knowing that the other party was indeed an acquaintance, she reluctantly Stopped the thought of preparing to do something.

   "Asshole thing!"

   "Hurry up and restore Miraj and Elfman to their original state?"

   "Did you hear that?!"

   Although Makarov has a bad premonition in his heart, but now he only cares about the conditions of the petrified Miraj and Elfman, and does not want to hear what the other party says!

"Not urgent……"

   "President, after all the requirements of Lord Laxus are met, they will naturally be restored to their original state! Otherwise..."

   However, the Aba Gelin, who was clearly a member of the Monster Tail, ignored President Makarov's words at all, but walked aside with a smile.

   Click! !

At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly struck the stage, and after a strong light passed, everyone quickly discovered that the sneer was sneer, and he knew at first sight that it was the "Thunder Dragon Slayer Slayer" Laksas who was unkind. Appeared in the middle of the stage.


   "Guys, how are you guys?"

After the shining appearance, Laxus smiled so grimly, and put his hands in his trouser pockets like a demon. In the subsequent appearances of the Laxus Guards such as Philip Justin and Pigusrow, the "Thunder Gods" Surrounded by', just standing on the stage, looking condescendingly at the new guild station, watching the guild members in the lobby bar who are a little at a loss and seem to be unclear about their situation.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘I knew it was Laxus, and his guards! ’

  ‘But what does he want to do? ’

  ‘What else can I do? Have you forgotten that he had just made trouble on this unfinished construction site a while ago? ’

'what! ’

  ‘So, doesn’t he want to...’

  ‘That’s right! ’

  ‘He must be ready to usurp the throne! ’

  ‘But, do you rely on the four of them? ’

  ‘Don’t underestimate the four of them, Laxas won’t talk about it, just his guards are very strong! It is said that they all have the strength not to lose to the S-rank wizards! ’

'what? ’

  ‘Then what shall we do? ’

   ‘I don’t know, let’s see how the chairman will deal with it first...’

  ‘Good too! ’


Seeing Laxus coming out, seeing the opponent’s guards all appearing, and after arguing for a while, the other guild members who knew what the opponent might do, they soon calmed down again and prepared to take a look. How would the guild leader deal with the rebellious person? As soon as he came back, he would petrify the grandsons of two important guild members.

   After all, no matter how you say it, Laksas is indeed the grandson of the president. There are some things that outsiders like them are really not good at directly intervening.


   "Stop messing around! Get them back to their original condition!"

   "You also know that being petrified for a long time is not good for them, it will cause irreversible harm, have you heard?!"

   Makarov didn't care what the guild members around him thought, he just yelled at Laxus and the others.


   "Old man, don't yell at me..."

   "I am the same as I said last time. As long as you formally pass on the position of the chairman to me, I will naturally restore them, otherwise..."

   "Let’s have a good time today!"

   "After all, when the new president takes office, UU Reading always needs to show the guild's strength and establish authority, don't you think?"

   With a grinning grin, Laxus didn't care about Makarov's annoyance at all, and just said coldly.


   "I didn't want to do it so soon, at least I had to wait until the harvest festival to be ready, but..."

   "After you announce that kind of thing in public, I don't want to wait any longer!"

"How can you……"

   "Tell the position of the guild president to such a ridiculous guy?!"

   After finishing speaking, Laxus angrily stretched out his hand at a little girl with an innocent look.

   Yes, the reason why Laxus chose to do it now is because of Makarov's previous decision! Feeling that what originally belonged to him was being taken away by an inexplicable little girl, he finally made up his mind to use force to take back what belonged to him!

And, he wants to take advantage of the opportunity that the new guild has just completed to show his power to all members. He wants to let them know that he is the most suitable and only suitable candidate to become the president, not That kid who didn't know the so-called, didn't know where it came from!



   Annie said that she would promptly raise any comments, anyway, she would definitely not accept it! Moreover, she has been appointed the position of the president, and it is useless for anyone to stop!

   Who dares to oppose, she beats someone! !



   ask for a ticket

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