Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1374: ?(???*)? Fairy Tournament!



In the guild’s new resident, Laxas, known as the strongest S-rank "Thunder Dragon Slayer", and his subordinates of the "Thunder Gods" are still on the pub stage on the first floor of the guild castle with the rest. The members, including the chairman Makarov, confronted each other.

They just stood next to the stone statues of Miraj and Elfman who were petrified, threatening their personal safety, and making everyone on the stage afraid to fight no matter how angry they were. They rallied and attacked.

   "Quiet everyone!"

After reaching out for the others to stop talking, President Makarov became so calm, watching the petrified siblings of Miraj and Elfman, while slowly walking forward, directly Before going to the stage.

   "Say it!"


   "What do you want to do when you come back this time?!"

   Then he raised his head and asked in a deep voice at Laxus who was standing on the stage and the other guards, the "Thunder Gods" and others.


   "Why, didn't I say very clearly what I just said?"


"Then I'll say it again: It's very simple, old man. I just think that you are very old. The last war with you already explained some problems, didn't you? So, I think you should retire... and will Longer position, maybe you should hand it over sooner?"

"in my opinion……"

   "The guild president should be held by the strongest person in the guild, not the little girl you just announced casually before?"

"but me……"

   "It's just the strongest one!"

   To be honest, Laxus’ original plan was not to rush to the palace like this.

   He originally planned to set up a game first, and then took advantage of the opportunity of the members to return to participate in the festival, to wipe out the entire guild and establish that Laxus himself is the strongest wizard!

Then, he took over the chairmanship of the stubborn old man logically and justifiably, and then led the stronger ones selected by him to make his guild bigger and stronger, so that it could truly become the entire kingdom, and even The strongest guild on the entire continent!

   Not like it is now, although it is said to be one of the best in the kingdom in name, but when you look around, the house is full of mobs who fail to succeed and fail to succeed! So that even or that kind of garbage, dare to step on them casually!

   And that kind of thing, he couldn't accept Laxus anyway, and he had endured it for a long, long time.


   "What's wrong with letting others, do you want to fight?"


The other party interrupted the performance and didn't say anything, but also petrified Big Sister Mila and the big Elfman, and even repeatedly slandered myself in front of everyone, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Queen Anne, how can Anne tolerate that kind of thing?

   "If you have the ability, come down, and see if others will beat you up!!"


   In Annie's opinion, the strongest person in the guild is not talking about herself?

Therefore, she rushed forward quickly, and then ran to the side of the old man Makarov, threatened with a small fist, and blasted the stage with a shining spear if there was a big discrepancy. That kind of impulse.

   Of course, Annie is only impulsive for the time being, and she definitely won't do it for the time being.

Because, there are still two dumb guys like Sister Mila and Elfman on the top. She will definitely not be able to beat him up, but if the bear Tibbers accidentally beat him up...then, the two above. A hapless person will definitely be broken by the whole!

   When the time comes, once the two of them are actually broken, with her current strength, it is not easy to clean up the mess.



   "I don't know the so-called kid!"

   "Do you think that your kind of fairy magic and huge skills that can transform people, I have no means of restraint?"

Hearing that a little girl in the audience dared to say something to herself, of course Laxus was unceremoniously stunned, and he really summoned Thunder in his hand. It seemed that he really wanted to talk to someone. What does it mean that a so-called president's'first in line' heirs compete against each other?

   "Then you are down!!!"


Anne really didn’t believe the other party’s hotness. Soon she thought of the means of restraining her fairy spells, so she was ready. Once the other party came down, once the other party entered her casting range, she would use that kind of power. The magic that shapes reality and changes the essential structure of the world turns the opponent into a toad, then stuffs it into a bottle to accompany certain tentacles?

  When the time comes, after the other party has been trained by some ancient evil gods for a period of time, I must have a deep understanding of what kind of powerful existence her Queen Anne is!


   However, instead of waiting for Laxus to come down, or waiting for a little girl who was eager to try, a certain red-haired woman with a heroic face stopped them in time.


   "Listen to me! No matter what kind of decision the chairman made before, that is not the reason for you to come here today to make trouble!"

   "I advise you to release Miraj and Elfman immediately!"

   "Or else..."

   "I swear I will never forgive you!!"

Although the injuries on her body have not fully recovered, and although most of her body is still bandaged, Elsa still stood out from the crowd aggressively and directly summoned her set.' Lei Di's armor, holding a long cool spear, pointed at Laxus on the stage and screamed.

   "Elisa is right!"

   "If you dare to hurt Mira, I will also use my fist to beat you hard!!"

   Seeing that the chairman, a certain little girl and Elisa have all stood up and expressed their views, Naz certainly stood up unwillingly, and at the same time a fierce dragon fire started to burn on both fists.

"and also!"

   "I, Naz, are actually more willing to support Annie as the president than you are a bad guy!"

  Actually, Naz didn't mind who would become the president, because he was out of his turn anyway, and he didn't want to be at all!


   No matter who it is, Laxus can't do it! He just saw that the arrogant and domineering fellow of Laxus was not pleasing to the eye, even more pleasing to the eye than the exhibitionist Gray! So, he doesn't care about that much, he just opposes for the sake of opposition, even if he recommends someone worse than the other person to be the president!

   "You don't know yet, do you?"

   "Annie, she secretly agreed to me. If she becomes the president, she can let me eat and drink for nothing in the guild every day!"

   "On this point alone, it is much better than you, a bad guy!"

As he spoke, Naz, who had never been able to hide things in his heart, directly shook some shameful transactions to the public, and then grinned innocently, completely ignoring the surroundings. The people looked at him with contempt and shocked eyes in amazement.


   got it!

   Now, Annie didn't know what to say, and her desire to fight was instantly extinguished.

  ’! ! ’

'what? ’

  ‘Is there such a thing? ’

'No way? ’

   At this time, many people who were still filled with indignation at Laxus, the members of the guild looked at Naz and a little girl who suddenly turned black and had some scorn in amazement.

   "What to look at!"

   "It's not normal to run for office as president or something, to give money to the voters and promise benefits? Isn't that normal?!"


   Annie didn't think there was anything wrong with what she did. Anyway, she learned that trick from the earthlings. Why can't she use the methods that the earthlings can use? Why can't she use them?


  ‘That’s right! ’

  ‘However, if Annie dared to make such a promise to the rest of us, perhaps, I would also support her as the president? ’

  ‘Haha! ’

'I can do it too! ’

  ‘Shut up, Arzac, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak! ’

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘But, don’t tell me, Karna, that condition is really tempting. ’

  ‘If only a little more conditions could be added...’

'you guys! ’

  ‘Damn it! Is it time to discuss that matter? ’

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘How angry is Lei than you? ’

  ‘But I think, if Laxas also gave the same conditions, there should be many people who support him? ’

'Not always……'

'How to say? ’

  ‘I’m telling you...’


   Then, of course, after a short silence, the members of the guild began to discuss vigorously, loudly or quietly.


   "Be quiet first!"

Finally, I saw that my grandson was determined, and I saw that a little guy didn’t even know when he had secretly started arranging and bribing some important members of the guild, and I saw that other people also really started to discuss on-site like a serious matter. When he got up, Makarov finally couldn't help it, and he yelled loudly on the spot, finally calming the situation with the prestige of his current president.

   However, after squeezing everyone down, he soon wilted again. The angry expression that had originally looked at Laxus could not help but gradually become bleak and lonely, as if he was several years old in an instant.

"I understand!"

   "It seems that you are all counting on me to retire soon..."

Want to retire and get out early, a little girl has said countless times since the day she joined the guild, and several old friends in her council, Yagema and Polusika, too All that means are persuading oneself to retire early and not to continue working for the guild.


And now, seeing that his own grandchildren are beginning to openly oppose him, and seeing so many people in the discussion, they are faintly expecting the president of the relatives. Therefore, at this moment, Makarov can't help but feel somewhat Feeling discouraged, and at the same time sighed exhaustedly

   "Never mind!"

   "I know what to do."

   Finally, after pondering for a long time, Makarov suddenly strained his face, raised his head, and looked at the grandson on the stage who brought his hands down and forced him to the palace.


   "Since you said Laxus just now, the leader of the Fairy Tail Guild can only be the strongest, then...I will meet your requirements!"


With that said, Makarov ignored the expression of the slightly surprised grandson on the stage, and turned around and looked at the little girls Annie, Elsa, Naz, Gray, and Lucy in front of him. , Karna, and a bunch of other familiar faces, and then said loudly:

   "I officially announce now!"

   "Wait until next month, when the annual harvest festival, we will hold the first tournament on the sea of ​​Magnolia, which is on the ruins of the castle on the sea behind the guild!"

   "The tournament will take a round of KO elimination system, anyone can participate!"

"By the time……"

   "In addition to the title of the strongest wizard, the final winner of the decisive victory will also be the next one, the official fourth-generation president!!"

   Makarov used amplifying magic so that his voice could be heard by everyone present.

To be honest, although Laxus's strength is good, Makarov will give the long position to that irritable temperament, not good at communicating with others, and often acting alone, and interpersonal relations are only limited. The grandson of his subordinate'Thunder Gods', he must be worried!

Therefore, seeing the situation at the scene is not very good. Seeing that Elsa and the others have a big disagreement, they will fight with Laxus and others. Seeing that Miraj and Elfman are likely to be affected in the battle. Implicated, but helpless, Makarov had no choice but to make such a decision without intending to get into civil strife.

   In his opinion, if the winner is determined by the way of contest and succeeds him as the guild president, it must be more convincing! At that time, even if it is Laxus, the other party will have no complaints, right?

   Anyway, Makarov doesn't think that his grandson will be the final winner. Of course, a certain little girl may not be... Maybe it will be Elisa and Mistgang? Of course, Naz's guy with unlimited potential is also possible!

And the reason why he just set the time for the harvest festival one month later, in addition to having to do some preparations and inviting a few powerful old friends to the scene to guide and prevent accidents, he also wanted to make Elisa The idea of ​​waiting for someone to quickly recover from the injury.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘President? ’

  ‘Master, are you serious? ’

'what? ! ’

'No way……'

  ‘Interesting! ’

  ‘Can everyone participate? ’

'I agree! ’

'me too! The president will retire one day, if I change to the strongest president, I definitely have no objection! ’

'awesome! ’

  ‘Competition! ’

  ‘Competition! ! ’

Soon After hearing Makarov's words, the guild members present, except for Elsa, Naz, Lucy and others who were a little unacceptable, the others were stunned for a while After that, they all applauded.

   "Hey! Bad old man, you all said that people should be punished at the time, but now you have changed your mind!?"


   However, this kind of thing, Annie must be unwilling, because ah, the position of the president was previously agreed to be given to her, but now, the other party suddenly changes his mind, how could she be happy?

   Even if she knew, she must be the strongest one in the guild!


   However, Makarov did not care about Anne’s questioning and protest, but turned around and looked at his grandson Laksas on the stage again.

   "Now, are you satisfied?"

This is the biggest compromise and concession that Makarov himself can do so far. If Laxus still insists on his own way, I'm afraid he will have to go all out and use his already unstable magic to take down the other three. Up.




   "Then, it's just as you wish...Alba Green, let's dissolve petrification!"

After looking at each other with his own grandfather and the old man Makarov for a while, Laxus suddenly laughed, and then for a while, he let the one next to him who has the ability to petrify the things he sees to be abago Lin releases the petrification magic of the two hostages behind Miraj and Elfman.

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