Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1377: (?ˇΩˇ?) The best plan is not...

Although there was a slight accident midway, after the terrible tsunami, the "Fairy Tail" guild’s strongest wizard was competing for the supreme "honor" and the list of the "top eight" for the position of the president. It's still fresh.

There is no doubt that the names on the list are those eight people who have great strength and can save themselves in the tsunami, and afterwards can continue to stay in the ring without any problems!

Maybe the draw was just right?

Or is it because a bad old man deliberately played some tricks on the lottery and arranged it deliberately?

But anyway, even if someone on that list faintly sees something wrong.

Because, ah, the players of the'top eight' are also the most powerful S-rank or quasi-S-rank wizards in the "Fairy Tail" guild. They are all assigned to different ones. In the group and successfully promoted?

Although, it is very likely that they were assigned to different groups by a bad old man to avoid meeting in the morning knockout, so that no one of them met and played a game before the quarterfinals. , But anyway, those people really rely on their own hard power to pass the test all the way, breaking into the quarterfinals, and the strength is indeed what everyone expects. Everyone in the guild is inferior to others, and there is no big complaint.

‘Look! ’

‘The list is out. ’


‘The person above, I seem to be unable to beat any of them...’

‘Haha! Come on, Lebby, you are one of the fastest being eliminated! ’

'Humph! Beska, you are not much better! ’

‘! ! ’

‘That’s because I met that freak Naz! ’

‘Haven’t I met Laxus yet? ’


‘Okay, don’t fight, you lose all, what else is there to fight for? ’

At this time, looking at the promotion list posted on the taskbar of the guild hall, the guild members who were onlookers quickly quarreled, and then it took a long time to disperse in angrily.


Then, a certain Lucy who had just walked back from the swimming pool behind the guild, got to the front.

Then, at a glance, she found that, as she had guessed, the list of the top eight was written on the top, and they were:

Faerie Sorcerer Annie Hasta, Fairy Queen Elsa Shukalto, Thunder Slayer Dragon Slayer Laxas Dolea, Mysterious Man Stewart, Majestic Miraj Si Traus, Dragon Slayer of Fire, Etelias Naz Doragnir, Dragon Slayer of Iron, Jajiru Leitfox, and Ice Slayer, Gray Buddha El Pasta!

The above can basically be said to be the eight strongest candidates in the "Fairy Tail" guild. As for the others, the guys who signed up before were eliminated one after another due to various factors, and were not listed on the list again.

Of course, Lucy heard that there is actually a certain S-rank strong in the guild, who also claims to be the "Fairy Tail Strongest Sorcerer"? However, because the other party didn't know why he didn't rush back to participate in the game, so things can only stay that way for the time being.


"People thought that Akuiya could wash them all away, and then everyone didn't have to fight for it, but it turned out..."

"Hey! It's a mistake!"

Looking at the list just posted, and seeing that there is no one's own name of "Astral Sorcer Lucy Hatfilia" on it, a certain long blond hair is still wet, it seems to be talented. The'initiator' who had just washed away the salty and bitter water in the guild's public bathroom, he sighed in despair.

Yes, the reason why Lucy used that big trick, in addition to wanting to teach a little girl a deep lesson, is to wash away all the contestants, and then everyone don’t grab it, let Macaro The idea that the president can continue to stay in the post of president.

In her opinion, the eight people on the list now, except for Elisa’s prestige and strength, which seem to be vaguely qualified, but their abilities are slightly insufficient, the rest of the crooked melons, such as Naz and Gray’s Liu, or a little guy who only cares about playing and eating all day long, where is a qualified candidate for president?

Let’s not talk about that annoying guy in Laxus, if the other party insists on his own way and repeatedly presses the president against the palace, how can there be such a thing today?

Not to mention that Jajiru Lightfox, the other party was a member of their hostile guild power "Ghost Dominator" not long ago, and is their enemy! The other party definitely has no popularity or prestige in the guild, and it gives people the impression that it is even worse than Laxus, and even hurt their guild companions (Rebby, etc.) and ruined their old The guild station...A guy like that, even if he wins in the end, I'm afraid he will definitely not be the guild leader!

As for the mysterious Mistgang...

Lucy said that she didn't know that there was such a person, and if the opponent showed up and participated in the competition, she would definitely not be able to recognize it if she met him outside, right? How can a guy like that who has no sense of existence inherit the position of chairman?

As for Miraj, don’t mention it. The impression is that he is too cowardly, and there is no majesty at all. When a house manager and secretary to the president, he is still more competent, but if he directly becomes the president, he still counts. Got it!


"I shouldn't have secretly let Akuiya's men be merciful, I should have asked her to go all out and rush everyone into the sea..."

After reading the list and thinking about some of the things she was worried about, Lucy sighed again and turned her head and walked to the side of a little guy.



"Idiot Lucy, even if you let that naga go all out, it's definitely useless. You want to use that method to hit people into the sea, but it's still far away!"


At this time, Annie, who had been sitting next to the bulletin board, certainly heard Lucy's emotion, so she retorted the other party without any kind of politeness, and made a big grimace at the other party.


"You cunning little guy..."

Lucy already knew about Anne’s fairy magic, about the fact that the other party instantly became huge and stood still on the ring, letting the sea wash away, and finally became smaller after the tsunami receded, but, She never knew that that kind of spell could even be used by the caster himself.

"you are vicious!"

"I never thought that your big move could be used to myself. If I knew that, I wouldn't use it anymore. Everyone is complaining about me now!"

After learning that Annie's magic can be used on the opponent, Lucy thought that there was not much suspense in the afternoon game, so she almost spent all her money and secretly bought tens of thousands of J lottery tickets. , The bet is that the little guy in front of you will win in the end!

When the time comes, once the other party really does what she thinks, then she will be rich, and within a year or two will no longer have to worry about rent and work.

Of course, this kind of thing, she would definitely not talk to Elisa, Naz, Gray, and the little guy in front of her.



"You're so strange, people never seem to say that you can't use that spell on yourself, right?"


That’s right, at the critical time when the tsunami rushed, Annie, who only had limited faerie spells, except for urgently using that big move on herself, and then resisting that for others with huge transformation. She really has no other way except for the huge waves that can be avoided and can't resist at all.

"and also!"


"The recruit was originally intended to be used until the end!"


It was indeed Annie's killer that she had reserved to wait until the finals, and when she suddenly used it to crush her opponents, and let herself win the final victory and the president's throne, it was because of the hateful Miss Lucy in front of her. She had to expose her hole cards in advance.

She just overheard, that Elisa, Naz, Gray and others are already discussing, saying that they want to find a way to crack her transformation, such as only interference and avoidance in that one minute. , Just don't take the initiative to contact, so as to wait until the time she grows bigger, and then wait for an opportunity to win?

Those hateful guys, they still treat them as friends because of her, but it's good now. They are discussing how to defeat her and prevent her from becoming the president. It's really hateful!

Except for the hateful guys, other people must think that way, right? Therefore, she has decided that she will not use that trick in the afternoon, and will directly rely on her hard power to win, angering their bad guys!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Why do you want to keep it till the end?"

Lucy was a little inexplicable, she didn't think that the kind of tricks that didn't die together had any need to stay till the end.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"If you use it once in the morning, you may only be able to use it again in the afternoon!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

That madness is no worse than the gigantic magic of a bad old man, but the only downside is that it requires a long and long'CD' time. It is not like a'shining spear' or'curious thinking'. "Wonderful idea', as long as it is supported by magic power, it can be used multiple times in a short period of time.

"and many more!!"


"Doesn't that mean that you can only use it once in the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and even the final finals in the afternoon?"

Realizing something, Lucy suddenly widened her eyes, then rushed to the stool of a certain little guy, and squatted down in front of the other party and asked urgently.



"What's the matter, Sister Lucy, why is your face suddenly hot and ugly?"


Seeing Miss Lucy's face turned pale and her face gradually dull at this moment, Annie couldn't help being a little baffled.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

"How could it be like this..."

"I made a mistake, why didn't I think of this?"

"It's going to be finished now!!"

As if mumbling to herself, Lucy, who only wore a bikini and a large T-shirt after bathing, slumped on the exquisite new floor of the new guild, and sat on the ground with a dull face, even She didn't even know she showed her long, long white legs.



"Sister Lucy, what's the matter with you, what's over?"


Annie obviously didn't know why the other party suddenly cared about herself so much. It was just a little strange, why the guy who had been telling herself to give up the game before would care so much about the game in the afternoon.

"No, nothing..."


Seeing the harmless and innocent little girl in front of her, Lucy now has the desire to die.

You know, the reason why she bought almost all the remaining money before the little guy to win is because she thinks that the other party has a high chance of winning the final victory by virtue of that huge magic, and let her make a lot of money by the way. A sum?

But it's better now. In the afternoon game, the opponent can only use that trick once...

However, in the afternoon, the opponent needs to complete at least three games, so... Doesn’t it mean that when there is only one huge opportunity to use, when that kind of "wonderful idea" has been cracked, just use the sparkle Will the opponent of the long spear or the ordinary missile definitely lose the game?

After thinking about it, Lucy only felt even more desperate, and felt that her money path was slim, and she only felt that what she had left was going to abandon her soon.


"I have to go out, Annie, eat your food first, take a good rest, and leave me alone!"

Finally, Lucy gritted her teeth and grabbed her bag in a hurry. She didn't even change her clothes. She wore slippers and flicked her wet hair. She went crazy toward the guild castle. He rushed outside the door of the hall and ran out of sight.

Because, she has to go to a certain lottery point to ask, if the lottery tickets she bought are changed or refunded before the game starts, is it too late?



"It always feels like she suddenly becomes weird..."


Annie didn't know that Lucy had spent all the money on the things she won, so she only thought that the other party was a little mysterious.

However, she would definitely not take that kind of thing into her mind, because, not long after the other party ran away, somebody not far away was discussing things with Naz and Gray before, suddenly strode towards Walked over with her.



"Sister Elsa, are you here to spy on the enemy?"


I didn’t say anything, this Elsa in front of her must be one of Annie’s strong competitors who went to compete for the chairmanship in the afternoon...So, when she saw the other party running over to find herself at this time, she definitely wanted to tease him. .

At the same time, if the opponent is here to persuade her to give up the game, then she will definitely reject the opponent fiercely!


"Annie, do you have any plans for the afternoon game?"

Although the little guy in front of me is likely to become her opponent in the second round or the final final, Elisa feels that there are certain things that she must explain to the other party. Otherwise, for this The little guy is too unfair.



"Of course there is!"



"What is it, can you tell me something?"

Hearing that the little guy in front of her seemed to be prepared, Elisa showed a rare smile.

Because, she just discussed with Gray and Naz and others about some good ways to deal with each other, and Lucy was here just now, so she thinks the other party may already know the preparations of her and Naz and others. , They could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because in that case, the game will be relatively fair and just. When the time comes, she can completely let go of her hands and feet when everyone decides against each other.



In fact, where does Annie have any plans or preparations?

Her plan is no plan!

Anyway, when the time comes, you only need to knock down all these guys in front of you. Where do you need to think about so many?

Naturally, not everyone needs her to be defeated, because it is a knockout match between eight people, so she only needs to defeat three hapless ones out of the other seven people.



"Then don't bother you to rest and regain your magical powers. If we meet you then, we won't be merciful!"

"You have to come on!"

Nodding, after seeing that the little guy seemed confident, Elisa didn't want to say anything, but after giving the other some encouragement, she turned her head and walked towards Naz and Gray.

They had just discussed how to play against Little Annie, and then they had to discuss how to deal with Mistra Gang, Laksas, Miraj, and Gajiro. UU reading www.

In short, in Elisa's view, one of the four of her, Naz, Gray, and Annie must win the game!

Of course, it's better to be one of her, Naz, or Gray! Because they have negotiated, they will return the position of chairman to Makarov at that time. In that case, their "Fairy Tail" guild, which is one of the best in the kingdom, can continue to develop healthily. Everyone continues to live happily and stay together here!

Of course, if it was Miraj who won the game, it would be fine. After all, the other party was also one of their close partners and knew how to manage or maintain the status quo of the guild.

Therefore, at the moment, they only need to discuss an effective method that specifically targets Laxus, Gajru, and the mysterious Mistgang.


?(ˊ?????ˋ)? Ask for a ticket? (???c)

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