Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1378: Hahaha??(???*) See you are still proud...

In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly and there were clouds in the thousands.

In short, in this good view of the sea and weather, after the players have trimmed for more than two hours, the quarter-finals of the first "Fairy Tournament" will finally officially begin.

In order to maintain the compactness of the game and to determine the winner as quickly as possible, the quarter-final matchup will be at the same time on the huge sea arena, at the same time on the field that has been divided into four at this time. get on.

The roster for the players to face each other has already been drawn by lottery.

However, people are not in the mood to look at the list at this time, because on the four competition venues, the eight players are standing on their respective venues and are silently looking at their opponents. There is no need at all. People look at the boring announcement again.

At this moment, the quarter-finals duel is divided into four combinations, they are:

Faerie Sorcerer Anne Hasta VS Fire Slayer Dragon Sorcerer Atelias Naz Doragnir

Iron Slayer Dragon Slayer Jagiro Reiterfox VS Fairy Queen Elisa Shukalto

Grey Falpasta, the Ice Sorcerer VS Majin Miraj Strauss

Thunder Dragon Slayer Laxus Dolea VS Mysterious Man Mistgang



"Naz! Or, before the game has started, you surrender as soon as possible? People won't beat you anyway. You can't beat you anyway. You've tried many times before, haven't you?"


Before the game started, in the time provided for the players to communicate and warm up before the game, Annie was so cute to face the opposite partner Naz, who was doing warm-up exercises, and learned from Lucy. The bad guy tried to persuade her as well.

"Your kind of fire dragon extinguishing magic is only the two boring attack methods of melee and fire breathing. You know, people are like you, they are not afraid of flames!"


"And if you dare to rush over to play melee..."

Yi yi

"People will definitely turn you into a frog and throw you directly into the sea!!"

() Hey!

That's right, the hapless Naz on the opposite side met who was not good, but it happened that she met Queen Anne who was extremely restrained, so there must be no good fruit!

Therefore, she felt that even if she didn't cheat, even if she only used the power of'Lulu' and the limited number of signature skills, she would be 100% sure of the other party.

Anyway, she couldn't think of any way the other party could defeat her!

When the fire-breathing attack is completely ineffective, and she may even be controlled and counterattacked by her in turn, and when she rushes to play melee but 100% will be instantly subdued by her with polymorphism, the opponent has nothing but taking advantage of the game. What else can we do besides surrendering honestly and honorably before we start?


"Little Annie, I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

"Your "Wonderful Thoughts" and "Wild Wild Long" have been cracked by Elisa and Gray. I am not afraid of you at all now!"

"Especially the ‘Wonderful Idea’, we have a way to restrain your transformation spell!"

Yes, if Elisa and Gray hadn't figured out a way and shared that useful method with them, now Naz really had no choice but to surrender honestly.

However, it was different now, he was not afraid of the opponent's transformation technique at all.

He has already decided. Later, under the horrified gaze of the opponent, he will blow the opponent into the distant sea with one punch, so that the little guy will know that his fire dragon slayer Master Naz What's so awesome!



"The big talker, he will be turned into a puppy later!"


Obviously, Annie doesn't believe that the other party can really find a way to restrain her skills. Otherwise, she will not succeed repeatedly, turning every self-thinking powerful fellow into small animals and humiliating and ravaging them severely. Up.


"I knew you definitely didn't believe it, so..."

"Clang clang clang clang~!"


Naz seemed to be really prepared for a long time, so after seeing that Little Annie didn't believe him, he proudly took out a small bottle of strange, braving a little bit of cold from his pocket, look. A strange thing that looks like some kind of potion and lifted it up to show off.



"What is that again?"


Unexpectedly, the other party actually brought out a strange thing, which made Annie feel a little surprised.

"Of course it's a good thing!"

"Annie, let me tell you. This is actually a negative potion made by Gray. It's called the'Ice Ring'!"

"As long as I eat it, it will cause weak and continuous damage to the body every second for a certain period of time. It is as simple as getting a needle stick. Although it is painful, it is barely within a tolerable range, but It will not cause too much burden on the body."

"So, your transformation is going to be invalid for me now!"

"You must be enlightened!!"

Guru! Guru!

After finishing talking, Naz was actually stunned by Annie and the referee beside him. He raised his head and drank the messy bottle of potion, then grinned and drank the bottle with a flick of his hand. 'S bottle was thrown into the sea beside the ring behind him.

"And this matter..."


These guys, in order to target themselves, they actually make the continuous debuff state BUFF, and then use the method of continuous blood damage reduction to resist their transformation... Those cunning guys, how can they be hot? ?



Although, after a little pondering, Annie herself also thinks that the other party's method seems to be effective, but how can such a small problem be so rare that she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the greatest the greatest Queen Anne?

Yi yi

and so……



"This referee, I want to report it! You just saw it. He seems to have committed a foul! He drank that messy potion during the game. It violated the rules of the game. You go straight to judge him as a failure!"


It doesn’t matter if you drink medicine secretly before the game. Anyway, this game will not be so strict. However, the opponent drinks it. They dare to drink so blatantly, and they are still in full view of themselves and the referees. Under...

Therefore, in the spirit of not allowing the other party to do whatever they want, and wanting the other party to know the sinister idea of ​​human nature, she firmly and resolutely raised her own little hand and faced the frog sitting on some kind of magical suspension device. The referee loudly reported in person.



Naz, who was still grinning just now, was suddenly taken aback, then the smug expression on his face couldn't help but stiffened. Then, he subconsciously hurriedly looked at the referee who was also looking at him dumbfounded.

'That one……'

The frogman referee was a little embarrassed.

Anyway, he never imagined that there would be a kind of inattentive guy in this world. He didn't drink the medicine secretly before the game, but openly on the ring, in full view, between himself and the referee team. And countless viewers watched and drank medicine, which made him want to deal with it.

Therefore, he turned his head directly, toward the rostrum in the sky, toward the President Makarov sitting on the row of suspension devices, the representatives of the magic council and the demons who were invited to come. The presidents of the Taoist Guild Alliance looked around, waiting for the guidance of the referees.


"Wait first!"

"It's not like that!"

At this time, I felt that the atmosphere on the scene seemed a little bit wrong. Not only did the audience on the coast in the distance made a roaring'hush' sound, but even the players from other groups that were originally preparing for it all turned towards themselves. After looking like a fool, Naz finally realized that it was wrong, so loudly defended the frogman referee and the referee team in the sky:


"What I just drank was a debuff negative state potion. I hurt myself, and it wasn't a buff potion that I drank. Isn't this a violation?"

"You have to be reasonable!!"

It’s a pity that the judges didn’t care about Naz’s protests, and they didn’t even want to waste time on testing. After whispering and discussing, they all set their sights on being able to make a decisive opinion. President Makarov’s body.


With a sigh, President Makarov saw that everyone was waiting for his response, so, as a last resort, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up from his magical suspension seat and grab it. Passed the sound reinforcement equipment.

‘Ahem! ’

'In view of the fact that the fire slayer dragon slayer Etelias Naz Doragnil drank an unknown magic potion in the game, it obviously violated the rules and nuisances of the contest on the use of potions. The principles of fairness, openness and impartiality in the tournament...'

'Therefore, as the president of the "Fairy Tail" guild and the head of the referee team, I hereby announce that I will cancel the participation of the Dragon Slayer Etelias Naz Doragnir. qualifications! ’

‘The result of the first group of the quarter-finals is...’

‘Fairy Sorcerer Annie Hasta won directly! ! ’

President Makarov certainly heard the conversation between Naz and Annie just now, and he didn't think that drinking that kind of negative potion violated the rules of the game, and he didn't want to deal with the other party with such minor problems.


However, the opponent drank it openly in the ring. There are so many pairs of eyes here that can see it. If he doesn’t deal with it, I’m afraid the contest held by the "Fairy Tail" guild will completely become a laughingstock. .


"Do not!!!"

"You can't do this!"

"What's wrong with me drinking a potion that hurts myself? You can't do this to me!"

"Elisa and Mira also brought them, why don't you punish them?"

"Do not!!!"

Naz struggled desperately, but several members of the guild who were responsible for maintaining order were forced to leave the playing field by Elfman and the others.


‘That idiot! ! ’

Not far away, Elisa opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say to the dumb guy who dared to bite after being disqualified from the game.

That's right!

She, Gray and Mira all indeed brought potions, and she even felt that other guys who were hoping to advance to the finals or those who thought they would meet the little guy had prepared corresponding things... But they He wouldn't be as stupid as the other party, drinking that kind of stuff in the ring under everyone's eyes!

If it was her, she would definitely drink secretly in the lounge under the ring before playing against a little guy.

After all, the potion lasts for a long time, and this contest will not specifically detect those things.



"Sample! See if you continue to be proud!?"


Although, Annie was not afraid of that fellow Naz, but when she saw the other person being framed and left, she looked at the other person in a panic, heartbreaking, and inexplicable look of grief and anger, and saw that the other person was very unhappy, then she would naturally. The ground became happy.


ε=(`●))) alas

(A certain bear Tibbers standing on Annie’s shoulders also had to sigh. Originally, he thought that he could cooperate with his horrible little master to fight against each other... It's a pity , The brain is such a good thing, but the other party doesn't seem to have it.)

‘Wow! ! ’

‘That idiot! I even bought his 200J lottery ticket at a loss! ’

'what! Instead, I bought the little one! ’

‘Hahahaha! ’

‘Get off the court! ’

‘Get off the court! ! ’

‘Get off the court! ! ! ’


"How can he be like that..."

'hateful! ’

‘Is that guy’s brain made of paste? ’


'interesting! It's really interesting, exciting and fun, and I didn't make a mistake in coming to Magnolia this time! ’

‘Yes, it’s another big news! ’

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Don't talk about it, look at it, other group matches are about to start. ’

'is it? ’

‘Let me see! ’

'I also want! ’

‘Get out of the way, that’s my telescope! ! ’

On the coast, the people who watched the game were also amused by the episode before the opening for a long time, and then clamored for a long time. It was not until the official game was about to start that they gradually became quiet.



At this time, at the top of the fairy tail guild castle, where only members of the "Fairy Tail" guild can enter, Lucy, the cat Hobby and others are also watching the battle with line-of-sight magic.

There is no doubt that they also saw and heard the dialogue between Naz and Little Annie in the competition arena, and the farce that happened.


"Really, Hubby, when will Naz become a little more reliable?"

Then, seeing Naz being forced to leave the arena by Elfman and others, and seeing a little guy jumping back to the lounge with high spirits, Lucy directly covered her forehead, sighing helplessly and ashamed. Take a sigh of relief.

You know, she was still thinking before, without worrying about being controlled by Transfiguration, what kind of battle or life-and-death battle between Naz and Annie would erupt, but the result... she was full of expectations, Only saw this in the end?


"Hobby thinks that is impossible!"

Hobby the cat thought for a while, and finally had to shook his head helplessly.

Because it feels that wanting Naz to become mature is like letting it never eat fish. It is difficult, difficult, and difficult to do.

"So too..."

Lucy remembered.

A few days ago, Naz secretly asked him to meet under the big tree in the middle of Magnolia City, known as the "Tree of Love" and "Wishing Tree".

At that time, she thought that the other party was getting on the hook and wanted to date herself, and then confessed to herself or something, but it turned out...

When she spent a few hours to take a shower, make-up, and change into another set of clothes, and finally went to the appointment in a beautiful evening dress, she found that... the other party didn’t mean that at all, he was just I just want to invite myself to secretly dig some personal belongings buried by others.

So, just to satisfy his shameful, kid-like evil taste that wants to peep into other people's secrets?


"I bought Annie's lottery ticket before, and the lottery station also rejected my request for refund and replacement of players, otherwise..."

Thinking about it, Lucy couldn't help but sighed a fluke in frustration.

Although, Naz failed to fight Annie, and she was a little disappointed in a battle like she imagined, but think about her lottery, think about a little guy who is close to victory After a step, she couldn't help but feel happy again when she thought that all her property would not be squandered.


"Hobby also bought Annie to win!"


"That's not right, Hobbit, I heard what you said before, didn't you say that you must resolutely buy Naz to win?"


"Even though Hubby told Naz like but just to say, Hubby still secretly bought Annie in private!"


"It seems that Naz is really completely helpless, even a cat has more brains than him!"


"No! It's nothing, I'll just talk about it..."


"Laxus and Elisa are about to fight!!"

After speaking a few words with the cat Hobby, Lucy quickly put some of her thoughts behind her head and began to watch the game attentively.


ψ(*`ー)╰ひ╯←The guy who doesn’t vote!


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