Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1386: ?(ψ`?′)o On the importance of air supremacy



"It's been spicy for so long..."


"Didn't you say that we were late? But you can see, why haven't you contacted those guys yet?!"


Annie was just in the captain's position, angrily reprimanding the crew of the "blue pegasus".

She knew that she had already reached the destination, but these idiots couldn’t get in touch with Elisa and their ground operations personnel, so that the air-magic crit ship "Christina" could not find the enemy and carry out effective targets. Very, very dissatisfied with the ground bombardment!

Although, the ancient forest of Vasishuhai is indeed a bit big, but that is not the reason why these idiots can't contact their own people.

"Chairman Annie..."

‘We are really trying very hard to contact the members of our guild. Maybe they are the key to searching and finding enemies, so they can’t reply to us for the time being? ’

‘When the time is right, I think, they will take the initiative to contact us, right? ’

The chief mate on the side was a little bit ridiculous.

Anyway, I can’t contact the ground personnel, and it’s a bit unrealistic to find the enemies on the ground who may be hidden in the forest directly from the air. Therefore, at present, their air-magic crit ship'Christina' The number 'is indeed a little idle, and can only continue in the air like this, hovering aimlessly in this sea of ​​trees thousands of meters high in the sky.

However, the chief mate felt that their spacecraft had such a large target that it was impossible for the operatives on the ground to discover it. Therefore, I believe there will be a message from the ground soon. They only need to wait patiently now. It's okay.



"It won't reply for a long time, maybe, they have all been wiped out by the enemy!"


Annie is indeed a little worried. Anyway, she is not optimistic about the guys on the ground. Otherwise, she would not insist on separating from those guys and ran on the spaceship by herself.

In short, it is definitely not because she wants to be lazy and insists on running up to play when she sees the beautiful spaceship!



‘Destroyed? ’

‘Is it impossible? ’

‘No matter what, they are also the elites in the four guilds. How can they be eliminated by the enemy so quickly? ’

‘I don’t think it’s possible...’

'That is to say, the action team on the ground is very strong. Not only are Elsa of your "Fairy Tail" guild and the guy known as the strongest fire dragon, but also Mr. Yiye from our "Cyan Pegasus" guild. With the addition of Your Excellency Jura of "Snake Ji's Scales", he is one of the top ten magic ways of the holy, with unfathomable strength, how could he be defeated so quickly? ’


‘Presumably something must be delayed, it must be that way. ’

'should be. ’

‘Agree! ’

‘President Anne, don’t worry, let’s wait...’

Hearing the little girl's hypothesis that the operatives on the ground might be in trouble, the crew of the "Blue Pegasus" guild on the bridge, the first officer and others all retorted.

Although they themselves are a little worried, no matter what, it is also the "strongest" ground coalition formed by the four guilds. They will never believe that when they are late, the opponent will easily be "six". Demon General" was defeated.

"Holy Ten Great Wizards?"




"Tell you guys, those guys are unreliable, you see, they have defeated two, and they have seized a full two badges!"


With that said, Annie was a little disdainful, and directly took out two silver buttons with a cross-shaped pattern from her pocket, and just tossed it in the palm of her hand under the surprised gaze of everyone.

Of the two badges of the “Holy Ten Great Wizards”, one of them was captured after defeating the leader of the “Spectre Dominator” guild last time, and the source of the other one is not enough for outsiders. .

‘! ! ’


'that is…...? ’

‘The badge of the Holy Ten Great Wizards? ! ’

‘No, no? ’

‘But they are! ’

'really? Is she so good? ’

‘It’s hard to say...’

‘Maybe it’s really that great, otherwise you think she really got her position as president by a fluke? ’

'Is not it? ’

'of course not! Let me tell you...’


The people on the bridge looked at the two badges that Annie had thrown in her palms, and quickly showed expressions of astonishment, admiration, or suspicion on their faces. Then, many people just leaned aside. Whispering, she began to tell some unknowing companions that Little Annie had defeated a certain top ten holy wizard and won the title of "Fairy Tail" guild president in the contest.

‘! ? ’

‘Report, report! ’

‘Chairman Annie! There are magical fluctuations, and people on the ground are found. They seem to be at war with the enemy, and the situation is still very critical! ! ’

At this time, without waiting for others to say more, nor waiting for an impatient little girl to continue reprimanding, a wizard who was in charge of the magic radar and human flesh search suddenly exclaimed, and then he hurriedly A magical image was called up on the bridge, which made it appear that a small group of people were fighting on a flat high ground.

Of course, to be precise, it should be...their people, those ground coalition forces who have just said that they are very powerful are being beaten one by one by the enemy in a tragic situation?

It seems that the situation has really been right by their acting captain. Those four guild joint forces are really a little unreliable?



"Yes, that's them! Hurry up! Fly over and go at full speed! Also, hurry up and recharge the main gun to warm up, it's now!"


After discovering that she could finally see the enemy, Annie directly cheered and issued the command to advance at full speed. Of course, she also gave the gunner new instructions.

Anyway, she just wanted to bombard the enemies on the ground now, so she wouldn't care about the friends who were being beaten miserably!

'what? ’

‘Is this situation going to be shelled? ’

The helmsman had already turned and moved forward at full speed, but the gunner was a little hesitant. He did not directly follow the instructions of a messy little girl, but subconsciously turned his head back to their first officer and asked for confirmation. .

"You stupid gunner, get out of the way and let me do it myself!!"

ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)! !

Seeing that the other party did not rush to execute the order after giving the order, Annie rushed over again, so angry that she kicked the other party off the gun position again, and let herself sit on the side of the other party until the control of the magical artillery bombardment. The gunner’s position.

'and many more! ’


‘Chairman Annie, there seems to be our people down there. The distance is still so close. If you use the main gun rashly, they will definitely be hurt at the same time! ’

The first officer knew why the gunner hesitated just now, because according to the operational regulations of their magical crit ship "Christina", at such a close distance, it is absolutely forbidden to directly bombard the ground. It will definitely cause serious consequences.

"Do not worry!"


"People will pay attention, they won't directly hit their heads!"


Annie didn't mind at all, anyway, she wouldn't run to the ground to help those idiots, so she could barely provide aerial fire support to these guys.


‘The main gun is very powerful and has a very wide range! ’

‘If the gun is fired in this situation...’

The first officer was too scared to say what would happen if the gun was fired in this situation, because he would definitely not dare to bear that kind of responsibility.

But he only knew that when his personnel on the ground were still fighting with the enemy, the main artillery bombarded it directly. The result would be no different from whether it bombarded the head directly. But it's not the difference between being directly blown up and gasified by shelling and being shaken to death indirectly by shock waves.

"Oh! You are so annoying!"


"In short, people will pay attention. If it is too close, use the secondary gun, and use the main gun if it is farther away.


After turning her head and cursing the other party, Annie quickly turned her head and began to operate on the magic interface, ready to blast down when the spaceship got closer.


Opening his mouth, the first officer just stretched out his hand to stop the opponent, but finally had to let it go.

Because he knew that all of them here combined were not enough for each other to fight. At the same time, he also saw that the battle on the ground now seemed very unsatisfactory. Except for Elisa, everyone else was beaten quickly. Falling flowers and flowing water, they really have no other good way besides shelling quickly.

Therefore, they can only choose to trust each other's accuracy now.

After all, if you really have to fire a gun, perhaps, the little girl president in front of you is really a little better than the gunner in their guild?


By this time, the battle on the ground was almost over.

The situation here is very bad, as seen in the radar screen of the magical crit ship "Christina" in the sky. With the coalition forces of the four guilds, such as Naz, Gray, Lucy, Leo, Shiriya and others were easily knocked to the ground by the enemies of the "Six Demon Generals". As Elisa who persisted in the end was instantly defeated by several enemies, there was no much suspense in the battle. Up.

"Hum hum……"

"Is this your true strength?"

Seeing that the coalition forces of the so-called decent wizards’ guild were easily defeated by one’s own side, the one who seemed to be the commander or core figure of the "Six Demon Generals", holding a skeleton staff, beard and hair all white, and also painted on his face The strong guy with the weird rune walked out and jokingly said to those coalition forces who fell on the ground, passed out, or struggled, but couldn't stand up anyway.

"That's it..."

"Dirty trash... now, let me completely disappear together!!"

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense. He stretched out the skeleton wand and let a terrifying magic power instantly envelop the people who fell on the ground, and he was ready to completely harvest the lives of the elite men and women of the four guilds.

But then...



"That is……"

Suddenly, he had to stop the magic in his hand and looked into the sky in amazement.

Because he and his comrades have seen that in the sky, a beautiful huge spacecraft is flying towards them at high speed at an altitude of several hundred meters. At the same time, there are countless large and small muzzles at the bow of the horse-shaped spacecraft. They all aimed at them, and before they didn't react, the lights suddenly lit up.

"not good!"

"Hurry up!!"

Realizing what was going to happen, the guy who seemed to be the commander or core figure of the "Six Demon Generals" hurriedly exclaimed, and then the first one fled, just soaring away from where he was originally standing.

Next moment!

boom! !

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The magical crit ship "Christina" in the sky fired its cannons, and it was still very dense, so that the muzzles were fired one after another, as if there was no need to reload at all, and in the bursts of explosions, the violent Fire, smoke, and flying rubble exploded violently at the places where the enemies were standing.

'fast! ’

‘Watch out! ’

‘! ! ’

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The fierce and endless magical shells swallowed this place in an instant. At the same time, the firelight and gravel drove the members of the "Six Demon Generals" who were swiftly evading and hiding everywhere. Bloody gaps appeared on the young man, looking very embarrassed.

‘Damn it! ’

‘It’s the enemy’s air warship! ! ’

‘Where’s Kebra? Hasn't he destroyed the enemy's gunboat? ’

'I do not know! ’

‘Asshole! ’

‘That useless waste! ’

'What should we do now? ’

boom! !

boom! boom! !

‘! ! ’

‘Everyone, withdraw first! ! ! ’

As a last resort, seeing the enemy's strikes in the air was very precise and fierce, and there was no time to organize the manpower to destroy the opponent's spacecraft. The guy who was suspected to be the commander or core character of the "Six Demon Generals", the man who became ashamed by the fire and explosion He had to gritted his teeth and gave an order to retreat first.

As for the allied forces of the Sorcerer Guild Alliance that were also blown up by the explosion, they did not dare to raise their heads. They could only stubbornly hold their heads on the ground, and they were almost wiped out by the Allied Forces of the Sorcerer Guild Alliance. I really can't take care of it anymore.

boom! boom! boom!

In fact, the commander of the "Six Demon Generals" did not know that the flying guy he sent to plan to board the ship and destroy the enemy battleship had already been bombarded by a bad little girl and fell into the forest. I don't know where I live, but where can I expect it?

boom! boom!

The shelling continued. Although the enemy had fled to the forest and disappeared, a certain little girl who had become addicted to playing continued to use her secondary artillery to spread the shot in the direction where the opponent was fleeing.

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, the forest began to be lit, but the shelling did not stop, and it was still bombarding in the direction where the enemy might hide and escape.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!





"Cut! If you don't have air supremacy, you want to learn how to fight wars. Is this the end?"


"Forget it! Let's play here today, it's cheaper for them!!"


Finally, until I bombed the forest several hundred meters around the place where the guys just fought with a group of idiots, and blasted the place into a sea of ​​flames burning and billowing with thick smoke, and found the enemy I can’t find it at all, I don’t know where I ran to, and I don’t know if I was successfully bombarded and scumbed by myself. Now that there is no target at all, Annie smacks her lips and stops her hands with some meaning. The continuous shelling stopped.



"What are you guys looking at? Why don't you send someone down to save people?!"


When she turned her head and found that those idiots were just standing stunned and looking at herself, Annie stood up from the gunner's position angrily, and pointed to their noses with her hips akimbo and reprimanded loudly.

'what? ’

‘Okay, okay! ! ’

'fast! Lower the height and prepare to send someone down to rescue the wounded! ’

'Yes! ’

'lower the altitude! ’

‘Watch out for the heavy smoke and beware of the effect of the updraft on the battleship! ’

'understand! ’

‘Rescue team, move fast! The fire is getting bigger and bigger. After we rescue people, we will leave here immediately! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

Soon, under the command of the first officer, the magical crit ship'Christina', which had just blasted the five members of the "Six Demon Generals" into the wild, faced the red light and the sky. Thick smoke slowly descended towards a certain area.

They are ready to go down to rescue the wounded, rescue the incompetent coalition forces who were almost wiped out by the "Six Demon Generals" of the Dark Guild.


Those hapless guys, UU reading www.uukanshu. Whether or not com was accidentally injured or killed by a little girl who didn't make a mistake, they don't know, they can only find out if they go down and see.



"Then I'll leave it to you here. I'll report when the people are rescued. I'll take a nap first!"


I flew on this road for a long time, searched nervously for a long time, and finally played for less than ten minutes. This situation made Annie a little unsatisfied, so she was going to find something to eat, and take a nap by the way. , As for cleaning up the mess, she definitely doesn't care about that kind of thing.


(● ̄() ̄●)


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