Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1387: get! ?('ω')? Chief Commander Annie

   Under the violent blow of the gunboat "Christina", the airborne magical crit ship, even if it was as strong as the core of the Dark Guild, he could only run away with his head in arms, completely afraid to appear within the gunboat's firepower coverage.

Therefore, it is very rare that some reality was fattened by the enemy, and then by a little girl. The unlucky guys were finally rescued on the gunboat after suffering all kinds of hardships. And flew into the sky again.

   After half an hour...

Facing the cool high-altitude breeze, the "Allied Forces" composed of four guilds were a little dejected or sitting or standing on the top deck, looking at the large sea of ​​bushes and trees under the spaceship in a daze. With.

   Although they won the battle in the end, they also knew that in terms of tactics and individual combat power, they lost very thoroughly!

   "It's the same thing..."

   "In the beginning, when Mr. One Night was going to the bathroom, he was attacked by the enemy, and then they knew all our plans."

"And then……"

"That woman, she turned into Mr. Yiye and attacked me, and I almost completely lost my combat effectiveness... Later, if I hadn’t used Mr. Yiye’s magic to temporarily suppress the injury, I could barely come here. I'm afraid I'm still lying in that forest now."

   "It was really careless this time..."

   "I'm very sorry for this!"

Looking at the air-magic crit ship Christina, which was said to have been almost destroyed, for a long time, after Jura Rekis from the Saint Ten Magus had finished talking about the reasons, he was somewhat Said with shame.

   There is no doubt that in this crusade, all their ground personnel have failed, and they have been completely wiped out by the enemy, and they have no ability to resist.

And if it wasn’t for the little girl president who insisted not to act with them, insisted on running to the airship to play, and helped a lot at the critical moment just now, I am afraid that what they are in now is indeed the case. It's hard to predict.

  Perhaps, these people have been completely wiped out by the enemy and turned into corpses that died tragically, right?



   "Originally, you are really useless, so many people can't beat Renjia Six...No, it's five enemies, and it's really bad!"


Annie said that she shot down one of them alone, and successfully ran away the remaining five. Sure enough, she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful one?

   Without her, these dumb guys would definitely not be able to complete the task. It would be impossible to stop the enemy's plan and prevent the enemy from getting that messy ‘Nirvana’!


"Really Sorry!"

   The Holy Ten Great Wizard, Jura Rekis, did not dare to refute Annie's words, but he apologized again and lowered his bright head in shame.

   "Alright, Annie..."

   "But, don't be too proud!"

   "If you shot a little farther when you shelled at that time, maybe we would be more grateful to you!"

   "I don't know who you are shooting at!"

   At this time, Lucy on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

   So, she can't bear it anymore, she feels that she must take a good look at some nasty little guy who has done a little bit of credit and is about to lift his tail to the sky?

   "Look at Elsa, she was originally the least injured, but she was blown up by you and fainted, and she hasn't woken up yet!"

   "Also, look again, we all have a lot of wounds..."


   "You were really messed up then!"

   Thinking about the terrible nightmare bombing before, Lucy still only feels the buzzing in her ears.

You know, at that time they only felt explosions in all directions, chaotic magic, flames, thick smoke, and terrible gravel and shock waves flying around... and they were within the range of the explosion, they almost thought they were dead at the time. I can only hold my head so tightly on the ground without daring to move. If the opponent had missed a little bit at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable now.

   "I agree too!"

   "Our crit ship is very powerful. The bombing carried out in that situation is indeed a little messy."


   "Look at my clothes, there are at least ten holes in my body. They were not hit by the enemy, they were all blown out!"

   "Come on, just yours, look at me, I have more wounds than yours!"

   "At that time, I thought it was one of our captains who was in charge, it turned out to be her, so it's no wonder it exploded like this..."

   "Can't be like that next time, at least wait until we get a little further away before firing?"

"I totally agree!"

"me too!"

Lucy just finished speaking, the members of the guild besides, except for the bald head, were attacked by the enemy at the beginning. They did not participate in the battle at all, and the plan was leaked, so they did not dare to say anything. Outside of "One Night", the other people in suits and shoes looked like people, but at this time the three people who looked shabby and looked funny, joined in and started to make a noise.


   "Do you dare to blame others?"


   "That's good! Then next time people can wait for you to be killed by the enemy before firing. In that case, you should definitely not accidentally hurt you, right?"

   Seeing that Lucy and those guys dared to complain to herself, Annie became annoyed and threatened her angrily.

   Anyway, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her firing at the time!

   In that situation, if you don’t shoot them, one of them counts as one, so don’t even think about living! And if the gun is fired, it will only be a little bit injured. Besides, after one or two blows from the aftermath of the explosion, they won't die. What do they look like when they scream? !

  ’! ! ’

  ‘I didn’t say anything just now! ’

  ‘Chairman Annie! ’

  ‘We knew it was wrong, please don’t take it to heart! ! ’

'Yeah! ’


   Hearing that terrible threat, the guild members were so scared that they raised their hands and stance.



   Annie turned her head away, and stopped paying attention to the three useless guys from the guild.

  ‘Damn it! ’

'Hey! ’

  ‘Annie, where are those guys? where are they? Why didn't you just keep firing and blast them all into scum? ’

In the distance, his body was also scarred, but he didn't care at all. He just squatted by the deck guardrail of the aerial gunboat, and kept looking at the guy with the cherry-colored hair on the ground, suddenly shouting towards this side. One sentence.

'okay! ’

  ‘Natz, stop yelling. Annie has already blasted it. Didn’t you see that sea of ​​flames over there? ’

  ‘The enemy ran away a long time ago, how could it still be here? ’

   At this time, Gray, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck, glanced at some energetic guy in frustration, and then replied sullenly.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Then you say, what shall we do now? ’

  ‘What else can they do? They must have ran away. If they can’t be found, even this aerial crit ship is useless! ’

  ‘So, we can’t do anything now. ’

  ‘Is that so? ’

  ‘What do you think? ’


'Hey! Annie, why don't we just bomb the whole forest all over and blow them out? ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Are you crazy? How can this crit ship do that kind of thing, there can't be so many shells! ’

  ‘How can I know if I don’t try it? ’

  ‘Then you don’t have to try! ’

  ‘Damn it! You exhibitionist, do you have to do everything against me? Had it not been for you, I would have defeated that enemy! ’

'Oh? ’

  ‘Who was beaten to the ground first? ! ’

'It's you! ’

  ‘It’s you obviously! ! ’


   Of course, while speaking, Gray and Naz quarreled with each other again because of a disagreement. Of course, it's only limited to quarreling, because both of them are injured at this time. Although it doesn't seem to be a major problem, they must be unwilling to fight at this time.



   Annie ignored the two.

Although she had thought about the burning of the entire forest, but...that was indeed the same as that Gray said, the artillery shells and magic crystal reserves on this aerial crit ship were indiscriminately bombarded by her before. It consumes almost a half. If you go to chaos again, the next time you encounter an enemy, you will have to go straight and stare.


   "This time it was indeed our care..."

   "The enemy is really strong. We are fighting head-on on the ground. Even if we add up, we are completely not opponents of the other party. That is a group of terrible guys."


Think about the previous battle, think about the currently wounded and wounded "Allied Forces" and the fairy queen Elisa who is sleeping in the cabin of the crit ship, and the holy ten great wizard Jura Rekis. I couldn't help but sighed again.

   The other party clearly only has six... five to be exact? Because one of them is said to have been bombarded by the little girl during the raid on the battleship and fell to the ground and is still alive and alive... But even if there were only five people, they were almost completely wiped out this time by four guilds. It is indeed a terrifying strength to send a coalition formed by elites.


   "Don't say so much, just think of a way!"

   "Now that Wendy and Hobby have been captured, we must find them and rescue Wendy and Hobby!"

But Naz knew that after the explosion, the useless little girl before, the timid Wendy was not found, if the other party was not bombarded and scumbed by the guild leader of their guild. If it does, it must have been taken away by the enemy!

   Anyway, a certain white cat, that is, Xia Lulu said that it seemed to have seen it vaguely, saying that the other party and their hobbit were caught by the enemy's leader in a mess?

   Although I don’t know what is the use of taking Wendy and Hobbit away, Naz only knows that anyway, he must be rescued back!

   Of course, by the way, I have to save that useless Wendy from!

   "Save it?"

   "It's pretty good, but the problem is..."

   "How can I save it?"

   "Although I want to rescue Wendy faster than any of you, I also know that with your strength alone, it is impossible to beat those enemies!"

   "But if you want to rely on this spacecraft..."

   "Then you must find the enemy, lead the enemy out, and then use the bombing of the spacecraft to destroy and defeat the enemy before you can save people!"

   "Otherwise, if we bombed directly, Wendy and the male cat would definitely be harmed!"

   After the white female cat Xia Lulu used wing magic to flew slowly, she first refuted Naz's words, and then asked everyone in a condescending manner.


  ‘That’s right, we really can’t beat those people. ’

  ‘Or, shall we seek the support of the guild? ’

  ‘No way! ’

  ‘We can’t even beat all of us, so what's the point of calling more people? Moreover, the time is estimated to be too late. ’


  ‘It seems that we can only continue to rely on this aerial crit ship, and what Xia Lulu said just now makes sense. ’


  ‘President Anne, what do you think? ’

After discussing it for a while, everyone had to look at a distractor again and grab the command of the Christina. The spacecraft that was originally intended to be controlled by remote control had to be controlled by humans, and it was bizarre. Little girl.

   "It's easy!"


   "Of course it's the original plan! But this time you don't need to find their stronghold. You just need to go down, find them in the forest, lead them out, and then call someone to strike in the air. Isn't that all right?"



  ‘Sounds good? ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘This is the only way. ’

  ‘MEN! ’

  ‘Just do it! ’

  ‘I also think it is feasible, there is no better way anyway. ’

  ‘Then do it like this! ’

   Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Soon, they nodded when they couldn't find a better way, thinking that the current situation might only be that.


   "Since it's decided, let's go down quickly!"

   "But Annie, you have to blow up a bit more accurately this time, but you can't blow us up like Elsa!!"

   Seeing that everyone had made a decision, Naz, who felt that he had had enough rest, waved his fists and screamed, desperately wanting to get off the boat and return to the ground.

   After all, it was okay when the spaceship hovered here motionless. Once it moved, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he was more willing to return to the ground to compete with the enemy.

   "I have been playing very accurately!"


   "If it hadn't been for the idiot Elisa to run around after seeing the shelling, how could she be injured?!"

   Yes, Annie said that Elisa's injury has nothing to do with her at all!

   At that time, the other person should just lie down on the ground as honestly as everyone else. In that case, she would definitely not hurt her as an adult when she grew up! But who would have thought that that stupid guy had to stand up bravely and wanted to pursue those enemies, but the result...

   The result is: the other party is still lying on the bed in the cabin, and God knows when he will wake up!



   "That's it..."

   "Let's get ready, and then go to the ground to fight!"

   "As for the air..."

   "Leave it to President Annie. She is responsible for directing and dispatching our action team on the ground. Everyone must obey unconditionally!"

Soon, the holy ten master Jura Rekis nodded, agreed with everyone's proposal, and was ready to continue the mission according to the original plan, and at the same time offered to hand over the command and dispatch authority to a certain performance. In the hands of the very outstanding little girl president.


   "You want Annie to direct?"


   To be honest, if there weren't people from the other three guilds present, Lucy really wanted to say to the big bald head: The little girl in their guild is not reliable at all. If you give the other party a command, there will be trouble!

   "The time is urgent, so it's decided."

   "Now, everyone, go and prepare, we will set off in an hour!"

  Jura Rekis did not give Lucy a chance to continue. After seeing that there seemed to be no objection from others, he directly decided the matter.

  ’! ! ’

   ‘Oh~! ’

   ‘Hurry up, let the spaceship stop...’

At this time, after everyone had discussed and made a decision, the spaceship finally started to move slowly, and of course, a certain cherry-haired guy fell directly on the deck and hugged him tightly there. Weeping over the guardrail.



  ? Ask for a ticket?

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