Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1390: (?????) Hey! Pack another one!

Obviously, to a certain extent, humans cannot compete with machines.

Otherwise, the "General of the Six Demons" and others would not try to destroy the "Cyan Pegasus" aerial magic crit ship "Christina" after knowing the plan of the four guilds allied forces. Up.

It’s a pity that the conspiracy of the "Six Demon Generals" to destroy the battleship almost succeeded. If the president of a tragic little girl was not on the beautiful, pegasus-shaped aerial crit ship and grabbed it unreasonably. If you are the captain of someone else's family?

However, there are no ifs in this world. The current situation is:

While the air magic crit ship "Christina" is still intact, still flying arrogantly in the sky above the Vash Forest, and a certain horrible little girl president still holds and controls the warship, The situation of their "Six Demon Generals" and others will naturally only get worse.

After a guy riding a flying snake trying to destroy a battleship was bombarded by a wretched little girl and completely lost his combat effectiveness, another powerful wizard named'Lisa' with the'fastest' speed Shi, the guy who defeated both Naz and Gray had no power to parry, was once again covered by a continuous explosion, and became a prisoner of the Four Guilds Alliance after being severely injured, and was imprisoned in the air demon. In a cell of the crit guided ship "Christina".

In this way, the six powerful enemies of the original "Six Demon Generals" suddenly became four.

Of course, the situation on the Four Guild Alliance is not very good...

Because, Naz, who is known as the strongest fire dragon of "Fairy Tail," and Gray, who is the strongest modeling ice wizard, had to follow Elisa's footsteps gorgeously under that terrible air strike, and at the same time Was moved into the cabin ward of the spacecraft, and became roommates with Elisa.

This kind of result is actually quite good, at least, they didn't die, and the injuries didn't seem to be heavier than a certain prisoner.

However, this situation finally caused the dissatisfaction of someone who was almost affected, or rather the guy who should be a cat.

"President Anne..."

"You are really too messy. You dare to shoot at that distance. We were almost killed by you at that time!!"


"How did you hurt Naz and Gray?"

On the bridge of the air magical crit ship "Christina", the white cat Xia Lulu flew in the mid-air of the cabin, facing someone sitting in the captain's position, still looking indifferent. The little girl will grow up and scolded loudly.

Behind her, it was the one who had just been rescued, and then kept following with her face, she didn't want to go to the ward to take care of Naz at all, she was just a male cat, Hobby, with the appearance of the opposite **** and inhumanity.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~



"What are you stupid and anxious? You are not okay, and Naz and Gray are not dead yet, aren't they?"


Annie didn't feel that she had done anything wrong. On the contrary, she just made another great contribution after defeating the enemy's army and smashing the enemy's interception!

Under her previous fierce bombardment, the guy in the "Six Demon Generals" guild who was capable of strange'speed' magic was successfully blown up by her and was easily captured, and the enemy hiding in the stronghold cave was even scared to death. The escape also allowed them to successfully rescue Wendy who was unconscious and a certain useless hobby.

So, it must be unreasonable for the other party to accuse her of something that has never happened.

"I will tell you..."


"Next time, people will dare to blow up!"


That's right!

In Annie's opinion, there are too many people on their side anyway. Anyway, there are only six powerful players in the "Six Demon Generals", and now she has only been bombed so that there are only four who can fight. Then, just continue. In this way,'kill the enemy and lose two or three at one's own expense' and then come up a few times, then they will win.


"You guy!!"

Xia Lulu was so angry that she almost didn't want to rush forward, and then scratched the opponent fiercely.

However, seeing the two shiny silver "Holy Ten Great Wizards" badges that usually hang on the other's chest, and comparing the combat effectiveness of the two sides, it still forcibly resisted it.

"Do not worry!"


"That Wendy in your house, won't she be able to heal magic? When she wakes up and recovers, she can use it again. When that happens, save Elisa and Naz directly. They can be alive again. Did you run down to attract firepower?"


"I will definitely remember to boom a little bit further next time!"


Touching the other's head, Annie was so insincerely as to persuade her.

Yes, in her opinion, the role of those idiots is just to go to the ground to help her find and attract enemies, and then let her play with some kind of special taunting tool.

If it weren’t for the cannonballs and energy, she couldn’t let go of her hands to bombard and burn the entire forest directly to the ground, she wouldn’t even need them to help attract the enemy, she would just control the spaceship by herself. The "six demon generals" who can fight these messy "six demon generals" cry for their fathers and mothers, let the boring enemies and the terrorists know the importance of air supremacy and technological advancement!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Also, next time?!"

Xia Lulu was stunned, and subconsciously avoided the opponent's move to continue touching her head.


"How can you be like this?!"

Then, UU read www. uukanshu. Com recovered from it, and then angrily rebuked it again.

"Of course there must be another time!"


"There are still four enemies left, and I don't know if the remaining half of the shells are enough. I blame the wasted too much before, but I will save a bit of fighting next."

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

To be honest, if it's not too far away, if it's not too late to fly back and forth, if it's not for the air magical crit ship "Christina", it needs to stay in the air above the Gas Forest to deter the enemy and be there at any time. If the'friends' explored in the forest provided undifferentiated coverage bombing support, she would have ordered the flight back to replenish a large amount of energy and shells before flying back.

"You bad guy..."


"You have also seen that Wendy has not recovered yet, and the healing magic requires a lot of her consumption of mana, which should not be used frequently, otherwise, it will cause a great burden on Wendy's body and spirit!"

"If you go into chaos like you, Wendy will definitely not be able to save it alone. You can figure it out by yourself!"

Finally, seeing that she seemed unable to convince the horrible little girl president in front of her, Xia Lulu the cat could only finally explain some things and turned her head angrily.

Because it wants to go back to take care of Wendy who is sleeping and recovering magic power.

It is said that in that cave, the opponent was forced to save a very powerful enemy called Geral, so some magic power is overdrawn now?

Therefore, it must go back and take care of Wendy.

In addition, it must tell Wendy that the other party must control the magic when treating the wounded, and must not let a nasty little girl use it as a tool to use it at will!

'what! ’

'Hey! Lulu, wait for me first! ’

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