Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1391: (??ω??) Is it nirvana?

Under the command and leadership of the wise Captain Anne, the air magic crit ship "Christina" finally made new achievements, successfully wounding and capturing the second dying prisoner, that is, the "snake" The enemy that Jura Rekis fought with the Saint Ten Great Sorcerer of Ji Zhilin, the Earth Sorcerer Heteai in the Guild of the "Six Demon Generals".

In this way, six of the "Six Demon Generals" were bombarded by Annie, only the last three were left.

I believe that as long as the coalition forces continue to work hard, work harder to lead out or find the enemy, and make a little girl bombard several times, then they will crusade the "Six Demon Generals" this time and prevent them from gaining the magic of Nirvana. The task will surely be a great and triumphant!

Of course, while catching the second enemy, the coalition forces also naturally added another glorious wounded, that is, the Holy Ten Demon who was fighting the enemy well, but was baffled for some reason. Guide Jura Rekis.

Fortunately, the ability of the big bald head is not bad. At a critical moment, he also knows that the control soil has formed a hard wall around his body, which firmly protects himself inside, so he just suffers some damage. It's just implicated, and it doesn't matter much.

However, given that he had been sneak attacked by the "Six Demon Generals" before, he was originally injured, and now he was battered inexplicably. Although the injuries were not serious, he basically declared that he had lost the ability to fight. Can honestly return to the spacecraft and no longer participate in the search for enemies on the ground.

So, at this moment, only Leo Bastia and Shiriya Brandi of the "Snake Girl Scales" guild are still active in that huge gas forest, "Cyan Pegasus" "One night in the guild, Wangdley Shou and others, and Lucy, the celestial wizard of the "Fairy Tail" guild, are just seven people.

"Chairman Annie!"

"If you continue to mess around like this, our people will be wiped out by you before the enemy is wiped out!"


"I will never ask Wendy to help you treat the wounded!"

"That hurt Wendy too much, she doesn't have that much magic power at all, and if you continue to fight like you, I'm afraid she will fall down before she can treat those people. Up!"

"Have you heard?"

Xia Lulu once again scolded a little girl for her crazy behavior.

The last time it was Naz and Gray, this time he went to Mr. Jura Rekiss, the top ten magician, and suddenly there were four wounded in need of treatment, and they were Wendy alone. With Wendy’s Magic power, plus the fact that the other party had already treated a guy named'Geral' before he came back, how can he effectively treat those four people now?

So, after stopping Wendy who wanted to be strong, Xia Lulu came to the spaceship’s control room again, and came to this bridge. What a nasty little girl scolded.


( ̄~ ̄) Hmm!


(*⊙~⊙) choke

"Water, water..."


"Guru Guru Guru..."




"Finally came alive..."

(? ̄? ̄?)!

A certain disliked white cat suddenly yelled from behind, and Annie, who was eating big mouthfuls, almost didn't choke.



"You stupid cat! Do you know that when you were eating, suddenly shouting loudly from the back of someone's house, but it was very, very impolite!!"






However, before she had time to reprimand the other party for a few more words, Annie suddenly turned her head as if she had noticed something, and looked towards a certain window of the bridge.

"That is……"


Rumbling rumbling...

At this moment, I don’t know what happened in the gas forest on the ground. Anyway, Annie only saw that in the distance of the forest, a huge beam of light with traces of black energy rushed into the sky, shaking. The airflow directly blows away the clouds in the sky in an instant, and at the same time makes their magical crit ship'Christina', which is flying high in the sky, sway slightly.


A certain cat Xia Lulu, who was planning to change Annie's argument, had obviously seen it too.

"Black, black beam of light?!"

As a result, it also began to stare in shock with round eyes and open mouth, and some incredulously toward the distant place that rushed into the sky, toward the place where the powerful and terrifying magic power was raging. It's good to know what to say at this time.

'what is that? ! ’

‘What a terrible magic! ’

'what happened? ’

'That is…..'

‘Nirvana! ’

‘Nirvana? ! ’

‘No, no? ’

‘It should be! ’

‘Did the enemy succeed? ’

'I do not know……'


‘It seems that the seal has really been unlocked, this is a bad thing! ’

Then, of course, the "Cyan Pegasus" wizard crew members in the bridge also began to stand up involuntarily and looked at the terrifying huge beam of light in shock.

At the same time, condescending they also saw that everywhere in the gas forest, there are actually the same huge black energy tides that are visible to the naked eye, and they continue to converge towards the burst of light.

‘! ! ’

'fast! ’

‘Call the people on the ground right away and ask if they did it? ’

'what! ’

'Yes! understand! ! ’

Finally, for a while, the first officer of the "Cyan Pegasus" reacted and shouted directly at a certain crew member who was in charge of communications and liaison.


After operating on the magical instrument for a while, the crew member soon stood up and reported:

'report! ’

‘Now that the magical interference on the ground is very strong, we can’t contact the people on the ground! ’

‘But according to the position before the beam of light erupted, the people closest to them were far away from the beam of light, it shouldn’t be our people! ’

Now that the instrument’s magic guide shows that the dial is in chaos, even the display that was able to locate one’s own position has become a white magical turbulence, so if you want to contact or monitor the personnel on the ground at this time It is definitely not realistic.

‘Damn it! ’

'how so? ’

"Obviously, it has been going well..."

‘! ! ’

‘President Anne, what shall we do now? ’

No way, the first officer couldn't make up his mind, and didn't know what to do, so he had to subconsciously look at their little girl captain, wanting to hear the other person's opinion.

Now, the plan that they executed well before will definitely not be able to continue, because the magic of the entire forest is very chaotic, and it is impossible to locate the coordinates of their own people or enemies, and they cannot receive information. UU Reading and there is a sea of ​​green trees below them. Under the cover of those tall tree canopies, they have air superiority, as if their eyes were instantly covered, becoming'blind' and "The Deaf", even if he wants to visually bombard him, he can't see where the enemy is hiding.



"Let me think about it first..."

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

After signalling the first mate not to speak, Annie continued to eat her own food while looking at the huge and seemingly bluffing beam of light in the distance, and she was dazed by the rumbling noise.



Hearing what Annie said, all the crew present and the white cat who just wanted to make a fuss couldn't help but quiet down.

Knowing that the situation has become very bad, the enemy is likely to have succeeded in their conspiracy, they can only silently look at the beam of light in the distance, looking at the terrible scene, and then wait for a certain little girl to grow up. decision.



However, what they didn’t know was that Annie didn’t think of a solution at all. She just continued to sit in her captain’s seat, watching the distant scenes, and continuing to eat in the heart of watching the excitement. It’s just my own stuff.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



At this moment, a certain big bald head who was supposed to be resting directly rushed in.

"I see the beam of light!"

"how is it?"

"President Anne, how is the situation now?!"

Jura Rekis, who is in the "scale of the snake girl", is still wearing a lot of bandages on his body, and he can even see a lot of blood seeping out, but at this time he can no longer take care of it. .

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