Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1402: ?(??????)? It turns out to be like this

   The two worlds of ‘Adras’ and ‘Aslant’ are parallel worlds. Their world maps are basically the same, but the distribution of cities and the names of specific cities are still very different.

   Maybe, while these two parallel worlds are related, there are also differences, right?

   Anyway, as far as we know, there are people or meows who have the same appearance and name in these two worlds, but have completely different personalities and identities.

   But, Aslant won’t talk about it, let’s talk about Adras...

  In this world, there is an island floating above the mainland of Adras. They are Extania and the kingdom of Adras, the human kingdom under Extania.

Since there are many magical floating islands, fantasy animals, and exaggerated floating rivers in this world, they are all related to the use of magic, and the abuse of magic naturally makes this world on the verge of that magic. On the verge of collapse, and then had to try to extract magic from the world of Aslant, planning to use Aslant as the source of magic in this world?

   In short, this is the truth!

Because of the lack of magic power, the human kingdom located under Extania, the human world under the king’s compulsory order, ordinary people have been ordered to prohibit possessing and using any magic. Anyone who possesses magic will be regarded as crime.

Because the magic of this world is already scarce, and it is mainly stored in the earth, and that piece of earth is also floating in the sky under the action of magic, regardless of whether it is magic or energy, they are always Use a little less, so the magic of this world will gradually dry up with the passage of time, so that we must try to obtain a new source of magic, otherwise, one day in the future, the world will eventually come to the end of destruction. .

   And this is the main reason why everyone in Magnolia City in the world of Aslan has been teleported and transformed into this world to become a magic crystal.

Anyway, people in this world want and do that, and the fake'Elusa' who was caught by Annie and used as a captive said that too. This is also the national policy of the Kingdom of Adras. For the sake of magic, they have become unreasonable, even if they sacrifice more people in the Aslant world!



   "The situation is probably like this, anyway, it's the fake Elsa, which is what Elisa Netivoka said!"


Anne just ate her own things on her own, and at the same time told a little bit of what she had inquired from the fake'Elisa' whose **** was swollen. , That is, those messy things mentioned above.

   Anyway, she has already said everything she knows. As for the people in front of her who don't understand, it has nothing to do with her.

   "Damn it!"

   "The people of the Kingdom of Adras are too bad. Their world magic is exhausted. What matters to the people of our Aslant world? Why should we turn our people into magic crystals for them to use?"

"just wait!"

   "If I can still use magic, I must burn that king into coke!!"

In this hotel in Sika City, after listening to what Annie said, and listening to the most true second-hand information from a prisoner, Naz was so angry that he was in this hotel on the spot. The room yelled bitterly.

   However, everyone did not care about him. Wendy, Lucy, fake Lucy, and Xia Lulu, etc., just sat aside silently, digesting a little girl's intelligence, and trying hard to think about countermeasures in their hearts.

   Even if...

   In fact, they don’t have any good countermeasures at all right now?

"So this is ah!"


"she was……"

"That'hunting fairy', when she was about to attack the'Fairy Tail' guild in this world, she was defeated by you, and then you were arrested, let her lead the way, and always took you to Sika. City here?"

Real Lucy was a little surprised, because she had heard that Elisa Netwoka, known as the "Hunting Fairy", is very powerful, and it is likely to be the same as the Ai in their Aslant world. Ruza Shucarletto is also on par?

   But, a guy like that who didn't lose to the "Fairy Queen" was easily defeated by Annie, and was bullied so badly...

Sure enough, in this way, the reason why President Makarov agreed to announce that this little guy in front of him was the guild leader’s “first in line”, and to give way so quickly and so simply after the contest, was absolutely It's not without any reason.

   Thinking about it, Lucy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and nod, secretly feeling that the success rate of their next action added a little more chance of winning.

Because now they no longer only need to rely on her alone, the Astral Sorcer Lucy Hatfield. With their powerful guild leader, she will just follow It's enough for everyone to act together and provide help within their capacity, without too much psychological pressure.



   "Yes! That's it!"


   Thinking of the fake Elisa who was let go by herself, Annie felt a little weird.

   Because, she likes to bully the guy who looks exactly like Elisa, and watch the other person gritted her teeth with hatred, but feel helpless?

After all, the real'Elisa' is very familiar with Annie. She would definitely not be able to do it easily, and there is no suitable and legitimate reason to pump each other's ass, but if it is a fake'Elisa' 'In that case, she will not be soft as a guild leader, and she will be unambiguous when she starts her hands.



   "Annie, didn't you say that there was another person in the "Fairy Tail" guild who was here to attack this world, right?"

   "What about the other person, who was not caught by you?"

   At this moment, Naz on the side suddenly asked again.

He heard what the terrible'Lucy' had said. There are several demon warfare captains like the fake'Elisa' in the Kingdom of Adras, who are specifically responsible for capturing and killing the'Fairy Tail' guild. member! But before, he only saw Annie grabbed the captain of the Kingdom Army’s Second Demon Warfare ‘Elisa’, but the other guy was missing, which inevitably made him feel a little puzzled.

Anyway, in Naz’s opinion, their President Anne is famous for being careful, and two enemies provoked her at the same time, but only caught and bullied only one of them. This must be a bit unreasonable. In line with the other party's temperament.

   "Another person?"


   "Hmm... let me think about it first..."

   Annie began to rack her brains to remember, and tried her best to recall the situation at the time... She remembered that at the time it seemed that someone was indeed talking to the fake ‘Elisa’.


  ! o

   "I remember it!"

   "At that time, people just chased after the fake'Elisa' who looked exactly like Elisa, and then accidentally, the dog stepped on the hapless stupid guy..."


   "I don't know if he was trampled down..."


   Yes, Annie remembered. At that time, the dog seemed to have stepped on something, and even wanted to stop and check?

   But she was urged to continue running forward, for fear of being run away by the fake ‘Elisa’, where would she care about those things? As a result, after she succeeded in catching the ‘Elisa’, a certain unlucky guy who was stepped on by a big dog was directly forgotten by her gorgeously.

  Ε=)) alas

   "Is that true?"


   "Then we have one less enemy!"

Naz knew what Anne’s big trick was, so when he heard that a certain hapless guy was squashed by a huge “dog”, that is, the transportation tool that Anne caught, he couldn’t help but drink. Shocked!

   He was once huge when dealing with him, and he knew how powerful he was in that situation! Therefore, he felt that even if the other party was not dead, it would be almost the same. Anyway, there will be no good fruit to eat! And there must be one less enemy they will face.

   Of course, it would be better if Annie hadn't let the fake ‘Elisa’ go before entering Sika City.


   At this time, the fake ‘Lucy’ who had been sitting by and listening did not speak, but silently listened to the conversation among the guild members from the Aslant world.

   To be honest, besides being full of inconceivableness, there was endless shock in her heart!

She had never thought that this guild leader from the world of Aslant, this little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals, could be so powerful that she could defeat the two captains of the Kingdom Army Demon Team with just one person, and Also caught the'hunting fairy' Elisa of the Second Demon Team, and even smashed the captain of the other Demon Team?


   But, after she was surprised, she couldn't help but bowed her head somewhat lonely.

Because, she discovered that they didn’t seem to have such a little girl in this world, at least not in their guild named "Fairy Tail"...if they also had such a powerful little girl as the president. , Presumably, their guild would definitely not fall to the tragic situation where they were hunted down and killed by the kingdom at this time, almost half of their companions lost their lives, and even the guild leader was hunted down and killed.

   She is a little hard to accept. Since everyone is a "Fairy Tail" guild, they all have almost the same guild members, and even the guild badges are the same. Why is the difference in strength between them so big?

   At this point, the fake Lucy, that is, Lucy Ashure, can't understand what he thinks.


   "There is one more thing!!"

   At this time, Naz spoke again.

  Looking at his rare and serious look, not only interrupted Lucy Ashure's thoughts, but also attracted the attention of everyone else.


   "I don't understand, why can you also use magic?"

   "If Lucy is too weak, because Protoss Magic does not require magic, so she can continue to use it..."

"Then why can you still use the Faerie Sorcerer who is known as the'Strong Fairy Sorcerer'? Why is it that I and Wendy, who are a little weaker than you, are still able to use it? Out of service?"

   Naz said angrily.

  If this situation were kept in the usual way, especially when it was placed in the Aslant world, he must have been so angry that he would have burst into flames.

   However, here, he can't give birth to half the fire, even if he uses his best, all he can vomit is saliva.

   "Damn it!"

   "Natz! I'm not too weak, please don't arrange me indiscriminately! Also, our Astral Sorcerer is also very strong, not as weak as you think!"

   Lucy refuted it angrily, because she was still able to use the Protoss magic normally and summon the Protoss to fight. During this time, she was often scolded, envied and vilified by Naz.

   "Yes, President Annie, do you know the reason?"


   "Hobby would like to know too! Because neither Hobby nor Xia Lulu's wings can be used..."

At this time, Wendy, the white cat Xia Lulu, and the blue cat Hobby also looked at Annie together, and looked at them eagerly, as if they hoped to learn the real reason from Annie’s mouth, so as to get rid of it completely. The terrible situation where they can't use magic in this world.



   "So you guys can't use magic anymore? But... your magic is still there..."


   If the other party didn't say anything, Annie didn't notice this thing, because she had never thought that there would be such a thing.

   But, soon Annie reacted again.

   "Ah! I seem to remember it!"


   "It seems that the magic rules in this world are indeed different from the original magic rules in your world, so you must slightly change the original spellcasting skills!"

This matter is actually the same as the basic laws of physics that are common in almost all worlds that generate heat by friction and cutting magnetic lines of induction, but if the laws in a certain world change, then, The generator would definitely not be able to generate electricity, and drilling wood to make a fire would also definitely not get any sparks!

In the same way, when the basic magic laws of the world of Adras and the world of Aslant are not the same, if Naz and Wendy still use their original habits and methods, then It definitely won't work.


   "It turned out to be like this!"

   "Then Annie, please teach us how to change, please!"

   "Yes, President Annie, what are we going to do?"


   I heard that this is what happened. Although Naz and others didn't quite understand it, it didn't prevent them from seeking a solution to their problem from their little girl president.

"This one……"


   "It's not impossible to teach you something, but it seems a bit troublesome..."

"Because they will first explain to you the principles of magic in this world. UU read www.uukā and then explain to you the resonance techniques and corresponding element composition of spellcasting in this world. Finally, you may have to modify what you would have originally. Those magic arrays..."

   "With your elm heads, you may not be able to learn it for several years!"


Yes, in the case that Annie herself will not use more power than Lulu to cheat, it is indeed very, very troublesome to let these guys successfully cast spells in this world of Adras. !

   Unless, she is willing to seriously think of other ways to let these dumb guys, with the help of some auxiliary props, directly and smoothly transform and use their original magic under the laws of this world?


It’s troublesome to think about things like that. She will grow up with Anne, but she’s the most afraid of trouble, so it’s better to just leave it alone. Anyway, after saving the person back, I went back to the Aslant World, so this time It doesn't seem to be a big deal if the guy doesn't use the magic of this world.


   "Good, many years? No way?"




   Hearing Annie's words, Naz, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Hobby couldn't help but exclaimed, and their eyes rounded in disbelief.

   Obviously, they don’t have the time to learn, and the Kingdom won’t give them time...


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