Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1403: ?(???)? People are the only one



On this huge airship in the Kingdom of Adras, Natsu, Real Lucy, Fake Lucy, Wendy, Charlu, and Hobby looked at each other face to face with a triumphant little girl. Once again, he sat in the position of the captain, and while smoking a magic whip, he yelled at the crew of the Adras Kingdom as they were manipulating the spacecraft.

At this time, several of them had left Sika City, were flying to the capital of the Kingdom of Adras, and were preparing to arrive in the capital within two days, and tried to prevent the Kingdom of Adras from turning those into The people of Magic Crystal and the residents of Magnolia City have completely transformed into magic power.

   They must arrive at their destination within two days and successfully stop the kingdom’s plan!

   Otherwise, once those'magic crystals' are extracted and converted into magic power, those who have been transformed into magic crystals will never change back!

   Therefore, they will brazenly seize the Adras Kingdom ship that was originally to transport soldiers to Sika City, and force the soldiers of those kingdoms to sail for them.

Actually, originally the Kingdom of Adras would hold a ceremony two days later and extract the magic power of the "Magic Crystal". Annie and Naz and the others didn't know about it, but it happened at this time and before that. The Elisa released by Annie, that is, the fake fake, the Eliza Netivoka led a large number of kingdom soldiers to come to the door to prepare for revenge...

There is no need to repeat the details at that time. Anyway, everyone only knows that the fake'Elisa' was defeated by their little girl president with a whimsical idea, and the hundreds of kingdom soldiers brought It was even more so that she was blown up by her three or two piercing missiles, and had to be scattered.

Then, they got new information from the fake'Elusa' who was once again sent to the door as a captive. Knowing that the kingdom was planning to hold a ceremony two days later to extract the magic power of the magic crystal, they looked at the opportunity. Under the leadership of a little girl, she used powerful force to forcibly seize the current troop airship that originally belonged to the Kingdom Army.

As for the fake'Elisa', that Elisa Netvoka was taken for granted by a bad little girl once again and humiliated her ass, and then directly Abandoned in Sika City, I must be unable to catch up in a short time.




   "Continue to fly eastward at this speed. If anyone dares to be lazy, they will lick someone's ass!"


   "If you haven't reached the royal capital of the Kingdom of Adras tomorrow, people will throw all of you outside and kill you!!"


First, after dancing the whip in her hand and letting it make a very threatening sound in the air, Annie screamed at those in the cabin who had been disarmed and were trembling like thin ice like the Kingdom Army crew. Said.

She is more than just a threat, because ah, the previous rebel captains, first mates, officers, and some redundant sailors were indeed thrown out of the spacecraft after she turned them into small animals, and The screams sounded miserable when they fell. As for whether they were killed or not, it is not known...

   Anyway, Annie knew that the remaining guys would definitely not want to try.


   "People will keep staring at you! If anyone dares to be careful, you are dead!!!"

   Seeing the crew members staying in their own posts to work, and not even daring to speak, Annie was finally a little satisfied, and sat back on her captain's throne proudly.

Now this situation reminded her unconsciously of the beautiful air-magic crit ship'Christina' that she had seized when she was fighting against her, because she also threw the captain onto the ship at the time. He won control of the spacecraft only after he went outside.


   So, of course, Annie summed up the most effective way to grab the spaceship, that is:

Rush into the spacecraft, catch the captain, throw him out of the ship, then beat all those who dare to resist, and continue to throw them out of the ship. When there are no more people in the spacecraft who dare to resist her orders, the spacecraft It was successfully snatched!

   In short, is it so simple and easy?


   "At this rate, we will definitely be able to reach the capital within two days!"

   "It's just..."

   "Naz is a bit pitiful, he may have to be tortured on this ship for at least a whole day!"

Seeing that Annie has completely controlled the situation, then look at the one beside her who is lying on the deck in a state of'severe seasickness'. It can't help at all, and even needs someone to take care of Naz, true Lucy. I couldn't help but get some headaches.

   She suddenly felt that they shouldn't have brought Naz here, because the other party can't use magic at all, they don't have any combat power at all, and they can't take transportation. It's a burden!

Naturally, the current burden is another dragon slayer Wendy and two dumb cats. On the contrary, her Miss Lucy has become the second strongest wizard in the team after the president. The sense of superiority under one person and above ten thousand people can make her unconsciously straighten her waist and chest just thinking about it.


   "Has he always been like this?"

   At this time, the fake Lucy on the side spoke up, and looked curiously at the Naz who was squatting on the floor.

She didn't plan to go to the royal capital with these people. After all, Lucy Ashurek is still the chief criminal wanted by the kingdom. It must be very dangerous to go to the royal capital at this time. If one is not good, then you may lose your life?


After seeing a certain little girl swiftly defeating the hunting fairy and hundreds of kingdom soldiers brought by the other party, and also successfully seizing the airship, I felt the power of the president of a certain little girl. She is indeed very strong, thinking that these people are likely to do something that the'monster tail' guild of their world has never dared to think of, she followed in a ghostly manner.

   "That's right!"

   "The fierce Lucy, Naz has always been like this!"

   "Whether it is a car, a train, a ship, or a spacecraft like today, as long as it is a means of transportation, there is no resistance to it!"

   "Sometimes, because of severe motion sickness, he had to ride the same train back and forth for several days, until he was found by the conductor and left the car to get rid of it temporarily?"

   Without waiting for Zhen Lucy to speak, Hobbi enthusiastically raised his paw and replied.

Because this matter is indeed the most persuasive, it has been with Naz a long time ago, even much earlier than Lucy. Therefore, for some things about Naz, there is definitely no one who is. It is clearer than it.

   "That's it..."

   "But this is really weird..."


   "Naz in the world of Adras, he is not like this at all."

   once again looked at the smoking ‘Naz’ lying on the deck in astonishment. The fake Lucy didn’t know what happened, but the corner of his mouth curled up in an inexplicable way.

"and also!"

   "You hateful Exit, you are not allowed to add the words'Baba' in front of my name!!"

After shook his head, the fake Lucy quickly reacted, and for the first time he vehemently refuted a certain nasty blue cat, that is, Exeter Hobby in their world, and Threatening Dao with a fist.

   In the "Fairy Tail" guild in their world, who didn't know that Lucy Ashure was a gentle, generous, beautiful, kind, understanding and popular girl, where could there be anything fierce?


   Hobby was too scared to speak, and she shrank directly behind the white cat Xia Lulu.

"go away!"

   "Useless guy!"

   It's a pity that Xia Lulu didn't give Hubby a good face, and walked aside arrogantly, and walked to Wendy's side.


   "Miss Lucy from the world of Adras, what kind of person is Mr. Naz in your world?"

   "Can you tell me something?"

   Anyway, the spacecraft will have to fly a whole day, so Wendy, who feels that everyone has enough time to talk and understand each other, can't help but ask a little curiously.


   "The other me, please tell me, what kind of dumb guy is Naz here?"

   At this time, Real Lucy was also interested.

Because Naz told her that when he was in the other party’s guild residence, he had seen a different Wendy, a different Elfman, a different other person, and the previous one. 'Lucy', but at the time she didn't see another different'Naz', which really made her quite rare.


   Seeing these members from another world ask about Naz in this world, Lucy couldn't help but chuckle.

   Because she also discovered that the Naz in their world seems to be the opposite of the Naz from another world?


"Our Naz, his name is Naz Doracion. The only difference from your Naz is that he is not only not afraid of transportation, but also very good at it. When in the car, he Just like changing a person, you can do anything and everything!"

   "On the contrary, after leaving the vehicle, my personality became very timid, like a little girl?"


   "Is it really like that?"


   "That's it!"

   "I really want to see him..."

   "Don't worry, another Lucy, you will definitely have a chance to see him! However, he won't go to the royal capital, and there may be no way in a short time."


   "That's really a shame. I always feel that Naz, who is not afraid of transportation, might be better?"

"Do not!"

   "Believe me, another Lucy... From now on, you'd better not be with Naz in the world of Adras in transportation!"

   "Huh? Why then?"

"No reason……"


   Soon, Lucy and Wendy, Hobby, Xia Lulu and others found out the truth and falsehood of certain topics, and you talked with each other in a low voice.


Looking at the guys next to them, I think they shouldn't bother themselves in a short time. Then I look at the crew of the Adras Kingdom. After seeing that they are all honestly sailing, Annie feels relieved. He lay down deeply on his captain's throne, and took advantage of no one's attention, took out some delicious snacks from his space pocket, and ate himself.


   Annie is already thinking about it. After arriving in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Adras, she must first find delicious food first, and eat a few good meals first!

   As for saving people...

   The matter is not urgent, anyway, when she grows up with Anne, she will definitely be rescued after she has enough food and drink!


   "The fierce Lucy, in your "Fairy Tail" guild in this world, is there really no little girl or big girl named "Anne"?"

   At this time, after a small group of people chatted for a while, a certain blue cat Hobby suddenly asked strangely.


   "The other me, do you know Annie? What kind of person is she in this world?"

   "Ah! I want to know too!"

   "At that time, we all saw that the'Wendy' in this world seems to be in her twenties. Isn't the'Annie' in this world the same, isn't it a child?"


   "Not a kid's Annie? What would it be like?"

   "I don't know, isn't this asking?"


   "Say it, another Lucy?"

   Then, Real Lucy and Wendy also came over.

  Because they are really curious, they really want to know what kind of person "Anne" is in this world. Is it the same as them, another existence with different temperament and strength, even age?

   Anyway, they are already thinking, could the "Anne" in this world be a dozen-year-old grandmother? In that way, things must be very interesting, right?

   "Another Annie?"



   "In our "Fairy Tail" guild, there does not seem to be a person named "Annie", nor any wizard who uses that kind of fairy magic..."

   "We don't have such a strong president like you..."

   While talking, False Lucy lowered her head lonely.


   "Is there no Annie?"

   "How is this possible? When I joined the guild on the same day as Annie, how could there be no Annie here, do you think about it again?!"

   "Yes, Elisa, Wendy, Naz, Elfman, Miraj, and others have another self. How come President Anne will not?"

   "Will it be like me, Annie in this world is not a child?"

   "It was done!"

   "Will it..."

   "President Anne in this world is the villain from the Kingdom Army?!"


   "Annie in this world is a badass?"

  As everyone talked, they couldn't help thinking about it.

  Because, if the "Annie" in the world of Adras is really a badass, it would be terrible!



   "You are the bad guys!!"

  Ε=)) Bah! !

   "You don't need to ask her, just tell you directly, in this world, you will definitely not find another'Annie' out of it!"



   "But Annie, why?"


   "Chairman Annie, if I, Lucy, and Naz all have another self, why don't you have one?"

   "Habi didn't even think about it..."


   Seeing a certain little girl so sure that there is no other one in this world, everyone who was talking about that kind of interesting thing cast their doubtful eyes.



   "I won't tell you. Anyway, if you don't have it, you don't have it. People are the only one!!"


  Anne wouldn’t tell these guys: She, President Anne, is actually not a member of Aslant’s world, nor is she from the world of Edras!

Anyway, UU reading before, when her strength gradually reached a certain level, except for the one Annie she encountered in the parallel world she accidentally visited, and the other party was also interfered with by herself. In addition to deliberately retaining relatively independent'will' and'existence', in any other parallel world, another'Anne Hasta' can no longer be found.

   In short, she is the only one, no matter which world she goes to! Of course, the same goes for Tibbs the bear in her hand.


   "Everyone, leave her alone, we all have another selves, how could she not?"

   "Yes, there must be some too!"

   "Maybe she is a badass?"


   "But, is it an ordinary person who doesn't understand magic at all?"


   "After all, she is too strong in the world of Aslant. As a relative world of Adras, she may indeed be a fool who knows nothing about magic!"

   "Hobby thinks so too..."

   Just like that, this group of idle guys hiding aside and doing all kinds of choreography to their guild leaders as best as they can.



   After hesitating, Annie decided to ignore the self-righteous idiots and let them guess slowly! Anyway, as she just said, they definitely can't find another one in this world.


  ? How about monthly and recommended tickets?

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