Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1404: |????) Huh? Did someone miss something?

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In the afternoon of the next day, Naz, Lucy and others have successfully infiltrated the capital of the Kingdom of Adras, and have seen and learned what King Adras said. Magicalized, in order to obtain that enough to provide the huge magic power needed for ten years in the Holy Kingdom of Adras.

Therefore, under time constraints, in order to rescue everyone from the "Fairy Tail" guild, and also for the tens of thousands of innocent Magnolia people, Naz, after discussing with Lucy, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and others, Resolutely decided to implement a secret infiltration plan:

Use the palace secret road map obtained in Xia Lulu's mind to sneak into the palace of the city of Adras, and then use True Lucy's Protoss, that is, the Gemini of Gemini, to use its power to become a king. Appearance, to obtain the opponent's appearance, ability and thoughts, and find a way to rescue the people who have been turned into magic crystals.

There is no doubt that it is a very reliable plan, at least everyone present thinks it is feasible!


Now things have happened a little bit accidentally, that is: a certain horrible little girl president, that irresponsible guy, unexpectedly, when everyone just arrived in the kingdom of Adras, he didn’t know it secretly. Where did I go to go crazy, and I haven’t come back until now, so, as a last resort, under the pressure of time, Naz, real Lucy, fake Lucy, Wendy, Xia Lulu and Hobby are all four people. First came outside this abandoned cave on the outskirts of the capital.

If there is nothing wrong with the secret road map leading to the palace that appeared out of thin air in the mind of the white cat Xia Lulu, the way to the palace can be found from here!


After entering the palace, can they find the king, or can they bypass or even defeat the guards of the king, so that Gemini's'Jemini' can use its ability to become a king and gain each other Their appearance, abilities and thoughts, and thus found a way to rescue the people who were turned into magic crystals, then they can't guarantee it.

If a bad little girl is not missing now, their plan must be very effective and perfect, because they firmly believe that no one can defeat their powerful and the first "fairy tail". The ten most powerful sages!

But unfortunately, the other party is missing...

After searching for no results, they can only decide to take risks and act first, because they have no time to waste.

"All right!"

"This is the cave, right?"


"Hurry up, everyone go in together, then sneak into the palace, find the **** king, then defeat him, and then let Lucy's Protoss look like him, so that we can find a way to save everyone! "

Seeing that there is actually a cave on the map that Xia Lulu drew here outside the city, Naz immediately became excited when he knew that there should be no fake things, and waved his fists broadly, beckoning everyone to hurry. Click to start.

Now Naz is still very optimistic, and has subconsciously forgotten the terrible fact that he can't use magic at all, and it is likely that even an ordinary soldier of the Kingdom of Adras can't beat it.

However, Naz, who turned his head, saw that his companions did not act directly, but hesitatingly looked at the dark cave, and couldn’t help but look back towards the distant one in the night. The king in the middle like a lofty mountain looked at it.

"What happen to you guys?"

"It's all here, don't you want to go in?"

Naz was a little puzzled, wondering what was going on with these companions.


"Really not waiting for President Anne?"

Finally, Wendy couldn't help but speak first.


"Don't mention it, I guess, she must have gone on her own to find something delicious and fun, that guy is like that, even worse than Naz, and often won't see anyone for a day or two after playing! "

"This king is so big, where shall we find it?"

Without waiting for Naz to answer, the real Lucy on the side clutched his forehead and said with a headache.

The facts are just like what she said. Since she first met and joined "Fairy Tail" on the same day, and then rented an apartment together to live with Lucy, she has long been very upset with a little guy. I understand, that's why she didn't agree with everyone looking for each other first.

First of all, because they really don't have so much time to waste. Tonight is the best time to implement their plan. Once tomorrow, it's all over!

Furthermore, Lucy didn't think that they could find the little girl they were looking for in this strange and huge King Capital of Edras. It was indeed a bit too impractical.


"If President Anne is away, do we have any hope of success?"

If that little girl would grow up, Wendy would have no worries.

She must trust the other party unconditionally, and believe that even if she comes to the world of Adras, she can still use all the magic normally, and her strength is not affected by any interference.


It happened that the other party was not there at this time. Among the few of them, Lucy was the only one who could summon the Protoss to help in a limited way, and she and Naz, the two dragon slayer wizards, became ordinary people again~www In this case, if you break into the palace directly, there will indeed be many uncertainties.

"I... I don't know..."

Real Lucy lowered her head in frustration. She was about to break into the palace with her strength alone, which really made her feel a little worried.

"do not care!"

"Let's go!"

"Didn't we have confirmed? Tomorrow, those magic crystals will be completely transformed into magic power, and we don't have much time left. For everyone, we must take a risk!!"

But soon, Lucy raised her spirit again, and then took the lead by herself, and was the first to walk into the cave.

"okay then……"

"Don't worry Wendy, it must be fine!"


"Lulu, shall we go too?"

"Male cat, stay away from me!"

"But, I want to protect you..."


"You should take care of yourself!"



"What's the matter, another Lucy, won't you come in?"

Everyone was walking, suddenly Real Lucy turned her head and found that the other self in this world was still standing still holding her arms, she couldn't help but ask strangely.



False Lucy frowned and looked at the guys in front of him who wanted to sneak into the palace through the secret passage. She once again evaluated the combat effectiveness of these people, and finally she still came to a bad conclusion. He shook his head firmly.

"I won't go in with you, I wish you all the best?"

These people in front of them have reasons to have to go in and take risks. She will not stop and persuade, but she herself does not need to take risks with them.

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