Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1405: ?(???)? Just as nothing...


Seeing that the floating island where the huge magic crystal in the sky is located has been connected to a huge chain, and started to accelerate to another floating island Extania under the acceleration of the boring magic device. , Annie couldn't help but frowned.

  Because, although I know what I should do, on earth is she going to get up, that is a question that needs her to think about it.

   "It seems too high, if you can't fly, I'm afraid I can't go straight up..."

   If Annie doesn't follow that rule anymore, then she can definitely send it up casually, it shouldn't be too simple for her!

   However, thinking that I have only insisted on using the power of ‘Lulu’ and never fouled or cheated, but now suddenly let her give up that insistence, it must be a bit unwilling.

   But if you ignore it, if that huge thing hits the other floating island of Extania, it will be more than just the destruction of the magic crystal.


   "Is there no way?"

"okay then!"

  Ε=)) alas

After thinking and thinking, after realizing that she couldn't think of a way to solve this incident perfectly without cheating, Annie sighed and prepared to cheat, and at the same time she ended her stay here. Travel in an interesting world.


  ! o

However, at this time, just as Annie was about to act... suddenly, she discovered that there was a fake'Elusa' who was riding a head and was caught by her last time and had a good meal, but it was smaller. A little flying cow came to the sky outside her balcony of this hotel.

   "President Anne..."

   "The situation is urgent. The magic crystal is about to hit Extania. I will immediately prepare to send the crystal back to the world of Aslant. Come up quickly, I need your help!"

   Lai Ren is a weird guy wearing a black hat, a dark green mask, a dirty cloak, and several magic wands in his back.

   At this time, the other party shouted at Annie from the back of the flying monster.


   "People seem to have seen you... By the way, your name is'Migantes', isn't it the coward who was scared last time?!"

   Yes, Annie already remembered.

At that time, she hadn’t been in the guild for a long time, and she was not the guild leader. Then one day she just met the hidden guy in front of her and sneaked back to the guild to receive the task, and she hypnotized almost everyone, so she was The plan was calculated, and when the other party passed by her suddenly made a big grimace and frightened the other party!

   Since then, apart from seeing the opponent appear in the'Fairy First Tournament', I have never found the opponent again.


   "Chairman Annie!"

   "Now is not the time to talk about that kind of thing, come up quickly!"

Opened his mouth, even though Mistgang wanted to correct him, he was not called the inexplicable'Migantes'. However, given the urgent situation, there was no more time to talk to such a little girl who didn't know the seriousness of the matter. He who went to talk nonsense, urged once again.

   "Oh! Okay, no problem!"


   "Okay! Let's go now!"

Thinking that the huge floating island above was indeed pulled by that boring chain and was rushing towards another floating island, little Annie, who knew that she could not delay, hurriedly took her own bear Tibbers, and went straight. He jumped behind the opponent and stood firmly on the back of the bull before he cheered and said that he could take off.



Mistgang didn't say much, just flicked the reins and screamed, so that his flying beast shook its wings suddenly, then turned away from the city, and turned to the one connected to the sky. The magic crystal floating island on the magic chain rushed away.

   Now many of the guild's companions have already begun to fight for time on the top, so they have to be faster.


  *. *.

   "Come on, Daniel!!"

   Annie doesn't care whether it is urgent or not. Anyway, she only knows that now she doesn't seem to have to cheat by herself, and can continue to wander in this world again.



   "That what Migantes, what do you want to do, do you want to help them push the island away, or do you want to break the chain?"


I saw the floating island above with huge magic crystals getting closer and closer, and I also saw the guys above, such as Naz, Gray, Elsa, Lucy, Gajiro, and a lot of meows. The stars were actually pushing the floating island hard to prevent it from colliding with Extania, and Annie asked curiously.

She didn't know what happened to Naz and the others, why they all looked miserable, but she only knew that after playing with delicious food, drinking and sleeping for a day and a night, now they are finally around. By the time she grew up in Anne, she showed her performance.

   "People use piercing missiles like the'Shining Spear', and it should be able to accurately break that huge chain!"


  Although Annie can also use gigantic magic to help those guys push away the island, such as making a certain cat Hobby bigger... But it doesn't seem to be of any use if you simply push it away?

After all, that floating island is controlled by the magical device in the capital city of the Kingdom of Adras below. The bad guys should be able to push it again and smash it again. Therefore, there must be only the one that interrupts it. A solution?

   "No need!"

   "The Dragon Cannon is a magic chain. It's useless if you interrupt it. We must solve today's trouble once and for all!"

   "I have already thought about it!"

"Chairman Annie, you will be responsible for providing me with magic power later. At the same time, you need to use your magic power to hold the huge magic crystal. I will directly send you and the crystal back to the world of Edrass and reverse the transformation of people. The device that becomes a magic crystal will be saved by the time our guild and the city of Magnolia!"

   Obviously, Mistgang has his own plan, and he doesn't need the little girl in front of him to do more.



   "Does it only need someone to provide magic power?"


"Yes it is!"

"With my own magic power, it is still a bit difficult to send such a large magic crystal back to the world of Adras and reverse the device. If President Annie, you can provide me with enough magic power, for the next I will definitely be more sure about things!"


"All right!"

   "Here! Chairman Annie, you go down and cooperate with me, please!"

   There is no nonsense in Mistgang. After the flying monster he was driving flew to the island of magic crystal, he turned sideways and directly threw a certain little girl down.

   "I got it!!"

   "Go ahead and prepare yours!"

  Oo hum!

   Annie replied impatiently, and then she landed directly on the floating island ground where the magic crystal like a big mountain was located, and ran directly towards the side where some people were.

At this time, Naz, Lucy and a lot of cats are pushing **** the floating island on this side, trying to load this huge, loaded with several from the entire city of Aslant. The magic crystal island that thousands of people had turned into was pushed away from Extania.

  ‘Ahhhhhhhhh! ! ! ’

  ‘Hurry up and stop for me! ! ’

  ‘Yah! ! ’

  ‘Everyone, work hard! ! ’

  ‘Hurry up! ’

  ‘Strong! ! ’

  ‘We can definitely do it! ’

  ‘For everyone, we must not lose! ! ’

   "Never give up..."

  ‘You must block it! ! ’

   "Drink~! ! ’


Suddenly, Naz, who was gnashing his teeth and using his greatest magic power to push the floating island, suddenly noticed something was wrong, and then subconsciously raised his head, he saw a side that was right on the edge of the floating island, blinking. With those big blue eyes, he looked at one of them, the little girl president who had been missing for a whole day and night.



   "How are you guys? Come on! Be sure to push hard!!"

   Seeing that these people finally noticed herself, Annie hurriedly said with a smile at the companions who looked up and at Lucy, Elisa, Gray and others.



   "Is it Annie?"


   "Annie, come and help!!"


   "Annie, use your wild magic!"


   Seeing that the visitor turned out to be their powerful little girl president, Naz, Elsa and others began to cry in exclamation for help.

Especially Elisa, she directly thought of the solution to their current predicament, that is: let Annie use that huge magic, even if it is used casually on any of them, she will definitely be able to quickly use this huge The floating island is pushed out, so as to save the people of Extania and Aslant who are still in the state of magic crystal!




   "What is the "Wild Wild Long" magic, this is the little girl in the world of Adras, Annie, I don't seem to know how to use the kind of magic you mentioned..."

Annie is now using magic power to protect the magic crystal and cooperate with the'Migantes' to reverse a certain magic circle and send the huge magic crystal back to the world of Aslant, so she doesn't want to help these stupid guys at all. We are busy!





   Seeing a bad little girl answer like this, Elisa, Gray, Lucy, Hobby and others were directly stunned.

For a while, they stared at the little girl above who was carefully holding the skirt corners and poking out half of her body from the edge of the cliff, looking down at them condescendingly. They didn't know what to say. .

Because they did know and saw that there was another "Lucy", "Elisa", "Grey" and other people in the world of Adras, so suddenly there was a person with them. The president, the little girl who looks exactly like that bad girl, can't really say that it must be the one they subconsciously think?


   "Damn it!"

   "Annie, don't you kidding me!"

   "I know it's you!"

   "I have already smelled the smell of magic from you, you are right! Even if you turn into ashes, I can recognize it!"


   "Hurry up and help!!"

However, instead of waiting for Elsa and others to want to say something, Naz, the fool who usually does things carelessly and does not like to go through the brain, reacted first and refuted a certain nasty thing for the first time. The kind of outdated joke of the little girl.


  ! o

   "People forgot that Naz, your dog's nose is so good..."

   "Really, it's not fun at all!"

   Seeing that her ‘disguise’ was easily broken by the other party, Anne had no choice but to withdraw the ignorant expression she had just pretended.

   "You guy!"

   "Is it time to make a joke?!"

   "Hurry up and help!!"

   Naz roared again, you know, so many of them and so many meows are pushing hard here, and they are about to be smashed, but she is still in the mood to joke with them?

"No way!"

   "People are very busy now, no time, you should continue to work hard!"

Annie now needs to cooperate with the'Migantes' to ensure that this huge, hill-like magic crystal will not be a problem now and when the magic circle is transferred and reversed. Therefore, there is no time to go to Linaz. Of these people.


   "What do you have to do now?!!!"

   Seeing a certain nasty little girl standing on top of her and daring to say she was busy without doing anything, Naz yelled again.

   "Of course there is!"




   "Oh this!!!"

As soon as they finished speaking, suddenly, Naz, Elsa, and the people who were pushing the floating island hard, were surprised to find that a white light suddenly lit up between the sky and the earth, just as they were when they were teleported. Then they suddenly felt that the floating island pushed in their hands became a lot lighter in an instant, and they were directly pushed out by them?

   Then, as the light gradually dissipated, they soon discovered that the huge lock dragon cannon and chain had disappeared by themselves, and at the same time, there was the huge magic crystal on the floating island!


Here in Magnolia in the world of Aslan, as the light dissipated, the people who had been leaning at the window and looking at the heavenly vision soon recovered and found that it seemed that the light was shining in white. After that, they still have nothing to do?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘What happened just now? ’

'do not know……'

'what? ’

  ‘The rain has and the huge vortex in the sky is gone! ’

'Really are……'

  ‘Quick! ’

  ‘Go and see if you have any losses! ’

'Yes! ’


   Then, everyone in the guild hall got busy, seeming to want to see how they were hit under the ‘just’ white light?

   But obviously, their efforts are destined to be useless, because everything here is still very good, it still looks like the original ‘fairy’s sky garden’ without any loss.


   "Did anyone attack us? But why is there nothing at all..."


   "Annie, do you know what just happened?"

Once again, I looked at the sky and found nothing unusual. Then he looked towards the distant city of Magnolia, and found that the city was also intact, so Makarov turned around in a puzzled direction towards'just now'. The president of a little girl who had come to warn them asked.


   "No! Nothing, people are going back to sleep, you continue to drink your bar, just as if nothing happened!"


   Seeing that the city and the guild were all intact, except for Anne, who hadn't been teleported back by some of the guys, after thinking about it, she didn't say more, she turned around and ran outside the guild gate.


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