Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1407: o(*^?^*)┛Let’s go and do that speaker...

A few days ago, the private action of the guild and certain small groups of the Justice Guild Alliance, that is, the meeting for the crusade against it, was finally officially held and deliberated in the new resident of the new council.

  ‘It’s really shameful, deputies, have you seen it? ’

'These are the repentance books that the guild has written over the years because of various things. They have such a thick stack, and the content is almost all the same. They are copied out one by one, but the time has been changed and the regrets have been changed. Content only! ’

  ‘Look at it! ’

  ‘Does this seem to have serious regrets? What a shame! ’

At the meeting, a certain member of the council who seemed not to deal with the guild, or who had long been displeased, jumped out and acted as a pawn, and started a new round of the guild based on the script he had prepared long ago.' Crusade'.

  ‘You mean...’

  ‘These problems, they are all caused by the guild? ’

  ‘That’s right! ’


  ‘I’m afraid I don’t know, everybody? ’

  ‘The guild has been a headache since the Supreme Council of the previous generation...’

  ‘This guild is the root of all problems! ’

'understood. ’


  ‘It makes sense...’

  ’Wait, dear deputies, is this kind of thing already semi-public in the previous generation of councils? You guys, don't you need to make such a fuss? ’


  ‘They defeated the dark guilds in the Baram League, so they can be regarded as great...’

  ’! ’

  ‘Elder Oge! ’

  ‘What do you mean by what you said is great? ’

  ‘Is it correct to say that it is right to fight against another guild without the approval of the council without the approval of the council? ’


   ‘It’s a dark guild after all...’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Even the dark guilds can start wars without the consent of the council. That is a very serious matter. It violates the treaty that prohibits guilds from fighting each other! Moreover, they even formed a local guild alliance privately, and then went over the council to act without authorization. The nature of the matter was quite different. ’


  ‘It makes sense. ’

  ‘Anyway, their thinking is very dangerous, it is a very bad sign...’

  ‘Furthermore, their little girl president dared to attack the council’s army and threaten the council with force. This thing must not be left alone! ’

'Yes! ’


  ‘Everyone, hasn’t that matter been settled through negotiation? Why did you bring it up now, isn’t it...’

  ‘Now it’s different from then! ’


  ‘Chairperson! ’

  ‘For the authority of the new council, I suggest that the guild be severely punished, and even they can be banned and disbanded directly! ’

  ‘No! ’

  ‘Chairperson! ’

  ‘The chairperson? ’


   "It was probably like this at the time..."

In this conference room in the guild castle, the former president of Makarov and the current honorary member of the freshman council just gave the present a little girl president Anne, the prestigious old-fashioned figure Kildas, and The president's secretary and head of the interior, Miraj, recounted all his experience in the meeting of the council at that time.

   "Although I fight for reasons, but..."

   "There are too many members who oppose, or say that they have opinions on us..."

"In the end, there was no way. Under the enthusiasm of the public, Gulan Doma, the speaker of the new council, had to announce the'injunction' and issued a severe warning to our guild. If there is another time, it must be Will disband us directly?"

"and so…"

   "You all talk about it, how are we going to deal with this matter?"

   After finishing speaking, he sighed inwardly and lowered his head in frustration to meditate for a long time before Makarov sat up straight and looked at the three people present.




   Then, he was quickly but surprised to find that a certain little girl did not listen to the important thing he stated at all, but was taking a nap on her own?



   "Annie, are you listening to me?!"

   Then, of course, Makarov yelled at a certain little girl very uncomfortably, and finally awakened the stranger who was wandering beyond the sky.


  ! o



Annie was just dreaming of eating something delicious on a large table, just like the delicious table she encountered in that maze, but how could she think, when she was full and ready to pick up a handkerchief to prepare When she wiped her mouth, it suddenly turned into a yelling letter, and she was awakened all of a sudden.



   "When, of course I am listening!"



   "What was he talking about just now?"


   Then, not knowing that a certain bad old man stared at him angrily for that kind of her, he had to ask for help, Sister Mila and the strange uncle of Kildas who looked aside.



   "Sure enough, I knew that I shouldn't expect too much from you guy..."

   Makarov suddenly regretted it. He felt that he shouldn't ask a little guy to come to the meeting?


   "Anne, what Makarov's ‘congressman’ just said is: The new council issued an admonishment to us, saying that if we have the next time, we will dissolve our guild directly?"

   At this time, without waiting for Kamarov to continue to lose his temper, Kildas on the side smiled and explained to the still ignorant little Annie.





   When someone dared to threaten to disband her guild, Annie was immediately annoyed! You know, she has become the president with great difficulty. It hasn't been a few days since she has become an addiction, and some people want to disband. Have you asked her opinion about this kind of thing?


   "Just because they are a new council, they are responsible for managing our justice guilds!"

Mistgang looked at the little girl in front of him with some dumbfounding. If he knew that he had fully understood all the things the little guy had done before and after he became the president during this period, he would have a little doubt why Makarov would follow him. Generally, let the other party be the president.

   "Who gave the order?"


   "Of course it is Guran Doma, the Speaker of the Freshman Council!"

   Seeing that Makarov didn't want to talk a bit, Kildas continued to add.

"do not know!"

   "That's right!"

   "I don't know him either, but anyway, the official document has already been sent to our guild, and the wording is really strict. It is estimated that we will have a headache..."

  Think about the admonition, think about the content, and think about the guys in his guild who are particularly troublesome. Kildas couldn't help but empathize with him. He generally understood the feelings of the former chairman of Makarov at this moment.

   After all, if it doesn't cause trouble, then the guild is not a guild!

   Therefore, it is foreseeable that the warning order or the things that are warned in the warning order will definitely happen 100%, and then...

   God knows what will happen again!

   "According to the content of that document..."

   "If we commit another major event next time, it is estimated that we will really be disbanded by the new council."

   Anyway, Kildas himself has no good way. It is estimated that this kind of thing can really only be handed over to the former chairman of Makarov and the current chairman of Anne in front of him.

   Maybe they can warn Naz, Elsa, and other guild members who are very troublesome?

   But Kildas knew that no matter how he warned, it would definitely not have much effect. And similar things, the former President Makarov has done many times in so many years. In fact, even Kildas himself belongs to one of the guys in the guild who can cause trouble, so he doesn't seem to have much say in this difficult question?


   Annie already understood.

However, the dissolution is definitely not possible. I am happy to be the president of this guild. Everyone here is talented. They speak nice and fun. They also like fighting all day long. Anne likes this place so much. How could it be possible? Will it let people disband casually?

   "Well, let's go and kill the speaker!"

So, since Annie can't disband, and can't expect the guys here to correct, and she doesn't want to make corrections, she has to once again come up with the best way to solve the problem that she is best at. Yes:

   Get rid of the person who raised or created the problem, then the problem will not be a problem at all!


   "Why, why?!"

  Kildas suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, so he stared at their amazing little girl president with round eyes.



   Makarov and Miraje who were present also looked at Annie together, not knowing why she had this outrageous idea that would definitely intensify the contradiction.

   "It's easy!"


   "As long as you kill him and let Old Man Makarov be the chairperson, no one will dare to control our guild anymore, and then our guild can do whatever it wants!"


   Yes, Annie is already thinking about...

If this guild is not only a participant in the game, but also a rule maker, and then a maintainer and enforcer of order, doesn’t it mean that they can really do evil in the future, and no longer have to worry about others pointing their fingers at them? Up?



Makarov and Miraj were petrified in an instant, and they had no idea what the little girl’s brain circuit was all about... Moreover, what they were discussing just now was clearly a matter of the guild, and they were going to discuss the issues within the guild. How come the issue of rectification and restraint has suddenly become a resistance meeting against the long'tyranny' of protest?


   "You guy...but this is indeed a good way!"

   opened his mouth, and then Kildas laughed out loud directly, and then ridiculed a certain angrily little girl president.

Now Kildas can see that although the little guy in front of him has not been long since he joined the guild and he has become the guild leader, he can be sure that the other party must be a pure one based on his temperament. Members, that is beyond doubt and rebuttal!



   "You'd better go play first, we will handle this matter properly, so you won't bother you, the guild leader, to worry about it."

Sighing with a headache, Makarov, who knew that he shouldn't let the other party come to the meeting, had to wave his hand helplessly, indicating that some unreliable little girl president can leave, and there is no need to stay here again. If you are an eyesore and a waste of time, you should stay cool.

   "Is it really impossible to follow the method that people said just now?"

"Old man Makarov, you haven't seen it before. The new council is really very bullied. They are all a group of paper tigers. As long as we open our sky garden over, we will put ourselves in a desperate posture with them. They will definitely be counseled!"


   Annie tried to suggest.

   After all, she had tried that kind of thing last time, and it was really super effective!

But now, how long has passed, the other party turned out to be dishonest again, so if you drive the super killer over to an armed parade and threaten to fire a few shots, the fainthearts will definitely honestly compromise. Cancel the boring order.


   "No way!"

   "You are not allowed to mention'Nirvana' anymore. We have already promised that it can only be used as a defensive weapon!"

   After hearing the exact meaning of a little girl, Makarov exclaimed on the spot, UU reading www. also expressed its solemn stand.


   "Nirvana belongs to others, so do what they want to do!"

   The other party refused, but Annie wanted to do it, and she was capable and qualified to do it!

   "Not anymore!"

   "You owed the guild a billion J, now it is not yours anymore!"

After such a long period of time, Makarov has no hope that the money can be returned safely. Therefore, the'Nirvana' mobile platform, that is, this'fairy castle in the sky', is completely given. The matter of guildization is definitely a certainty.



   got it!

   At this time, Annie also remembered suddenly, it seems that it is indeed the same thing... It seems that the ownership of this super powerful "Fairy Castle in the Sky" with the city-level super magic cannon is really not her own?



   "It deserves you guys to continue to be bullied!"


   "I don't care about you anymore!"


   found that she couldn't seem to say that she couldn't understand a certain old man who confessed to death, and there was no way. Annie, who didn't want to stay in this boring meeting room for a long time, turned her head angrily, jumped off the stool and walked away!



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